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from pprint import pprint from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace from rdflib import plugin,RDF,RDFS,URIRef from import Store from rdflib.Graph import Graph from rdflib.syntax.NamespaceManager import NamespaceManager
import getopt, sys
def usage(): print """USAGE: [options] Options: --stdin Parse RDF from STDIN (useful for piping) --help --input-format Format of the input document(s). One of: 'xml','trix','n3','nt','rdfa' --output Format of the final serialized RDF graph. One of: 'n3','xml','pretty-xml','turtle',or 'nt' --ns=prefix=namespaceUri Register a namespace binding (QName prefix to a base URI). This can be used more than once"""
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", ["output=","ns=","input=","stdin","help","input-format="]) except getopt.GetoptError, e: # print help information and exit: print e usage() sys.exit(2)
factGraphs = [] factFormat = 'xml' useRuleFacts = False nsBinds = { 'rdf' : RDF.RDFNS, 'rdfs': RDFS.RDFSNS, 'owl' : "", 'dc' : "", 'foaf': "", 'wot' : "" } outMode = 'n3' stdIn = False if not opts: usage() sys.exit() for o, a in opts: if o == '--input-format': factFormat = a elif o == '--stdin': stdIn = True elif o == '--output': outMode = a elif o == '--ns': pref,nsUri = a.split('=') nsBinds[pref]=nsUri elif o == "--input": factGraphs = a.split(',') elif o == "--help": usage() sys.exit() store = plugin.get(RDFLIB_STORE,Store)() namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph()) for prefix,uri in nsBinds.items(): namespace_manager.bind(prefix, uri, override=False) factGraph = Graph(store) factGraph.namespace_manager = namespace_manager if factGraphs: for fileN in factGraphs: factGraph.parse(fileN,format=factFormat) if stdIn: factGraph.parse(sys.stdin,format=factFormat) print factGraph.serialize(destination=None, format=outMode, base=None) store.rollback()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()