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# This module re-creates the RNG interface from Numeric # Replace import RNG with import numpy.oldnumeric.rng as RNG # # It is for backwards compatibility only.
__all__ = ['CreateGenerator','ExponentialDistribution','LogNormalDistribution', 'NormalDistribution', 'UniformDistribution', 'error', 'ranf', 'default_distribution', 'random_sample', 'standard_generator']
import numpy.random.mtrand as mt import math
class error(Exception): pass
class Distribution(object): def __init__(self, meth, *args): self._meth = meth self._args = args
def density(self,x): raise NotImplementedError
def __call__(self, x): return self.density(x)
def _onesample(self, rng): return getattr(rng, self._meth)(*self._args)
def _sample(self, rng, n): kwds = {'size' : n} return getattr(rng, self._meth)(*self._args, **kwds)
class ExponentialDistribution(Distribution): def __init__(self, lambda_): if (lambda_ <= 0): raise error, "parameter must be positive" Distribution.__init__(self, 'exponential', lambda_)
def density(x): if x < 0: return 0.0 else: lambda_ = self._args[0] return lambda_*math.exp(-lambda_*x)
class LogNormalDistribution(Distribution): def __init__(self, m, s): m = float(m) s = float(s) if (s <= 0): raise error, "standard deviation must be positive" Distribution.__init__(self, 'lognormal', m, s) sn = math.log(1.0+s*s/(m*m)); self._mn = math.log(m)-0.5*sn self._sn = math.sqrt(sn) self._fac = 1.0/math.sqrt(2*math.pi)/self._sn
def density(x): m,s = self._args y = (math.log(x)-self._mn)/self._sn return self._fac*math.exp(-0.5*y*y)/x
class NormalDistribution(Distribution): def __init__(self, m, s): m = float(m) s = float(s) if (s <= 0): raise error, "standard deviation must be positive" Distribution.__init__(self, 'normal', m, s) self._fac = 1.0/math.sqrt(2*math.pi)/s
def density(x): m,s = self._args y = (x-m)/s return self._fac*math.exp(-0.5*y*y)
class UniformDistribution(Distribution): def __init__(self, a, b): a = float(a) b = float(b) width = b-a if (width <=0): raise error, "width of uniform distribution must be > 0" Distribution.__init__(self, 'uniform', a, b) self._fac = 1.0/width
def density(x): a, b = self._args if (x < a) or (x >= b): return 0.0 else: return self._fac
default_distribution = UniformDistribution(0.0,1.0)
class CreateGenerator(object): def __init__(self, seed, dist=None): if seed <= 0: self._rng = mt.RandomState() elif seed > 0: self._rng = mt.RandomState(seed) if dist is None: dist = default_distribution if not isinstance(dist, Distribution): raise error, "Not a distribution object" self._dist = dist
def ranf(self): return self._dist._onesample(self._rng)
def sample(self, n): return self._dist._sample(self._rng, n)
standard_generator = CreateGenerator(-1)
def ranf(): "ranf() = a random number from the standard generator." return standard_generator.ranf()
def random_sample(*n): """random_sample(n) = array of n random numbers;
random_sample(n1, n2, ...)= random array of shape (n1, n2, ..)"""
if not n: return standard_generator.ranf() m = 1 for i in n: m = m * i return standard_generator.sample(m).reshape(*n)