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# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod. # See LICENSE for details.
import os, sys, signal
try: from popen2 import Popen3 except ImportError: Popen3 = None
from zope.interface import implements
try: import subunit except ImportError: subunit = None
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase as TrialTestCase from twisted.python.components import Componentized from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.web import http from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
from formless import iformless
from nevow import inevow, context, athena, loaders, tags, appserver from nevow.jsutil import findJavascriptInterpreter, generateTestScript
class FakeChannel: def __init__(self, site): = site
class FakeSite: pass
class FakeSession(Componentized): implements(inevow.ISession) def __init__(self, avatar): Componentized.__init__(self) self.avatar = avatar self.uid = 12345 def getLoggedInRoot(self): return self.avatar
fs = FakeSession(None)
class FakeRequest(Componentized): """ Implementation of L{inevow.IRequest} which is convenient to use in unit tests.
@ivar lastModified: The value passed to L{setLastModified} or C{None} if that method has not been called.
@type accumulator: C{str} @ivar accumulator: The bytes written to the response body.
@type deferred: L{Deferred} @ivar deferred: The deferred which represents rendering of the response to this request. This is basically an implementation detail of L{NevowRequest}. Application code should probably never use this.
@ivar _appRootURL: C{None} or the object passed to L{rememberRootURL}. """ implements(inevow.IRequest)
fields = None failure = None context = None redirected_to = None lastModified = None content = "" method = 'GET' code = http.OK deferred = None accumulator = '' _appRootURL = None
def __init__(self, headers=None, args=None, avatar=None, uri='/', currentSegments=None, cookies=None, user="", password="", isSecure=False): """ Create a FakeRequest instance.
@param headers: dict of request headers @param args: dict of args @param avatar: avatar to pass to the FakeSession instance @param uri: request URI @param currentSegments: list of segments that have "already been located" @param cookies: dict of cookies @param user: username (like in http auth) @param password: password (like in http auth) @param isSecure: whether this request represents an HTTPS url """ Componentized.__init__(self) self.uri = uri if not uri.startswith('/'): raise ValueError('uri must be relative with absolute path') self.path = uri self.prepath = [] postpath = uri.split('?')[0] assert postpath.startswith('/') self.postpath = postpath[1:].split('/') if currentSegments is not None: for seg in currentSegments: assert seg == self.postpath[0] self.prepath.append(self.postpath.pop(0)) else: self.prepath.append('') self.headers = {} self.args = args or {} self.sess = FakeSession(avatar) = FakeSite() self.received_headers = {} if headers: for k, v in headers.iteritems(): self.received_headers[k.lower()] = v if cookies is not None: self.cookies = cookies else: self.cookies = {} self.user = user self.password = password = isSecure self.deferred = defer.Deferred()
def URLPath(self): from nevow import url return url.URL.fromString('')
def getSession(self): return self.sess
def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming): """ Synchronously cause the given producer to produce all of its data.
This will not work with push producers. Do not use it with them. """ keepGoing = [None] self.unregisterProducer = keepGoing.pop while keepGoing: producer.resumeProducing() del self.unregisterProducer
def v(): def get(self): return self.accumulator return get, v = property(*v())
def write(self, bytes): """ Accumulate the given bytes as part of the response body.
@type bytes: C{str} """ self.accumulator += bytes
finished = False def finishRequest(self, success): self.finished = True
def finish(self): self.deferred.callback('')
def getHeader(self, key): return self.received_headers.get(key.lower())
def setHeader(self, key, val): self.headers[key.lower()] = val
def redirect(self, url): self.redirected_to = url
def processingFailed(self, f): self.failure = f
def setResponseCode(self, code): self.code = code
def setLastModified(self, when): self.lastModified = when
def prePathURL(self): """ The absolute URL up until the last handled segment of this request.
@rtype: C{str}. """ return 'http://%s/%s' % (self.getHeader('host') or 'localhost', '/'.join(self.prepath))
def getClientIP(self): return ''
def addCookie(self, k, v, expires=None, domain=None, path=None, max_age=None, comment=None, secure=None): """ Set a cookie for use in subsequent requests. """ self.cookies[k] = v
def getCookie(self, k): """ Fetch a cookie previously set. """ return self.cookies.get(k)
def getUser(self): """ Returns the HTTP auth username. """ return self.user
def getPassword(self): """ Returns the HTTP auth password. """ return self.password
def getRootURL(self): """ Return the previously remembered URL. """ return self._appRootURL
def rememberRootURL(self, url=None): """ For compatibility with appserver.NevowRequest. """ if url is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Default URL remembering logic is not implemented.") self._appRootURL = url
def isSecure(self): """ Returns whether this is an HTTPS request or not. """ return
class TestCase(TrialTestCase): hasBools = (sys.version_info >= (2,3)) _assertions = 0
# This should be migrated to Twisted. def failUnlessSubstring(self, containee, container, msg=None): self._assertions += 1 if container.find(containee) == -1: or "%r not in %r" % (containee, container)) def failIfSubstring(self, containee, container, msg=None): self._assertions += 1 if container.find(containee) != -1: or "%r in %r" % (containee, container))
assertSubstring = failUnlessSubstring assertNotSubstring = failIfSubstring
def assertNotIdentical(self, first, second, msg=None): self._assertions += 1 if first is second: or '%r is %r' % (first, second))
def failIfIn(self, containee, container, msg=None): self._assertions += 1 if containee in container: or "%r in %r" % (containee, container))
def assertApproximates(self, first, second, tolerance, msg=None): self._assertions += 1 if abs(first - second) > tolerance: or "%s ~== %s" % (first, second))
if not hasattr(TrialTestCase, 'mktemp'): def mktemp(self): import tempfile return tempfile.mktemp() TestCase.mktemp = mktemp
class AccumulatingFakeRequest(FakeRequest): """ I am a fake IRequest that is also a stub implementation of IFormDefaults.
This class is named I{accumulating} for historical reasons only. You probably want to ignore this and use L{FakeRequest} instead. """ implements(iformless.IFormDefaults)
def __init__(self, *a, **kw): FakeRequest.__init__(self, *a, **kw) self.d = defer.Deferred()
def getDefault(self, key, context): return ''
def remember(self, object, interface): pass
class FragmentWrapper(athena.LivePage): """ I wrap myself around an Athena fragment, providing a minimal amount of html scaffolding in addition to an L{athena.LivePage}. """ docFactory = loaders.stan( tags.html[ tags.body[ tags.directive('fragment')]])
def __init__(self, f): super(FragmentWrapper, self).__init__() self.f = f
def render_fragment(self, ctx, data): self.f.setFragmentParent(self) return self.f
def renderLivePage(res, topLevelContext=context.WebContext, reqFactory=FakeRequest): """ Render the given LivePage resource, performing LivePage-specific cleanup. Return a Deferred which fires when it has rendered. """ D = renderPage(res, topLevelContext, reqFactory) return D.addCallback(lambda x: (res._messageDeliverer.close(), x)[1])
def renderPage(res, topLevelContext=context.WebContext, reqFactory=FakeRequest): """ Render the given resource. Return a Deferred which fires when it has rendered. """ req = reqFactory() ctx = topLevelContext(tag=res) ctx.remember(req, inevow.IRequest)
render = appserver.NevowRequest(None, True).gotPageContext
result = render(ctx) result.addCallback(lambda x: req.accumulator) return result
class NotSupported(Exception): """ Raised by L{JavaScriptTestCase} if the installation lacks a certain required feature. """
class TestProtocolLineReceiverServer(LineReceiver): """ Subunit protocol which is also a Twisted LineReceiver so that it includes line buffering logic. """ delimiter = '\n'
def __init__(self, proto): self.proto = proto
def lineReceived(self, line): """ Forward the line on to the subunit protocol's lineReceived method, which expects it to be newline terminated. """ self.proto.lineReceived(line + '\n')
class JavaScriptTestCase(TrialTestCase): def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): TrialTestCase.__init__(self, methodName) self.testMethod = getattr(self, methodName)
def findJavascriptInterpreter(self): """ @see: L{nevow.jsutil.findJavascriptInterpreter} """ return findJavascriptInterpreter()
def checkDependencies(self): """ Check that all the dependencies of the test are satisfied.
@raise NotSupported: If any one of the dependencies is not satisfied. """ js = self.findJavascriptInterpreter() if js is None: raise NotSupported("Could not find JavaScript interpreter") if subunit is None: raise NotSupported("Could not import 'subunit'") if Popen3 is None: raise NotSupported("Could not import 'popen2.Popen3'") for name in ['WEXITSTATUS', 'WIFSIGNALED' ,'WTERMSIG']: if getattr(os, name, None) is None: raise NotSupported("os.%s unavailable" % (name,))
def _writeToTemp(self, contents): fname = self.mktemp() fd = file(fname, 'w') try: fd.write(contents) finally: fd.close() return fname
def createSource(self, testModule): """ Return a string of JavaScript source code which, when executed, will run the JavaScript unit tests defined in the given module.
@type testModule: C{str} @param testModule: The JavaScript module name which contains the tests to run.
@rtype: C{str} """ js = """ // import Divmod.UnitTest // import %(module)s
Divmod.UnitTest.runRemote(Divmod.UnitTest.loadFromModule(%(module)s)); """ % {'module': testModule} return js
def makeScript(self, testModule): """ Write JavaScript source for executing the JavaScript unit tests in the given JavaScript module to a file and return the name of that file.
@type testModule: C{str} @param testModule: The JavaScript module name which contains the tests to run.
@rtype: C{str} """ jsfile = self._writeToTemp(self.createSource(testModule)) scriptFile = self._writeToTemp(generateTestScript(jsfile)) return scriptFile
def _runWithSigchild(self, f, *a, **kw): """ Run the given function with an alternative SIGCHLD handler. """ oldHandler = signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL) try: return f(*a, **kw) finally: signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, oldHandler)
def run(self, result): try: self.checkDependencies() except NotSupported, e: result.startTest(self) result.addSkip(self, str(e)) result.stopTest(self) return js = self.findJavascriptInterpreter() try: script = self.makeScript(self.testMethod()) except KeyError: result.addError(self, sys.exc_info()) return
server = subunit.TestProtocolServer(result) protocol = TestProtocolLineReceiverServer(server)
# What this *SHOULD BE* # spawnProcess(protocol, js, (script,)) # return protocol.someDisconnectCallback()
# However, *run cannot return a Deferred profanity profanity profanity # profanity*, so instead it is *profanity* this: def run(): child = Popen3([js, script]) while True: bytes = if bytes: protocol.dataReceived(bytes) else: break exitCode = child.wait() if os.WIFSIGNALED(exitCode): result.addError( self, (Exception, "JavaScript interpreter exited due to signal %d" % (os.WTERMSIG(exitCode),), None)) else: exitStatus = os.WEXITSTATUS(exitCode) if exitStatus: result.addError( self, (Exception, "JavaScript interpreter had error exit: %d" % (exitStatus,), None)) self._runWithSigchild(run)
def setJavascriptInterpreterOrSkip(testCase): """ If we're unable to find a javascript interpreter (currently we only look for smjs or js) then set the C{skip} attribute on C{testCase}. Otherwise assign the path to the interpreter executable to C{testCase.javascriptInterpreter} """ script = findJavascriptInterpreter() if script is None: testCase.skip = "No JavaScript interpreter available." else: testCase.javascriptInterpreter = script
class CSSModuleTestMixin: """ Mixin for L{unittest.TestCase} subclasses which are testing the Athena's CSS module functionality. """ def _makeCSSRegistry(self): """ Make a CSS registry with some modules in it. """ def makeModule(contents=None): fname = self.mktemp() f = file(fname, 'w') if contents is not None: f.write(contents) f.close() return fname
return athena.CSSRegistry( {u'TestCSSModuleDependencies': makeModule(), u'TestCSSModuleDependencies.Dependor': makeModule( '// import TestCSSModuleDependencies.Dependee\n'), u'TestCSSModuleDependencies.Dependee': makeModule()})