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# -*- test-case-name: nevow.test.test_useragent -*-
""" Parsers for browser User-Agent strings. """
# Internet Explorer 1.0 # Microsoft Internet Explorer/Version (Platform)
# Internet Explorer, and browsers cloaking as Internet Explorer # Mozilla/MozVer (compatible; MSIE IEVer[; Provider]; Platform[; Extension]*) [Addition] # MozVer
# Netscape < 6.0 # Mozilla/Version[Gold] [[Language]][Provider] (Platform; Security[; SubPlatform][StandAlone])
# Mozilla # Mozilla/MozVer (Platform; Security; SubPlatform; Language; rv:Revision[; Extension]*) Gecko/GeckVer [Product/ProdVer]
# Opera # Opera/Version (Platform; U) [Language]
class browsers(object): """ Namespace class for Browser identifiers. """ GECKO = u'gecko' INTERNET_EXPLORER = u'internet explorer' WEBKIT = u'webkit' OPERA = u'opera'
class UserAgent(object): """ Structured representation of a version identifier of a web browser.
This presents only minimal structured information about the agent currently. It could be expanded to include much more information, such a security properties, platform, and native language.
@type browser: C{unicode} @ivar browser: The broad category of the browser. Can only take on values from L{browsers}.
@type version: C{str} @ivar version: The version claimed by the browser. """ def __init__(self, browser, version): """ Initialize a new UserAgent.
The positions of the arguments to this initializer are not stable. Only pass arguments by keyword. """ self.browser = browser self.version = version
def parse_GECKO(cls, agentString): """ Attempt to parse the given User-Agent string as a Gecko-based browser's user-agent. """ identifier = 'Gecko/' start = agentString.find(identifier) if start != -1: end = agentString.find(' ', start) if end == -1: end = None version = agentString[start + len(identifier):end] try: version = int(version) except ValueError: pass else: return cls(browsers.GECKO, (version,)) parse_GECKO = classmethod(parse_GECKO)
def parse_WEBKIT(cls, agentString): """ Attempt to parse the given User-Agent string as a WebKit-based browser's user-agent. """ identifier = 'WebKit/' start = agentString.find(identifier) if start != -1: end = start + len(identifier) while ( end < len(agentString) and agentString[end].isdigit() or agentString[end] == '.'): end += 1 version = agentString[start + len(identifier):end] try: version = map(int, version.split('.')) except ValueError: pass else: return cls(browsers.WEBKIT, tuple(version)) parse_WEBKIT = classmethod(parse_WEBKIT)
def parse_OPERA(cls, agentString): """ Attempt to parse an Opera user-agent. """ prefix = 'Opera/' if agentString.startswith(prefix): version = agentString[len(prefix):].split(None, 1)[0] try: version = map(int, version.split('.')) except ValueError: pass else: return cls(browsers.OPERA, tuple(version)) parse_OPERA = classmethod(parse_OPERA)
def parse_MSIE(cls, agentString): """ Attempt to parse an Internet Explorer user-agent. """ oldPrefix = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE ' newPrefix = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE ' for prefix in oldPrefix, newPrefix: if agentString.startswith(prefix): end = agentString.find(';', len(prefix)) if end == -1: end = None version = agentString[len(prefix):end] try: version = map(int, version.split('.')) except ValueError: pass else: return cls(browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER, tuple(version)) parse_MSIE = classmethod(parse_MSIE)
def fromHeaderValue(cls, agentString): """ Attempt to parse an arbitrary user-agent.
@rtype: C{cls} or C{NoneType} @return: A user agent object, or C{None} if parsing fails. """ # Order matters here - MSIE parser will match a ton of browsers. for parser in ['GECKO', 'WEBKIT', 'MSIE', 'OPERA']: agent = getattr(cls, 'parse_' + parser)(agentString) if agent is not None: return agent return None fromHeaderValue = classmethod(fromHeaderValue)