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""" This module converts code written for numarray to run with numpy
Makes the following changes: * Changes import statements
import numarray.package --> import numpy.numarray.package as numarray_package with all numarray.package in code changed to numarray_package
import numarray --> import numpy.numarray as numarray import numarray.package as <yyy> --> import numpy.numarray.package as <yyy>
from numarray import <xxx> --> from numpy.numarray import <xxx> from numarray.package import <xxx> --> from numpy.numarray.package import <xxx>
package can be convolve, image, nd_image, mlab, linear_algebra, ma, matrix, fft, random_array
* Makes search and replace changes to: - .imaginary --> .imag - .flat --> .ravel() (most of the time) - .byteswapped() --> .byteswap(False) - .byteswap() --> .byteswap(True) - .info() --> - .isaligned() --> .flags.aligned - .isbyteswapped() --> (not .dtype.isnative) - .typecode() --> .dtype.char - .iscontiguous() --> .flags.contiguous - .is_c_array() --> .flags.carray and .dtype.isnative - .is_fortran_contiguous() --> .flags.fortran - .is_f_array() --> .dtype.isnative and .flags.farray - .itemsize() --> .itemsize - .nelements() --> .size - --> numarray.newobj(self, type) - .repeat(r) --> .repeat(r, axis=0) - .size() --> .size - self.type() -- numarray.typefrom(self) - .typecode() --> .dtype.char - .stddev() --> .std() - .togglebyteorder() --> numarray.togglebyteorder(self) - .getshape() --> .shape - .setshape(obj) --> .shape=obj - .getflat() --> .ravel() - .getreal() --> .real - .setreal() --> .real = - .getimag() --> .imag - .setimag() --> .imag = - .getimaginary() --> .imag - .setimaginary() --> .imag
""" __all__ = ['convertfile', 'convertall', 'converttree', 'convertsrc']
import sys import os import re import glob
def changeimports(fstr, name, newname): importstr = 'import %s' % name importasstr = 'import %s as ' % name fromstr = 'from %s import ' % name fromall=0
name_ = name if ('.' in name): name_ = name.replace('.','_')
fstr = re.sub(r'(import\s+[^,\n\r]+,\s*)(%s)' % name, "\\1%s as %s" % (newname, name), fstr) fstr = fstr.replace(importasstr, 'import %s as ' % newname) fstr = fstr.replace(importstr, 'import %s as %s' % (newname,name_)) if (name_ != name): fstr = fstr.replace(name, name_)
ind = 0 Nlen = len(fromstr) Nlen2 = len("from %s import " % newname) while 1: found = fstr.find(fromstr,ind) if (found < 0): break ind = found + Nlen if fstr[ind] == '*': continue fstr = "%sfrom %s import %s" % (fstr[:found], newname, fstr[ind:]) ind += Nlen2 - Nlen return fstr, fromall
flatindex_re = re.compile('([.]flat(\s*?[[=]))')
def addimport(astr): # find the first line with import on it ind = astr.find('import') start = astr.rfind(os.linesep, 0, ind) astr = "%s%s%s%s" % (astr[:start], os.linesep, "import numpy.numarray as numarray", astr[start:]) return astr
def replaceattr(astr): astr = astr.replace(".imaginary", ".imag") astr = astr.replace(".byteswapped()",".byteswap(False)") astr = astr.replace(".byteswap()", ".byteswap(True)") astr = astr.replace(".isaligned()", ".flags.aligned") astr = astr.replace(".iscontiguous()",".flags.contiguous") astr = astr.replace(".is_fortran_contiguous()",".flags.fortran") astr = astr.replace(".itemsize()",".itemsize") astr = astr.replace(".size()",".size") astr = astr.replace(".nelements()",".size") astr = astr.replace(".typecode()",".dtype.char") astr = astr.replace(".stddev()",".std()") astr = astr.replace(".getshape()", ".shape") astr = astr.replace(".getflat()", ".ravel()") astr = astr.replace(".getreal", ".real") astr = astr.replace(".getimag", ".imag") astr = astr.replace(".getimaginary", ".imag")
# preserve uses of flat that should be o.k. tmpstr = flatindex_re.sub(r"@@@@\2",astr) # replace other uses of flat tmpstr = tmpstr.replace(".flat",".ravel()") # put back .flat where it was valid astr = tmpstr.replace("@@@@", ".flat") return astr
info_re = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*[.]\s*info\s*[(]\s*[)]') new_re = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*[.]\s*new\s*[(]\s*(\S+)\s*[)]') toggle_re = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*[.]\s*togglebyteorder\s*[(]\s*[)]') type_re = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*[.]\s*type\s*[(]\s*[)]')
isbyte_re = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*[.]\s*isbyteswapped\s*[(]\s*[)]') iscarr_re = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*[.]\s*is_c_array\s*[(]\s*[)]') isfarr_re = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*[.]\s*is_f_array\s*[(]\s*[)]') repeat_re = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*[.]\s*repeat\s*[(]\s*(\S+)\s*[)]')
setshape_re = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*[.]\s*setshape\s*[(]\s*(\S+)\s*[)]') setreal_re = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*[.]\s*setreal\s*[(]\s*(\S+)\s*[)]') setimag_re = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*[.]\s*setimag\s*[(]\s*(\S+)\s*[)]') setimaginary_re = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s*[.]\s*setimaginary\s*[(]\s*(\S+)\s*[)]') def replaceother(astr): # --> # --> numarray.newobj(self, type) # self.togglebyteorder() --> numarray.togglebyteorder(self) # self.type() --> numarray.typefrom(self) (astr, n1) = info_re.subn('\\1)', astr) (astr, n2) = new_re.subn('numarray.newobj(\\1, \\2)', astr) (astr, n3) = toggle_re.subn('numarray.togglebyteorder(\\1)', astr) (astr, n4) = type_re.subn('numarray.typefrom(\\1)', astr) if (n1+n2+n3+n4 > 0): astr = addimport(astr)
astr = isbyte_re.sub('not \\1.dtype.isnative', astr) astr = iscarr_re.sub('\\1.dtype.isnative and \\1.flags.carray', astr) astr = isfarr_re.sub('\\1.dtype.isnative and \\1.flags.farray', astr) astr = repeat_re.sub('\\1.repeat(\\2, axis=0)', astr) astr = setshape_re.sub('\\1.shape = \\2', astr) astr = setreal_re.sub('\\1.real = \\2', astr) astr = setimag_re.sub('\\1.imag = \\2', astr) astr = setimaginary_re.sub('\\1.imag = \\2', astr) return astr
import datetime def fromstr(filestr): savestr = filestr[:] filestr, fromall = changeimports(filestr, 'numarray', 'numpy.numarray') base = 'numarray' newbase = 'numpy.numarray' for sub in ['', 'convolve', 'image', 'nd_image', 'mlab', 'linear_algebra', 'ma', 'matrix', 'fft', 'random_array']: if sub != '': sub = '.'+sub filestr, fromall = changeimports(filestr, base+sub, newbase+sub)
filestr = replaceattr(filestr) filestr = replaceother(filestr) if savestr != filestr: name = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[-1] today ='%b %d, %Y') filestr = '## Automatically adapted for '\ 'numpy.numarray %s by %s\n\n%s' % (today, name, filestr) return filestr, 1 return filestr, 0
def makenewfile(name, filestr): fid = file(name, 'w') fid.write(filestr) fid.close()
def convertfile(filename, orig=1): """Convert the filename given from using Numarray to using NumPy
Copies the file to filename.orig and then over-writes the file with the updated code """ fid = open(filename) filestr = fid.close() filestr, changed = fromstr(filestr) if changed: if orig: base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) os.rename(filename, base+".orig") else: os.remove(filename) makenewfile(filename, filestr)
def fromargs(args): filename = args[1] convertfile(filename)
def convertall(direc=os.path.curdir, orig=1): """Convert all .py files to use numpy.oldnumeric (from Numeric) in the directory given
For each file, a backup of <usesnumeric>.py is made as <usesnumeric>.py.orig. A new file named <usesnumeric>.py is then written with the updated code. """ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(direc,'*.py')) for afile in files: if afile[-8:] == '': continue convertfile(afile, orig)
header_re = re.compile(r'(numarray/libnumarray.h)')
def convertsrc(direc=os.path.curdir, ext=None, orig=1): """Replace Numeric/arrayobject.h with numpy/oldnumeric.h in all files in the directory with extension give by list ext (if ext is None, then all files are replaced).""" if ext is None: files = glob.glob(os.path.join(direc,'*')) else: files = [] for aext in ext: files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(direc,"*.%s" % aext))) for afile in files: fid = open(afile) fstr = fid.close() fstr, n = header_re.subn(r'numpy/libnumarray.h',fstr) if n > 0: if orig: base, ext = os.path.splitext(afile) os.rename(afile, base+".orig") else: os.remove(afile) makenewfile(afile, fstr)
def _func(arg, dirname, fnames): convertall(dirname, orig=0) convertsrc(dirname, ['h','c'], orig=0)
def converttree(direc=os.path.curdir): """Convert all .py files in the tree given
""" os.path.walk(direc, _func, None)
if __name__ == '__main__': converttree(sys.argv)