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''' Registry that hides some of the details of registering for AT-SPI events and starting and stopping the main program loop.
@todo: PP: when to destroy device listener?
@author: Peter Parente @organization: IBM Corporation @copyright: Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation @license: LGPL
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Portions of this code originally licensed and copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation under the BSD license, available at U{} ''' import signal import time import weakref import Queue import traceback import ORBit import bonobo import gobject import Accessibility import Accessibility__POA import utils import constants import event
class _Observer(object): ''' Parent class for all event observers. Dispatches all received events to the L{Registry} that created this L{_Observer}. Provides basic reference counting functionality needed by L{Registry} to determine when an L{_Observer} can be released for garbage collection. The reference counting provided by this class is independent of the reference counting used by CORBA. Keeping the counts separate makes it easier for the L{Registry} to detect when an L{_Observer} can be freed in the L{Registry._unregisterObserver} method. @ivar registry: Reference to the L{Registry} that created this L{_Observer} @type registry: weakref.proxy to L{Registry} @ivar ref_count: Reference count on this L{_Observer} @type ref_count: integer ''' def __init__(self, registry): ''' Stores a reference to the creating L{Registry}. Intializes the reference count on this object to zero. @param registry: The L{Registry} that created this observer @type registry: weakref.proxy to L{Registry} ''' self.registry = weakref.proxy(registry) self.ref_count = 0
def clientRef(self): ''' Increments the Python reference count on this L{_Observer} by one. This method is called when a new client is registered in L{Registry} to receive notification of an event type monitored by this L{_Observer}. ''' self.ref_count += 1 def clientUnref(self): ''' Decrements the pyatspi reference count on this L{_Observer} by one. This method is called when a client is unregistered in L{Registry} to stop receiving notifications of an event type monitored by this L{_Observer}. ''' self.ref_count -= 1 def getClientRefCount(self): ''' @return: Current Python reference count on this L{_Observer} @rtype: integer ''' return self.ref_count def ref(self): '''Required by CORBA. Does nothing.''' pass def unref(self): '''Required by CORBA. Does nothing.''' pass
class _DeviceObserver(_Observer, Accessibility__POA.DeviceEventListener): ''' Observes keyboard press and release events. @ivar registry: The L{Registry} that created this observer @type registry: L{Registry} @ivar key_set: Set of keys to monitor @type key_set: list of integer @ivar mask: Watch for key events while these modifiers are held @type mask: integer @ivar kind: Kind of events to monitor @type kind: integer @ivar mode: Keyboard event mode @type mode: Accessibility.EventListenerMode ''' def __init__(self, registry, synchronous, preemptive, global_): ''' Creates a mode object that defines when key events will be received from the system. Stores all other information for later registration. @param registry: The L{Registry} that created this observer @type registry: L{Registry} @param synchronous: Handle the key event synchronously? @type synchronous: boolean @param preemptive: Allow event to be consumed? @type preemptive: boolean @param global_: Watch for events on inaccessible applications too? @type global_: boolean ''' _Observer.__init__(self, registry) self.mode = Accessibility.EventListenerMode() self.mode.preemptive = preemptive self.mode.synchronous = synchronous self.mode._global = global_ def register(self, dc, key_set, mask, kind): ''' Starts keyboard event monitoring. @param dc: Reference to a device controller @type dc: Accessibility.DeviceEventController @param key_set: Set of keys to monitor @type key_set: list of integer @param mask: Integer modifier mask or an iterable over multiple masks to unapply all at once @type mask: integer, iterable, or None @param kind: Kind of events to monitor @type kind: integer ''' try: # check if the mask is iterable iter(mask) except TypeError: # register a single integer if not dc.registerKeystrokeListener(self._this(), key_set, mask, kind, self.mode) else: for m in mask: dc.registerKeystrokeListener(self._this(), key_set, m, kind, self.mode)
def unregister(self, dc, key_set, mask, kind): ''' Stops keyboard event monitoring. @param dc: Reference to a device controller @type dc: Accessibility.DeviceEventController @param key_set: Set of keys to monitor @type key_set: list of integer @param mask: Integer modifier mask or an iterable over multiple masks to unapply all at once @type mask: integer, iterable, or None @param kind: Kind of events to monitor @type kind: integer ''' try: # check if the mask is iterable iter(mask) except TypeError: # unregister a single integer if not dc.deregisterKeystrokeListener(self._this(), key_set, mask, kind) else: for m in mask: dc.deregisterKeystrokeListener(self._this(), key_set, m, kind) def queryInterface(self, repo_id): ''' Reports that this class only implements the AT-SPI DeviceEventListener interface. Required by AT-SPI. @param repo_id: Request for an interface @type repo_id: string @return: The underlying CORBA object for the device event listener @rtype: Accessibility.EventListener ''' if repo_id == utils.getInterfaceIID(Accessibility.DeviceEventListener): return self._this() else: return None
def notifyEvent(self, ev): ''' Notifies the L{Registry} that an event has occurred. Wraps the raw event object in our L{Event} class to support automatic ref and unref calls. An observer can return True to indicate this event should not be allowed to pass to other AT-SPI observers or the underlying application. @param ev: Keyboard event @type ev: Accessibility.DeviceEvent @return: Should the event be consumed (True) or allowed to pass on to other AT-SPI observers (False)? @rtype: boolean ''' # wrap the device event ev = event.DeviceEvent(ev) return self.registry.handleDeviceEvent(ev, self)
class _EventObserver(_Observer, Accessibility__POA.EventListener): ''' Observes all non-keyboard AT-SPI events. Can be reused across event types. ''' def register(self, reg, name): ''' Starts monitoring for the given event. @param name: Name of the event to start monitoring @type name: string @param reg: Reference to the raw registry object @type reg: Accessibility.Registry ''' reg.registerGlobalEventListener(self._this(), name) def unregister(self, reg, name): ''' Stops monitoring for the given event. @param name: Name of the event to stop monitoring @type name: string @param reg: Reference to the raw registry object @type reg: Accessibility.Registry ''' reg.deregisterGlobalEventListener(self._this(), name)
def queryInterface(self, repo_id): ''' Reports that this class only implements the AT-SPI DeviceEventListener interface. Required by AT-SPI.
@param repo_id: Request for an interface @type repo_id: string @return: The underlying CORBA object for the device event listener @rtype: Accessibility.EventListener ''' if repo_id == utils.getInterfaceIID(Accessibility.EventListener): return self._this() else: return None
def notifyEvent(self, ev): ''' Notifies the L{Registry} that an event has occurred. Wraps the raw event object in our L{Event} class to support automatic ref and unref calls. Aborts on any exception indicating the event could not be wrapped. @param ev: AT-SPI event signal (anything but keyboard) @type ev: Accessibility.Event ''' # wrap raw event so ref counts are correct before queueing ev = event.Event(ev) self.registry.handleEvent(ev)
class Registry(object): ''' Wraps the Accessibility.Registry to provide more Pythonic registration for events. This object should be treated as a singleton, but such treatment is not enforced. You can construct another instance of this object and give it a reference to the Accessibility.Registry singleton. Doing so is harmless and has no point. @ivar async: Should event dispatch to local listeners be decoupled from event receiving from the registry? @type async: boolean @ivar reg: Reference to the real, wrapped registry object @type reg: Accessibility.Registry @ivar dev: Reference to the device controller @type dev: Accessibility.DeviceEventController @ivar queue: Queue of events awaiting local dispatch @type queue: Queue.Queue @ivar clients: Map of event names to client listeners @type clients: dictionary @ivar observers: Map of event names to AT-SPI L{_Observer} objects @type observers: dictionary ''' def __init__(self, reg): ''' Stores a reference to the AT-SPI registry. Gets and stores a reference to the DeviceEventController. @param reg: Reference to the AT-SPI registry daemon @type reg: Accessibility.Registry ''' self.reg = reg self.async = None self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.clients = {} self.observers = {}
if self.reg is not None: = self.reg.getDeviceEventController() else: = None
def __call__(self, reg=None): ''' @return: This instance of the registry. If we are passed a remote registry instance for the first time, add it to our instance, and get a device event controller. @rtype: L{Registry} ''' if reg and not self.reg: self.reg = reg = self.reg.getDeviceEventController() return self def __getattribute__(self, attr): if attr != 'reg' and object.__getattribute__(self, 'reg') is None: raise RuntimeError('Could not find or activate registry') else: return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
def start(self, async=False, gil=True): ''' Enter the main loop to start receiving and dispatching events. @param async: Should event dispatch be asynchronous (decoupled) from event receiving from the AT-SPI registry? @type async: boolean @param gil: Add an idle callback which releases the Python GIL for a few milliseconds to allow other threads to run? Necessary if other threads will be used in this process. @type gil: boolean ''' self.async = async if gil: def releaseGIL(): try: time.sleep(1e-5) except KeyboardInterrupt, e: # store the exception for later releaseGIL.keyboard_exception = e self.stop() return True # make room for an exception if one occurs during the releaseGIL.keyboard_exception = None i = gobject.idle_add(releaseGIL) # enter the main loop try: bonobo.main() finally: # clear all observers for name, ob in self.observers.items(): ob.unregister(self.reg, name) if gil: gobject.source_remove(i) if releaseGIL.keyboard_exception is not None: # raise an keyboard exception we may have gotten earlier raise releaseGIL.keyboard_exception
def stop(self, *args): '''Quits the main loop.''' try: bonobo.main_quit() except RuntimeError: # ignore errors when quitting (probably already quitting) pass self.flushEvents() def getDesktopCount(self): ''' Gets the number of available desktops. @return: Number of desktops @rtype: integer @raise LookupError: When the count cannot be retrieved ''' try: return self.reg.getDesktopCount() except Exception: raise LookupError def getDesktop(self, i): ''' Gets a reference to the i-th desktop. @param i: Which desktop to get @type i: integer @return: Desktop reference @rtype: Accessibility.Desktop @raise LookupError: When the i-th desktop cannot be retrieved ''' try: return self.reg.getDesktop(i) except Exception, e: raise LookupError(e) def registerEventListener(self, client, *names): ''' Registers a new client callback for the given event names. Supports registration for all subevents if only partial event name is specified. Do not include a trailing colon. For example, 'object' will register for all object events, 'object:property-change' will register for all property change events, and 'object:property-change:accessible-parent' will register only for the parent property change event. Registered clients will not be automatically removed when the client dies. To ensure the client is properly garbage collected, call L{deregisterEventListener}.
@param client: Callable to be invoked when the event occurs @type client: callable @param names: List of full or partial event names @type names: list of string ''' for name in names: # store the callback for each specific event name self._registerClients(client, name)
def deregisterEventListener(self, client, *names): ''' Unregisters an existing client callback for the given event names. Supports unregistration for all subevents if only partial event name is specified. Do not include a trailing colon. This method must be called to ensure a client registered by L{registerEventListener} is properly garbage collected.
@param client: Client callback to remove @type client: callable @param names: List of full or partial event names @type names: list of string @return: Were event names specified for which the given client was not registered? @rtype: boolean ''' missed = False for name in names: # remove the callback for each specific event name missed |= self._unregisterClients(client, name) return missed
def registerKeystrokeListener(self, client, key_set=[], mask=0, kind=(constants.KEY_PRESSED_EVENT, constants.KEY_RELEASED_EVENT), synchronous=True, preemptive=True, global_=False): ''' Registers a listener for key stroke events. @param client: Callable to be invoked when the event occurs @type client: callable @param key_set: Set of hardware key codes to stop monitoring. Leave empty to indicate all keys. @type key_set: list of integer @param mask: When the mask is None, the codes in the key_set will be monitored only when no modifier is held. When the mask is an integer, keys in the key_set will be monitored only when the modifiers in the mask are held. When the mask is an iterable over more than one integer, keys in the key_set will be monitored when any of the modifier combinations in the set are held. @type mask: integer, iterable, None @param kind: Kind of events to watch, KEY_PRESSED_EVENT or KEY_RELEASED_EVENT. @type kind: list @param synchronous: Should the callback notification be synchronous, giving the client the chance to consume the event? @type synchronous: boolean @param preemptive: Should the callback be allowed to preempt / consume the event? @type preemptive: boolean @param global_: Should callback occur even if an application not supporting AT-SPI is in the foreground? (requires xevie) @type global_: boolean ''' try: # see if we already have an observer for this client ob = self.clients[client] except KeyError: # create a new device observer for this client ob = _DeviceObserver(self, synchronous, preemptive, global_) # store the observer to client mapping, and the inverse self.clients[ob] = client self.clients[client] = ob if mask is None: # None means all modifier combinations mask = utils.allModifiers() # register for new keystrokes on the observer ob.register(, key_set, mask, kind)
def deregisterKeystrokeListener(self, client, key_set=[], mask=0, kind=(constants.KEY_PRESSED_EVENT, constants.KEY_RELEASED_EVENT)): ''' Deregisters a listener for key stroke events. @param client: Callable to be invoked when the event occurs @type client: callable @param key_set: Set of hardware key codes to stop monitoring. Leave empty to indicate all keys. @type key_set: list of integer @param mask: When the mask is None, the codes in the key_set will be monitored only when no modifier is held. When the mask is an integer, keys in the key_set will be monitored only when the modifiers in the mask are held. When the mask is an iterable over more than one integer, keys in the key_set will be monitored when any of the modifier combinations in the set are held. @type mask: integer, iterable, None @param kind: Kind of events to stop watching, KEY_PRESSED_EVENT or KEY_RELEASED_EVENT. @type kind: list @raise KeyError: When the client isn't already registered for events ''' # see if we already have an observer for this client ob = self.clients[client] if mask is None: # None means all modifier combinations mask = utils.allModifiers() # register for new keystrokes on the observer ob.unregister(, key_set, mask, kind)
def generateKeyboardEvent(self, keycode, keysym, kind): ''' Generates a keyboard event. One of the keycode or the keysym parameters should be specified and the other should be None. The kind parameter is required and should be one of the KEY_PRESS, KEY_RELEASE, KEY_PRESSRELEASE, KEY_SYM, or KEY_STRING. @param keycode: Hardware keycode or None @type keycode: integer @param keysym: Symbolic key string or None @type keysym: string @param kind: Kind of event to synthesize @type kind: integer ''' if keysym is None:, '', kind) else:, keysym, kind) def generateMouseEvent(self, x, y, name): ''' Generates a mouse event at the given absolute x and y coordinate. The kind of event generated is specified by the name. For example, MOUSE_B1P (button 1 press), MOUSE_REL (relative motion), MOUSE_B3D (butten 3 double-click). @param x: Horizontal coordinate, usually left-hand oriented @type x: integer @param y: Vertical coordinate, usually left-hand oriented @type y: integer @param name: Name of the event to generate @type name: string ''', y, name) def handleDeviceEvent(self, event, ob): ''' Dispatches L{event.DeviceEvent}s to registered clients. Clients are called in the order they were registered for the given AT-SPI event. If any client returns True, callbacks cease for the event for clients of this registry instance. Clients of other registry instances and clients in other processes may be affected depending on the values of synchronous and preemptive used when invoking L{registerKeystrokeListener}. @note: Asynchronous dispatch of device events is not supported. @param event: AT-SPI device event @type event: L{event.DeviceEvent} @param ob: Observer that received the event @type ob: L{_DeviceObserver}
@return: Should the event be consumed (True) or allowed to pass on to other AT-SPI observers (False)? @rtype: boolean ''' try: # try to get the client registered for this event type client = self.clients[ob] except KeyError: # client may have unregistered recently, ignore event return False # make the call to the client try: return client(event) or event.consume except Exception: # print the exception, but don't let it stop notification traceback.print_exc() def handleEvent(self, event): ''' Handles an AT-SPI event by either queuing it for later dispatch when the L{Registry.async} flag is set, or dispatching it immediately.
@param event: AT-SPI event @type event: L{event.Event} ''' if self.async: # queue for now self.queue.put_nowait(event) else: # dispatch immediately self._dispatchEvent(event)
def _dispatchEvent(self, event): ''' Dispatches L{event.Event}s to registered clients. Clients are called in the order they were registered for the given AT-SPI event. If any client returns True, callbacks cease for the event for clients of this registry instance. Clients of other registry instances and clients in other processes are unaffected.
@param event: AT-SPI event @type event: L{event.Event} ''' et = event.type try: # try to get the client registered for this event type clients = self.clients[] except KeyError: try: # we may not have registered for the complete subtree of events # if our tree does not list all of a certain type (e.g. # object:state-changed:*); try again with klass and major only if et.detail is not None: # Strip the 'detail' field. clients = self.clients['%s:%s:%s' % (et.klass, et.major, et.minor)] elif et.minor is not None: # The event could possibly be object:state-changed:*. clients = self.clients['%s:%s' % (et.klass, et.major)] except KeyError: # client may have unregistered recently, ignore event return # make the call to each client consume = False for client in clients: try: consume = client(event) or False except Exception: # print the exception, but don't let it stop notification traceback.print_exc() if consume or event.consume: # don't allow further processing if a client returns True break
def flushEvents(self): ''' Flushes the event queue by destroying it and recreating it. ''' self.queue = Queue.Queue()
def pumpQueuedEvents(self, num=-1): ''' Provides asynch processing of events in the queue by executeing them with _dispatchEvent() (as is done immediately when synch processing). This method would normally be called from a main loop or idle function.
@param num: Number of events to pump. If number is negative it pumps the entire queue. Default is -1. @type num: integer @return: True if queue is not empty after events were pumped. @rtype: boolean ''' if num < 0: # Dequeue as many events as currently in the queue. num = self.queue.qsize() for i in xrange(num): try: # get next waiting event event = self.queue.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: break self._dispatchEvent(event)
return not self.queue.empty() def _registerClients(self, client, name): ''' Internal method that recursively associates a client with AT-SPI event names. Allows a client to incompletely specify an event name in order to register for subevents without specifying their full names manually. @param client: Client callback to receive event notifications @type client: callable @param name: Partial or full event name @type name: string ''' try: # look for an event name in our event tree dictionary events = constants.EVENT_TREE[name] except KeyError: # if the event name doesn't exist, it's a leaf event meaning there are # no subtypes for that event # add this client to the list of clients already in the dictionary # using the event name as the key; if there are no clients yet for this # event, insert an empty list into the dictionary before appending # the client et = event.EventType(name) clients = self.clients.setdefault(, []) try: # if this succeeds, this client is already registered for the given # event type, so ignore the request clients.index(client) except ValueError: # else register the client clients.append(client) self._registerObserver(name) else: # if the event name does exist in the tree, there are subevents for # this event; loop through them calling this method again to get to # the leaf events for e in events: self._registerClients(client, e) def _unregisterClients(self, client, name): ''' Internal method that recursively unassociates a client with AT-SPI event names. Allows a client to incompletely specify an event name in order to unregister for subevents without specifying their full names manually. @param client: Client callback to receive event notifications @type client: callable @param name: Partial or full event name @type name: string ''' missed = False try: # look for an event name in our event tree dictionary events = constants.EVENT_TREE[name] except KeyError: try: # if the event name doesn't exist, it's a leaf event meaning there are # no subtypes for that event # get the list of registered clients and try to remove the one provided et = event.EventType(name) clients = self.clients[] clients.remove(client) self._unregisterObserver(name) except (ValueError, KeyError): # ignore any exceptions indicating the client is not registered missed = True return missed # if the event name does exist in the tree, there are subevents for this # event; loop through them calling this method again to get to the leaf # events for e in events: missed |= self._unregisterClients(client, e) return missed def _registerObserver(self, name): ''' Creates a new L{_Observer} to watch for events of the given type or returns the existing observer if one is already registered. One L{_Observer} is created for each leaf in the L{constants.EVENT_TREE} or any event name not found in the tree. @param name: Raw name of the event to observe @type name: string @return: L{_Observer} object that is monitoring the event @rtype: L{_Observer} ''' et = event.EventType(name) try: # see if an observer already exists for this event ob = self.observers[] except KeyError: # build a new observer if one does not exist ob = _EventObserver(self) # we have to register for the raw name because it may be different from # the parsed name determined by EventType (e.g. trailing ':' might be # missing) ob.register(self.reg, name) self.observers[] = ob # increase our client ref count so we know someone new is watching for the # event ob.clientRef() return ob def _unregisterObserver(self, name): ''' Destroys an existing L{_Observer} for the given event type only if no clients are registered for the events it is monitoring. @param name: Name of the event to observe @type name: string @raise KeyError: When an observer for the given event is not regist ''' et = event.EventType(name) # see if an observer already exists for this event ob = self.observers[] ob.clientUnref() if ob.getClientRefCount() == 0: ob.unregister(self.reg, name) del self.observers[]