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#!/usr/bin/env python """ crackfortran --- read fortran (77,90) code and extract declaration information. Usage is explained in the comment block below.
Copyright 1999-2004 Pearu Peterson all rights reserved, Pearu Peterson <> Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software is given under the terms of the NumPy License.
NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. $Date: 2005/09/27 07:13:49 $ Pearu Peterson """ __version__ = "$Revision: 1.177 $"[10:-1]
import __version__ f2py_version = __version__.version
""" Usage of crackfortran: ====================== Command line keys: -quiet,-verbose,-fix,-f77,-f90,-show,-h <pyffilename> -m <module name for f77 routines>,--ignore-contains Functions: crackfortran, crack2fortran The following Fortran statements/constructions are supported (or will be if needed): block data,byte,call,character,common,complex,contains,data, dimension,double complex,double precision,end,external,function, implicit,integer,intent,interface,intrinsic, logical,module,optional,parameter,private,public, program,real,(sequence?),subroutine,type,use,virtual, include,pythonmodule Note: 'virtual' is mapped to 'dimension'. Note: 'implicit integer (z) static (z)' is 'implicit static (z)' (this is minor bug). Note: code after 'contains' will be ignored until its scope ends. Note: 'common' statement is extended: dimensions are moved to variable definitions Note: f2py directive: <commentchar>f2py<line> is read as <line> Note: pythonmodule is introduced to represent Python module
Usage: `postlist=crackfortran(files,funcs)` `postlist` contains declaration information read from the list of files `files`. `crack2fortran(postlist)` returns a fortran code to be saved to pyf-file
`postlist` has the following structure: *** it is a list of dictionaries containing `blocks': B = {'block','body','vars','parent_block'[,'name','prefix','args','result', 'implicit','externals','interfaced','common','sortvars', 'commonvars','note']} B['block'] = 'interface' | 'function' | 'subroutine' | 'module' | 'program' | 'block data' | 'type' | 'pythonmodule' B['body'] --- list containing `subblocks' with the same structure as `blocks' B['parent_block'] --- dictionary of a parent block: C['body'][<index>]['parent_block'] is C B['vars'] --- dictionary of variable definitions B['sortvars'] --- dictionary of variable definitions sorted by dependence (independent first) B['name'] --- name of the block (not if B['block']=='interface') B['prefix'] --- prefix string (only if B['block']=='function') B['args'] --- list of argument names if B['block']== 'function' | 'subroutine' B['result'] --- name of the return value (only if B['block']=='function') B['implicit'] --- dictionary {'a':<variable definition>,'b':...} | None B['externals'] --- list of variables being external B['interfaced'] --- list of variables being external and defined B['common'] --- dictionary of common blocks (list of objects) B['commonvars'] --- list of variables used in common blocks (dimensions are moved to variable definitions) B['from'] --- string showing the 'parents' of the current block B['use'] --- dictionary of modules used in current block: {<modulename>:{['only':<0|1>],['map':{<local_name1>:<use_name1>,...}]}} B['note'] --- list of LaTeX comments on the block B['f2pyenhancements'] --- optional dictionary {'threadsafe':'','fortranname':<name>, 'callstatement':<C-expr>|<multi-line block>, 'callprotoargument':<C-expr-list>, 'usercode':<multi-line block>|<list of multi-line blocks>, 'pymethoddef:<multi-line block>' } B['entry'] --- dictionary {entryname:argslist,..} B['varnames'] --- list of variable names given in the order of reading the Fortran code, useful for derived types. *** Variable definition is a dictionary D = B['vars'][<variable name>] = {'typespec'[,'attrspec','kindselector','charselector','=','typename']} D['typespec'] = 'byte' | 'character' | 'complex' | 'double complex' | 'double precision' | 'integer' | 'logical' | 'real' | 'type' D['attrspec'] --- list of attributes (e.g. 'dimension(<arrayspec>)', 'external','intent(in|out|inout|hide|c|callback|cache|aligned4|aligned8|aligned16)', 'optional','required', etc) K = D['kindselector'] = {['*','kind']} (only if D['typespec'] = 'complex' | 'integer' | 'logical' | 'real' ) C = D['charselector'] = {['*','len','kind']} (only if D['typespec']=='character') D['='] --- initialization expression string D['typename'] --- name of the type if D['typespec']=='type' D['dimension'] --- list of dimension bounds D['intent'] --- list of intent specifications D['depend'] --- list of variable names on which current variable depends on D['check'] --- list of C-expressions; if C-expr returns zero, exception is raised D['note'] --- list of LaTeX comments on the variable *** Meaning of kind/char selectors (few examples): D['typespec>']*K['*'] D['typespec'](kind=K['kind']) character*C['*'] character(len=C['len'],kind=C['kind']) (see also fortran type declaration statement formats below)
Fortran 90 type declaration statement format (F77 is subset of F90) ==================================================================== (Main source: IBM XL Fortran 5.1 Language Reference Manual) type declaration = <typespec> [[<attrspec>]::] <entitydecl> <typespec> = byte | character[<charselector>] | complex[<kindselector>] | double complex | double precision | integer[<kindselector>] | logical[<kindselector>] | real[<kindselector>] | type(<typename>) <charselector> = * <charlen> | ([len=]<len>[,[kind=]<kind>]) | (kind=<kind>[,len=<len>]) <kindselector> = * <intlen> | ([kind=]<kind>) <attrspec> = comma separated list of attributes. Only the following attributes are used in building up the interface: external (parameter --- affects '=' key) optional intent Other attributes are ignored. <intentspec> = in | out | inout <arrayspec> = comma separated list of dimension bounds. <entitydecl> = <name> [[*<charlen>][(<arrayspec>)] | [(<arrayspec>)]*<charlen>] [/<init_expr>/ | =<init_expr>] [,<entitydecl>]
In addition, the following attributes are used: check,depend,note
TODO: * Apply 'parameter' attribute (e.g. 'integer parameter :: i=2' 'real x(i)' -> 'real x(2)') The above may be solved by creating appropriate preprocessor program, for example. """ # import sys import string import fileinput import re import pprint import os import copy from auxfuncs import *
# Global flags: strictf77=1 # Ignore `!' comments unless line[0]=='!' sourcecodeform='fix' # 'fix','free' quiet=0 # Be verbose if 0 (Obsolete: not used any more) verbose=1 # Be quiet if 0, extra verbose if > 1. tabchar=4*' ' pyffilename='' f77modulename='' skipemptyends=0 # for old F77 programs without 'program' statement ignorecontains=1 dolowercase=1 debug=[] ## do_analyze = 1
###### global variables
## use reload(crackfortran) to reset these variables
groupcounter=0 grouplist={groupcounter:[]} neededmodule=-1 expectbegin=1 skipblocksuntil=-1 usermodules=[] f90modulevars={} gotnextfile=1 filepositiontext='' currentfilename='' skipfunctions=[] skipfuncs=[] onlyfuncs=[] include_paths=[] previous_context = None
###### Some helper functions def show(o,f=0):pprint.pprint(o) errmess=sys.stderr.write def outmess(line,flag=1): global filepositiontext if not verbose: return if not quiet: if flag:sys.stdout.write(filepositiontext) sys.stdout.write(line) re._MAXCACHE=50 defaultimplicitrules={} for c in "abcdefghopqrstuvwxyz$_": defaultimplicitrules[c]={'typespec':'real'} for c in "ijklmn": defaultimplicitrules[c]={'typespec':'integer'} del c badnames={} invbadnames={} for n in ['int','double','float','char','short','long','void','case','while', 'return','signed','unsigned','if','for','typedef','sizeof','union', 'struct','static','register','new','break','do','goto','switch', 'continue','else','inline','extern','delete','const','auto', 'len','rank','shape','index','slen','size','_i', 'max', 'min', 'flen','fshape', 'string','complex_double','float_double','stdin','stderr','stdout', 'type','default']: badnames[n]=n+'_bn' invbadnames[n+'_bn']=n def rmbadname1(name): if name in badnames: errmess('rmbadname1: Replacing "%s" with "%s".\n'%(name,badnames[name])) return badnames[name] return name def rmbadname(names): return map(rmbadname1,names)
def undo_rmbadname1(name): if name in invbadnames: errmess('undo_rmbadname1: Replacing "%s" with "%s".\n'\ %(name,invbadnames[name])) return invbadnames[name] return name def undo_rmbadname(names): return map(undo_rmbadname1,names)
def getextension(name): i=name.rfind('.') if i==-1: return '' if '\\' in name[i:]: return '' if '/' in name[i:]: return '' return name[i+1:]
is_f_file = re.compile(r'.*[.](for|ftn|f77|f)\Z',re.I).match _has_f_header = re.compile(r'-[*]-\s*fortran\s*-[*]-',re.I).search _has_f90_header = re.compile(r'-[*]-\s*f90\s*-[*]-',re.I).search _has_fix_header = re.compile(r'-[*]-\s*fix\s*-[*]-',re.I).search _free_f90_start = re.compile(r'[^c*]\s*[^\s\d\t]',re.I).match def is_free_format(file): """Check if file is in free format Fortran.""" # f90 allows both fixed and free format, assuming fixed unless # signs of free format are detected. result = 0 f = open(file,'r') line = f.readline() n = 15 # the number of non-comment lines to scan for hints if _has_f_header(line): n = 0 elif _has_f90_header(line): n = 0 result = 1 while n>0 and line: if line[0]!='!' and line.strip(): n -= 1 if (line[0]!='\t' and _free_f90_start(line[:5])) or line[-2:-1]=='&': result = 1 break line = f.readline() f.close() return result
####### Read fortran (77,90) code def readfortrancode(ffile,dowithline=show,istop=1): """ Read fortran codes from files and 1) Get rid of comments, line continuations, and empty lines; lower cases. 2) Call dowithline(line) on every line. 3) Recursively call itself when statement \"include '<filename>'\" is met. """ global gotnextfile,filepositiontext,currentfilename,sourcecodeform,strictf77,\ beginpattern,quiet,verbose,dolowercase,include_paths if not istop: saveglobals=gotnextfile,filepositiontext,currentfilename,sourcecodeform,strictf77,\ beginpattern,quiet,verbose,dolowercase if ffile==[]: return localdolowercase = dolowercase cont=0 finalline='' ll='' commentline=re.compile(r'(?P<line>([^"]*"[^"]*"[^"!]*|[^\']*\'[^\']*\'[^\'!]*|[^!]*))!{1}(?P<rest>.*)') includeline=re.compile(r'\s*include\s*(\'|")(?P<name>[^\'"]*)(\'|")',re.I) cont1=re.compile(r'(?P<line>.*)&\s*\Z') cont2=re.compile(r'(\s*&|)(?P<line>.*)') mline_mark = re.compile(r".*?'''") if istop: dowithline('',-1) ll,l1='','' spacedigits=[' ']+map(str,range(10)) filepositiontext='' fin=fileinput.FileInput(ffile) while 1: l=fin.readline() if not l: break if fin.isfirstline(): filepositiontext='' currentfilename=fin.filename() gotnextfile=1 l1=l strictf77=0 sourcecodeform='fix' ext = os.path.splitext(currentfilename)[1] if is_f_file(currentfilename) and \ not (_has_f90_header(l) or _has_fix_header(l)): strictf77=1 elif is_free_format(currentfilename) and not _has_fix_header(l): sourcecodeform='free' if strictf77: beginpattern=beginpattern77 else: beginpattern=beginpattern90 outmess('\tReading file %s (format:%s%s)\n'\ %(`currentfilename`,sourcecodeform, strictf77 and ',strict' or ''))
l=l.expandtabs().replace('\xa0',' ') while not l=='': # Get rid of newline characters if l[-1] not in "\n\r\f": break l=l[:-1] if not strictf77: r=commentline.match(l) if r:'line')+' ' # Strip comments starting with `!''rest') if rl[:4].lower()=='f2py': # f2py directive l = l + 4*' ' r=commentline.match(rl[4:]) if r:'line') else: l = l + rl[4:] if l.strip()=='': # Skip empty line cont=0 continue if sourcecodeform=='fix': if l[0] in ['*','c','!','C','#']: if l[1:5].lower()=='f2py': # f2py directive l=' '+l[5:] else: # Skip comment line cont=0 continue elif strictf77: if len(l)>72: l=l[:72] if not (l[0] in spacedigits): raise Exception('readfortrancode: Found non-(space,digit) char ' 'in the first column.\n\tAre you sure that ' 'this code is in fix form?\n\tline=%s' % `l`)
if (not cont or strictf77) and (len(l)>5 and not l[5]==' '): # Continuation of a previous line ll=ll+l[6:] finalline='' origfinalline='' else: if not strictf77: # F90 continuation r=cont1.match(l) if r:'line') # Continuation follows .. if cont: ll=ll+cont2.match(l).group('line') finalline='' origfinalline='' else: l=' '+l[5:] # clean up line beginning from possible digits. if localdolowercase: finalline=ll.lower() else: finalline=ll origfinalline=ll ll=l cont=(r is not None) else: l=' '+l[5:] # clean up line beginning from possible digits. if localdolowercase: finalline=ll.lower() else: finalline=ll origfinalline =ll ll=l
elif sourcecodeform=='free': if not cont and ext=='.pyf' and mline_mark.match(l): l = l + '\n' while 1: lc = fin.readline() if not lc: errmess('Unexpected end of file when reading multiline\n') break l = l + lc if mline_mark.match(lc): break l = l.rstrip() r=cont1.match(l) if r:'line') # Continuation follows .. if cont: ll=ll+cont2.match(l).group('line') finalline='' origfinalline='' else: if localdolowercase: finalline=ll.lower() else: finalline=ll origfinalline =ll ll=l cont=(r is not None) else: raise ValueError,"Flag sourcecodeform must be either 'fix' or 'free': %s"%`sourcecodeform` filepositiontext='Line #%d in %s:"%s"\n\t' % (fin.filelineno()-1,currentfilename,l1) m=includeline.match(origfinalline) if m:'name') if os.path.isfile(fn): readfortrancode(fn,dowithline=dowithline,istop=0) else: include_dirs = [os.path.dirname(currentfilename)] + include_paths foundfile = 0 for inc_dir in include_dirs: fn1 = os.path.join(inc_dir,fn) if os.path.isfile(fn1): foundfile = 1 readfortrancode(fn1,dowithline=dowithline,istop=0) break if not foundfile: outmess('readfortrancode: could not find include file %s. Ignoring.\n'%(`fn`)) else: dowithline(finalline) l1=ll if localdolowercase: finalline=ll.lower() else: finalline=ll origfinalline = ll filepositiontext='Line #%d in %s:"%s"\n\t' % (fin.filelineno()-1,currentfilename,l1) m=includeline.match(origfinalline) if m:'name') fn1=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(currentfilename),fn) if os.path.isfile(fn): readfortrancode(fn,dowithline=dowithline,istop=0) elif os.path.isfile(fn1): readfortrancode(fn1,dowithline=dowithline,istop=0) else: outmess('readfortrancode: could not find include file %s. Ignoring.\n'%(`fn`)) else: dowithline(finalline) filepositiontext='' fin.close() if istop: dowithline('',1) else: gotnextfile,filepositiontext,currentfilename,sourcecodeform,strictf77,\ beginpattern,quiet,verbose,dolowercase=saveglobals
########### Crack line beforethisafter=r'\s*(?P<before>%s(?=\s*(\b(%s)\b)))'+ \ r'\s*(?P<this>(\b(%s)\b))'+ \ r'\s*(?P<after>%s)\s*\Z' ## fortrantypes='character|logical|integer|real|complex|double\s*(precision\s*(complex|)|complex)|type(?=\s*\([\w\s,=(*)]*\))|byte' typespattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('',fortrantypes,fortrantypes,'.*'),re.I),'type' typespattern4implicit=re.compile(beforethisafter%('',fortrantypes+'|static|automatic|undefined',fortrantypes+'|static|automatic|undefined','.*'),re.I) # functionpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('([a-z]+[\w\s(=*+-/)]*?|)','function','function','.*'),re.I),'begin' subroutinepattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('[a-z\s]*?','subroutine','subroutine','.*'),re.I),'begin' #modulepattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('[a-z\s]*?','module','module','.*'),re.I),'begin' # groupbegins77=r'program|block\s*data' beginpattern77=re.compile(beforethisafter%('',groupbegins77,groupbegins77,'.*'),re.I),'begin' groupbegins90=groupbegins77+r'|module(?!\s*procedure)|python\s*module|interface|type(?!\s*\()' beginpattern90=re.compile(beforethisafter%('',groupbegins90,groupbegins90,'.*'),re.I),'begin' groupends=r'end|endprogram|endblockdata|endmodule|endpythonmodule|endinterface' endpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('',groupends,groupends,'[\w\s]*'),re.I),'end' #endifs='end\s*(if|do|where|select|while|forall)' endifs='(end\s*(if|do|where|select|while|forall))|(module\s*procedure)' endifpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('[\w]*?',endifs,endifs,'[\w\s]*'),re.I),'endif' # implicitpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','implicit','implicit','.*'),re.I),'implicit' dimensionpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','dimension|virtual','dimension|virtual','.*'),re.I),'dimension' externalpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','external','external','.*'),re.I),'external' optionalpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','optional','optional','.*'),re.I),'optional' requiredpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','required','required','.*'),re.I),'required' publicpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','public','public','.*'),re.I),'public' privatepattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','private','private','.*'),re.I),'private' intrisicpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','intrisic','intrisic','.*'),re.I),'intrisic' intentpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','intent|depend|note|check','intent|depend|note|check','\s*\(.*?\).*'),re.I),'intent' parameterpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','parameter','parameter','\s*\(.*'),re.I),'parameter' datapattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','data','data','.*'),re.I),'data' callpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','call','call','.*'),re.I),'call' entrypattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','entry','entry','.*'),re.I),'entry' callfunpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','callfun','callfun','.*'),re.I),'callfun' commonpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','common','common','.*'),re.I),'common' usepattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','use','use','.*'),re.I),'use' containspattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','contains','contains',''),re.I),'contains' formatpattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','format','format','.*'),re.I),'format' ## Non-fortran and f2py-specific statements f2pyenhancementspattern=re.compile(beforethisafter%('','threadsafe|fortranname|callstatement|callprotoargument|usercode|pymethoddef','threadsafe|fortranname|callstatement|callprotoargument|usercode|pymethoddef','.*'),re.I|re.S),'f2pyenhancements' multilinepattern = re.compile(r"\s*(?P<before>''')(?P<this>.*?)(?P<after>''')\s*\Z",re.S),'multiline' ##
def _simplifyargs(argsline): a = [] for n in markoutercomma(argsline).split('@,@'): for r in '(),': n = n.replace(r,'_') a.append(n) return ','.join(a)
crackline_re_1 = re.compile(r'\s*(?P<result>\b[a-z]+[\w]*\b)\s*[=].*',re.I) def crackline(line,reset=0): """ reset=-1 --- initialize reset=0 --- crack the line reset=1 --- final check if mismatch of blocks occured
Cracked data is saved in grouplist[0]. """ global beginpattern,groupcounter,groupname,groupcache,grouplist,gotnextfile,\ filepositiontext,currentfilename,neededmodule,expectbegin,skipblocksuntil,\ skipemptyends,previous_context if ';' in line and not (f2pyenhancementspattern[0].match(line) or multilinepattern[0].match(line)): for l in line.split(';'): assert reset==0,`reset` # XXX: non-zero reset values need testing crackline(l,reset) return if reset<0: groupcounter=0 groupname={groupcounter:''} groupcache={groupcounter:{}} grouplist={groupcounter:[]} groupcache[groupcounter]['body']=[] groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']={} groupcache[groupcounter]['block']='' groupcache[groupcounter]['name']='' neededmodule=-1 skipblocksuntil=-1 return if reset>0: fl=0 if f77modulename and neededmodule==groupcounter: fl=2 while groupcounter>fl: outmess('crackline: groupcounter=%s groupname=%s\n'%(`groupcounter`,`groupname`)) outmess('crackline: Mismatch of blocks encountered. Trying to fix it by assuming "end" statement.\n') grouplist[groupcounter-1].append(groupcache[groupcounter]) grouplist[groupcounter-1][-1]['body']=grouplist[groupcounter] del grouplist[groupcounter] groupcounter=groupcounter-1 if f77modulename and neededmodule==groupcounter: grouplist[groupcounter-1].append(groupcache[groupcounter]) grouplist[groupcounter-1][-1]['body']=grouplist[groupcounter] del grouplist[groupcounter] groupcounter=groupcounter-1 # end interface grouplist[groupcounter-1].append(groupcache[groupcounter]) grouplist[groupcounter-1][-1]['body']=grouplist[groupcounter] del grouplist[groupcounter] groupcounter=groupcounter-1 # end module neededmodule=-1 return if line=='': return flag=0 for pat in [dimensionpattern,externalpattern,intentpattern,optionalpattern, requiredpattern, parameterpattern,datapattern,publicpattern,privatepattern, intrisicpattern, endifpattern,endpattern, formatpattern, beginpattern,functionpattern,subroutinepattern, implicitpattern,typespattern,commonpattern, callpattern,usepattern,containspattern, entrypattern, f2pyenhancementspattern, multilinepattern ]: m = pat[0].match(line) if m: break flag=flag+1 if not m: re_1 = crackline_re_1 if 0<=skipblocksuntil<=groupcounter:return if 'externals' in groupcache[groupcounter]: for name in groupcache[groupcounter]['externals']: if name in invbadnames: name=invbadnames[name] if 'interfaced' in groupcache[groupcounter] and name in groupcache[groupcounter]['interfaced']: continue m1=re.match(r'(?P<before>[^"]*)\b%s\b\s*@\(@(?P<args>[^@]*)@\)@.*\Z'%name,markouterparen(line),re.I) if m1: m2 = re_1.match('before')) a = _simplifyargs('args')) if m2: line='callfun %s(%s) result (%s)'%(name,a,'result')) else: line='callfun %s(%s)'%(name,a) m = callfunpattern[0].match(line) if not m: outmess('crackline: could not resolve function call for line=%s.\n'%`line`) return analyzeline(m,'callfun',line) return if verbose>1: previous_context = None outmess('crackline:%d: No pattern for line\n'%(groupcounter)) return elif pat[1]=='end': if 0<=skipblocksuntil<groupcounter: groupcounter=groupcounter-1 if skipblocksuntil<=groupcounter: return if groupcounter<=0: raise Exception('crackline: groupcounter(=%s) is nonpositive. ' 'Check the blocks.' \ % (groupcounter)) m1 = beginpattern[0].match((line)) if (m1) and (not'this')==groupname[groupcounter]): raise Exception('crackline: End group %s does not match with ' 'previous Begin group %s\n\t%s' % \ (`'this')`, `groupname[groupcounter]`, filepositiontext) ) if skipblocksuntil==groupcounter: skipblocksuntil=-1 grouplist[groupcounter-1].append(groupcache[groupcounter]) grouplist[groupcounter-1][-1]['body']=grouplist[groupcounter] del grouplist[groupcounter] groupcounter=groupcounter-1 if not skipemptyends: expectbegin=1 elif pat[1] == 'begin': if 0<=skipblocksuntil<=groupcounter: groupcounter=groupcounter+1 return gotnextfile=0 analyzeline(m,pat[1],line) expectbegin=0 elif pat[1]=='endif': pass elif pat[1]=='contains': if ignorecontains: return if 0<=skipblocksuntil<=groupcounter: return skipblocksuntil=groupcounter else: if 0<=skipblocksuntil<=groupcounter:return analyzeline(m,pat[1],line)
def markouterparen(line): l='';f=0 for c in line: if c=='(': f=f+1 if f==1: l=l+'@(@'; continue elif c==')': f=f-1 if f==0: l=l+'@)@'; continue l=l+c return l def markoutercomma(line,comma=','): l='';f=0 cc='' for c in line: if (not cc or cc==')') and c=='(': f=f+1 cc = ')' elif not cc and c=='\'' and (not l or l[-1]!='\\'): f=f+1 cc = '\'' elif c==cc: f=f-1 if f==0: cc='' elif c==comma and f==0: l=l+'@'+comma+'@' continue l=l+c assert not f,`f,line,l,cc` return l def unmarkouterparen(line): r = line.replace('@(@','(').replace('@)@',')') return r def appenddecl(decl,decl2,force=1): if not decl: decl={} if not decl2: return decl if decl is decl2: return decl for k in decl2.keys(): if k=='typespec': if force or k not in decl: decl[k]=decl2[k] elif k=='attrspec': for l in decl2[k]: decl=setattrspec(decl,l,force) elif k=='kindselector': decl=setkindselector(decl,decl2[k],force) elif k=='charselector': decl=setcharselector(decl,decl2[k],force) elif k in ['=','typename']: if force or k not in decl: decl[k]=decl2[k] elif k=='note': pass elif k in ['intent','check','dimension','optional','required']: errmess('appenddecl: "%s" not implemented.\n'%k) else: raise Exception('appenddecl: Unknown variable definition key:' + \ str(k)) return decl
selectpattern=re.compile(r'\s*(?P<this>(@\(@.*?@\)@|[*][\d*]+|[*]\s*@\(@.*?@\)@|))(?P<after>.*)\Z',re.I) nameargspattern=re.compile(r'\s*(?P<name>\b[\w$]+\b)\s*(@\(@\s*(?P<args>[\w\s,]*)\s*@\)@|)\s*(result(\s*@\(@\s*(?P<result>\b[\w$]+\b)\s*@\)@|))*\s*\Z',re.I) callnameargspattern=re.compile(r'\s*(?P<name>\b[\w$]+\b)\s*@\(@\s*(?P<args>.*)\s*@\)@\s*\Z',re.I) real16pattern = re.compile(r'([-+]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\d*\.\d+))[dD]((?:[-+]?\d+)?)') real8pattern = re.compile(r'([-+]?((?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\d*\.\d+))[eE]((?:[-+]?\d+)?)|(\d+\.\d*))')
_intentcallbackpattern = re.compile(r'intent\s*\(.*?\bcallback\b',re.I) def _is_intent_callback(vdecl): for a in vdecl.get('attrspec',[]): if _intentcallbackpattern.match(a): return 1 return 0
def _resolvenameargspattern(line): line = markouterparen(line) m1=nameargspattern.match(line) if m1: return'name'),'args'),'result') m1=callnameargspattern.match(line) if m1: return'name'),'args'),None return None,[],None
def analyzeline(m,case,line): global groupcounter,groupname,groupcache,grouplist,filepositiontext,\ currentfilename,f77modulename,neededinterface,neededmodule,expectbegin,\ gotnextfile,previous_context'this') if case != 'multiline': previous_context = None if expectbegin and case not in ['begin','call','callfun','type'] \ and not skipemptyends and groupcounter<1: newname=os.path.basename(currentfilename).split('.')[0] outmess('analyzeline: no group yet. Creating program group with name "%s".\n'%newname) gotnextfile=0 groupcounter=groupcounter+1 groupname[groupcounter]='program' groupcache[groupcounter]={} grouplist[groupcounter]=[] groupcache[groupcounter]['body']=[] groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']={} groupcache[groupcounter]['block']='program' groupcache[groupcounter]['name']=newname groupcache[groupcounter]['from']='fromsky' expectbegin=0 if case in ['begin','call','callfun']: # Crack line => block,name,args,result block = block.lower() if re.match(r'block\s*data',block,re.I): block='block data' if re.match(r'python\s*module',block,re.I): block='python module' name,args,result = _resolvenameargspattern('after')) if name is None: if block=='block data': name = '_BLOCK_DATA_' else: name = '' if block not in ['interface','block data']: outmess('analyzeline: No name/args pattern found for line.\n')
previous_context = (block,name,groupcounter) if args: args=rmbadname([x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(args).split('@,@')]) else: args=[] if '' in args: while '' in args: args.remove('') outmess('analyzeline: argument list is malformed (missing argument).\n')
# end of crack line => block,name,args,result needmodule=0 needinterface=0
if case in ['call','callfun']: needinterface=1 if 'args' not in groupcache[groupcounter]: return if name not in groupcache[groupcounter]['args']: return for it in grouplist[groupcounter]: if it['name']==name: return if name in groupcache[groupcounter]['interfaced']: return block={'call':'subroutine','callfun':'function'}[case] if f77modulename and neededmodule==-1 and groupcounter<=1: neededmodule=groupcounter+2 needmodule=1 needinterface=1 # Create new block(s) groupcounter=groupcounter+1 groupcache[groupcounter]={} grouplist[groupcounter]=[] if needmodule: if verbose>1: outmess('analyzeline: Creating module block %s\n'%`f77modulename`,0) groupname[groupcounter]='module' groupcache[groupcounter]['block']='python module' groupcache[groupcounter]['name']=f77modulename groupcache[groupcounter]['from']='' groupcache[groupcounter]['body']=[] groupcache[groupcounter]['externals']=[] groupcache[groupcounter]['interfaced']=[] groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']={} groupcounter=groupcounter+1 groupcache[groupcounter]={} grouplist[groupcounter]=[] if needinterface: if verbose>1: outmess('analyzeline: Creating additional interface block (groupcounter=%s).\n' % (groupcounter),0) groupname[groupcounter]='interface' groupcache[groupcounter]['block']='interface' groupcache[groupcounter]['name']='unknown_interface' groupcache[groupcounter]['from']='%s:%s'%(groupcache[groupcounter-1]['from'],groupcache[groupcounter-1]['name']) groupcache[groupcounter]['body']=[] groupcache[groupcounter]['externals']=[] groupcache[groupcounter]['interfaced']=[] groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']={} groupcounter=groupcounter+1 groupcache[groupcounter]={} grouplist[groupcounter]=[] groupname[groupcounter]=block groupcache[groupcounter]['block']=block if not name: name='unknown_'+block groupcache[groupcounter]['prefix']'before') groupcache[groupcounter]['name']=rmbadname1(name) groupcache[groupcounter]['result']=result if groupcounter==1: groupcache[groupcounter]['from']=currentfilename else: if f77modulename and groupcounter==3: groupcache[groupcounter]['from']='%s:%s'%(groupcache[groupcounter-1]['from'],currentfilename) else: groupcache[groupcounter]['from']='%s:%s'%(groupcache[groupcounter-1]['from'],groupcache[groupcounter-1]['name']) for k in groupcache[groupcounter].keys(): if not groupcache[groupcounter][k]: del groupcache[groupcounter][k] groupcache[groupcounter]['args']=args groupcache[groupcounter]['body']=[] groupcache[groupcounter]['externals']=[] groupcache[groupcounter]['interfaced']=[] groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']={} groupcache[groupcounter]['entry']={} # end of creation if block=='type': groupcache[groupcounter]['varnames'] = []
if case in ['call','callfun']: # set parents variables if name not in groupcache[groupcounter-2]['externals']: groupcache[groupcounter-2]['externals'].append(name) groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']=copy.deepcopy(groupcache[groupcounter-2]['vars']) #try: del groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'][groupcache[groupcounter-2]['name']] #except: pass try: del groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'][name][groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'][name]['attrspec'].index('external')] except: pass if block in ['function','subroutine']: # set global attributes try: groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'][name]=appenddecl(groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'][name],groupcache[groupcounter-2]['vars']['']) except: pass if case=='callfun': # return type if result and result in groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']: if not name==result: groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'][name]=appenddecl(groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'][name],groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'][result]) #if groupcounter>1: # name is interfaced try: groupcache[groupcounter-2]['interfaced'].append(name) except: pass if block=='function': t=typespattern[0].match('before')+' '+name) if t: typespec,selector,attr,edecl=cracktypespec0('this'),'after')) updatevars(typespec,selector,attr,edecl) if case in ['call','callfun']: grouplist[groupcounter-1].append(groupcache[groupcounter]) grouplist[groupcounter-1][-1]['body']=grouplist[groupcounter] del grouplist[groupcounter] groupcounter=groupcounter-1 # end routine grouplist[groupcounter-1].append(groupcache[groupcounter]) grouplist[groupcounter-1][-1]['body']=grouplist[groupcounter] del grouplist[groupcounter] groupcounter=groupcounter-1 # end interface elif case=='entry': name,args,result=_resolvenameargspattern('after')) if name is not None: if args: args=rmbadname([x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(args).split('@,@')]) else: args=[] assert result is None,`result` groupcache[groupcounter]['entry'][name] = args previous_context = ('entry',name,groupcounter) elif case=='type': typespec,selector,attr,edecl=cracktypespec0(block,'after')) last_name = updatevars(typespec,selector,attr,edecl) if last_name is not None: previous_context = ('variable',last_name,groupcounter) elif case in ['dimension','intent','optional','required','external','public','private','intrisic']: edecl=groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']'after').strip() i=ll.find('::') if i<0 and case=='intent': i=markouterparen(ll).find('@)@')-2 ll=ll[:i+1]+'::'+ll[i+1:] i=ll.find('::') if ll[i:]=='::' and 'args' in groupcache[groupcounter]: outmess('All arguments will have attribute %s%s\n'%('this'),ll[:i])) ll = ll + ','.join(groupcache[groupcounter]['args']) if i<0:i=0;pl='' else: pl=ll[:i].strip();ll=ll[i+2:] ch = markoutercomma(pl).split('@,@') if len(ch)>1: pl = ch[0] outmess('analyzeline: cannot handle multiple attributes without type specification. Ignoring %r.\n' % (','.join(ch[1:]))) last_name = None
for e in [x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(ll).split('@,@')]: m1=namepattern.match(e) if not m1: if case in ['public','private']: k='' else: print m.groupdict() outmess('analyzeline: no name pattern found in %s statement for %s. Skipping.\n'%(case,`e`)) continue else: k=rmbadname1('name')) if k not in edecl: edecl[k]={} if case=='dimension':'after') if case=='intent':'this')+pl if _intentcallbackpattern.match(ap): if k not in groupcache[groupcounter]['args']: if groupcounter>1: outmess('analyzeline: appending intent(callback) %s'\ ' to %s arguments\n' % (k,groupcache[groupcounter]['name'])) if '__user__' not in groupcache[groupcounter-2]['name']: outmess('analyzeline: missing __user__ module (could be nothing)\n') groupcache[groupcounter]['args'].append(k) else: errmess('analyzeline: intent(callback) %s is ignored' % (k)) else: errmess('analyzeline: intent(callback) %s is already'\ ' in argument list' % (k)) if case in ['optional','required','public','external','private','intrisic']: ap=case if 'attrspec' in edecl[k]: edecl[k]['attrspec'].append(ap) else: edecl[k]['attrspec']=[ap] if case=='external': if groupcache[groupcounter]['block']=='program': outmess('analyzeline: ignoring program arguments\n') continue if k not in groupcache[groupcounter]['args']: #outmess('analyzeline: ignoring external %s (not in arguments list)\n'%(`k`)) continue if 'externals' not in groupcache[groupcounter]: groupcache[groupcounter]['externals']=[] groupcache[groupcounter]['externals'].append(k) last_name = k groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']=edecl if last_name is not None: previous_context = ('variable',last_name,groupcounter) elif case=='parameter': edecl=groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']'after').strip()[1:-1] last_name = None for e in markoutercomma(ll).split('@,@'): try: k,initexpr=[x.strip() for x in e.split('=')] except: outmess('analyzeline: could not extract name,expr in parameter statement "%s" of "%s"\n'%(e,ll));continue params = get_parameters(edecl) k=rmbadname1(k) if k not in edecl: edecl[k]={} if '=' in edecl[k] and (not edecl[k]['=']==initexpr): outmess('analyzeline: Overwriting the value of parameter "%s" ("%s") with "%s".\n'%(k,edecl[k]['='],initexpr)) t = determineexprtype(initexpr,params) if t: if t.get('typespec')=='real': tt = list(initexpr) for m in real16pattern.finditer(initexpr): tt[m.start():m.end()] = list(\ initexpr[m.start():m.end()].lower().replace('d', 'e')) initexpr = ''.join(tt) elif t.get('typespec')=='complex': initexpr = initexpr[1:].lower().replace('d','e').\ replace(',','+1j*(') try: v = eval(initexpr,{},params) except (SyntaxError,NameError,TypeError),msg: errmess('analyzeline: Failed to evaluate %r. Ignoring: %s\n'\ % (initexpr, msg)) continue edecl[k]['='] = repr(v) if 'attrspec' in edecl[k]: edecl[k]['attrspec'].append('parameter') else: edecl[k]['attrspec']=['parameter'] last_name = k groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']=edecl if last_name is not None: previous_context = ('variable',last_name,groupcounter) elif case=='implicit': if'after').strip().lower()=='none': groupcache[groupcounter]['implicit']=None elif'after'): if 'implicit' in groupcache[groupcounter]: impl=groupcache[groupcounter]['implicit'] else: impl={} if impl is None: outmess('analyzeline: Overwriting earlier "implicit none" statement.\n') impl={} for e in markoutercomma('after')).split('@,@'): decl={} m1=re.match(r'\s*(?P<this>.*?)\s*(\(\s*(?P<after>[a-z-, ]+)\s*\)\s*|)\Z',e,re.I) if not m1: outmess('analyzeline: could not extract info of implicit statement part "%s"\n'%(e));continue m2=typespattern4implicit.match('this')) if not m2: outmess('analyzeline: could not extract types pattern of implicit statement part "%s"\n'%(e));continue typespec,selector,attr,edecl=cracktypespec0('this'),'after')) kindselect,charselect,typename=cracktypespec(typespec,selector) decl['typespec']=typespec decl['kindselector']=kindselect decl['charselector']=charselect decl['typename']=typename for k in decl.keys(): if not decl[k]: del decl[k] for r in markoutercomma('after')).split('@,@'): if '-' in r: try: begc,endc=[x.strip() for x in r.split('-')] except: outmess('analyzeline: expected "<char>-<char>" instead of "%s" in range list of implicit statement\n'%r);continue else: begc=endc=r.strip() if not len(begc)==len(endc)==1: outmess('analyzeline: expected "<char>-<char>" instead of "%s" in range list of implicit statement (2)\n'%r);continue for o in range(ord(begc),ord(endc)+1): impl[chr(o)]=decl groupcache[groupcounter]['implicit']=impl elif case=='data': ll=[] dl='';il='';f=0;fc=1;inp=0 for c in'after'): if not inp: if c=="'": fc=not fc if c=='/' and fc: f=f+1;continue if c=='(': inp = inp + 1 elif c==')': inp = inp - 1 if f==0: dl=dl+c elif f==1: il=il+c elif f==2: dl = dl.strip() if dl.startswith(','): dl = dl[1:].strip() ll.append([dl,il]) dl=c;il='';f=0 if f==2: dl = dl.strip() if dl.startswith(','): dl = dl[1:].strip() ll.append([dl,il]) vars={} if 'vars' in groupcache[groupcounter]: vars=groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'] last_name = None for l in ll: l=[x.strip() for x in l] if l[0][0]==',':l[0]=l[0][1:] if l[0][0]=='(': outmess('analyzeline: implied-DO list "%s" is not supported. Skipping.\n'%l[0]) continue #if '(' in l[0]: # #outmess('analyzeline: ignoring this data statement.\n') # continue i=0;j=0;llen=len(l[1]) for v in rmbadname([x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(l[0]).split('@,@')]): if v[0]=='(': outmess('analyzeline: implied-DO list "%s" is not supported. Skipping.\n'%v) # XXX: subsequent init expressions may get wrong values. # Ignoring since data statements are irrelevant for wrapping. continue fc=0 while (i<llen) and (fc or not l[1][i]==','): if l[1][i]=="'": fc=not fc i=i+1 i=i+1 #v,l[1][j:i-1]=name,initvalue if v not in vars: vars[v]={} if '=' in vars[v] and not vars[v]['=']==l[1][j:i-1]: outmess('analyzeline: changing init expression of "%s" ("%s") to "%s"\n'%(v,vars[v]['='],l[1][j:i-1])) vars[v]['=']=l[1][j:i-1] j=i last_name = v groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']=vars if last_name is not None: previous_context = ('variable',last_name,groupcounter) elif case=='common':'after').strip() if not line[0]=='/':line='//'+line cl=[] f=0;bn='';ol='' for c in line: if c=='/':f=f+1;continue if f>=3: bn = bn.strip() if not bn: bn='_BLNK_' cl.append([bn,ol]) f=f-2;bn='';ol='' if f%2: bn=bn+c else: ol=ol+c bn = bn.strip() if not bn: bn='_BLNK_' cl.append([bn,ol]) commonkey={} if 'common' in groupcache[groupcounter]: commonkey=groupcache[groupcounter]['common'] for c in cl: if c[0] in commonkey: outmess('analyzeline: previously defined common block encountered. Skipping.\n') continue commonkey[c[0]]=[] for i in [x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(c[1]).split('@,@')]: if i: commonkey[c[0]].append(i) groupcache[groupcounter]['common']=commonkey previous_context = ('common',bn,groupcounter) elif case=='use': m1=re.match(r'\A\s*(?P<name>\b[\w]+\b)\s*((,(\s*\bonly\b\s*:|(?P<notonly>))\s*(?P<list>.*))|)\s*\Z','after'),re.I) if m1: mm=m1.groupdict() if 'use' not in groupcache[groupcounter]: groupcache[groupcounter]['use']={}'name') groupcache[groupcounter]['use'][name]={} isonly=0 if 'list' in mm and mm['list'] is not None: if 'notonly' in mm and mm['notonly'] is None: isonly=1 groupcache[groupcounter]['use'][name]['only']=isonly ll=[x.strip() for x in mm['list'].split(',')] rl={} for l in ll: if '=' in l: m2=re.match(r'\A\s*(?P<local>\b[\w]+\b)\s*=\s*>\s*(?P<use>\b[\w]+\b)\s*\Z',l,re.I) if m2: rl['local').strip()]'use').strip() else: outmess('analyzeline: Not local=>use pattern found in %s\n'%`l`) else: rl[l]=l groupcache[groupcounter]['use'][name]['map']=rl else: pass
else: print m.groupdict() outmess('analyzeline: Could not crack the use statement.\n') elif case in ['f2pyenhancements']: if 'f2pyenhancements' not in groupcache[groupcounter]: groupcache[groupcounter]['f2pyenhancements'] = {} d = groupcache[groupcounter]['f2pyenhancements'] if'this')=='usercode' and 'usercode' in d: if type(d['usercode']) is type(''): d['usercode'] = [d['usercode']] d['usercode'].append('after')) else: d['this')] ='after') elif case=='multiline': if previous_context is None: if verbose: outmess('analyzeline: No context for multiline block.\n') return gc = groupcounter #gc = previous_context[2] appendmultiline(groupcache[gc], previous_context[:2],'this')) else: if verbose>1: print m.groupdict() outmess('analyzeline: No code implemented for line.\n')
def appendmultiline(group, context_name,ml): if 'f2pymultilines' not in group: group['f2pymultilines'] = {} d = group['f2pymultilines'] if context_name not in d: d[context_name] = [] d[context_name].append(ml) return
def cracktypespec0(typespec,ll): selector=None attr=None if re.match(r'double\s*complex',typespec,re.I): typespec='double complex' elif re.match(r'double\s*precision',typespec,re.I): typespec='double precision' else: typespec=typespec.strip().lower() m1=selectpattern.match(markouterparen(ll)) if not m1: outmess('cracktypespec0: no kind/char_selector pattern found for line.\n') return d=m1.groupdict() for k in d.keys(): d[k]=unmarkouterparen(d[k]) if typespec in ['complex','integer','logical','real','character','type']: selector=d['this'] ll=d['after'] i=ll.find('::') if i>=0: attr=ll[:i].strip() ll=ll[i+2:] return typespec,selector,attr,ll ##### namepattern=re.compile(r'\s*(?P<name>\b[\w]+\b)\s*(?P<after>.*)\s*\Z',re.I) kindselector=re.compile(r'\s*(\(\s*(kind\s*=)?\s*(?P<kind>.*)\s*\)|[*]\s*(?P<kind2>.*?))\s*\Z',re.I) charselector=re.compile(r'\s*(\((?P<lenkind>.*)\)|[*]\s*(?P<charlen>.*))\s*\Z',re.I) lenkindpattern=re.compile(r'\s*(kind\s*=\s*(?P<kind>.*?)\s*(@,@\s*len\s*=\s*(?P<len>.*)|)|(len\s*=\s*|)(?P<len2>.*?)\s*(@,@\s*(kind\s*=\s*|)(?P<kind2>.*)|))\s*\Z',re.I) lenarraypattern=re.compile(r'\s*(@\(@\s*(?!/)\s*(?P<array>.*?)\s*@\)@\s*[*]\s*(?P<len>.*?)|([*]\s*(?P<len2>.*?)|)\s*(@\(@\s*(?!/)\s*(?P<array2>.*?)\s*@\)@|))\s*(=\s*(?P<init>.*?)|(@\(@|)/\s*(?P<init2>.*?)\s*/(@\)@|)|)\s*\Z',re.I) def removespaces(expr): expr=expr.strip() if len(expr)<=1: return expr expr2=expr[0] for i in range(1,len(expr)-1): if expr[i]==' ' and \ ((expr[i+1] in "()[]{}=+-/* ") or (expr[i-1] in "()[]{}=+-/* ")): continue expr2=expr2+expr[i] expr2=expr2+expr[-1] return expr2 def markinnerspaces(line): l='';f=0 cc='\'' cc1='"' cb='' for c in line: if cb=='\\' and c in ['\\','\'','"']: l=l+c; cb=c continue if f==0 and c in ['\'','"']: cc=c; cc1={'\'':'"','"':'\''}[c] if c==cc:f=f+1 elif c==cc:f=f-1 elif c==' ' and f==1: l=l+'@_@'; continue l=l+c;cb=c return l def updatevars(typespec,selector,attrspec,entitydecl): global groupcache,groupcounter last_name = None kindselect,charselect,typename=cracktypespec(typespec,selector) if attrspec: attrspec=[x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(attrspec).split('@,@')] l = [] c = re.compile(r'(?P<start>[a-zA-Z]+)') for a in attrspec: m = c.match(a) if m: s ='start').lower() a = s + a[len(s):] l.append(a) attrspec = l el=[x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(entitydecl).split('@,@')] el1=[] for e in el: for e1 in [x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(removespaces(markinnerspaces(e)),comma=' ').split('@ @')]: if e1: el1.append(e1.replace('@_@',' ')) for e in el1: m=namepattern.match(e) if not m: outmess('updatevars: no name pattern found for entity=%s. Skipping.\n'%(`e`)) continue ename=rmbadname1('name')) edecl={} if ename in groupcache[groupcounter]['vars']: edecl=groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'][ename].copy() not_has_typespec = 'typespec' not in edecl if not_has_typespec: edecl['typespec']=typespec elif typespec and (not typespec==edecl['typespec']): outmess('updatevars: attempt to change the type of "%s" ("%s") to "%s". Ignoring.\n' % (ename,edecl['typespec'],typespec)) if 'kindselector' not in edecl: edecl['kindselector']=copy.copy(kindselect) elif kindselect: for k in kindselect.keys(): if k in edecl['kindselector'] and (not kindselect[k]==edecl['kindselector'][k]): outmess('updatevars: attempt to change the kindselector "%s" of "%s" ("%s") to "%s". Ignoring.\n' % (k,ename,edecl['kindselector'][k],kindselect[k])) else: edecl['kindselector'][k]=copy.copy(kindselect[k]) if 'charselector' not in edecl and charselect: if not_has_typespec: edecl['charselector']=charselect else: errmess('updatevars:%s: attempt to change empty charselector to %r. Ignoring.\n' \ %(ename,charselect)) elif charselect: for k in charselect.keys(): if k in edecl['charselector'] and (not charselect[k]==edecl['charselector'][k]): outmess('updatevars: attempt to change the charselector "%s" of "%s" ("%s") to "%s". Ignoring.\n' % (k,ename,edecl['charselector'][k],charselect[k])) else: edecl['charselector'][k]=copy.copy(charselect[k]) if 'typename' not in edecl: edecl['typename']=typename elif typename and (not edecl['typename']==typename): outmess('updatevars: attempt to change the typename of "%s" ("%s") to "%s". Ignoring.\n' % (ename,edecl['typename'],typename)) if 'attrspec' not in edecl: edecl['attrspec']=copy.copy(attrspec) elif attrspec: for a in attrspec: if a not in edecl['attrspec']: edecl['attrspec'].append(a) else: edecl['typespec']=copy.copy(typespec) edecl['kindselector']=copy.copy(kindselect) edecl['charselector']=copy.copy(charselect) edecl['typename']=typename edecl['attrspec']=copy.copy(attrspec) if'after'): m1=lenarraypattern.match(markouterparen('after'))) if m1: d1=m1.groupdict() for lk in ['len','array','init']: if d1[lk+'2'] is not None: d1[lk]=d1[lk+'2']; del d1[lk+'2'] for k in d1.keys(): if d1[k] is not None: d1[k]=unmarkouterparen(d1[k]) else: del d1[k] if 'len' in d1 and 'array' in d1: if d1['len']=='': d1['len']=d1['array'] del d1['array'] else: d1['array']=d1['array']+','+d1['len'] del d1['len'] errmess('updatevars: "%s %s" is mapped to "%s %s(%s)"\n'%(typespec,e,typespec,ename,d1['array'])) if 'array' in d1: dm = 'dimension(%s)'%d1['array'] if 'attrspec' not in edecl or (not edecl['attrspec']): edecl['attrspec']=[dm] else: edecl['attrspec'].append(dm) for dm1 in edecl['attrspec']: if dm1[:9]=='dimension' and dm1!=dm: del edecl['attrspec'][-1] errmess('updatevars:%s: attempt to change %r to %r. Ignoring.\n' \ % (ename,dm1,dm)) break
if 'len' in d1: if typespec in ['complex','integer','logical','real']: if ('kindselector' not in edecl) or (not edecl['kindselector']): edecl['kindselector']={} edecl['kindselector']['*']=d1['len'] elif typespec == 'character': if ('charselector' not in edecl) or (not edecl['charselector']): edecl['charselector']={} if 'len' in edecl['charselector']: del edecl['charselector']['len'] edecl['charselector']['*']=d1['len'] if 'init' in d1: if '=' in edecl and (not edecl['=']==d1['init']): outmess('updatevars: attempt to change the init expression of "%s" ("%s") to "%s". Ignoring.\n' % (ename,edecl['='],d1['init'])) else: edecl['=']=d1['init'] else: outmess('updatevars: could not crack entity declaration "%s". Ignoring.\n'%('after'))) for k in edecl.keys(): if not edecl[k]: del edecl[k] groupcache[groupcounter]['vars'][ename]=edecl if 'varnames' in groupcache[groupcounter]: groupcache[groupcounter]['varnames'].append(ename) last_name = ename return last_name
def cracktypespec(typespec,selector): kindselect=None charselect=None typename=None if selector: if typespec in ['complex','integer','logical','real']: kindselect=kindselector.match(selector) if not kindselect: outmess('cracktypespec: no kindselector pattern found for %s\n'%(`selector`)) return kindselect=kindselect.groupdict() kindselect['*']=kindselect['kind2'] del kindselect['kind2'] for k in kindselect.keys(): if not kindselect[k]: del kindselect[k] for k,i in kindselect.items(): kindselect[k] = rmbadname1(i) elif typespec=='character': charselect=charselector.match(selector) if not charselect: outmess('cracktypespec: no charselector pattern found for %s\n'%(`selector`)) return charselect=charselect.groupdict() charselect['*']=charselect['charlen'] del charselect['charlen'] if charselect['lenkind']: lenkind=lenkindpattern.match(markoutercomma(charselect['lenkind'])) lenkind=lenkind.groupdict() for lk in ['len','kind']: if lenkind[lk+'2']: lenkind[lk]=lenkind[lk+'2'] charselect[lk]=lenkind[lk] del lenkind[lk+'2'] del charselect['lenkind'] for k in charselect.keys(): if not charselect[k]: del charselect[k] for k,i in charselect.items(): charselect[k] = rmbadname1(i) elif typespec=='type': typename=re.match(r'\s*\(\s*(?P<name>\w+)\s*\)',selector,re.I) if typename:'name') else: outmess('cracktypespec: no typename found in %s\n'%(`typespec+selector`)) else: outmess('cracktypespec: no selector used for %s\n'%(`selector`)) return kindselect,charselect,typename ###### def setattrspec(decl,attr,force=0): if not decl: decl={} if not attr: return decl if 'attrspec' not in decl: decl['attrspec']=[attr] return decl if force: decl['attrspec'].append(attr) if attr in decl['attrspec']: return decl if attr=='static' and 'automatic' not in decl['attrspec']: decl['attrspec'].append(attr) elif attr=='automatic' and 'static' not in decl['attrspec']: decl['attrspec'].append(attr) elif attr=='public' and 'private' not in decl['attrspec']: decl['attrspec'].append(attr) elif attr=='private' and 'public' not in decl['attrspec']: decl['attrspec'].append(attr) else: decl['attrspec'].append(attr) return decl
def setkindselector(decl,sel,force=0): if not decl: decl={} if not sel: return decl if 'kindselector' not in decl: decl['kindselector']=sel return decl for k in sel.keys(): if force or k not in decl['kindselector']: decl['kindselector'][k]=sel[k] return decl
def setcharselector(decl,sel,force=0): if not decl: decl={} if not sel: return decl if 'charselector' not in decl: decl['charselector']=sel return decl for k in sel.keys(): if force or k not in decl['charselector']: decl['charselector'][k]=sel[k] return decl
def getblockname(block,unknown='unknown'): if 'name' in block: return block['name'] return unknown
###### post processing
def setmesstext(block): global filepositiontext try: filepositiontext='In: %s:%s\n'%(block['from'],block['name']) except: pass
def get_usedict(block): usedict = {} if 'parent_block' in block: usedict = get_usedict(block['parent_block']) if 'use' in block: usedict.update(block['use']) return usedict
def get_useparameters(block, param_map=None): global f90modulevars if param_map is None: param_map = {} usedict = get_usedict(block) if not usedict: return param_map for usename,mapping in usedict.items(): usename = usename.lower() if usename not in f90modulevars: continue mvars = f90modulevars[usename] params = get_parameters(mvars) if not params: continue # XXX: apply mapping if mapping: errmess('get_useparameters: mapping for %s not impl.' % (mapping)) for k,v in params.items(): if k in param_map: outmess('get_useparameters: overriding parameter %s with'\ ' value from module %s' % (`k`,`usename`)) param_map[k] = v return param_map
def postcrack2(block,tab='',param_map=None): global f90modulevars if not f90modulevars: return block if type(block)==types.ListType: ret = [] for g in block: g = postcrack2(g,tab=tab+'\t',param_map=param_map) ret.append(g) return ret setmesstext(block) outmess('%sBlock: %s\n'%(tab,block['name']),0)
if param_map is None: param_map = get_useparameters(block)
if param_map is not None and 'vars' in block: vars = block['vars'] for n in vars.keys(): var = vars[n] if 'kindselector' in var: kind = var['kindselector'] if 'kind' in kind: val = kind['kind'] if val in param_map: kind['kind'] = param_map[val] new_body = [] for b in block['body']: b = postcrack2(b,tab=tab+'\t',param_map=param_map) new_body.append(b) block['body'] = new_body
return block
def postcrack(block,args=None,tab=''): """ TODO: function return values determine expression types if in argument list """ global usermodules,onlyfunctions if type(block)==types.ListType: gret=[] uret=[] for g in block: setmesstext(g) g=postcrack(g,tab=tab+'\t') if 'name' in g and '__user__' in g['name']: # sort user routines to appear first uret.append(g) else: gret.append(g) return uret+gret setmesstext(block) if (not type(block)==types.DictType) and 'block' not in block: raise Exception('postcrack: Expected block dictionary instead of ' + \ str(block)) if 'name' in block and not block['name']=='unknown_interface': outmess('%sBlock: %s\n'%(tab,block['name']),0) blocktype=block['block'] block=analyzeargs(block) block=analyzecommon(block) block['vars']=analyzevars(block) block['sortvars']=sortvarnames(block['vars']) if 'args' in block and block['args']: args=block['args'] block['body']=analyzebody(block,args,tab=tab)
userisdefined=[] ## fromuser = [] if 'use' in block: useblock=block['use'] for k in useblock.keys(): if '__user__' in k: userisdefined.append(k) ## if 'map' in useblock[k]: ## for n in useblock[k]['map'].values(): ## if n not in fromuser: fromuser.append(n) else: useblock={} name='' if 'name' in block: name=block['name'] if 'externals' in block and block['externals']:# and not userisdefined: # Build a __user__ module interfaced=[] if 'interfaced' in block: interfaced=block['interfaced'] mvars=copy.copy(block['vars']) if name: mname=name+'__user__routines' else: mname='unknown__user__routines' if mname in userisdefined: i=1 while '%s_%i'%(mname,i) in userisdefined: i=i+1 mname='%s_%i'%(mname,i) interface={'block':'interface','body':[],'vars':{},'name':name+'_user_interface'} for e in block['externals']: ## if e in fromuser: ## outmess(' Skipping %s that is defined explicitly in another use statement\n'%(`e`)) ## continue if e in interfaced: edef=[] j=-1 for b in block['body']: j=j+1 if b['block']=='interface': i=-1 for bb in b['body']: i=i+1 if 'name' in bb and bb['name']==e: edef=copy.copy(bb) del b['body'][i] break if edef: if not b['body']: del block['body'][j] del interfaced[interfaced.index(e)] break interface['body'].append(edef) else: if e in mvars and not isexternal(mvars[e]): interface['vars'][e]=mvars[e] if interface['vars'] or interface['body']: block['interfaced']=interfaced mblock={'block':'python module','body':[interface],'vars':{},'name':mname,'interfaced':block['externals']} useblock[mname]={} usermodules.append(mblock) if useblock: block['use']=useblock return block
def sortvarnames(vars): indep = [] dep = [] for v in vars.keys(): if 'depend' in vars[v] and vars[v]['depend']: dep.append(v) #print '%s depends on %s'%(v,vars[v]['depend']) else: indep.append(v) n = len(dep) i = 0 while dep: #XXX: How to catch dependence cycles correctly? v = dep[0] fl = 0 for w in dep[1:]: if w in vars[v]['depend']: fl = 1 break if fl: dep = dep[1:]+[v] i = i + 1 if i>n: errmess('sortvarnames: failed to compute dependencies because' ' of cyclic dependencies between ' +', '.join(dep)+'\n') indep = indep + dep break else: indep.append(v) dep = dep[1:] n = len(dep) i = 0 #print indep return indep
def analyzecommon(block): if not hascommon(block): return block commonvars=[] for k in block['common'].keys(): comvars=[] for e in block['common'][k]: m=re.match(r'\A\s*\b(?P<name>.*?)\b\s*(\((?P<dims>.*?)\)|)\s*\Z',e,re.I) if m: dims=[] if'dims'): dims=[x.strip() for x in markoutercomma('dims')).split('@,@')]'name').strip() if n in block['vars']: if 'attrspec' in block['vars'][n]: block['vars'][n]['attrspec'].append('dimension(%s)'%(','.join(dims))) else: block['vars'][n]['attrspec']=['dimension(%s)'%(','.join(dims))] else: if dims: block['vars'][n]={'attrspec':['dimension(%s)'%(','.join(dims))]} else: block['vars'][n]={} if n not in commonvars: commonvars.append(n) else: n=e errmess('analyzecommon: failed to extract "<name>[(<dims>)]" from "%s" in common /%s/.\n'%(e,k)) comvars.append(n) block['common'][k]=comvars if 'commonvars' not in block: block['commonvars']=commonvars else: block['commonvars']=block['commonvars']+commonvars return block
def analyzebody(block,args,tab=''): global usermodules,skipfuncs,onlyfuncs,f90modulevars setmesstext(block) body=[] for b in block['body']: b['parent_block'] = block if b['block'] in ['function','subroutine']: if args is not None and b['name'] not in args: continue else: as_=b['args'] if b['name'] in skipfuncs: continue if onlyfuncs and b['name'] not in onlyfuncs: continue else: as_=args b=postcrack(b,as_,tab=tab+'\t') if b['block']=='interface' and not b['body']: if 'f2pyenhancements' not in b: continue if b['block'].replace(' ','')=='pythonmodule': usermodules.append(b) else: if b['block']=='module': f90modulevars[b['name']] = b['vars'] body.append(b) return body
def buildimplicitrules(block): setmesstext(block) implicitrules=defaultimplicitrules attrrules={} if 'implicit' in block: if block['implicit'] is None: implicitrules=None if verbose>1: outmess('buildimplicitrules: no implicit rules for routine %s.\n'%`block['name']`) else: for k in block['implicit'].keys(): if block['implicit'][k].get('typespec') not in ['static','automatic']: implicitrules[k]=block['implicit'][k] else: attrrules[k]=block['implicit'][k]['typespec'] return implicitrules,attrrules
def myeval(e,g=None,l=None): r = eval(e,g,l) if type(r) in [type(0),type(0.0)]: return r raise ValueError('r=%r' % (r))
getlincoef_re_1 = re.compile(r'\A\b\w+\b\Z',re.I) def getlincoef(e,xset): # e = a*x+b ; x in xset try: c = int(myeval(e,{},{})) return 0,c,None except: pass if getlincoef_re_1.match(e): return 1,0,e len_e = len(e) for x in xset: if len(x)>len_e: continue if'\w\s*\([^)]*\b'+x+r'\b', e): # skip function calls having x as an argument, e.g max(1, x) continue re_1 = re.compile(r'(?P<before>.*?)\b'+x+r'\b(?P<after>.*)',re.I) m = re_1.match(e) if m: try: m1 = re_1.match(e) while m1: ee = '%s(%s)%s'%('before'),0,'after')) m1 = re_1.match(ee) b = myeval(ee,{},{}) m1 = re_1.match(e) while m1: ee = '%s(%s)%s'%('before'),1,'after')) m1 = re_1.match(ee) a = myeval(ee,{},{}) - b m1 = re_1.match(e) while m1: ee = '%s(%s)%s'%('before'),0.5,'after')) m1 = re_1.match(ee) c = myeval(ee,{},{}) # computing another point to be sure that expression is linear m1 = re_1.match(e) while m1: ee = '%s(%s)%s'%('before'),1.5,'after')) m1 = re_1.match(ee) c2 = myeval(ee,{},{}) if (a*0.5+b==c and a*1.5+b==c2): return a,b,x except: pass break return None,None,None
_varname_match = re.compile(r'\A[a-z]\w*\Z').match def getarrlen(dl,args,star='*'): edl = [] try: edl.append(myeval(dl[0],{},{})) except: edl.append(dl[0]) try: edl.append(myeval(dl[1],{},{})) except: edl.append(dl[1]) if type(edl[0]) is type(0): p1 = 1-edl[0] if p1==0: d = str(dl[1]) elif p1<0: d = '%s-%s'%(dl[1],-p1) else: d = '%s+%s'%(dl[1],p1) elif type(edl[1]) is type(0): p1 = 1+edl[1] if p1==0: d='-(%s)' % (dl[0]) else: d='%s-(%s)' % (p1,dl[0]) else: d = '%s-(%s)+1'%(dl[1],dl[0]) try: return `myeval(d,{},{})`,None,None except: pass d1,d2=getlincoef(dl[0],args),getlincoef(dl[1],args) if None not in [d1[0],d2[0]]: if (d1[0],d2[0])==(0,0): return `d2[1]-d1[1]+1`,None,None b = d2[1] - d1[1] + 1 d1 = (d1[0],0,d1[2]) d2 = (d2[0],b,d2[2]) if d1[0]==0 and d2[2] in args: if b<0: return '%s * %s - %s'%(d2[0],d2[2],-b),d2[2],'+%s)/(%s)'%(-b,d2[0]) elif b: return '%s * %s + %s'%(d2[0],d2[2],b),d2[2],'-%s)/(%s)'%(b,d2[0]) else: return '%s * %s'%(d2[0],d2[2]),d2[2],')/(%s)'%(d2[0]) if d2[0]==0 and d1[2] in args:
if b<0: return '%s * %s - %s'%(-d1[0],d1[2],-b),d1[2],'+%s)/(%s)'%(-b,-d1[0]) elif b: return '%s * %s + %s'%(-d1[0],d1[2],b),d1[2],'-%s)/(%s)'%(b,-d1[0]) else: return '%s * %s'%(-d1[0],d1[2]),d1[2],')/(%s)'%(-d1[0]) if d1[2]==d2[2] and d1[2] in args: a = d2[0] - d1[0] if not a: return `b`,None,None if b<0: return '%s * %s - %s'%(a,d1[2],-b),d2[2],'+%s)/(%s)'%(-b,a) elif b: return '%s * %s + %s'%(a,d1[2],b),d2[2],'-%s)/(%s)'%(b,a) else: return '%s * %s'%(a,d1[2]),d2[2],')/(%s)'%(a) if d1[0]==d2[0]==1: c = str(d1[2]) if c not in args: if _varname_match(c): outmess('\tgetarrlen:variable "%s" undefined\n' % (c)) c = '(%s)'%c if b==0: d='%s-%s' % (d2[2],c) elif b<0: d='%s-%s-%s' % (d2[2],c,-b) else: d='%s-%s+%s' % (d2[2],c,b) elif d1[0]==0: c2 = str(d2[2]) if c2 not in args: if _varname_match(c2): outmess('\tgetarrlen:variable "%s" undefined\n' % (c2)) c2 = '(%s)'%c2 if d2[0]==1: pass elif d2[0]==-1: c2='-%s' %c2 else: c2='%s*%s'%(d2[0],c2)
if b==0: d=c2 elif b<0: d='%s-%s' % (c2,-b) else: d='%s+%s' % (c2,b) elif d2[0]==0: c1 = str(d1[2]) if c1 not in args: if _varname_match(c1): outmess('\tgetarrlen:variable "%s" undefined\n' % (c1)) c1 = '(%s)'%c1 if d1[0]==1: c1='-%s'%c1 elif d1[0]==-1: c1='+%s'%c1 elif d1[0]<0: c1='+%s*%s'%(-d1[0],c1) else: c1 = '-%s*%s' % (d1[0],c1)
if b==0: d=c1 elif b<0: d='%s-%s' % (c1,-b) else: d='%s+%s' % (c1,b) else: c1 = str(d1[2]) if c1 not in args: if _varname_match(c1): outmess('\tgetarrlen:variable "%s" undefined\n' % (c1)) c1 = '(%s)'%c1 if d1[0]==1: c1='-%s'%c1 elif d1[0]==-1: c1='+%s'%c1 elif d1[0]<0: c1='+%s*%s'%(-d1[0],c1) else: c1 = '-%s*%s' % (d1[0],c1)
c2 = str(d2[2]) if c2 not in args: if _varname_match(c2): outmess('\tgetarrlen:variable "%s" undefined\n' % (c2)) c2 = '(%s)'%c2 if d2[0]==1: pass elif d2[0]==-1: c2='-%s' %c2 else: c2='%s*%s'%(d2[0],c2)
if b==0: d='%s%s' % (c2,c1) elif b<0: d='%s%s-%s' % (c2,c1,-b) else: d='%s%s+%s' % (c2,c1,b) return d,None,None
word_pattern = re.compile(r'\b[a-z][\w$]*\b',re.I)
def _get_depend_dict(name, vars, deps): if name in vars: words = vars[name].get('depend',[])
if '=' in vars[name] and not isstring(vars[name]): for word in word_pattern.findall(vars[name]['=']): if word not in words and word in vars: words.append(word) for word in words[:]: for w in deps.get(word,[]) \ or _get_depend_dict(word, vars, deps): if w not in words: words.append(w) else: outmess('_get_depend_dict: no dependence info for %s\n' % (`name`)) words = [] deps[name] = words return words
def _calc_depend_dict(vars): names = vars.keys() depend_dict = {} for n in names: _get_depend_dict(n, vars, depend_dict) return depend_dict
def get_sorted_names(vars): """ """ depend_dict = _calc_depend_dict(vars) names = [] for name in depend_dict.keys(): if not depend_dict[name]: names.append(name) del depend_dict[name] while depend_dict: for name, lst in depend_dict.items(): new_lst = [n for n in lst if n in depend_dict] if not new_lst: names.append(name) del depend_dict[name] else: depend_dict[name] = new_lst return [name for name in names if name in vars]
def _kind_func(string): #XXX: return something sensible. if string[0] in "'\"": string = string[1:-1] if real16pattern.match(string): return 8 elif real8pattern.match(string): return 4 return 'kind('+string+')'
def _selected_int_kind_func(r): #XXX: This should be processor dependent m = 10**r if m<=2**8: return 1 if m<=2**16: return 2 if m<=2**32: return 4 if m<=2**64: return 8 if m<=2**128: return 16 return -1
def get_parameters(vars, global_params={}): params = copy.copy(global_params) g_params = copy.copy(global_params) for name,func in [('kind',_kind_func), ('selected_int_kind',_selected_int_kind_func), ]: if name not in g_params: g_params[name] = func param_names = [] for n in get_sorted_names(vars): if 'attrspec' in vars[n] and 'parameter' in vars[n]['attrspec']: param_names.append(n) kind_re = re.compile(r'\bkind\s*\(\s*(?P<value>.*)\s*\)',re.I) selected_int_kind_re = re.compile(r'\bselected_int_kind\s*\(\s*(?P<value>.*)\s*\)',re.I) for n in param_names: if '=' in vars[n]: v = vars[n]['='] if islogical(vars[n]): v = v.lower() for repl in [ ('.false.','False'), ('.true.','True'), #TODO: test .eq., .neq., etc replacements. ]: v = v.replace(*repl) v = kind_re.sub(r'kind("\1")',v) v = selected_int_kind_re.sub(r'selected_int_kind(\1)',v) if isinteger(vars[n]) and not selected_int_kind_re.match(v): v = v.split('_')[0] if isdouble(vars[n]): tt = list(v) for m in real16pattern.finditer(v): tt[m.start():m.end()] = list(\ v[m.start():m.end()].lower().replace('d', 'e')) v = ''.join(tt) if iscomplex(vars[n]): if v[0]=='(' and v[-1]==')': l = markoutercomma(v[1:-1]).split('@,@') print n,params try: params[n] = eval(v,g_params,params) except Exception,msg: params[n] = v #print params outmess('get_parameters: got "%s" on %s\n' % (msg,`v`)) if isstring(vars[n]) and type(params[n]) is type(0): params[n] = chr(params[n]) nl = n.lower() if nl!=n: params[nl] = params[n] else: print vars[n] outmess('get_parameters:parameter %s does not have value?!\n'%(`n`)) return params
def _eval_length(length,params): if length in ['(:)','(*)','*']: return '(*)' return _eval_scalar(length,params)
_is_kind_number = re.compile('\d+_').match
def _eval_scalar(value,params): if _is_kind_number(value): value = value.split('_')[0] try: value = str(eval(value,{},params)) except (NameError, SyntaxError): return value except Exception,msg: errmess('"%s" in evaluating %r '\ '(available names: %s)\n' \ % (msg,value,params.keys())) return value
def analyzevars(block): global f90modulevars setmesstext(block) implicitrules,attrrules=buildimplicitrules(block) vars=copy.copy(block['vars']) if block['block']=='function' and block['name'] not in vars: vars[block['name']]={} if '' in block['vars']: del vars[''] if 'attrspec' in block['vars']['']: gen=block['vars']['']['attrspec'] for n in vars.keys(): for k in ['public','private']: if k in gen: vars[n]=setattrspec(vars[n],k) svars=[] args = block['args'] for a in args: try: vars[a] svars.append(a) except KeyError: pass for n in vars.keys(): if n not in args: svars.append(n)
params = get_parameters(vars, get_useparameters(block))
dep_matches = {} name_match = re.compile(r'\w[\w\d_$]*').match for v in vars.keys(): m = name_match(v) if m: n = v[m.start():m.end()] try: dep_matches[n] except KeyError: dep_matches[n] = re.compile(r'.*\b%s\b'%(v),re.I).match for n in svars: if n[0] in attrrules.keys(): vars[n]=setattrspec(vars[n],attrrules[n[0]]) if 'typespec' not in vars[n]: if not('attrspec' in vars[n] and 'external' in vars[n]['attrspec']): if implicitrules: ln0 = n[0].lower() for k in implicitrules[ln0].keys(): if k=='typespec' and implicitrules[ln0][k]=='undefined': continue if k not in vars[n]: vars[n][k]=implicitrules[ln0][k] elif k=='attrspec': for l in implicitrules[ln0][k]: vars[n]=setattrspec(vars[n],l) elif n in block['args']: outmess('analyzevars: typespec of variable %s is not defined in routine %s.\n'%(`n`,block['name']))
if 'charselector' in vars[n]: if 'len' in vars[n]['charselector']: l = vars[n]['charselector']['len'] try: l = str(eval(l,{},params)) except: pass vars[n]['charselector']['len'] = l
if 'kindselector' in vars[n]: if 'kind' in vars[n]['kindselector']: l = vars[n]['kindselector']['kind'] try: l = str(eval(l,{},params)) except: pass vars[n]['kindselector']['kind'] = l
savelindims = {} if 'attrspec' in vars[n]: attr=vars[n]['attrspec'] attr.reverse() vars[n]['attrspec']=[] dim,intent,depend,check,note=None,None,None,None,None for a in attr: if a[:9]=='dimension': dim=(a[9:].strip())[1:-1] elif a[:6]=='intent': intent=(a[6:].strip())[1:-1] elif a[:6]=='depend': depend=(a[6:].strip())[1:-1] elif a[:5]=='check': check=(a[5:].strip())[1:-1] elif a[:4]=='note': note=(a[4:].strip())[1:-1] else: vars[n]=setattrspec(vars[n],a) if intent: if 'intent' not in vars[n]: vars[n]['intent']=[] for c in [x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(intent).split('@,@')]: if not c in vars[n]['intent']: vars[n]['intent'].append(c) intent=None if note: note=note.replace('\\n\\n','\n\n') note=note.replace('\\n ','\n') if 'note' not in vars[n]: vars[n]['note']=[note] else: vars[n]['note'].append(note) note=None if depend is not None: if 'depend' not in vars[n]: vars[n]['depend']=[] for c in rmbadname([x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(depend).split('@,@')]): if c not in vars[n]['depend']: vars[n]['depend'].append(c) depend=None if check is not None: if 'check' not in vars[n]: vars[n]['check']=[] for c in [x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(check).split('@,@')]: if not c in vars[n]['check']: vars[n]['check'].append(c) check=None if dim and 'dimension' not in vars[n]: vars[n]['dimension']=[] for d in rmbadname([x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(dim).split('@,@')]): star = '*' if d==':': star=':' if d in params: d = str(params[d]) for p in params.keys(): m = re.match(r'(?P<before>.*?)\b'+p+r'\b(?P<after>.*)',d,re.I) if m: #outmess('analyzevars:replacing parameter %s in %s (dimension of %s) with %s\n'%(`p`,`d`,`n`,`params[p]`)) d ='before')+str(params[p])'after') if d==star: dl = [star] else: dl=markoutercomma(d,':').split('@:@') if len(dl)==2 and '*' in dl: # e.g. dimension(5:*) dl = ['*'] d = '*' if len(dl)==1 and not dl[0]==star: dl = ['1',dl[0]] if len(dl)==2: d,v,di = getarrlen(dl,block['vars'].keys()) if d[:4] == '1 * ': d = d[4:] if di and di[-4:] == '/(1)': di = di[:-4] if v: savelindims[d] = v,di vars[n]['dimension'].append(d) if 'dimension' in vars[n]: if isintent_c(vars[n]): shape_macro = 'shape' else: shape_macro = 'shape'#'fshape' if isstringarray(vars[n]): if 'charselector' in vars[n]: d = vars[n]['charselector'] if '*' in d: d = d['*'] errmess('analyzevars: character array "character*%s %s(%s)" is considered as "character %s(%s)"; "intent(c)" is forced.\n'\ %(d,n, ','.join(vars[n]['dimension']), n,','.join(vars[n]['dimension']+[d]))) vars[n]['dimension'].append(d) del vars[n]['charselector'] if 'intent' not in vars[n]: vars[n]['intent'] = [] if 'c' not in vars[n]['intent']: vars[n]['intent'].append('c') else: errmess("analyzevars: charselector=%r unhandled." % (d)) if 'check' not in vars[n] and 'args' in block and n in block['args']: flag = 'depend' not in vars[n] if flag: vars[n]['depend']=[] vars[n]['check']=[] if 'dimension' in vars[n]: #/----< no check #vars[n]['check'].append('rank(%s)==%s'%(n,len(vars[n]['dimension']))) i=-1; ni=len(vars[n]['dimension']) for d in vars[n]['dimension']: ddeps=[] # dependecies of 'd' ad='' pd='' #origd = d if d not in vars: if d in savelindims: pd,ad='(',savelindims[d][1] d = savelindims[d][0] else: for r in block['args']: #for r in block['vars'].keys(): if r not in vars: continue if re.match(r'.*?\b'+r+r'\b',d,re.I): ddeps.append(r) if d in vars: if 'attrspec' in vars[d]: for aa in vars[d]['attrspec']: if aa[:6]=='depend': ddeps += aa[6:].strip()[1:-1].split(',') if 'depend' in vars[d]: ddeps=ddeps+vars[d]['depend'] i=i+1 if d in vars and ('depend' not in vars[d]) \ and ('=' not in vars[d]) and (d not in vars[n]['depend']) \ and l_or(isintent_in, isintent_inout, isintent_inplace)(vars[n]): vars[d]['depend']=[n] if ni>1: vars[d]['=']='%s%s(%s,%s)%s'% (pd,shape_macro,n,i,ad) else: vars[d]['=']='%slen(%s)%s'% (pd,n,ad) # /---< no check if 1 and 'check' not in vars[d]: if ni>1: vars[d]['check']=['%s%s(%s,%i)%s==%s'\ %(pd,shape_macro,n,i,ad,d)] else: vars[d]['check']=['%slen(%s)%s>=%s'%(pd,n,ad,d)] if 'attrspec' not in vars[d]: vars[d]['attrspec']=['optional'] if ('optional' not in vars[d]['attrspec']) and\ ('required' not in vars[d]['attrspec']): vars[d]['attrspec'].append('optional') elif d not in ['*',':']: #/----< no check #if ni>1: vars[n]['check'].append('shape(%s,%i)==%s'%(n,i,d)) #else: vars[n]['check'].append('len(%s)>=%s'%(n,d)) if flag: if d in vars: if n not in ddeps: vars[n]['depend'].append(d) else: vars[n]['depend'] = vars[n]['depend'] + ddeps elif isstring(vars[n]): length='1' if 'charselector' in vars[n]: if '*' in vars[n]['charselector']: length = _eval_length(vars[n]['charselector']['*'], params) vars[n]['charselector']['*']=length elif 'len' in vars[n]['charselector']: length = _eval_length(vars[n]['charselector']['len'], params) del vars[n]['charselector']['len'] vars[n]['charselector']['*']=length
if not vars[n]['check']: del vars[n]['check'] if flag and not vars[n]['depend']: del vars[n]['depend'] if '=' in vars[n]: if 'attrspec' not in vars[n]: vars[n]['attrspec']=[] if ('optional' not in vars[n]['attrspec']) and \ ('required' not in vars[n]['attrspec']): vars[n]['attrspec'].append('optional') if 'depend' not in vars[n]: vars[n]['depend']=[] for v,m in dep_matches.items(): if m(vars[n]['=']): vars[n]['depend'].append(v) if not vars[n]['depend']: del vars[n]['depend'] if isscalar(vars[n]): vars[n]['='] = _eval_scalar(vars[n]['='],params)
for n in vars.keys(): if n==block['name']: # n is block name if 'note' in vars[n]: block['note']=vars[n]['note'] if block['block']=='function': if 'result' in block and block['result'] in vars: vars[n]=appenddecl(vars[n],vars[block['result']]) if 'prefix' in block: pr=block['prefix']; ispure=0; isrec=1 pr1=pr.replace('pure','') ispure=(not pr==pr1) pr=pr1.replace('recursive','') isrec=(not pr==pr1) m=typespattern[0].match(pr) if m: typespec,selector,attr,edecl=cracktypespec0('this'),'after')) kindselect,charselect,typename=cracktypespec(typespec,selector) vars[n]['typespec']=typespec if kindselect: if 'kind' in kindselect: try: kindselect['kind'] = eval(kindselect['kind'],{},params) except: pass vars[n]['kindselector']=kindselect if charselect: vars[n]['charselector']=charselect if typename: vars[n]['typename']=typename if ispure: vars[n]=setattrspec(vars[n],'pure') if isrec: vars[n]=setattrspec(vars[n],'recursive') else: outmess('analyzevars: prefix (%s) were not used\n'%`block['prefix']`) if not block['block'] in ['module','pythonmodule','python module','block data']: if 'commonvars' in block: neededvars=copy.copy(block['args']+block['commonvars']) else: neededvars=copy.copy(block['args']) for n in vars.keys(): if l_or(isintent_callback,isintent_aux)(vars[n]): neededvars.append(n) if 'entry' in block: neededvars.extend(block['entry'].keys()) for k in block['entry'].keys(): for n in block['entry'][k]: if n not in neededvars: neededvars.append(n) if block['block']=='function': if 'result' in block: neededvars.append(block['result']) else: neededvars.append(block['name']) if block['block'] in ['subroutine','function']: name = block['name'] if name in vars and 'intent' in vars[name]: block['intent'] = vars[name]['intent'] if block['block'] == 'type': neededvars.extend(vars.keys()) for n in vars.keys(): if n not in neededvars: del vars[n] return vars
analyzeargs_re_1 = re.compile(r'\A[a-z]+[\w$]*\Z',re.I) def analyzeargs(block): setmesstext(block) implicitrules,attrrules=buildimplicitrules(block) if 'args' not in block: block['args']=[] args=[] re_1 = analyzeargs_re_1 for a in block['args']: if not re_1.match(a): # `a` is an expression at=determineexprtype(a,block['vars'],implicitrules) na='e_' for c in a: if c not in string.lowercase+string.digits: c='_' na=na+c if na[-1]=='_': na=na+'e' else: na=na+'_e' a=na while a in block['vars'] or a in block['args']: a=a+'r' block['vars'][a]=at args.append(a) if a not in block['vars']: block['vars'][a]={} if 'externals' in block and a in block['externals']+block['interfaced']: block['vars'][a]=setattrspec(block['vars'][a],'external') block['args']=args
if 'entry' in block: for k,args1 in block['entry'].items(): for a in args1: if a not in block['vars']: block['vars'][a]={}
for b in block['body']: if b['name'] in args: if 'externals' not in block: block['externals']=[] if b['name'] not in block['externals']: block['externals'].append(b['name']) if 'result' in block and block['result'] not in block['vars']: block['vars'][block['result']]={} return block
determineexprtype_re_1 = re.compile(r'\A\(.+?[,].+?\)\Z',re.I) determineexprtype_re_2 = re.compile(r'\A[+-]?\d+(_(P<name>[\w]+)|)\Z',re.I) determineexprtype_re_3 = re.compile(r'\A[+-]?[\d.]+[\d+-de.]*(_(P<name>[\w]+)|)\Z',re.I) determineexprtype_re_4 = re.compile(r'\A\(.*\)\Z',re.I) determineexprtype_re_5 = re.compile(r'\A(?P<name>\w+)\s*\(.*?\)\s*\Z',re.I) def _ensure_exprdict(r): if type(r) is type(0): return {'typespec':'integer'} if type(r) is type(0.0): return {'typespec':'real'} if type(r) is type(0j): return {'typespec':'complex'} assert type(r) is type({}),`r` return r
def determineexprtype(expr,vars,rules={}): if expr in vars: return _ensure_exprdict(vars[expr]) expr=expr.strip() if determineexprtype_re_1.match(expr): return {'typespec':'complex'} m=determineexprtype_re_2.match(expr) if m: if 'name' in m.groupdict() and'name'): outmess('determineexprtype: selected kind types not supported (%s)\n'%`expr`) return {'typespec':'integer'} m = determineexprtype_re_3.match(expr) if m: if 'name' in m.groupdict() and'name'): outmess('determineexprtype: selected kind types not supported (%s)\n'%`expr`) return {'typespec':'real'} for op in ['+','-','*','/']: for e in [x.strip() for x in markoutercomma(expr,comma=op).split('@'+op+'@')]: if e in vars: return _ensure_exprdict(vars[e]) t={} if determineexprtype_re_4.match(expr): # in parenthesis t=determineexprtype(expr[1:-1],vars,rules) else: m = determineexprtype_re_5.match(expr) if m:'name') t=determineexprtype('name'),vars,rules) if t and 'attrspec' in t: del t['attrspec'] if not t: if rn[0] in rules: return _ensure_exprdict(rules[rn[0]]) if expr[0] in '\'"': return {'typespec':'character','charselector':{'*':'*'}} if not t: outmess('determineexprtype: could not determine expressions (%s) type.\n'%(`expr`)) return t
###### def crack2fortrangen(block,tab='\n'): global skipfuncs, onlyfuncs setmesstext(block) ret='' if isinstance(block, list): for g in block: if g and g['block'] in ['function','subroutine']: if g['name'] in skipfuncs: continue if onlyfuncs and g['name'] not in onlyfuncs: continue ret=ret+crack2fortrangen(g,tab) return ret prefix='' name='' args='' blocktype=block['block'] if blocktype=='program': return '' al=[] if 'name' in block: name=block['name'] if 'args' in block: vars = block['vars'] al = [a for a in block['args'] if not isintent_callback(vars[a])] if block['block']=='function' or al: args='(%s)'%','.join(al) f2pyenhancements = '' if 'f2pyenhancements' in block: for k in block['f2pyenhancements'].keys(): f2pyenhancements = '%s%s%s %s'%(f2pyenhancements,tab+tabchar,k,block['f2pyenhancements'][k]) intent_lst = block.get('intent',[])[:] if blocktype=='function' and 'callback' in intent_lst: intent_lst.remove('callback') if intent_lst: f2pyenhancements = '%s%sintent(%s) %s'%\ (f2pyenhancements,tab+tabchar, ','.join(intent_lst),name) use='' if 'use' in block: use=use2fortran(block['use'],tab+tabchar) common='' if 'common' in block: common=common2fortran(block['common'],tab+tabchar) if name=='unknown_interface': name='' result='' if 'result' in block: result=' result (%s)'%block['result'] if block['result'] not in al: al.append(block['result']) #if 'prefix' in block: # prefix=block['prefix']+' ' body=crack2fortrangen(block['body'],tab+tabchar) vars=vars2fortran(block,block['vars'],al,tab+tabchar) mess='' if 'from' in block: mess='! in %s'%block['from'] if 'entry' in block: entry_stmts = '' for k,i in block['entry'].items(): entry_stmts = '%s%sentry %s(%s)' \ % (entry_stmts,tab+tabchar,k,','.join(i)) body = body + entry_stmts if blocktype=='block data' and name=='_BLOCK_DATA_': name = '' ret='%s%s%s %s%s%s %s%s%s%s%s%s%send %s %s'%(tab,prefix,blocktype,name,args,result,mess,f2pyenhancements,use,vars,common,body,tab,blocktype,name) return ret
def common2fortran(common,tab=''): ret='' for k in common.keys(): if k=='_BLNK_': ret='%s%scommon %s'%(ret,tab,','.join(common[k])) else: ret='%s%scommon /%s/ %s'%(ret,tab,k,','.join(common[k])) return ret
def use2fortran(use,tab=''): ret='' for m in use.keys(): ret='%s%suse %s,'%(ret,tab,m) if use[m]=={}: if ret and ret[-1]==',': ret=ret[:-1] continue if 'only' in use[m] and use[m]['only']: ret='%s,only:'%(ret) if 'map' in use[m] and use[m]['map']: c=' ' for k in use[m]['map'].keys(): if k==use[m]['map'][k]: ret='%s%s%s'%(ret,c,k); c=',' else: ret='%s%s%s=>%s'%(ret,c,k,use[m]['map'][k]); c=',' if ret and ret[-1]==',': ret=ret[:-1] return ret
def true_intent_list(var): lst = var['intent'] ret = [] for intent in lst: try: exec('c = isintent_%s(var)' % intent) except NameError: c = 0 if c: ret.append(intent) return ret
def vars2fortran(block,vars,args,tab=''): """ TODO: public sub ... """ setmesstext(block) ret='' nout=[] for a in args: if a in block['vars']: nout.append(a) if 'commonvars' in block: for a in block['commonvars']: if a in vars: if a not in nout: nout.append(a) else: errmess('vars2fortran: Confused?!: "%s" is not defined in vars.\n'%a) if 'varnames' in block: nout.extend(block['varnames']) for a in vars.keys(): if a not in nout: nout.append(a) for a in nout: if 'depend' in vars[a]: for d in vars[a]['depend']: if d in vars and 'depend' in vars[d] and a in vars[d]['depend']: errmess('vars2fortran: Warning: cross-dependence between variables "%s" and "%s"\n'%(a,d)) if 'externals' in block and a in block['externals']: if isintent_callback(vars[a]): ret='%s%sintent(callback) %s'%(ret,tab,a) ret='%s%sexternal %s'%(ret,tab,a) if isoptional(vars[a]): ret='%s%soptional %s'%(ret,tab,a) if a in vars and 'typespec' not in vars[a]: continue cont=1 for b in block['body']: if a==b['name'] and b['block']=='function': cont=0;break if cont: continue if a not in vars: show(vars) outmess('vars2fortran: No definition for argument "%s".\n'%a) continue if a==block['name'] and not block['block']=='function': continue if 'typespec' not in vars[a]: if 'attrspec' in vars[a] and 'external' in vars[a]['attrspec']: if a in args: ret='%s%sexternal %s'%(ret,tab,a) continue show(vars[a]) outmess('vars2fortran: No typespec for argument "%s".\n'%a) continue vardef=vars[a]['typespec'] if vardef=='type' and 'typename' in vars[a]: vardef='%s(%s)'%(vardef,vars[a]['typename']) selector={} if 'kindselector' in vars[a]: selector=vars[a]['kindselector'] elif 'charselector' in vars[a]: selector=vars[a]['charselector'] if '*' in selector: if selector['*'] in ['*',':']: vardef='%s*(%s)'%(vardef,selector['*']) else: vardef='%s*%s'%(vardef,selector['*']) else: if 'len' in selector: vardef='%s(len=%s'%(vardef,selector['len']) if 'kind' in selector: vardef='%s,kind=%s)'%(vardef,selector['kind']) else: vardef='%s)'%(vardef) elif 'kind' in selector: vardef='%s(kind=%s)'%(vardef,selector['kind']) c=' ' if 'attrspec' in vars[a]: attr=[] for l in vars[a]['attrspec']: if l not in ['external']: attr.append(l) if attr: vardef='%s %s'%(vardef,','.join(attr)) c=',' if 'dimension' in vars[a]: # if not isintent_c(vars[a]): # vars[a]['dimension'].reverse() vardef='%s%sdimension(%s)'%(vardef,c,','.join(vars[a]['dimension'])) c=',' if 'intent' in vars[a]: lst = true_intent_list(vars[a]) if lst: vardef='%s%sintent(%s)'%(vardef,c,','.join(lst)) c=',' if 'check' in vars[a]: vardef='%s%scheck(%s)'%(vardef,c,','.join(vars[a]['check'])) c=',' if 'depend' in vars[a]: vardef='%s%sdepend(%s)'%(vardef,c,','.join(vars[a]['depend'])) c=',' if '=' in vars[a]: v = vars[a]['='] if vars[a]['typespec'] in ['complex','double complex']: try: v = eval(v) v = '(%s,%s)' % (v.real,v.imag) except: pass vardef='%s :: %s=%s'%(vardef,a,v) else: vardef='%s :: %s'%(vardef,a) ret='%s%s%s'%(ret,tab,vardef) return ret ######
def crackfortran(files): global usermodules outmess('Reading fortran codes...\n',0) readfortrancode(files,crackline) outmess('Post-processing...\n',0) usermodules=[] postlist=postcrack(grouplist[0]) outmess('Post-processing (stage 2)...\n',0) postlist=postcrack2(postlist) return usermodules+postlist
def crack2fortran(block): global f2py_version pyf=crack2fortrangen(block)+'\n' header="""! -*- f90 -*- ! Note: the context of this file is case sensitive. """ footer=""" ! This file was auto-generated with f2py (version:%s). ! See """%(f2py_version) return header+pyf+footer
if __name__ == "__main__": files=[] funcs=[] f=1;f2=0;f3=0 showblocklist=0 for l in sys.argv[1:]: if l=='': pass elif l[0]==':': f=0 elif l=='-quiet': quiet=1 verbose=0 elif l=='-verbose': verbose=2 quiet=0 elif l=='-fix': if strictf77: outmess('Use option -f90 before -fix if Fortran 90 code is in fix form.\n',0) skipemptyends=1 sourcecodeform='fix' elif l=='-skipemptyends': skipemptyends=1 elif l=='--ignore-contains': ignorecontains=1 elif l=='-f77': strictf77=1 sourcecodeform='fix' elif l=='-f90': strictf77=0 sourcecodeform='free' skipemptyends=1 elif l=='-h': f2=1 elif l=='-show': showblocklist=1 elif l=='-m': f3=1 elif l[0]=='-': errmess('Unknown option %s\n'%`l`) elif f2: f2=0 pyffilename=l elif f3: f3=0 f77modulename=l elif f: try: open(l).close() files.append(l) except IOError,detail: errmess('IOError: %s\n'%str(detail)) else: funcs.append(l) if not strictf77 and f77modulename and not skipemptyends: outmess("""\ Warning: You have specifyied module name for non Fortran 77 code that should not need one (expect if you are scanning F90 code for non module blocks but then you should use flag -skipemptyends and also be sure that the files do not contain programs without program statement). """,0)
postlist=crackfortran(files,funcs) if pyffilename: outmess('Writing fortran code to file %s\n'%`pyffilename`,0) pyf=crack2fortran(postlist) f=open(pyffilename,'w') f.write(pyf) f.close() if showblocklist: show(postlist)