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# -*- test-case-name: nevow.test.test_json -*- # Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Divmod. # See LICENSE for details.
""" JavaScript Object Notation.
This is not (nor does it intend to be) a faithful JSON implementation, but it is kind of close. """
import re, types
from nevow.inevow import IAthenaTransportable from nevow import rend, page, _flat, tags
class ParseError(ValueError): pass
whitespace = re.compile( r'(' r'[\r\n\t\ ]+' r'|/\*.*?\*/' r'|//[^\n]*[\n]' r')' , re.VERBOSE + re.DOTALL) openBrace = re.compile(r'{') closeBrace = re.compile(r'}') openSquare = re.compile(r'\[') closeSquare = re.compile(r'\]')
class StringTokenizer(object): """ because r'(?<!\\)"([^"]+|\\")*(?<!\\)"' """
def match(self, s): if not s.startswith('"'): return None
bits = []
SLASH = "\\"
IT = iter(s) bits = [] for char in IT: bits.append(char) if char == SLASH: try: bits.append( except StopIteration: return None if char == '"': self.matched = ''.join(bits) return self
return None
def group(self, num): return self.matched
string = StringTokenizer() identifier = re.compile(r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*') colon = re.compile(r':') comma = re.compile(r',') true = re.compile(r'true') false = re.compile(r'false') null = re.compile(r'null') floatNumber = re.compile(r'-?([1-9][0-9]*|0)(\.[0-9]+)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?') longNumber = re.compile(r'-?([1-9][0-9]*|0)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?')
class StringToken(str): pass
class IdentifierToken(str): pass
class WhitespaceToken(object): pass
def jsonlong(s): if 'e' in s: m, e = map(long, s.split('e', 1)) else: m, e = long(s), 0 return m * 10 ** e
# list of tuples, the first element is a compiled regular expression the second # element returns a token and the original string. actions = [ (whitespace, lambda s: (WhitespaceToken, s)), (openBrace, lambda s: ('{',s)), (closeBrace, lambda s: ('}',s)), (openSquare, lambda s: ('[',s)), (closeSquare, lambda s: (']',s)), (string, lambda s: (StringToken(s), s)), (colon, lambda s: (':', s)), (comma, lambda s: (',', s)), (true, lambda s: (True, s)), (false, lambda s: (False, s)), (null, lambda s: (None, s)), (identifier, lambda s: (IdentifierToken(s), s)), (floatNumber, lambda s: (float(s), s)), (longNumber, lambda s: (jsonlong(s), s)), ] def tokenise(s): tokens = [] while s: for regexp, action in actions: m = regexp.match(s) if m: tok, tokstr = action( break else: raise ValueError, "Invalid Input, %r" % (s[:10],)
if tok is not WhitespaceToken: tokens.append(tok) s = s[len(tokstr):]
return tokens
def accept(want, tokens): t = tokens.pop(0) if want != t: raise ParseError, "Unexpected %r, %s expected" % (t , want)
def parseValue(tokens): if tokens[0] == '{': return parseObject(tokens)
if tokens[0] == '[': return parseList(tokens)
if tokens[0] in (True, False, None): return tokens.pop(0), tokens
if type(tokens[0]) == StringToken: return parseString(tokens)
if type(tokens[0]) in (int, float, long): return tokens.pop(0), tokens
raise ParseError, "Unexpected %r" % tokens[0]
_stringExpr = re.compile( ur'(?:\\x(?P<unicode>[a-fA-F0-9]{2})) # Match hex-escaped unicode' u'\n' ur'|' u'\n' ur'(?:\\u(?P<unicode2>[a-fA-F0-9]{4})) # Match hex-escaped high unicode' u'\n' ur'|' u'\n' ur'(?P<control>\\[fbntr\\"]) # Match escaped control characters' u'\n', re.VERBOSE)
_controlMap = { u'\\f': u'\f', u'\\b': u'\b', u'\\n': u'\n', u'\\t': u'\t', u'\\r': u'\r', u'\\"': u'"', u'\\\\': u'\\', }
def _stringSub(m): u ='unicode') if u is None: u ='unicode2') if u is not None: return unichr(int(u, 16)) c ='control') return _controlMap[c]
def parseString(tokens): if type(tokens[0]) is not StringToken: raise ParseError, "Unexpected %r" % tokens[0] s = _stringExpr.sub(_stringSub, tokens.pop(0)[1:-1].decode('utf-8')) return s, tokens
def parseIdentifier(tokens): if type(tokens[0]) is not IdentifierToken: raise ParseError("Unexpected %r" % (tokens[0],)) return tokens.pop(0), tokens
def parseList(tokens): l = [] tokens.pop(0) first = True while tokens[0] != ']': if not first: accept(',', tokens) first = False
value, tokens = parseValue(tokens) l.append(value)
accept(']', tokens) return l, tokens
def parseObject(tokens): o = {} tokens.pop(0) first = True while tokens[0] != '}': if not first: accept(',', tokens) first = False
name, tokens = parseString(tokens) accept(':', tokens) value, tokens = parseValue(tokens) o[name] = value
accept('}', tokens) return o, tokens
def parse(s): """ Return the object represented by the JSON-encoded string C{s}. """ tokens = tokenise(s) value, tokens = parseValue(tokens) if tokens: raise ParseError, "Unexpected %r" % tokens[0] return value
class CycleError(Exception): pass
_translation = dict([(o, u'\\x%02x' % (o,)) for o in range(0x20)])
_translation.update({ ord(u'\\'): u'\\\\', ord(u'"'): ur'\"', ord(u'\f'): ur'\f', ord(u'\b'): ur'\b', ord(u'\n'): ur'\n', ord(u'\t'): ur'\t', ord(u'\r'): ur'\r', })
def stringEncode(s): return s.translate(_translation).encode('utf-8')
def _serialize(obj, w, seen): from nevow import athena
if isinstance(obj, types.BooleanType): if obj: w('true') else: w('false') elif isinstance(obj, (int, long, float)): w(str(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, unicode): w('"') w(stringEncode(obj)) w('"') elif isinstance(obj, types.NoneType): w('null') elif id(obj) in seen: raise CycleError(type(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)): w('[') for n, e in enumerate(obj): _serialize(e, w, seen) if n != len(obj) - 1: w(',') w(']') elif isinstance(obj, dict): w('{') for n, (k, v) in enumerate(obj.iteritems()): _serialize(k, w, seen) w(':') _serialize(v, w, seen) if n != len(obj) - 1: w(',') w('}') elif isinstance(obj, (athena.LiveFragment, athena.LiveElement)): _serialize(obj._structured(), w, seen) elif isinstance(obj, (rend.Fragment, page.Element)): wrapper = tags.div(xmlns="") w('"') w(stringEncode( "".join(_flat.flatten(None, wrapper[obj], False, False)).decode('utf-8'))) w('"') else: transportable = IAthenaTransportable(obj, None) if transportable is not None: w('(new ' + transportable.jsClass.encode('ascii') + '(') arguments = transportable.getInitialArguments() for n, e in enumerate(arguments): _serialize(e, w, seen) if n != len(arguments) - 1: w(',') w('))') else: raise TypeError("Unsupported type %r: %r" % (type(obj), obj))
_undefined = object() def serialize(obj=_undefined, **kw): """ JSON-encode an object.
@param obj: None, True, False, an int, long, float, unicode string, list, tuple, or dictionary the JSON-encoded form of which will be returned. """ if obj is _undefined: obj = kw L = [] _serialize(obj, L.append, {}) return ''.join(L)
__all__ = ['parse', 'serialize']