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""" Aliases for functions which may be accelerated by Scipy.
Scipy_ can be built to use accelerated or otherwise improved libraries for FFTs, linear algebra, and special functions. This module allows developers to transparently support these accelerated functions when scipy is available but still support users who have only installed Numpy.
.. _Scipy :
""" # This module should be used for functions both in numpy and scipy if # you want to use the numpy version if available but the scipy version # otherwise. # Usage --- from numpy.dual import fft, inv
__all__ = ['fft','ifft','fftn','ifftn','fft2','ifft2', 'norm','inv','svd','solve','det','eig','eigvals', 'eigh','eigvalsh','lstsq', 'pinv','cholesky','i0']
import numpy.linalg as linpkg import numpy.fft as fftpkg from numpy.lib import i0 import sys
fft = fftpkg.fft ifft = fftpkg.ifft fftn = fftpkg.fftn ifftn = fftpkg.ifftn fft2 = fftpkg.fft2 ifft2 = fftpkg.ifft2
norm = linpkg.norm inv = linpkg.inv svd = linpkg.svd solve = linpkg.solve det = linpkg.det eig = linpkg.eig eigvals = linpkg.eigvals eigh = linpkg.eigh eigvalsh = linpkg.eigvalsh lstsq = linpkg.lstsq pinv = linpkg.pinv cholesky = linpkg.cholesky
_restore_dict = {}
def register_func(name, func): if name not in __all__: raise ValueError, "%s not a dual function." % name f = sys._getframe(0).f_globals _restore_dict[name] = f[name] f[name] = func
def restore_func(name): if name not in __all__: raise ValueError, "%s not a dual function." % name try: val = _restore_dict[name] except KeyError: return else: sys._getframe(0).f_globals[name] = val
def restore_all(): for name in _restore_dict.keys(): restore_func(name)