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#A place for code to be called from C-code # that implements more complicated stuff.
import re import sys #from _mx_datetime_parser import *
if (sys.byteorder == 'little'): _nbo = '<' else: _nbo = '>'
def _makenames_list(adict): from multiarray import dtype allfields = [] fnames = adict.keys() for fname in fnames: obj = adict[fname] n = len(obj) if not isinstance(obj, tuple) or n not in [2,3]: raise ValueError, "entry not a 2- or 3- tuple" if (n > 2) and (obj[2] == fname): continue num = int(obj[1]) if (num < 0): raise ValueError, "invalid offset." format = dtype(obj[0]) if (format.itemsize == 0): raise ValueError, "all itemsizes must be fixed." if (n > 2): title = obj[2] else: title = None allfields.append((fname, format, num, title)) # sort by offsets allfields.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[2],y[2])) names = [x[0] for x in allfields] formats = [x[1] for x in allfields] offsets = [x[2] for x in allfields] titles = [x[3] for x in allfields]
return names, formats, offsets, titles
# Called in PyArray_DescrConverter function when # a dictionary without "names" and "formats" # fields is used as a data-type descriptor. def _usefields(adict, align): from multiarray import dtype try: names = adict[-1] except KeyError: names = None if names is None: names, formats, offsets, titles = _makenames_list(adict) else: formats = [] offsets = [] titles = [] for name in names: res = adict[name] formats.append(res[0]) offsets.append(res[1]) if (len(res) > 2): titles.append(res[2]) else: titles.append(None)
return dtype({"names" : names, "formats" : formats, "offsets" : offsets, "titles" : titles}, align)
# construct an array_protocol descriptor list # from the fields attribute of a descriptor # This calls itself recursively but should eventually hit # a descriptor that has no fields and then return # a simple typestring
def _array_descr(descriptor): from multiarray import METADATA_DTSTR fields = descriptor.fields if fields is None: subdtype = descriptor.subdtype if subdtype is None: if descriptor.metadata is None: return descriptor.str else: new = descriptor.metadata.copy() # Eliminate any key related to internal implementation _ = new.pop(METADATA_DTSTR, None) return (descriptor.str, new) else: return (_array_descr(subdtype[0]), subdtype[1])
names = descriptor.names ordered_fields = [fields[x] + (x,) for x in names] result = [] offset = 0 for field in ordered_fields: if field[1] > offset: num = field[1] - offset result.append(('','|V%d' % num)) offset += num if len(field) > 3: name = (field[2],field[3]) else: name = field[2] if field[0].subdtype: tup = (name, _array_descr(field[0].subdtype[0]), field[0].subdtype[1]) else: tup = (name, _array_descr(field[0])) offset += field[0].itemsize result.append(tup)
return result
# Build a new array from the information in a pickle. # Note that the name numpy.core._internal._reconstruct is embedded in # pickles of ndarrays made with NumPy before release 1.0 # so don't remove the name here, or you'll # break backward compatibilty. def _reconstruct(subtype, shape, dtype): from multiarray import ndarray return ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, dtype)
# format_re and _split were taken from numarray by J. Todd Miller
def _split(input): """Split the input formats string into field formats without splitting the tuple used to specify multi-dimensional arrays."""
newlist = [] hold = ''
listinput = input.split(',') for element in listinput: if hold != '': item = hold + ',' + element else: item = element left = item.count('(') right = item.count(')')
# if the parenthesis is not balanced, hold the string if left > right : hold = item
# when balanced, append to the output list and reset the hold elif left == right: newlist.append(item.strip()) hold = ''
# too many close parenthesis is unacceptable else: raise SyntaxError, item
# if there is string left over in hold if hold != '': raise SyntaxError, hold
return newlist
format_datetime = re.compile(r"""(?P<typecode>M8|m8|datetime64|timedelta64) ([[] ((?P<num>\d+)? (?P<baseunit>Y|M|W|B|D|h|m|s|ms|us|ns|ps|fs|as) (/(?P<den>\d+))? []]) (//(?P<events>\d+))?)?""", re.X) # Return (baseunit, num, den, events), datetime # from date-time string def _datetimestring(astr): res = format_datetime.match(astr) if res is None: raise ValueError, "Incorrect date-time string." typecode ='typecode') datetime = (typecode == 'M8' or typecode == 'datetime64') defaults = ['us', 1, 1, 1] names = ['baseunit', 'num', 'den', 'events'] func = [str, int, int, int] dt_tuple = [] for i, name in enumerate(names): value = if value: dt_tuple.append(func[i](value)) else: dt_tuple.append(defaults[i])
return tuple(dt_tuple), datetime
format_re = re.compile(r'(?P<order1>[<>|=]?)(?P<repeats> *[(]?[ ,0-9]*[)]? *)(?P<order2>[<>|=]?)(?P<dtype>[A-Za-z0-9.]*)')
# astr is a string (perhaps comma separated)
_convorder = {'=': _nbo, '|': '|', '>': '>', '<': '<'}
def _commastring(astr): res = _split(astr) if (len(res)) < 1: raise ValueError, "unrecognized formant" result = [] for k,item in enumerate(res): # convert item try: (order1, repeats, order2, dtype) = format_re.match(item).groups() except (TypeError, AttributeError): raise ValueError('format %s is not recognized' % item)
if order2 == '': order = order1 elif order1 == '': order = order2 else: order1 = _convorder[order1] order2 = _convorder[order2] if (order1 != order2): raise ValueError('in-consistent byte-order specification %s and %s' % (order1, order2)) order = order1
if order in ['|', '=', _nbo]: order = '' dtype = '%s%s' % (order, dtype) if (repeats == ''): newitem = dtype else: newitem = (dtype, eval(repeats)) result.append(newitem)
return result
def _getintp_ctype(): from multiarray import dtype val = _getintp_ctype.cache if val is not None: return val char = dtype('p').char import ctypes if (char == 'i'): val = ctypes.c_int elif char == 'l': val = ctypes.c_long elif char == 'q': val = ctypes.c_longlong else: val = ctypes.c_long _getintp_ctype.cache = val return val _getintp_ctype.cache = None
# Used for .ctypes attribute of ndarray
class _missing_ctypes(object): def cast(self, num, obj): return num
def c_void_p(self, num): return num
class _ctypes(object): def __init__(self, array, ptr=None): try: import ctypes self._ctypes = ctypes except ImportError: self._ctypes = _missing_ctypes() self._arr = array self._data = ptr if self._arr.ndim == 0: self._zerod = True else: self._zerod = False
def data_as(self, obj): return self._ctypes.cast(self._data, obj)
def shape_as(self, obj): if self._zerod: return None return (obj*self._arr.ndim)(*self._arr.shape)
def strides_as(self, obj): if self._zerod: return None return (obj*self._arr.ndim)(*self._arr.strides)
def get_data(self): return self._data
def get_shape(self): if self._zerod: return None return (_getintp_ctype()*self._arr.ndim)(*self._arr.shape)
def get_strides(self): if self._zerod: return None return (_getintp_ctype()*self._arr.ndim)(*self._arr.strides)
def get_as_parameter(self): return self._ctypes.c_void_p(self._data)
data = property(get_data, None, doc="c-types data") shape = property(get_shape, None, doc="c-types shape") strides = property(get_strides, None, doc="c-types strides") _as_parameter_ = property(get_as_parameter, None, doc="_as parameter_")
# Given a datatype and an order object # return a new names tuple # with the order indicated def _newnames(datatype, order): oldnames = datatype.names nameslist = list(oldnames) if isinstance(order, str): order = [order] if isinstance(order, (list, tuple)): for name in order: try: nameslist.remove(name) except ValueError: raise ValueError, "unknown field name: %s" % (name,) return tuple(list(order) + nameslist) raise ValueError, "unsupported order value: %s" % (order,)
# Given an array with fields and a sequence of field names # construct a new array with just those fields copied over def _index_fields(ary, fields): from multiarray import empty, dtype dt = ary.dtype new_dtype = [(name, dt[name]) for name in dt.names if name in fields] if ary.flags.f_contiguous: order = 'F' else: order = 'C'
newarray = empty(ary.shape, dtype=new_dtype, order=order) for name in fields: newarray[name] = ary[name]
return newarray