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"""Array printing function
$Id:,v 1.9 2005/09/13 13:58:44 teoliphant Exp $ """ __all__ = ["array2string", "set_printoptions", "get_printoptions"] __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
# # Written by Konrad Hinsen <> # last revision: 1996-3-13 # modified by Jim Hugunin 1997-3-3 for repr's and str's (and other details) # and by Perry Greenfield 2000-4-1 for numarray # and by Travis Oliphant 2005-8-22 for numpy
import sys import numeric as _nc import numerictypes as _nt from umath import maximum, minimum, absolute, not_equal, isnan, isinf from multiarray import format_longfloat from fromnumeric import ravel
def product(x, y): return x*y
_summaryEdgeItems = 3 # repr N leading and trailing items of each dimension _summaryThreshold = 1000 # total items > triggers array summarization
_float_output_precision = 8 _float_output_suppress_small = False _line_width = 75 _nan_str = 'NaN' _inf_str = 'Inf'
def set_printoptions(precision=None, threshold=None, edgeitems=None, linewidth=None, suppress=None, nanstr=None, infstr=None): """ Set printing options.
These options determine the way floating point numbers, arrays and other NumPy objects are displayed.
Parameters ---------- precision : int, optional Number of digits of precision for floating point output (default 8). threshold : int, optional Total number of array elements which trigger summarization rather than full repr (default 1000). edgeitems : int, optional Number of array items in summary at beginning and end of each dimension (default 3). linewidth : int, optional The number of characters per line for the purpose of inserting line breaks (default 75). suppress : bool, optional Whether or not suppress printing of small floating point values using scientific notation (default False). nanstr : str, optional String representation of floating point not-a-number (default NaN). infstr : str, optional String representation of floating point infinity (default Inf).
See Also -------- get_printoptions, set_string_function
Examples -------- Floating point precision can be set:
>>> np.set_printoptions(precision=4) >>> print np.array([1.123456789]) [ 1.1235]
Long arrays can be summarised:
>>> np.set_printoptions(threshold=5) >>> print np.arange(10) [0 1 2 ..., 7 8 9]
Small results can be suppressed:
>>> eps = np.finfo(float).eps >>> x = np.arange(4.) >>> x**2 - (x + eps)**2 array([ -4.9304e-32, -4.4409e-16, 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00]) >>> np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) >>> x**2 - (x + eps)**2 array([-0., -0., 0., 0.])
global _summaryThreshold, _summaryEdgeItems, _float_output_precision, \ _line_width, _float_output_suppress_small, _nan_str, _inf_str if linewidth is not None: _line_width = linewidth if threshold is not None: _summaryThreshold = threshold if edgeitems is not None: _summaryEdgeItems = edgeitems if precision is not None: _float_output_precision = precision if suppress is not None: _float_output_suppress_small = not not suppress if nanstr is not None: _nan_str = nanstr if infstr is not None: _inf_str = infstr
def get_printoptions(): """ Return the current print options.
Returns ------- print_opts : dict Dictionary of current print options with keys
- precision : int - threshold : int - edgeitems : int - linewidth : int - suppress : bool - nanstr : str - infstr : str
For a full description of these options, see `set_printoptions`.
See Also -------- set_printoptions, set_string_function
""" d = dict(precision=_float_output_precision, threshold=_summaryThreshold, edgeitems=_summaryEdgeItems, linewidth=_line_width, suppress=_float_output_suppress_small, nanstr=_nan_str, infstr=_inf_str) return d
def _leading_trailing(a): if a.ndim == 1: if len(a) > 2*_summaryEdgeItems: b = _nc.concatenate((a[:_summaryEdgeItems], a[-_summaryEdgeItems:])) else: b = a else: if len(a) > 2*_summaryEdgeItems: l = [_leading_trailing(a[i]) for i in range( min(len(a), _summaryEdgeItems))] l.extend([_leading_trailing(a[-i]) for i in range( min(len(a), _summaryEdgeItems),0,-1)]) else: l = [_leading_trailing(a[i]) for i in range(0, len(a))] b = _nc.concatenate(tuple(l)) return b
def _boolFormatter(x): if x: return ' True' else: return 'False'
def _array2string(a, max_line_width, precision, suppress_small, separator=' ', prefix=""):
if max_line_width is None: max_line_width = _line_width
if precision is None: precision = _float_output_precision
if suppress_small is None: suppress_small = _float_output_suppress_small
if a.size > _summaryThreshold: summary_insert = "..., " data = _leading_trailing(a) else: summary_insert = "" data = ravel(a)
try: format_function = a._format except AttributeError: dtypeobj = a.dtype.type if issubclass(dtypeobj, _nt.bool_): # make sure True and False line up. format_function = _boolFormatter elif issubclass(dtypeobj, _nt.integer): max_str_len = max(len(str(maximum.reduce(data))), len(str(minimum.reduce(data)))) format = '%' + str(max_str_len) + 'd' format_function = lambda x: _formatInteger(x, format) elif issubclass(dtypeobj, _nt.floating): if issubclass(dtypeobj, _nt.longfloat): format_function = _longfloatFormatter(precision) else: format_function = FloatFormat(data, precision, suppress_small) elif issubclass(dtypeobj, _nt.complexfloating): if issubclass(dtypeobj, _nt.clongfloat): format_function = _clongfloatFormatter(precision) else: format_function = ComplexFormat(data, precision, suppress_small) elif issubclass(dtypeobj, _nt.unicode_) or \ issubclass(dtypeobj, _nt.string_): format_function = repr else: format_function = str
next_line_prefix = " " # skip over "[" next_line_prefix += " "*len(prefix) # skip over array(
lst = _formatArray(a, format_function, len(a.shape), max_line_width, next_line_prefix, separator, _summaryEdgeItems, summary_insert)[:-1]
return lst
def _convert_arrays(obj): newtup = [] for k in obj: if isinstance(k, _nc.ndarray): k = k.tolist() elif isinstance(k, tuple): k = _convert_arrays(k) newtup.append(k) return tuple(newtup)
def array2string(a, max_line_width = None, precision = None, suppress_small = None, separator=' ', prefix="", style=repr): """ Return a string representation of an array.
Parameters ---------- a : ndarray Input array. max_line_width : int, optional The maximum number of columns the string should span. Newline characters splits the string appropriately after array elements. precision : int, optional Floating point precision. Default is the current printing precision (usually 8), which can be altered using `set_printoptions`. suppress_small : bool, optional Represent very small numbers as zero. A number is "very small" if it is smaller than the current printing precision. separator : str, optional Inserted between elements. prefix : str, optional An array is typically printed as::
'prefix(' + array2string(a) + ')'
The length of the prefix string is used to align the output correctly. style : function, optional A function that accepts an ndarray and returns a string. Used only when the shape of `a` is equal to ().
Returns ------- array_str : str String representation of the array.
See Also -------- array_str, array_repr, set_printoptions
Examples -------- >>> x = np.array([1e-16,1,2,3]) >>> print np.array2string(x, precision=2, separator=',', ... suppress_small=True) [ 0., 1., 2., 3.]
if a.shape == (): x = a.item() try: lst = a._format(x) except AttributeError: if isinstance(x, tuple): x = _convert_arrays(x) lst = style(x) elif reduce(product, a.shape) == 0: # treat as a null array if any of shape elements == 0 lst = "[]" else: lst = _array2string(a, max_line_width, precision, suppress_small, separator, prefix) return lst
def _extendLine(s, line, word, max_line_len, next_line_prefix): if len(line.rstrip()) + len(word.rstrip()) >= max_line_len: s += line.rstrip() + "\n" line = next_line_prefix line += word return s, line
def _formatArray(a, format_function, rank, max_line_len, next_line_prefix, separator, edge_items, summary_insert): """formatArray is designed for two modes of operation:
1. Full output
2. Summarized output
""" if rank == 0: obj = a.item() if isinstance(obj, tuple): obj = _convert_arrays(obj) return str(obj)
if summary_insert and 2*edge_items < len(a): leading_items, trailing_items, summary_insert1 = \ edge_items, edge_items, summary_insert else: leading_items, trailing_items, summary_insert1 = 0, len(a), ""
if rank == 1: s = "" line = next_line_prefix for i in xrange(leading_items): word = format_function(a[i]) + separator s, line = _extendLine(s, line, word, max_line_len, next_line_prefix)
if summary_insert1: s, line = _extendLine(s, line, summary_insert1, max_line_len, next_line_prefix)
for i in xrange(trailing_items, 1, -1): word = format_function(a[-i]) + separator s, line = _extendLine(s, line, word, max_line_len, next_line_prefix)
word = format_function(a[-1]) s, line = _extendLine(s, line, word, max_line_len, next_line_prefix) s += line + "]\n" s = '[' + s[len(next_line_prefix):] else: s = '[' sep = separator.rstrip() for i in xrange(leading_items): if i > 0: s += next_line_prefix s += _formatArray(a[i], format_function, rank-1, max_line_len, " " + next_line_prefix, separator, edge_items, summary_insert) s = s.rstrip() + sep.rstrip() + '\n'*max(rank-1,1)
if summary_insert1: s += next_line_prefix + summary_insert1 + "\n"
for i in xrange(trailing_items, 1, -1): if leading_items or i != trailing_items: s += next_line_prefix s += _formatArray(a[-i], format_function, rank-1, max_line_len, " " + next_line_prefix, separator, edge_items, summary_insert) s = s.rstrip() + sep.rstrip() + '\n'*max(rank-1,1) if leading_items or trailing_items > 1: s += next_line_prefix s += _formatArray(a[-1], format_function, rank-1, max_line_len, " " + next_line_prefix, separator, edge_items, summary_insert).rstrip()+']\n' return s
class FloatFormat(object): def __init__(self, data, precision, suppress_small, sign=False): self.precision = precision self.suppress_small = suppress_small self.sign = sign self.exp_format = False self.large_exponent = False self.max_str_len = 0 self.fillFormat(data)
def fillFormat(self, data): errstate = _nc.seterr(all='ignore') try: special = isnan(data) | isinf(data) non_zero = absolute(data.compress(not_equal(data, 0) & ~special)) if len(non_zero) == 0: max_val = 0. min_val = 0. else: max_val = maximum.reduce(non_zero) min_val = minimum.reduce(non_zero) if max_val >= 1.e8: self.exp_format = True if not self.suppress_small and (min_val < 0.0001 or max_val/min_val > 1000.): self.exp_format = True finally: _nc.seterr(**errstate) if self.exp_format: self.large_exponent = 0 < min_val < 1e-99 or max_val >= 1e100 self.max_str_len = 8 + self.precision if self.large_exponent: self.max_str_len += 1 if self.sign: format = '%+' else: format = '%' format = format + '%d.%de' % (self.max_str_len, self.precision) else: format = '%%.%df' % (self.precision,) if len(non_zero): precision = max([_digits(x, self.precision, format) for x in non_zero]) else: precision = 0 precision = min(self.precision, precision) self.max_str_len = len(str(int(max_val))) + precision + 2 if _nc.any(special): self.max_str_len = max(self.max_str_len, len(_nan_str), len(_inf_str)+1) if self.sign: format = '%#+' else: format = '%#' format = format + '%d.%df' % (self.max_str_len, precision) self.special_fmt = '%%%ds' % (self.max_str_len,) self.format = format
def __call__(self, x, strip_zeros=True): if isnan(x): return self.special_fmt % (_nan_str,) elif isinf(x): if x > 0: return self.special_fmt % (_inf_str,) else: return self.special_fmt % ('-' + _inf_str,) s = self.format % x if self.large_exponent: # 3-digit exponent expsign = s[-3] if expsign == '+' or expsign == '-': s = s[1:-2] + '0' + s[-2:] elif self.exp_format: # 2-digit exponent if s[-3] == '0': s = ' ' + s[:-3] + s[-2:] elif strip_zeros: z = s.rstrip('0') s = z + ' '*(len(s)-len(z)) return s
def _digits(x, precision, format): s = format % x z = s.rstrip('0') return precision - len(s) + len(z)
_MAXINT = sys.maxint _MININT = -sys.maxint-1 def _formatInteger(x, format): if _MININT < x < _MAXINT: return format % x else: return "%s" % x
def _longfloatFormatter(precision): # XXX Have to add something to determine the width to use a la FloatFormat # Right now, things won't line up properly def formatter(x): if isnan(x): return _nan_str elif isinf(x): if x > 0: return _inf_str else: return '-' + _inf_str return format_longfloat(x, precision) return formatter
def _clongfloatFormatter(precision): def formatter(x): r = format_longfloat(x.real, precision) i = format_longfloat(x.imag, precision) return '%s+%sj' % (r, i) return formatter
class ComplexFormat(object): def __init__(self, x, precision, suppress_small): self.real_format = FloatFormat(x.real, precision, suppress_small) self.imag_format = FloatFormat(x.imag, precision, suppress_small, sign=True)
def __call__(self, x): r = self.real_format(x.real, strip_zeros=False) i = self.imag_format(x.imag, strip_zeros=False) if not self.imag_format.exp_format: z = i.rstrip('0') i = z + 'j' + ' '*(len(i)-len(z)) else: i = i + 'j' return r + i
## end