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#! Last Change: Sun Apr 26 05:00 PM 2009 J
"""Code to support special facilities to scons which are only useful for numpy.core, hence not put into numpy.distutils.scons"""
import sys import os
from os.path import join as pjoin, dirname as pdirname, basename as pbasename from copy import deepcopy
import code_generators from code_generators.generate_numpy_api import \ do_generate_api as nowrap_do_generate_numpy_api from code_generators.generate_ufunc_api import \ do_generate_api as nowrap_do_generate_ufunc_api from setup_common import check_api_version as _check_api_version from setup_common import \ LONG_DOUBLE_REPRESENTATION_SRC, pyod, long_double_representation
from numscons.numdist import process_c_str as process_str
import SCons.Node import SCons from SCons.Builder import Builder from SCons.Action import Action
def check_api_version(apiversion): return _check_api_version(apiversion, pdirname(code_generators.__file__))
def split_ext(string): sp = string.rsplit( '.', 1) if len(sp) == 1: return (sp[0], '') else: return sp #------------------------------------ # Ufunc and multiarray API generators #------------------------------------ def do_generate_numpy_api(target, source, env): nowrap_do_generate_numpy_api([str(i) for i in target], [s.value for s in source]) return 0
def do_generate_ufunc_api(target, source, env): nowrap_do_generate_ufunc_api([str(i) for i in target], [s.value for s in source]) return 0
def generate_api_emitter(target, source, env): """Returns the list of targets generated by the code generator for array api and ufunc api.""" base, ext = split_ext(str(target[0])) dir = pdirname(base) ba = pbasename(base) h = pjoin(dir, '__' + ba + '.h') c = pjoin(dir, '__' + ba + '.c') txt = base + '.txt' #print h, c, txt t = [h, c, txt] return (t, source)
#------------------------- # From template generators #------------------------- # XXX: this is general and can be used outside numpy.core. def do_generate_from_template(targetfile, sourcefile, env): t = open(targetfile, 'w') s = open(sourcefile, 'r') allstr = s.close() writestr = process_str(allstr) t.write(writestr) t.close() return 0
def generate_from_template(target, source, env): for t, s in zip(target, source): do_generate_from_template(str(t), str(s), env)
def generate_from_template_emitter(target, source, env): base, ext = split_ext(pbasename(str(source[0]))) t = pjoin(pdirname(str(target[0])), base) return ([t], source)
#---------------- # umath generator #---------------- def do_generate_umath(targetfile, sourcefile, env): t = open(targetfile, 'w') from code_generators import generate_umath code = generate_umath.make_code(generate_umath.defdict, generate_umath.__file__) t.write(code) t.close()
def generate_umath(target, source, env): for t, s in zip(target, source): do_generate_umath(str(t), str(s), env)
def generate_umath_emitter(target, source, env): t = str(target[0]) + '.c' return ([t], source)
#----------------------------------------- # Other functions related to configuration #----------------------------------------- def CheckGCC4(context): src = """ int main() { #if !(defined __GNUC__ && (__GNUC__ >= 4)) die from an horrible death #endif } """
context.Message("Checking if compiled with gcc 4.x or above ... ") st = context.TryCompile(src, '.c')
if st: context.Result(' yes') else: context.Result(' no') return st == 1
def CheckBrokenMathlib(context, mathlib): src = """ /* check whether libm is broken */ #include <math.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return exp(-720.) > 1.0; /* typically an IEEE denormal */ } """
try: oldLIBS = deepcopy(context.env['LIBS']) except: oldLIBS = []
try: context.Message("Checking if math lib %s is usable for numpy ... " % mathlib) context.env.AppendUnique(LIBS = mathlib) st = context.TryRun(src, '.c') finally: context.env['LIBS'] = oldLIBS
if st[0]: context.Result(' Yes !') else: context.Result(' No !') return st[0]
def check_mlib(config, mlib): """Return 1 if mlib is available and usable by numpy, 0 otherwise.
mlib can be a string (one library), or a list of libraries.""" # Check the libraries in mlib are linkable if len(mlib) > 0: # XXX: put an autoadd argument to 0 here and add an autoadd argument to # CheckBroekenMathlib (otherwise we may add bogus libraries, the ones # which do not path the CheckBrokenMathlib test). st = config.CheckLib(mlib) if not st: return 0 # Check the mlib is usable by numpy return config.CheckBrokenMathlib(mlib)
def check_mlibs(config, mlibs): for mlib in mlibs: if check_mlib(config, mlib): return mlib
# No mlib was found. raise SCons.Errors.UserError("No usable mathlib was found: chose another "\ "one using the MATHLIB env variable, eg "\ "'MATHLIB=m python build'")
def is_npy_no_signal(): """Return True if the NPY_NO_SIGNAL symbol must be defined in configuration header.""" return sys.platform == 'win32'
def define_no_smp(): """Returns True if we should define NPY_NOSMP, False otherwise.""" #-------------------------------- # Checking SMP and thread options #-------------------------------- # Python 2.3 causes a segfault when # trying to re-acquire the thread-state # which is done in error-handling # ufunc code. NPY_ALLOW_C_API and friends # cause the segfault. So, we disable threading # for now. if sys.version[:5] < '2.4.2': nosmp = 1 else: # Perhaps a fancier check is in order here. # so that threads are only enabled if there # are actually multiple CPUS? -- but # threaded code can be nice even on a single # CPU so that long-calculating code doesn't # block. try: nosmp = os.environ['NPY_NOSMP'] nosmp = 1 except KeyError: nosmp = 0 return nosmp == 1
# Inline check def CheckInline(context): context.Message("Checking for inline keyword... ") body = """ #ifndef __cplusplus static %(inline)s int static_func (void) { return 0; } %(inline)s int nostatic_func (void) { return 0; } #endif""" inline = None for kw in ['inline', '__inline__', '__inline']: st = context.TryCompile(body % {'inline': kw}, '.c') if st: inline = kw break
if inline: context.Result(inline) else: context.Result(0) return inline
def CheckLongDoubleRepresentation(context): msg = { 'INTEL_EXTENDED_12_BYTES_LE': "Intel extended, little endian", 'INTEL_EXTENDED_16_BYTES_LE': "Intel extended, little endian", 'IEEE_QUAD_BE': "IEEE Quad precision, big endian", 'IEEE_QUAD_LE': "IEEE Quad precision, little endian", 'IEEE_DOUBLE_LE': "IEEE Double precision, little endian", 'IEEE_DOUBLE_BE': "IEEE Double precision, big endian" }
context.Message("Checking for long double representation... ") body = LONG_DOUBLE_REPRESENTATION_SRC % {'type': 'long double'} st = context.TryCompile(body, '.c') if st: obj = str(context.sconf.lastTarget) tp = long_double_representation(pyod(obj)) context.Result(msg[tp]) return tp if not st: context.Result(0)
array_api_gen_bld = Builder(action = Action(do_generate_numpy_api, '$ARRAYPIGENCOMSTR'), emitter = generate_api_emitter)
ufunc_api_gen_bld = Builder(action = Action(do_generate_ufunc_api, '$UFUNCAPIGENCOMSTR'), emitter = generate_api_emitter)
template_bld = Builder(action = Action(generate_from_template, '$TEMPLATECOMSTR'), emitter = generate_from_template_emitter)
umath_bld = Builder(action = Action(generate_umath, '$UMATHCOMSTR'), emitter = generate_umath_emitter)