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# Orca # # Copyright 2004-2008 Sun Microsystems Inc. # Copyright 2001, 2002 BAUM Retec, A.G. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston MA 02110-1301 USA.
"""Provides methods that convert the role name of an Accessible object into localized strings for speech and braille."""
__id__ = "$Id$" __version__ = "$Revision$" __date__ = "$Date$" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Sun Microsystems Inc." __license__ = "LGPL"
import debug import settings
import pyatspi
from orca_i18n import _ # for gettext support from orca_i18n import C_ # to provide qualified translatable strings
######################################################################## # # # Rolenames derived from atk/atk/atkobject.c:role_items. # # # ########################################################################
#[[[TODO: eitani - These are here for backward compatability, they should #disappear]]]
ROLE_INVALID = "invalid" ROLE_ACCEL_LABEL = "accelerator label" ROLE_ALERT = "alert" ROLE_ANIMATION = "animation" ROLE_ARROW = "arrow" ROLE_CALENDAR = "calendar" ROLE_CAPTION = "caption" ROLE_CANVAS = "canvas" ROLE_CHECK_BOX = "check box" ROLE_CHECK_MENU_ITEM = "check menu item" ROLE_COLOR_CHOOSER = "color chooser" ROLE_COLUMN_HEADER = "column header" ROLE_COMBO_BOX = "combo box" ROLE_DATE_EDITOR = "dateeditor" ROLE_DESKTOP_ICON = "desktop icon" ROLE_DESKTOP_FRAME = "desktop frame" ROLE_DIAL = "dial" ROLE_DIALOG = "dialog" ROLE_DIRECTORY_PANE = "directory pane" ROLE_DOCUMENT_FRAME = "document frame" ROLE_DRAWING_AREA = "drawing area" ROLE_ENTRY = "entry" ROLE_FILE_CHOOSER = "file chooser" ROLE_FILLER = "filler" ROLE_FONT_CHOOSER = "fontchooser" ROLE_FORM = "form" ROLE_FRAME = "frame" ROLE_GLASS_PANE = "glass pane" ROLE_HEADING = "heading" ROLE_HTML_CONTAINER = "html container" ROLE_ICON = "icon" ROLE_IMAGE = "image" ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME = "internal frame" ROLE_INPUT_METHOD_WINDOW = "input method window" ROLE_LABEL = "label" ROLE_LAYERED_PANE = "layered pane" ROLE_LINK = "link" ROLE_LIST = "list" ROLE_LIST_ITEM = "list item" ROLE_MENU = "menu" ROLE_MENU_BAR = "menu bar" ROLE_MENU_ITEM = "menu item" ROLE_OPTION_PANE = "option pane" ROLE_PAGE_TAB = "page tab" ROLE_PAGE_TAB_LIST = "page tab list" ROLE_PANEL = "panel" ROLE_PASSWORD_TEXT = "password text" ROLE_POPUP_MENU = "popup menu" ROLE_PROGRESS_BAR = "progress bar" ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON = "push button" ROLE_RADIO_BUTTON = "radio button" ROLE_RADIO_MENU_ITEM = "radio menu item" ROLE_ROOT_PANE = "root pane" ROLE_ROW_HEADER = "row header" ROLE_SCROLL_BAR = "scroll bar" ROLE_SCROLL_PANE = "scroll pane" ROLE_SECTION = "section" ROLE_SEPARATOR = "separator" ROLE_SLIDER = "slider" ROLE_SPLIT_PANE = "split pane" ROLE_SPIN_BOX = "spinbox" ROLE_SPIN_BUTTON = "spin button" ROLE_STATUSBAR = "statusbar" ROLE_TABLE = "table" ROLE_TABLE_CELL = "table cell" ROLE_TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER = "table column header" ROLE_TABLE_ROW_HEADER = "table row header" ROLE_TEAR_OFF_MENU_ITEM = "tear off menu item" ROLE_TERMINAL = "terminal" ROLE_TEXT = "text" ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON = "toggle button" ROLE_TOOL_BAR = "tool bar" ROLE_TOOL_TIP = "tool tip" ROLE_TREE = "tree" ROLE_TREE_TABLE = "tree table" ROLE_UNKNOWN = "unknown" ROLE_VIEWPORT = "viewport" ROLE_WINDOW = "window" ROLE_HEADER = "header" ROLE_FOOTER = "footer" ROLE_PARAGRAPH = "paragraph" ROLE_APPLICATION = "application" ROLE_AUTOCOMPLETE = "autocomplete" ROLE_EDITBAR = "edit bar" ROLE_EMBEDDED = "embedded component"
class Rolename: """Provides localized forms of rolenames for speech and Braille. """
def __init__(self, rolename, brailleShort, brailleLong, speech): """Created a new rolename with the given parameters.
Arguments: - rolename: the internationalized (e.g., machine) name for the role - brailleShort: the localized short string for Braille display - brailleLong: the localized long string for Braille display - speech: the localized string to speak for speech """
self.rolename = rolename self.brailleShort = brailleShort self.brailleLong = brailleLong self.speech = speech
# [[[TODO: WDW - the AT-SPI also has getLocalizedRoleName, which might a # more appropriate thing to use, as it covers the situation where an app # has developed a brand new component with a brand new role. Logged as # buzilla bug 319780.]]] # rolenames = {}
rolenames[ROLE_INVALID] = Rolename(\ ROLE_INVALID, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of an invalid GUI object. # We strive to keep it under three characters to preserve real estate. # _("???"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of an invalid object. # We typically make these 'camel' case. # _("Invalid"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of an invalid object. # _("invalid"))
rolenames[ROLE_ACCEL_LABEL] = Rolename( ROLE_ACCEL_LABEL, # Translators: short braille for an accelerator (what you see in a menu). # We strive to keep it under three characters to preserve real estate. # _("acc"), # Translators: long braille for an accelerator (what you see in a menu). # We typically make these 'camel' case. # _("Accelerator"), # Translators: spoken words for an accelerator (what you see in a menu). # _("accelerator"))
rolenames[ROLE_ALERT] = Rolename( ROLE_ALERT, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of an alert dialog. # NOTE for all the short braille words: they we strive to keep them # around three characters to preserve real estate on the braille # display. The letters are chosen to make them unique across all # other rolenames, and they typically act like an abbreviation. # _("alrt"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of an alert dialog. # NOTE for all the long braille words: we typically make them # 'camel' case -- multiple words are bunched together with no # spaces between them and the first letter of each word is # capitalized. # _("Alert"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of an alert dialog. # NOTE for all the spoken words: these are the words one would use # when speaking. # _("alert"))
rolenames[ROLE_ANIMATION] = Rolename( ROLE_ANIMATION, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of an animation widget. # _("anim"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of an animation widget. # _("Animation"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of an animation widget. # _("animation"))
rolenames[ROLE_ARROW] = Rolename( ROLE_ARROW, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of an arrow widget. # _("arw"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of an animation widget. # _("Arrow"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of an animation widget. # _("arrow"))
rolenames[ROLE_CALENDAR] = Rolename( ROLE_CALENDAR, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a calendar widget. # _("cal"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a calendar widget. # _("Calendar"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a calendar widget. # _("calendar"))
rolenames[ROLE_CANVAS] = Rolename( ROLE_CANVAS, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a canvas widget. # _("cnv"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a canvas widget. # _("Canvas"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a canvas widget. # _("canvas"))
rolenames[ROLE_CAPTION] = Rolename( ROLE_CAPTION, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a caption (e.g., # table caption). # _("cptn"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a caption (e.g., # table caption). # _("Caption"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a caption (e.g., # table caption). # _("caption"))
rolenames[ROLE_CHECK_BOX] = Rolename( ROLE_CHECK_BOX, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a checkbox. # _("chk"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a checkbox. # _("CheckBox"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a checkbox. # _("check box"))
rolenames[ROLE_CHECK_MENU_ITEM] = Rolename( ROLE_CHECK_MENU_ITEM, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a check menu item. # _("chk"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a check menu item. # _("CheckItem"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a check menu item. # _("check item"))
rolenames[ROLE_COLOR_CHOOSER] = Rolename( ROLE_COLOR_CHOOSER, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a color chooser. # _("clrchsr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a color chooser. # _("ColorChooser"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a color chooser. # _("color chooser"))
rolenames[ROLE_COLUMN_HEADER] = Rolename( ROLE_COLUMN_HEADER, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a column header. # _("colhdr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a column header. # _("ColumnHeader"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a column header. # _("column header"))
rolenames[ROLE_COMBO_BOX] = Rolename( ROLE_COMBO_BOX, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a combo box. # _("cbo"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a combo box. # _("Combo"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a combo box. # _("combo box"))
rolenames[ROLE_DATE_EDITOR] = Rolename( ROLE_DATE_EDITOR, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a date editor. # _("dat"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a date editor. # _("DateEditor"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a date editor. # _("date editor"))
rolenames[ROLE_DESKTOP_ICON] = Rolename( ROLE_DESKTOP_ICON, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a desktop icon. # _("icn"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a desktop icon. # _("DesktopIcon"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a desktop icon. # _("desktop icon"))
rolenames[ROLE_DESKTOP_FRAME] = Rolename( ROLE_DESKTOP_FRAME, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a desktop frame. # _("frm"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a desktop frame. # _("DesktopFrame"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a desktop frame. # _("desktop frame"))
rolenames[ROLE_DIAL] = Rolename( ROLE_DIAL, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a dial. # You should attempt to treat it as an abbreviation of # the translated word for "dial". It is OK to use an # unabbreviated word as long as it is relatively short. # C_("shortbraille", "dial"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a dial. # _("Dial"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a dial. # _("dial"))
rolenames[ROLE_DIALOG] = Rolename( ROLE_DIALOG, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a dialog. # _("dlg"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a dialog. # _("Dialog"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a dialog. # _("dialog"))
rolenames[ROLE_DIRECTORY_PANE] = Rolename( ROLE_DIRECTORY_PANE, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a directory pane. # _("dip"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a directory pane. # _("DirectoryPane"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a directory pane. # _("directory pane"))
rolenames[ROLE_DOCUMENT_FRAME] = Rolename( ROLE_DOCUMENT_FRAME, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of an HTML document frame. # _("html"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of an HTML document frame. # _("HtmlPane"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of an HTML document frame. # _("html content"))
rolenames[ROLE_DRAWING_AREA] = Rolename( ROLE_DRAWING_AREA, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a drawing area. # _("draw"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a drawing area. # _("DrawingArea"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a drawing area. # _("drawing area"))
rolenames[ROLE_FILE_CHOOSER] = Rolename( ROLE_FILE_CHOOSER, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a file chooser. # _("fchsr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a file chooser. # _("FileChooser"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a file chooser. # _("file chooser"))
rolenames[ROLE_FILLER] = Rolename( ROLE_FILLER, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a filler. # _("flr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a filler. # _("Filler"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a filler. # _("filler"))
rolenames[ROLE_FONT_CHOOSER] = Rolename( ROLE_FONT_CHOOSER, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a font chooser. # _("fnt"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a font chooser. # _("FontChooser"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a font chooser. # _("font chooser"))
rolenames[ROLE_FORM] = Rolename( ROLE_FORM, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a form. # You should attempt to treat it as an abbreviation of # the translated word for "form". It is OK to use an # unabbreviated word as long as it is relatively short. # C_("shortbraille", "form"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a form. # _("Form"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a form. # _("form"))
rolenames[ROLE_FRAME] = Rolename( ROLE_FRAME, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a frame. # _("frm"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a frame. # _("Frame"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a frame. # _("frame"))
rolenames[ROLE_GLASS_PANE] = Rolename( ROLE_GLASS_PANE, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a glass pane. # _("gpn"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a glass pane. # _("GlassPane"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a glass pane. # _("glass pane"))
rolenames[ROLE_HEADING] = Rolename( ROLE_HEADING, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a heading. # _("hdng"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a heading. # _("Heading"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a heading. # _("heading"))
rolenames[ROLE_HTML_CONTAINER] = Rolename( ROLE_HTML_CONTAINER, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of an html container. # _("html"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of an html container. # _("HtmlContainer"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of an html container. # _("h t m l container"))
rolenames[ROLE_ICON] = Rolename( ROLE_ICON, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a icon. # _("icn"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a icon. # _("Icon"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a icon. # _("icon"))
rolenames[ROLE_IMAGE] = Rolename( ROLE_IMAGE, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a image. # _("img"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a image. # _("Image"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a image. # _("image"))
rolenames[ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME] = Rolename( ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of an internal frame. # _("ifrm"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of an internal frame. # _("InternalFrame"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of an internal frame. # _("internal frame"))
rolenames[ROLE_LABEL] = Rolename( ROLE_LABEL, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a label. # _("lbl"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a label. # _("Label"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a label. # _("label"))
rolenames[ROLE_LAYERED_PANE] = Rolename( ROLE_LAYERED_PANE, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a layered pane. # _("lyrdpn"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a layered pane. # _("LayeredPane"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a layered pane. # _("layered pane"))
rolenames[ROLE_LINK] = Rolename( ROLE_LINK, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a link. # _("lnk"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a link. # _("Link"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a link. # _("link"))
rolenames[ROLE_LIST] = Rolename( ROLE_LIST, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a list. # _("lst"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a list. # _("List"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a list. # _("list"))
rolenames[ROLE_LIST_ITEM] = Rolename( ROLE_LIST_ITEM, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a list item. # _("lstitm"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a list item. # _("ListItem"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a list item. # _("list item"))
rolenames[ROLE_MENU] = Rolename( ROLE_MENU, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a menu. # _("mnu"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a menu. # _("Menu"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a menu. # _("menu"))
rolenames[ROLE_MENU_BAR] = Rolename( ROLE_MENU_BAR, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a menu bar. # _("mnubr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a menu bar. # _("MenuBar"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a menu bar. # _("menu bar"))
rolenames[ROLE_MENU_ITEM] = Rolename( ROLE_MENU_ITEM, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a menu item. # _("mnuitm"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a menu item. # _("MenuItem"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a menu item. # _("menu item"))
rolenames[ROLE_OPTION_PANE] = Rolename( ROLE_OPTION_PANE, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of an option pane. # _("optnpn"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of an option pane. # _("OptionPane"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of an option pane. # _("option pane"))
rolenames[ROLE_PAGE_TAB] = Rolename( ROLE_PAGE_TAB, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a page tab. # _("pgt"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a page tab. # _("Page"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a page tab. # _("page"))
rolenames[ROLE_PAGE_TAB_LIST] = Rolename( ROLE_PAGE_TAB_LIST, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a page tab list. # _("tblst"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a page tab list. # _("TabList"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a page tab list. # _("tab list"))
rolenames[ROLE_PANEL] = Rolename( ROLE_PANEL, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a panel. # _("pnl"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a panel. # _("Panel"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a panel. # _("panel"))
rolenames[ROLE_PASSWORD_TEXT] = Rolename( ROLE_PASSWORD_TEXT, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a password field. # _("pwd"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a password field. # _("Password"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a password field. # _("password"))
rolenames[ROLE_POPUP_MENU] = Rolename( ROLE_POPUP_MENU, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a popup menu. # _("popmnu"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a popup menu. # _("PopupMenu"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a popup menu. # _("popup menu"))
rolenames[ROLE_PROGRESS_BAR] = Rolename( ROLE_PROGRESS_BAR, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a progress bar. # _("pgbar"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a progress bar. # _("Progress"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a progress bar. # _("progress bar"))
rolenames[ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON] = Rolename( ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a push button. # _("btn"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a push button. # _("Button"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a push button. # _("button"))
rolenames[ROLE_RADIO_BUTTON] = Rolename( ROLE_RADIO_BUTTON, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a radio button. # _("radio"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a radio button. # _("RadioButton"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a radio button. # _("radio button"))
rolenames[ROLE_RADIO_MENU_ITEM] = Rolename( ROLE_RADIO_MENU_ITEM, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a radio menu item. # _("rdmnuitm"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a radio menu item. # _("RadioItem"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a radio menu item. # _("radio menu item"))
rolenames[ROLE_ROOT_PANE] = Rolename( ROLE_ROOT_PANE, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a root pane. # _("rtpn"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a root pane. # _("RootPane"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a root pane. # _("root pane"))
rolenames[ROLE_ROW_HEADER] = Rolename( ROLE_ROW_HEADER, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a row header. # _("rwhdr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a row header. # _("RowHeader"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a row header. # _("row header"))
rolenames[ROLE_SCROLL_BAR] = Rolename( ROLE_SCROLL_BAR, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a scroll bar. # _("scbr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a scroll bar. # _("ScrollBar"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a scroll bar. # _("scroll bar"))
rolenames[ROLE_SCROLL_PANE] = Rolename( ROLE_SCROLL_PANE, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a scroll pane. # _("scpn"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a scroll pane. # _("ScrollPane"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a scroll pane. # _("scroll pane"))
rolenames[ROLE_SECTION] = Rolename( ROLE_SECTION, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a section (e.g., in html). # _("sctn"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a section (e.g., in html). # _("Section"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a section (e.g., in html). # _("section"))
rolenames[ROLE_SEPARATOR] = Rolename( ROLE_SEPARATOR, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a separator. # _("seprtr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a separator. # _("Separator"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a separator. # _("separator"))
rolenames[ROLE_SLIDER] = Rolename( ROLE_SLIDER, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a slider. # _("sldr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a slider. # _("Slider"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a slider. # _("slider"))
rolenames[ROLE_SPLIT_PANE] = Rolename( ROLE_SPLIT_PANE, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a split pane. # _("spltpn"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a split pane. # _("SplitPane"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a split pane. # _("split pane"))
rolenames[ROLE_SPIN_BUTTON] = Rolename( ROLE_SPIN_BUTTON, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a spin button. # _("spin"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a spin button. # _("SpinButton"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a spin button. # _("spin button"))
rolenames[ROLE_STATUSBAR] = Rolename( ROLE_STATUSBAR, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a statusbar. # _("statbr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a statusbar. # _("StatusBar"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a statusbar. # _("status bar"))
rolenames[ROLE_TABLE] = Rolename( ROLE_TABLE, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a table. # _("tbl"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a table. # _("Table"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a table. # _("table"))
rolenames[ROLE_TABLE_CELL] = Rolename( ROLE_TABLE_CELL, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a table cell. # _("cll"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a table cell. # _("Cell"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a table cell. # _("cell"))
rolenames[ROLE_TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER] = Rolename( ROLE_TABLE_COLUMN_HEADER, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a table column header. # _("colhdr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a table column header. # _("ColumnHeader"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a table column header. # _("column header"))
rolenames[ROLE_TABLE_ROW_HEADER] = Rolename( ROLE_TABLE_ROW_HEADER, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a table row header. # _("rwhdr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a table row header. # _("RowHeader"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a table row header. # _("row header"))
rolenames[ROLE_TEAR_OFF_MENU_ITEM] = Rolename( ROLE_TEAR_OFF_MENU_ITEM, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a tear off menu item. # _("tomnuitm"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a tear off menu item. # _("TearOffMenuItem"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a tear off menu item. # _("tear off menu item"))
rolenames[ROLE_TERMINAL] = Rolename( ROLE_TERMINAL, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a terminal. # _("term"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a terminal. # _("Terminal"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a terminal. # _("terminal"))
rolenames[ROLE_TEXT] = Rolename( ROLE_TEXT, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a text entry field. # _("txt"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a text entry field. # _("Text"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a text entry field. # _("text"))
rolenames[ROLE_ENTRY] = rolenames[ROLE_TEXT]
rolenames[ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON] = Rolename( ROLE_TOGGLE_BUTTON, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a toggle button. # _("tglbtn"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a toggle button. # _("ToggleButton"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a toggle button. # _("toggle button"))
rolenames[ROLE_TOOL_BAR] = Rolename( ROLE_TOOL_BAR, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a toolbar. # _("tbar"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a toolbar. # _("ToolBar"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a toolbar. # _("tool bar"))
rolenames[ROLE_TOOL_TIP] = Rolename( ROLE_TOOL_TIP, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a tooltip. # _("tip"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a tooltip. # _("ToolTip"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a tooltip. # _("tool tip"))
rolenames[ROLE_TREE] = Rolename( ROLE_TREE, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a tree. # _("tre"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a tree. # _("Tree"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a tree. # _("tree"))
rolenames[ROLE_TREE_TABLE] = Rolename( ROLE_TREE_TABLE, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a tree table. # _("trtbl"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a tree table. # _("TreeTable"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a tree table. # _("tree table"))
rolenames[ROLE_UNKNOWN] = Rolename( ROLE_UNKNOWN, # Translators: short braille for when the rolename of an object is unknown. # _("unk"), # Translators: long braille for when the rolename of an object is unknown. # _("Unknown"), # Translators: spoken words for when the rolename of an object is unknown. # _("unknown"))
rolenames[ROLE_VIEWPORT] = Rolename( ROLE_VIEWPORT, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a viewport. # _("vwprt"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a viewport. # _("Viewport"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a viewport. # _("viewport"))
rolenames[ROLE_WINDOW] = Rolename( ROLE_WINDOW, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a window. # _("wnd"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a window. # _("Window"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a window. # _("window"))
rolenames[ROLE_HEADER] = Rolename( ROLE_HEADER, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a header. # _("hdr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a header. # _("Header"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a header. # _("header"))
rolenames[ROLE_FOOTER] = Rolename( ROLE_FOOTER, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a footer. # _("ftr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a footer. # _("Footer"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a footer. # _("footer"))
rolenames[ROLE_PARAGRAPH] = Rolename( ROLE_PARAGRAPH, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a paragraph. # _("para"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a paragraph. # _("Paragraph"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a paragraph. # _("paragraph"))
rolenames[ROLE_APPLICATION] = Rolename( ROLE_APPLICATION, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a application. # _("app"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a application. # _("Application"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a application. # _("application"))
rolenames[ROLE_AUTOCOMPLETE] = Rolename( ROLE_AUTOCOMPLETE, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of a autocomplete. # _("auto"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of a autocomplete. # _("AutoComplete"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of a autocomplete. # _("autocomplete"))
rolenames[ROLE_EDITBAR] = Rolename( ROLE_EDITBAR, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of an editbar. # _("edtbr"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of an editbar. # _("EditBar"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of an editbar. # _("edit bar"))
rolenames[ROLE_EMBEDDED] = Rolename( ROLE_EMBEDDED, # Translators: short braille for the rolename of an embedded component. # _("emb"), # Translators: long braille for the rolename of an embedded component. # _("EmbeddedComponent"), # Translators: spoken words for the rolename of an embedded component. # _("embedded component"))
# [[[TODO: eitani - This is for backward compatability, we now put in pyatspi # keys into the dictionary]]]
_legacy_rolename_keys = rolenames.keys()
for sym in dir(pyatspi): if sym.startswith('ROLE_'): possible_key = sym.replace('ROLE_','').replace('_','').lower() for key in _legacy_rolename_keys: if key.replace(' ','') == possible_key: pyatspi_role = getattr(pyatspi, sym) rolenames[pyatspi_role] = rolenames[key]
def _adjustRole(obj, role): """Adjust the role to what the role really is. """
# Return fake "menu" role names. # if (role == pyatspi.ROLE_MENU_ITEM) \ and (obj.childCount > 0): role = ROLE_MENU
# If this is an ARIA button with the "haspopup:true" attribute, then # it's really a menu. # if role in [pyatspi.ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON, pyatspi.ROLE_MENU_ITEM]: attributes = obj.getAttributes() for attribute in attributes: if attribute.startswith("haspopup:true"): role = ROLE_MENU break
return role
def getSpeechForRoleName(obj, role=None): """Returns the localized name of the given Accessible object; the name is suitable to be spoken. If a localized name cannot be discovered, this will return the string as defined by the at-spi.
Arguments: - obj: an Accessible object
Returns a string containing the localized name of the object suitable to be spoken. """
role = _adjustRole(obj, role or obj.getRole())
# If the enum is not in the dictionary, check by name. role_entry = \ rolenames.get(role) or rolenames.get(obj.getRoleName()) if role_entry: return role_entry.speech else: debug.println(debug.LEVEL_WARNING, "No rolename for %s" % repr(role)) localizedRoleName = obj.getLocalizedRoleName() if localizedRoleName and len(localizedRoleName): return localizedRoleName else: return repr(role)
def getShortBrailleForRoleName(obj, role=None): """Returns the localized name of the given Accessible object; the name is a short string suitable for a Braille display. If a localized name cannot be discovered, this will return the string as defined by the at-spi.
Arguments: - obj: an Accessible object
Returns a short string containing the localized name of the object suitable for a Braille display. """
role = _adjustRole(obj, role or obj.getRole())
# If the enum is not in the dictionary, check by name. role_entry = \ rolenames.get(role) or rolenames.get(obj.getRoleName()) if role_entry: return role_entry.brailleShort else: debug.println(debug.LEVEL_WARNING, "No rolename for %s" % repr(role)) localizedRoleName = obj.getLocalizedRoleName() if localizedRoleName and len(localizedRoleName): return localizedRoleName else: return repr(role)
def getLongBrailleForRoleName(obj, role=None): """Returns the localized name of the given Accessible object; the name is a long string suitable for a Braille display. If a localized name cannot be discovered, this will return the string as defined by the at-spi.
Arguments: - obj: an Accessible object
Returns a string containing the localized name of the object suitable for a Braille display. """
role = _adjustRole(obj, role or obj.getRole())
# If the enum is not in the dictionary, check by name. role_entry = \ rolenames.get(role) or rolenames.get(obj.getRoleName()) if role_entry: return role_entry.brailleLong else: debug.println(debug.LEVEL_WARNING, "No rolename for %s" % repr(role)) localizedRoleName = obj.getLocalizedRoleName() if localizedRoleName and len(localizedRoleName): return localizedRoleName else: return repr(role)
def getBrailleForRoleName(obj, role=None): """Returns the localized name of the given Accessible object; the name is a string suitable for a Braille display. If a localized name cannot be discovered, this will return the string as defined by the at-spi.
Arguments: - obj: an Accessible object
Returns a string containing the localized name of the object suitable for a Braille display. The actual string will depend upon the value of the 'brailleRolenameStyle' setting. """
if settings.brailleRolenameStyle == settings.BRAILLE_ROLENAME_STYLE_SHORT: return getShortBrailleForRoleName(obj, role) else: return getLongBrailleForRoleName(obj, role)