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import imp import os import sys import shutil from os.path import join from numpy.distutils import log from distutils.dep_util import newer from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var import warnings import re
from setup_common import *
# Set to True to enable multiple file compilations (experimental) try: os.environ['NPY_SEPARATE_COMPILATION'] ENABLE_SEPARATE_COMPILATION = True except KeyError: ENABLE_SEPARATE_COMPILATION = False
# XXX: ugly, we use a class to avoid calling twice some expensive functions in # config.h/numpyconfig.h. I don't see a better way because distutils force # config.h generation inside an Extension class, and as such sharing # configuration informations between extensions is not easy. # Using a pickled-based memoize does not work because config_cmd is an instance # method, which cPickle does not like. try: import cPickle as _pik except ImportError: import pickle as _pik import copy
class CallOnceOnly(object): def __init__(self): self._check_types = None self._check_ieee_macros = None self._check_complex = None
def check_types(self, *a, **kw): if self._check_types is None: out = check_types(*a, **kw) self._check_types = _pik.dumps(out) else: out = copy.deepcopy(_pik.loads(self._check_types)) return out
def check_ieee_macros(self, *a, **kw): if self._check_ieee_macros is None: out = check_ieee_macros(*a, **kw) self._check_ieee_macros = _pik.dumps(out) else: out = copy.deepcopy(_pik.loads(self._check_ieee_macros)) return out
def check_complex(self, *a, **kw): if self._check_complex is None: out = check_complex(*a, **kw) self._check_complex = _pik.dumps(out) else: out = copy.deepcopy(_pik.loads(self._check_complex)) return out
def pythonlib_dir(): """return path where libpython* is.""" if sys.platform == 'win32': return os.path.join(sys.prefix, "libs") else: return get_config_var('LIBDIR')
def is_npy_no_signal(): """Return True if the NPY_NO_SIGNAL symbol must be defined in configuration header.""" return sys.platform == 'win32'
def is_npy_no_smp(): """Return True if the NPY_NO_SMP symbol must be defined in public header (when SMP support cannot be reliably enabled).""" # Python 2.3 causes a segfault when # trying to re-acquire the thread-state # which is done in error-handling # ufunc code. NPY_ALLOW_C_API and friends # cause the segfault. So, we disable threading # for now. if sys.version[:5] < '2.4.2': nosmp = 1 else: # Perhaps a fancier check is in order here. # so that threads are only enabled if there # are actually multiple CPUS? -- but # threaded code can be nice even on a single # CPU so that long-calculating code doesn't # block. try: nosmp = os.environ['NPY_NOSMP'] nosmp = 1 except KeyError: nosmp = 0 return nosmp == 1
def win32_checks(deflist): from numpy.distutils.misc_util import get_build_architecture a = get_build_architecture()
# Distutils hack on AMD64 on windows print 'BUILD_ARCHITECTURE: %r,, sys.platform=%r' % \ (a,, sys.platform) if a == 'AMD64': deflist.append('DISTUTILS_USE_SDK')
# On win32, force long double format string to be 'g', not # 'Lg', since the MS runtime does not support long double whose # size is > sizeof(double) if a == "Intel" or a == "AMD64": deflist.append('FORCE_NO_LONG_DOUBLE_FORMATTING')
def check_math_capabilities(config, moredefs, mathlibs): def check_func(func_name): return config.check_func(func_name, libraries=mathlibs, decl=True, call=True)
def check_funcs_once(funcs_name): decl = dict([(f, True) for f in funcs_name]) st = config.check_funcs_once(funcs_name, libraries=mathlibs, decl=decl, call=decl) if st: moredefs.extend([fname2def(f) for f in funcs_name]) return st
def check_funcs(funcs_name): # Use check_funcs_once first, and if it does not work, test func per # func. Return success only if all the functions are available if not check_funcs_once(funcs_name): # Global check failed, check func per func for f in funcs_name: if check_func(f): moredefs.append(fname2def(f)) return 0 else: return 1
#use_msvc = config.check_decl("_MSC_VER")
if not check_funcs_once(MANDATORY_FUNCS): raise SystemError("One of the required function to build numpy is not" " available (the list is %s)." % str(MANDATORY_FUNCS))
# Standard functions which may not be available and for which we have a # replacement implementation. Note that some of these are C99 functions.
# XXX: hack to circumvent cpp pollution from python: python put its # config.h in the public namespace, so we have a clash for the common # functions we test. We remove every function tested by python's # autoconf, hoping their own test are correct if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 5): for f in OPTIONAL_STDFUNCS_MAYBE: if config.check_decl(fname2def(f), headers=["Python.h", "math.h"]): OPTIONAL_STDFUNCS.remove(f)
# C99 functions: float and long double versions check_funcs(C99_FUNCS_SINGLE) check_funcs(C99_FUNCS_EXTENDED)
def check_complex(config, mathlibs): priv = [] pub = []
# Check for complex support st = config.check_header('complex.h') if st: priv.append('HAVE_COMPLEX_H') pub.append('NPY_USE_C99_COMPLEX')
for t in C99_COMPLEX_TYPES: st = config.check_type(t, headers=["complex.h"]) if st: pub.append(('NPY_HAVE_%s' % type2def(t), 1))
def check_prec(prec): flist = [f + prec for f in C99_COMPLEX_TYPES] if not config.check_funcs_once(flist): for f in flist: if config.check_func(f): priv.append(fname2def(f))
return priv, pub
def check_ieee_macros(config): priv = [] pub = []
macros = []
# XXX: hack to circumvent cpp pollution from python: python put its # config.h in the public namespace, so we have a clash for the common # functions we test. We remove every function tested by python's # autoconf, hoping their own test are correct _macros = ["isnan", "isinf", "signbit", "isfinite"] if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6): for f in _macros: st = config.check_decl(fname2def("decl_%s" % f), headers=["Python.h", "math.h"]) if not st: macros.append(f) else: macros = _macros[:] # Normally, isnan and isinf are macro (C99), but some platforms only have # func, or both func and macro version. Check for macro only, and define # replacement ones if not found. # Note: including Python.h is necessary because it modifies some math.h # definitions for f in macros: st = config.check_decl(f, headers = ["Python.h", "math.h"]) if st: priv.append(fname2def("decl_%s" % f)) pub.append('NPY_%s' % fname2def("decl_%s" % f))
return priv, pub
def check_types(config_cmd, ext, build_dir): private_defines = [] public_defines = []
# Expected size (in number of bytes) for each type. This is an # optimization: those are only hints, and an exhaustive search for the size # is done if the hints are wrong. expected = {} expected['short'] = [2] expected['int'] = [4] expected['long'] = [8, 4] expected['float'] = [4] expected['double'] = [8] expected['long double'] = [8, 12, 16] expected['Py_intptr_t'] = [4, 8] expected['PY_LONG_LONG'] = [8] expected['long long'] = [8]
# Check we have the python header (-dev* packages on Linux) result = config_cmd.check_header('Python.h') if not result: raise SystemError( "Cannot compiler 'Python.h'. Perhaps you need to "\ "install python-dev|python-devel.")
# Check basic types sizes for type in ('short', 'int', 'long'): res = config_cmd.check_decl("SIZEOF_%s" % sym2def(type), headers = ["Python.h"]) if res: public_defines.append(('NPY_SIZEOF_%s' % sym2def(type), "SIZEOF_%s" % sym2def(type))) else: res = config_cmd.check_type_size(type, expected=expected[type]) if res >= 0: public_defines.append(('NPY_SIZEOF_%s' % sym2def(type), '%d' % res)) else: raise SystemError("Checking sizeof (%s) failed !" % type)
for type in ('float', 'double', 'long double'): already_declared = config_cmd.check_decl("SIZEOF_%s" % sym2def(type), headers = ["Python.h"]) res = config_cmd.check_type_size(type, expected=expected[type]) if res >= 0: public_defines.append(('NPY_SIZEOF_%s' % sym2def(type), '%d' % res)) if not already_declared and not type == 'long double': private_defines.append(('SIZEOF_%s' % sym2def(type), '%d' % res)) else: raise SystemError("Checking sizeof (%s) failed !" % type)
# Compute size of corresponding complex type: used to check that our # definition is binary compatible with C99 complex type (check done at # build time in npy_common.h) complex_def = "struct {%s __x; %s __y;}" % (type, type) res = config_cmd.check_type_size(complex_def, expected=2*expected[type]) if res >= 0: public_defines.append(('NPY_SIZEOF_COMPLEX_%s' % sym2def(type), '%d' % res)) else: raise SystemError("Checking sizeof (%s) failed !" % complex_def)
for type in ('Py_intptr_t',): res = config_cmd.check_type_size(type, headers=["Python.h"], library_dirs=[pythonlib_dir()], expected=expected[type])
if res >= 0: private_defines.append(('SIZEOF_%s' % sym2def(type), '%d' % res)) public_defines.append(('NPY_SIZEOF_%s' % sym2def(type), '%d' % res)) else: raise SystemError("Checking sizeof (%s) failed !" % type)
# We check declaration AND type because that's how distutils does it. if config_cmd.check_decl('PY_LONG_LONG', headers=['Python.h']): res = config_cmd.check_type_size('PY_LONG_LONG', headers=['Python.h'], library_dirs=[pythonlib_dir()], expected=expected['PY_LONG_LONG']) if res >= 0: private_defines.append(('SIZEOF_%s' % sym2def('PY_LONG_LONG'), '%d' % res)) public_defines.append(('NPY_SIZEOF_%s' % sym2def('PY_LONG_LONG'), '%d' % res)) else: raise SystemError("Checking sizeof (%s) failed !" % 'PY_LONG_LONG')
res = config_cmd.check_type_size('long long', expected=expected['long long']) if res >= 0: #private_defines.append(('SIZEOF_%s' % sym2def('long long'), '%d' % res)) public_defines.append(('NPY_SIZEOF_%s' % sym2def('long long'), '%d' % res)) else: raise SystemError("Checking sizeof (%s) failed !" % 'long long')
if not config_cmd.check_decl('CHAR_BIT', headers=['Python.h']): raise RuntimeError( "Config wo CHAR_BIT is not supported"\ ", please contact the maintainers")
return private_defines, public_defines
def check_mathlib(config_cmd): # Testing the C math library mathlibs = [] mathlibs_choices = [[],['m'],['cpml']] mathlib = os.environ.get('MATHLIB') if mathlib: mathlibs_choices.insert(0,mathlib.split(',')) for libs in mathlibs_choices: if config_cmd.check_func("exp", libraries=libs, decl=True, call=True): mathlibs = libs break else: raise EnvironmentError("math library missing; rerun " " after setting the " "MATHLIB env variable") return mathlibs
def visibility_define(config): """Return the define value to use for NPY_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN (may be empty string).""" if config.check_compiler_gcc4(): return '__attribute__((visibility("hidden")))' else: return ''
def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None): from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration,dot_join from numpy.distutils.system_info import get_info, default_lib_dirs
config = Configuration('core',parent_package,top_path) local_dir = config.local_path codegen_dir = join(local_dir,'code_generators')
if is_released(config): warnings.simplefilter('error', MismatchCAPIWarning)
# Check whether we have a mismatch between the set C API VERSION and the # actual C API VERSION check_api_version(C_API_VERSION, codegen_dir)
generate_umath_py = join(codegen_dir,'') n = dot_join(,'generate_umath') generate_umath = imp.load_module('_'.join(n.split('.')), open(generate_umath_py,'U'),generate_umath_py, ('.py','U',1))
header_dir = 'include/numpy' # this is relative to config.path_in_package
cocache = CallOnceOnly()
def generate_config_h(ext, build_dir): target = join(build_dir,header_dir,'config.h') d = os.path.dirname(target) if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d)
if newer(__file__,target): config_cmd = config.get_config_cmd()'Generating %s',target)
# Check sizeof moredefs, ignored = cocache.check_types(config_cmd, ext, build_dir)
# Check math library and C99 math funcs availability mathlibs = check_mathlib(config_cmd) moredefs.append(('MATHLIB',','.join(mathlibs)))
check_math_capabilities(config_cmd, moredefs, mathlibs) moredefs.extend(cocache.check_ieee_macros(config_cmd)[0]) moredefs.extend(cocache.check_complex(config_cmd, mathlibs)[0])
# Signal check if is_npy_no_signal(): moredefs.append('__NPY_PRIVATE_NO_SIGNAL')
# Windows checks if sys.platform=='win32' or'nt': win32_checks(moredefs)
# Inline check inline = config_cmd.check_inline()
# Check whether we need our own wide character support if not config_cmd.check_decl('Py_UNICODE_WIDE', headers=['Python.h']): PYTHON_HAS_UNICODE_WIDE = True else: PYTHON_HAS_UNICODE_WIDE = False if ENABLE_SEPARATE_COMPILATION: moredefs.append(('ENABLE_SEPARATE_COMPILATION', 1))
# Get long double representation if sys.platform != 'darwin': rep = check_long_double_representation(config_cmd) if rep in ['INTEL_EXTENDED_12_BYTES_LE', 'INTEL_EXTENDED_16_BYTES_LE', 'IEEE_QUAD_LE', 'IEEE_QUAD_BE', 'IEEE_DOUBLE_LE', 'IEEE_DOUBLE_BE', 'DOUBLE_DOUBLE_BE']: moredefs.append(('HAVE_LDOUBLE_%s' % rep, 1)) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized long double format: %s" % rep)
# Generate the config.h file from moredefs target_f = open(target, 'w') for d in moredefs: if isinstance(d,str): target_f.write('#define %s\n' % (d)) else: target_f.write('#define %s %s\n' % (d[0],d[1]))
# define inline to our keyword, or nothing target_f.write('#ifndef __cplusplus\n') if inline == 'inline': target_f.write('/* #undef inline */\n') else: target_f.write('#define inline %s\n' % inline) target_f.write('#endif\n')
# add the guard to make sure config.h is never included directly, # but always through npy_config.h target_f.write(""" #ifndef _NPY_NPY_CONFIG_H_ #error config.h should never be included directly, include npy_config.h instead #endif """)
target_f.close() print 'File:',target target_f = open(target) print target_f.close() print 'EOF' else: mathlibs = [] target_f = open(target) for line in target_f.readlines(): s = '#define MATHLIB' if line.startswith(s): value = line[len(s):].strip() if value: mathlibs.extend(value.split(',')) target_f.close()
# Ugly: this can be called within a library and not an extension, # in which case there is no libraries attributes (and none is # needed). if hasattr(ext, 'libraries'): ext.libraries.extend(mathlibs)
incl_dir = os.path.dirname(target) if incl_dir not in config.numpy_include_dirs: config.numpy_include_dirs.append(incl_dir)
return target
def generate_numpyconfig_h(ext, build_dir): """Depends on config.h: generate_config_h has to be called before !""" target = join(build_dir,header_dir,'_numpyconfig.h') d = os.path.dirname(target) if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) if newer(__file__,target): config_cmd = config.get_config_cmd()'Generating %s',target)
# Check sizeof ignored, moredefs = cocache.check_types(config_cmd, ext, build_dir)
if is_npy_no_signal(): moredefs.append(('NPY_NO_SIGNAL', 1))
if is_npy_no_smp(): moredefs.append(('NPY_NO_SMP', 1)) else: moredefs.append(('NPY_NO_SMP', 0))
mathlibs = check_mathlib(config_cmd) moredefs.extend(cocache.check_ieee_macros(config_cmd)[1]) moredefs.extend(cocache.check_complex(config_cmd, mathlibs)[1])
# Check wether we can use inttypes (C99) formats if config_cmd.check_decl('PRIdPTR', headers = ['inttypes.h']): moredefs.append(('NPY_USE_C99_FORMATS', 1))
# visibility check hidden_visibility = visibility_define(config_cmd) moredefs.append(('NPY_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN', hidden_visibility))
# Add the C API/ABI versions moredefs.append(('NPY_ABI_VERSION', '0x%.8X' % C_ABI_VERSION)) moredefs.append(('NPY_API_VERSION', '0x%.8X' % C_API_VERSION))
# Add moredefs to header target_f = open(target, 'w') for d in moredefs: if isinstance(d,str): target_f.write('#define %s\n' % (d)) else: target_f.write('#define %s %s\n' % (d[0],d[1]))
# Define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS target_f.write(""" #ifndef __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS 1 #endif """) target_f.close()
# Dump the numpyconfig.h header to stdout print 'File: %s' % target target_f = open(target) print target_f.close() print 'EOF' config.add_data_files((header_dir, target)) return target
def generate_api_func(module_name): def generate_api(ext, build_dir): script = join(codegen_dir, module_name + '.py') sys.path.insert(0, codegen_dir) try: m = __import__(module_name)'executing %s', script) h_file, c_file, doc_file = m.generate_api(os.path.join(build_dir, header_dir)) finally: del sys.path[0] config.add_data_files((header_dir, h_file), (header_dir, doc_file)) return (h_file,) return generate_api
generate_numpy_api = generate_api_func('generate_numpy_api') generate_ufunc_api = generate_api_func('generate_ufunc_api')
config.add_include_dirs(join(local_dir, "src", "private")) config.add_include_dirs(join(local_dir, "src")) config.add_include_dirs(join(local_dir)) # Multiarray version: this function is needed to build foo.c from foo.c.src # when foo.c is included in another file and as such not in the src # argument of build_ext command def generate_multiarray_templated_sources(ext, build_dir): from numpy.distutils.misc_util import get_cmd
subpath = join('src', 'multiarray') sources = [join(local_dir, subpath, 'scalartypes.c.src'), join(local_dir, subpath, 'arraytypes.c.src')]
# numpy.distutils generate .c from .c.src in weird directories, we have # to add them there as they depend on the build_dir config.add_include_dirs(join(build_dir, subpath))
cmd = get_cmd('build_src') cmd.ensure_finalized()
cmd.template_sources(sources, ext)
# umath version: this function is needed to build foo.c from foo.c.src # when foo.c is included in another file and as such not in the src # argument of build_ext command def generate_umath_templated_sources(ext, build_dir): from numpy.distutils.misc_util import get_cmd
subpath = join('src', 'umath') sources = [join(local_dir, subpath, 'loops.c.src'), join(local_dir, subpath, 'umathmodule.c.src')]
# numpy.distutils generate .c from .c.src in weird directories, we have # to add them there as they depend on the build_dir config.add_include_dirs(join(build_dir, subpath))
cmd = get_cmd('build_src') cmd.ensure_finalized()
cmd.template_sources(sources, ext)
def generate_umath_c(ext,build_dir): target = join(build_dir,header_dir,'__umath_generated.c') dir = os.path.dirname(target) if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) script = generate_umath_py if newer(script,target): f = open(target,'w') f.write(generate_umath.make_code(generate_umath.defdict, generate_umath.__file__)) f.close() return []
config.add_data_files('include/numpy/*.h') config.add_include_dirs(join('src', 'npymath')) config.add_include_dirs(join('src', 'multiarray')) config.add_include_dirs(join('src', 'umath'))
deps = [join('src','npymath','_signbit.c'), join('include','numpy','*object.h'), 'include/numpy/fenv/fenv.c', 'include/numpy/fenv/fenv.h', join(codegen_dir,''), ]
# Don't install fenv unless we need them. if sys.platform == 'cygwin': config.add_data_dir('include/numpy/fenv')
config.add_extension('_sort', sources=[join('src','_sortmodule.c.src'), generate_config_h, generate_numpyconfig_h, generate_numpy_api, ], )
# npymath needs the config.h and numpyconfig.h files to be generated, but # build_clib cannot handle generate_config_h and generate_numpyconfig_h # (don't ask). Because clib are generated before extensions, we have to # explicitly add an extension which has generate_config_h and # generate_numpyconfig_h as sources *before* adding npymath.
subst_dict = dict([("sep", os.path.sep), ("pkgname", "numpy.core")]) def get_mathlib_info(*args): # Another ugly hack: the mathlib info is known once build_src is run, # but we cannot use add_installed_pkg_config here either, so we only # updated the substition dictionary during npymath build config_cmd = config.get_config_cmd()
# Check that the toolchain works, to fail early if it doesn't # (avoid late errors with MATHLIB which are confusing if the # compiler does not work). st = config_cmd.try_link('int main(void) { return 0;}') if not st: raise RuntimeError("Broken toolchain: cannot link a simple C program") mlibs = check_mathlib(config_cmd)
posix_mlib = ' '.join(['-l%s' % l for l in mlibs]) msvc_mlib = ' '.join(['%s.lib' % l for l in mlibs]) subst_dict["posix_mathlib"] = posix_mlib subst_dict["msvc_mathlib"] = msvc_mlib
config.add_installed_library('npymath', sources=[join('src', 'npymath', 'npy_math.c.src'), join('src', 'npymath', 'ieee754.c.src'), join('src', 'npymath', 'npy_math_complex.c.src'), get_mathlib_info], install_dir='lib') config.add_npy_pkg_config("", "lib/npy-pkg-config", subst_dict) config.add_npy_pkg_config("", "lib/npy-pkg-config", subst_dict) multiarray_deps = [ join('src', 'multiarray', 'arrayobject.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'arraytypes.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'buffer.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'calculation.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'common.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'convert_datatype.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'convert.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'conversion_utils.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'ctors.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'descriptor.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'getset.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'hashdescr.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'iterators.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'mapping.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'methods.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'multiarraymodule.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'number.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'numpyos.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'refcount.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'scalartypes.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'sequence.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'shape.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'ucsnarrow.h'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'usertypes.h')]
multiarray_src = [join('src', 'multiarray', 'multiarraymodule.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'hashdescr.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'arrayobject.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'buffer.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'numpyos.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'conversion_utils.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'flagsobject.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'descriptor.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'iterators.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'mapping.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'number.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'getset.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'sequence.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'methods.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'ctors.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'convert_datatype.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'convert.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'shape.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'item_selection.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'calculation.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'common.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'usertypes.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'scalarapi.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'refcount.c'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'arraytypes.c.src'), join('src', 'multiarray', 'scalartypes.c.src')]
if PYTHON_HAS_UNICODE_WIDE: multiarray_src.append(join('src', 'multiarray', 'ucsnarrow.c'))
umath_src = [join('src', 'umath', 'umathmodule.c.src'), join('src', 'umath', ''), join('src', 'umath', 'loops.c.src'), join('src', 'umath', 'ufunc_object.c')]
umath_deps = [generate_umath_py, join(codegen_dir,'')]
if not ENABLE_SEPARATE_COMPILATION: multiarray_deps.extend(multiarray_src) multiarray_src = [join('src', 'multiarray', 'multiarraymodule_onefile.c')] multiarray_src.append(generate_multiarray_templated_sources) umath_deps.extend(umath_src) umath_src = [join('src', 'umath', 'umathmodule_onefile.c')] umath_src.append(generate_umath_templated_sources) umath_src.append(join('src', 'umath', ''))
config.add_extension('multiarray', sources = multiarray_src + [generate_config_h, generate_numpyconfig_h, generate_numpy_api, join(codegen_dir,''), join('*.py')], depends = deps + multiarray_deps, libraries=['npymath'])
config.add_extension('umath', sources = [generate_config_h, generate_numpyconfig_h, generate_umath_c, generate_ufunc_api, ] + umath_src, depends = deps + umath_deps, libraries=['npymath'], )
config.add_extension('scalarmath', sources=[join('src','scalarmathmodule.c.src'), generate_config_h, generate_numpyconfig_h, generate_numpy_api, generate_ufunc_api], )
# Configure blasdot blas_info = get_info('blas_opt',0) #blas_info = {} def get_dotblas_sources(ext, build_dir): if blas_info: #if ('NO_ATLAS_INFO',1) in blas_info.get('define_macros',[]): # return None # dotblas needs ATLAS, Fortran compiled blas will not be sufficient. return ext.depends[:1] return None # no extension module will be built
config.add_extension('_dotblas', sources = [get_dotblas_sources], depends=[join('blasdot','_dotblas.c'), join('blasdot','cblas.h'), ], include_dirs = ['blasdot'], extra_info = blas_info )
config.add_extension('umath_tests', sources = [join('src','umath', 'umath_tests.c.src')])
config.add_extension('multiarray_tests', sources = [join('src', 'multiarray', 'multiarray_tests.c.src')])
config.add_data_dir('tests') config.add_data_dir('tests/data')
return config
if __name__=='__main__': from numpy.distutils.core import setup setup(configuration=configuration)