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# Mouse reviewer for Orca # # Copyright 2008 Eitan Isaacson # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston MA 02110-1301 USA.
"""Mouse review mode."""
__id__ = "$Id$" __version__ = "$Revision$" __date__ = "$Date$" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2008 Eitan Isaacson" __license__ = "LGPL"
import debug
try: import wnck _mouseReviewCapable = True except: debug.println(debug.LEVEL_WARNING, \ "Python module wnck not found, mouse review not available.") _mouseReviewCapable = False
import gtk import gobject
import orca import pyatspi import speech import braille import settings
class BoundingBox: """A bounding box, currently it is used to test if a given point is inside the bounds of the box. """ # TODO: Find if we pygtk or something already has this, # if not, maybe this needs to be in a different Orca file. def __init__(self, x, y, width, height): """Initialize a bounding box.
Arguments: - x: Left border of box. - y: Top border of box. - width: Width of box. - height: Height of box. """ self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height = x, y, width, height
def isInBox(self, x, y): """Test if a given point is inside a box.
Arguments: - x: X coordinate. - y: Y coordinate.
Returns True if point is inside box. """ return (self.x <= x <= self.x + self.width) and \ (self.y <= y <= self.y + self.height)
class _WordContext: """A word on which the mouse id hovering above. This class should have enough info to make it unique, so we know when we have left the word. """ def __init__(self, word, acc, start, end): """Initialize a word context.
Arguments: - word: The string of the word we are on. - acc: The accessible object that contains the word. - start: The start offset of the word in the text. - end: The end offset of the word in the text. """ self.word = word self.acc = acc self.start = start self.end = end
def __cmp__(self, other): """Compare two word contexts, if they refer to the same word, return 0. Otherwise return 1 """ if other is None: return 1 return int(not(self.word == other.word and self.acc == other.acc and self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end))
class _ItemContext: """An _ItemContext holds all the information of the item we are currently hovering above. If the accessible supports word speaking, we also store a word context here. """ def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, acc=None, frame=None, app=None, script=None): """Initialize an _ItemContext with all the information we have.
Arguments: - x: The X coordinate of the pointer. - y: The Y coordinate of the pointer. - acc: The end-node accessible at that coordinate. - frame: The top-level frame below the pointer. - app: The application the pointer is hovering above. - script: The script for the context's application. """ self.acc = acc self.frame = frame = app self.script = script self.word_ctx = self._getWordContext(x, y)
def _getWordContext(self, x, y): """If the context's accessible supports it, retrieve the word we are currently hovering above.
Arguments: - x: The X coordinate of the pointer. - y: The Y coordinate of the pointer.
Returns a _WordContext of the current word, or None. """ if not self.script or not self.script.speakWordUnderMouse(self.acc): return None word, start, end = self.script.getWordAtCoords(self.acc, x, y) return _WordContext(word, self.acc, start, end)
class MouseReviewer: """Main class for the mouse-review feature. """ def __init__(self): """Initalize a mouse reviewer class. """ if not _mouseReviewCapable: return
# Need to do this and allow the main loop to cycle once to get any info wnck_screen = wnck.screen_get_default() = False self._currentMouseOver = _ItemContext() self._oldMouseOver = _ItemContext() self._lastReportedCoord = None
def toggle(self, on=None): """Toggle mouse reviewing on or off.
Arguments: - on: If set to True or False, explicitly toggles reviewing on or off. """ if not _mouseReviewCapable: return
if on is None: on = not if on and not pyatspi.Registry.registerEventListener(self._onMouseMoved, "mouse:abs") elif not on and pyatspi.Registry.deregisterEventListener(self._onMouseMoved, "mouse:abs") = on
def _onMouseMoved(self, event): """Callback for "mouse:abs" AT-SPI event. We will check after the dwell delay if the mouse moved away, if it didn't we will review the component under it.
Arguments: - event: The event we recieved. """ if settings.mouseDwellDelay: gobject.timeout_add(settings.mouseDwellDelay, self._mouseDwellTimeout, event.detail1, event.detail2) else: self._mouseDwellTimeout(event.detail1, event.detail2)
def _mouseDwellTimeout(self, prev_x, prev_y): """Dwell timout callback. If we are still dwelling, review the component.
Arguments: - prev_x: Previuos X coordinate of mouse pointer. - prev_y: Previuos Y coordinate of mouse pointer. """ display = gtk.gdk.Display(gtk.gdk.get_display()) screen, x, y, flags = display.get_pointer() if abs(prev_x - x) <= settings.mouseDwellMaxDrift \ and abs(prev_y - y) <= settings.mouseDwellMaxDrift \ and not (x, y) == self._lastReportedCoord: self._lastReportedCoord = (x, y) self._reportUnderMouse(x, y) return False
def _reportUnderMouse(self, x, y): """Report the element under the given coordinates:
Arguments: - x: X coordinate. - y: Y coordinate. """ current_element = self._getContextUnderMouse(x, y) if not current_element: return
self._currentMouseOver, self._oldMouseOver = \ current_element, self._currentMouseOver
output_obj = []
if current_element.acc.getRole() in (pyatspi.ROLE_MENU_ITEM, pyatspi.ROLE_COMBO_BOX) and \ current_element.acc.getState().contains( pyatspi.STATE_SELECTED): # If it is selected, we are probably doing that by hovering over it # Orca will report this in any case. return
if self._currentMouseOver.frame != self._oldMouseOver.frame and \ settings.mouseDwellDelay == 0: output_obj.append(self._currentMouseOver.frame)
if self._currentMouseOver.acc != self._oldMouseOver.acc \ or (settings.mouseDwellDelay > 0 and \ not self._currentMouseOver.word_ctx): output_obj.append(self._currentMouseOver.acc)
if self._currentMouseOver.word_ctx: if self._currentMouseOver.word_ctx != self._oldMouseOver.word_ctx: output_obj.append(self._currentMouseOver.word_ctx.word)
self._outputElements(output_obj) return False
def _outputElements(self, output_obj): """Output the given elements. TODO: Now we are mainly using WhereAmI, we might need to find out a better, less verbose output method.
Arguments: - output_obj: A list of objects to output, could be accessibles and text. """ if output_obj: speech.stop() for obj in output_obj: if obj is None: continue if isinstance(obj, str): speech.speak(obj) # TODO: There is probably something more useful that we could # display. braille.displayMessage(obj) else: speech.speak( self._currentMouseOver.script.speechGenerator.\ generateSpeech(obj)) self._currentMouseOver.script.updateBraille(obj)
def _getZOrder(self, frame_name): """Determine the stack position of a given window.
Arguments: - frame_name: The name of the window.
Returns position of given window in window-managers stack. """ # This is neccesary because z-order is still broken in AT-SPI. wnck_screen = wnck.screen_get_default() window_order = \ [w.get_name() for w in wnck_screen.get_windows_stacked()] return window_order.index(frame_name)
def _getContextUnderMouse(self, x, y): """Get the context under the mouse.
Arguments: - x: X coordinate. - y: Y coordinate.
Returns _ItemContext of the component under the mouse. """ # Inspect accessible under mouse desktop = pyatspi.Registry.getDesktop(0) top_window = [None, -1] for app in desktop: if not app: continue script = orca.getScriptForApp(app) if not script: continue for frame in app: if not frame: continue acc = script.getComponentAtDesktopCoords(frame, x, y) if acc: try: z_order = self._getZOrder( except ValueError: # It's possibly a popup menu, so it would not be in # our frame name list. # And if it is, it is probably the top-most # component. try: if acc.queryComponent().getLayer() == \ pyatspi.LAYER_POPUP: return _ItemContext(x, y, acc, frame, app, script) except: pass else: if z_order > top_window[-1]: top_window = \ [_ItemContext(x, y, acc, frame, app, script), z_order] return top_window[0]
# Initialize a singleton reviewer. if gtk.gdk.display_get_default(): mouse_reviewer = MouseReviewer() else: raise RuntimeError('Cannot initialize mouse review, no display')
def toggle(script=None, event=None): """ Toggle the reviewer on or off.
Arguments: - script: Given script if this was called as a keybinding callback. - event: Given event if this was called as a keybinding callback. """ mouse_reviewer.toggle()