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# -*- test-case-name: nevow.test.test_guard -*- # Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Divmod. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Resource protection for Nevow. If you wish to use twisted.cred to protect your Nevow application, you are probably most interested in L{SessionWrapper}. """
__metaclass__ = type
import random import time import md5 import StringIO
from zope.interface import implements
# Twisted Imports
from twisted.python import log, components from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.cred.error import UnauthorizedLogin from twisted.cred.credentials import UsernamePassword, Anonymous
try: from twisted.web import http except ImportError: from twisted.protocols import http
# Nevow imports from nevow import inevow, url, stan
def _sessionCookie(): return"%s_%s" % (str(random.random()) , str(time.time()))).hexdigest()
class GuardSession(components.Componentized): """A user's session with a system.
This utility class contains no functionality, but is used to represent a session. """ implements(inevow.ISession, inevow.IGuardSession)
def __init__(self, guard, uid): """Initialize a session with a unique ID for that session. """ components.Componentized.__init__(self) self.guard = guard self.uid = uid self.expireCallbacks = [] self.checkExpiredID = None self.setLifetime(60) self.portals = {} self.touch()
# New Guard Interfaces
def getLoggedInRoot(self): """Get the most-recently-logged-in avatar. """ # XXX TODO: need to actually sort avatars by login order! if len(self.portals) != 1: raise RuntimeError("Ambiguous request for current avatar.") return self.portals.values()[0][0]
def resourceForPortal(self, port): return self.portals.get(port)
def setDefaultResource(self, rsrc, logout): """
Change the root-resource available to the user who has already authenticated anonymously. This only works in applications that DO NOT use the multiple-simultaneous-portals feature. If you do not know what this means, you may safely ignore it.
""" if len(self.portals) != 1: raise RuntimeError("Ambiguous request for current avatar.") self.setResourceForPortal( rsrc, self.portals.keys()[0], logout)
def setResourceForPortal(self, rsrc, port, logout): """Change the root-resource available to a user authenticating against a given portal.
If a user was already logged in to this session from that portal, first log them out.
@param rsrc: an L{IResource} implementor. @param port: a cred Portal instance. @param logout: a 0-arg callable to be invoked upon logout. """ self.portalLogout(port) self.portals[port] = rsrc, logout return rsrc
def portalLogout(self, port): """ If we have previously acccepted a login for this portal, call its logout method and de-associate that portal from this session, catching any errors from the logout method.
Otherwise: do nothing.
@param port: a cred Portal. """ p = self.portals.get(port) if p: log.msg('Logout of portal %r' % port) r, l = p try: l() except: log.err() del self.portals[port]
# timeouts and expiration
def setLifetime(self, lifetime): """Set the approximate lifetime of this session, in seconds.
This is highly imprecise, but it allows you to set some general parameters about when this session will expire. A callback will be scheduled each 'lifetime' seconds, and if I have not been 'touch()'ed in half a lifetime, I will be immediately expired. """ self.lifetime = lifetime
def notifyOnExpire(self, callback): """Call this callback when the session expires or logs out. """ self.expireCallbacks.append(callback)
def expire(self): """Expire/logout of the session. """ log.msg("expired session %s" % str(self.uid)) del self.guard.sessions[self.uid]
# Logout of all portals for portal in self.portals.keys(): self.portalLogout(portal)
for c in self.expireCallbacks: try: c() except: log.err() self.expireCallbacks = [] if self.checkExpiredID: self.checkExpiredID.cancel() self.checkExpiredID = None
def touch(self): self.lastModified = time.time()
def checkExpired(self): # Import reactor here to avoid installing default at startup from twisted.internet import reactor self.checkExpiredID = None # If I haven't been touched in 15 minutes: if time.time() - self.lastModified > self.lifetime / 2: if self.guard.sessions.has_key(self.uid): self.expire() else: log.msg("no session to expire: %s" % str(self.uid)) else: log.msg("session given the will to live for %s more seconds" % self.lifetime) self.checkExpiredID = reactor.callLater(self.lifetime, self.checkExpired) def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() if d.has_key('checkExpiredID'): del d['checkExpiredID'] return d
def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) self.touch() self.checkExpired()
def urlToChild(ctx, *ar, **kw): u = url.URL.fromContext(ctx) for segment in ar: u = u.child(stan.xml(segment)) if inevow.IRequest(ctx).method == 'POST': u = u.clear() for k,v in kw.items(): u = u.replace(k, v)
return u
SESSION_KEY = '__session_key__' LOGIN_AVATAR = '__login__' LOGOUT_AVATAR = '__logout__'
def nomind(*args): return None
class Forbidden(object): implements(inevow.IResource)
def locateChild(self, ctx, segments): return self
def renderHTTP(self, ctx): request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) request.setResponseCode(http.FORBIDDEN) return ("<html><head><title>Forbidden</title></head>" "<body><h1>Forbidden</h1>Request was forbidden.</body></html>")
class SessionWrapper: """ SessionWrapper
The following class attributes can be modified on an instance of the class.
@ivar secureCookies: Whether to use secure (TLS only) cookies or not. If C{True} (the default), make cookies secure when session is initiated in a secure (TLS) connection. If C{False}, cookies will not be given the secure attribute.
@ivar persistentCookies: Whether to use persistent (saved to disk) cookies or not. If C{True}, make cookies persistent, so they are valid for the length of the C{sessionLifetime} even if the browser window is closed. If C{False} (the default), cookies do not get saved to disk, and thus last only as long as the session does. If the browser is closed before the session timeout, both the session and the cookie go away. """ implements(inevow.IResource)
sessionLifetime = 3600 sessionFactory = GuardSession
# The interface to cred for when logging into the portal credInterface = inevow.IResource
useCookies = True secureCookies = True persistentCookies = False
def __init__(self, portal, cookieKey=None, mindFactory=None, credInterface=None, useCookies=None): self.portal = portal if cookieKey is None: cookieKey = "woven_session_" + _sessionCookie() self.cookieKey = cookieKey self.sessions = {} if mindFactory is None: mindFactory = nomind self.mindFactory = mindFactory if credInterface is not None: self.credInterface = credInterface if useCookies is not None: self.useCookies = useCookies # Backwards compatibility; remove asap self.resource = self
def renderHTTP(self, ctx): request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._delegate, ctx, []) def _cb((resource, segments), ctx): assert not segments res = inevow.IResource(resource) return res.renderHTTP(ctx) d.addCallback(_cb, ctx) return d
def locateChild(self, ctx, segments): request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) path = segments[0] if self.useCookies: cookie = request.getCookie(self.cookieKey) else: cookie = ''
if path.startswith(SESSION_KEY): key = path[len(SESSION_KEY):] if key not in self.sessions: return urlToChild(ctx, *segments[1:], **{'__start_session__':1}), () self.sessions[key].setLifetime(self.sessionLifetime) if cookie == key: # /sessionized-url/${SESSION_KEY}aef9c34aecc3d9148/foo # ^ # we are this getChild # with a matching cookie self.sessions[key].sessionJustStarted = True return urlToChild(ctx, *segments[1:]), () else: # We attempted to negotiate the session but failed (the user # probably has cookies disabled): now we're going to return the # resource we contain. In general the getChild shouldn't stop # there. # /sessionized-url/${SESSION_KEY}aef9c34aecc3d9148/foo # ^ we are this getChild # without a cookie (or with a mismatched cookie) return self.checkLogin(ctx, self.sessions[key], segments[1:], sessionURL=segments[0]) else: # /sessionized-url/foo # ^ we are this getChild # with or without a session return self._delegate(ctx, segments)
def _delegate(self, ctx, segments): """Identify the session by looking at cookies and HTTP auth headers, use that session key to identify the wrapped resource, then return a deferred which fires a 2-tuple of (resource, segments) to the top-level redirection code code which will delegate IResource's renderHTTP or locateChild methods to it """ request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) cookie = request.getCookie(self.cookieKey) # support HTTP auth, no redirections userpass = request.getUser(), request.getPassword() httpAuthSessionKey = 'HTTP AUTH: %s:%s' % userpass
for sessionKey in cookie, httpAuthSessionKey: if sessionKey in self.sessions: session = self.sessions[sessionKey] return self.checkLogin(ctx, session, segments) # without a session
if userpass != ('',''): # the user is trying to log in with HTTP auth, but they don't have # a session. So, make them one. sz = self.sessions[httpAuthSessionKey] = self.sessionFactory(self, httpAuthSessionKey) # kick off the expiry timer. sz.checkExpired() return self.checkLogin(ctx, sz, segments, None, UsernamePassword(*userpass))
# no, really, without a session ## Redirect to the URL with the session key in it, plus the segments of the url rd = self.createSession(ctx, segments) return rd, ()
def createSession(self, ctx, segments): """ Create a new session for this request, and redirect back to the path given by segments. """
request = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
newCookie = _sessionCookie() if self.useCookies: if self.secureCookies and request.isSecure(): secure = True else: secure = False if self.persistentCookies and self.sessionLifetime: expires = http.datetimeToString(time.time() + self.sessionLifetime) else: expires = None request.addCookie(self.cookieKey, newCookie, path="/%s" % '/'.join(request.prepath), secure=secure, expires=expires, domain=self.cookieDomainForRequest(request)) sz = self.sessions[newCookie] = self.sessionFactory(self, newCookie) sz.args = request.args sz.fields = request.fields sz.method = request.method sz.received_headers = request.received_headers sz.checkExpired() return urlToChild(ctx, SESSION_KEY+newCookie, *segments)
def checkLogin(self, ctx, session, segments, sessionURL=None, httpAuthCredentials=None): """ Associate the given request with the given session and:
- log the user in to our portal, if they are accessing a login URL
- log the user out from our portal (calling their logout callback), if they are logged in and accessing a logout URL
- Move the request parameters saved on the session, if there are any, onto the request if a session just started or a login just succeeded.
- if the user is already logged in: a 2-tuple of requestObject, C{segments} (i.e. the segments parameter)
- if the user is not logged in and not logging in, call login() to initialize an anonymous session, and return a 2-tuple of (rootResource, segments-parameter) from that anonymous session. This counts as logging in for the purpose of future calls to checkLogin.
- if the user is accessing a login URL: a 2-tuple of the logged in resource object root and the remainder of the segments (i.e. the URL minus __login__) to be passed to that resource.
""" request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) session.touch() request.session = session root = url.URL.fromContext(request) if sessionURL is not None: root = root.child(sessionURL) request.rememberRootURL(str(root))
spoof = False if getattr(session, 'sessionJustStarted', False): del session.sessionJustStarted spoof = True if getattr(session, 'justLoggedIn', False): del session.justLoggedIn spoof = True if spoof and hasattr(session, 'args'): request.args = session.args request.fields = session.fields request.content = StringIO.StringIO() request.content.close() request.method = session.method request.received_headers = session.received_headers
del session.args, session.fields, session.method, session.received_headers
if segments and segments[0] in (LOGIN_AVATAR, LOGOUT_AVATAR): authCommand = segments[0] else: authCommand = None
if httpAuthCredentials: # This is the FIRST TIME we have hit an HTTP auth session with our # credentials. We are going to perform login. assert not authCommand, ( "HTTP auth support isn't that robust. " "Come up with something to do that makes sense here.") return self.login(request, session, httpAuthCredentials, segments).addErrback( self.authRequiredError, session )
if authCommand == LOGIN_AVATAR: subSegments = segments[1:] def unmangleURL((res,segs)): # Tell the session that we just logged in so that it will # remember form values for us. session.justLoggedIn = True # Then, generate a redirect back to where we're supposed to be # by looking at the root of the site and calculating the path # down from there using the segments we were passed. u = url.URL.fromString(request.getRootURL()) for seg in subSegments: u = u.child(seg) return u, () return self.login(request, session, self.getCredentials(request), subSegments).addCallback( unmangleURL).addErrback( self.incorrectLoginError, ctx, subSegments, "Incorrect login." ) elif authCommand == LOGOUT_AVATAR: self.explicitLogout(session) return urlToChild(ctx, *segments[1:]), () else: r = session.resourceForPortal(self.portal) if r: ## Delegate our getChild to the resource our portal says is the right one. return r[0], segments else: # XXX I don't think that the errback here will work at all, # because the redirect loop would be infinite. Perhaps this # should be closer to the HTTP auth path? return self.login(request, session, Anonymous(), segments).addErrback( self.incorrectLoginError, ctx, segments, 'Anonymous access not allowed.')
def explicitLogout(self, session): """ Hook to be overridden if you care about user-requested logout.
Note: there is no return value from this method; it is purely a way to provide customized behavior that distinguishes between session-expiry logout, which is what 99% of code cares about, and explicit user logout, which you may need to be notified of if (for example) your application sets other HTTP cookies which refer to server-side state, and you want to expire that state in a manual logout but not with an automated logout. (c.f. Quotient's persistent sessions.)
If you want the user to see a customized logout page, just generate a logout link that looks like::
and the user will see::
as their first URL after becoming anonymous again. """ session.portalLogout(self.portal)
def getCredentials(self, request): username = request.args.get('username', [''])[0] password = request.args.get('password', [''])[0] return UsernamePassword(username, password)
def login(self, request, session, credentials, segments): """
- Calls login() on our portal.
- creates a mind from my mindFactory, with the request and credentials
- Associates the mind with the given session.
- Associates the resource returned from my portal's login() with my portal in the given session.
@return: a Deferred which fires a 2-tuple of the resource returned from my portal's login() and the passed list of segments upon successful login.
""" mind = self.mindFactory(request, credentials) session.mind = mind return self.portal.login(credentials, mind, self.credInterface).addCallback( self._cbLoginSuccess, session, segments )
def _cbLoginSuccess(self, (iface, res, logout), session, segments): session.setResourceForPortal(res, self.portal, logout) return res, segments
def incorrectLoginError(self, error, ctx, segments, loginFailure): """ Used as an errback upon failed login, returns a 2-tuple of a failure URL with the query argument 'login-failure' set to the parameter loginFailure, and an empty list of segments, to redirect to that URL. The basis for this error URL, i.e. the part before the query string, is taken either from the 'referer' header from the given request if one exists, or a computed URL that points at the same page that the user is currently looking at to attempt login. Any existing query string will be stripped. """ request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) error.trap(UnauthorizedLogin) referer = request.getHeader("referer") if referer is not None: u = url.URL.fromString(referer) else: u = urlToChild(ctx, *segments)
u = u.clear() u = u.add('login-failure', loginFailure) return u, ()
def authRequiredError(self, error, session): session.expire() error.trap(UnauthorizedLogin) return Forbidden(), ()
def cookieDomainForRequest(self, request): """ Specify the domain restriction on the session cookie.
@param request: The request object in response to which a cookie is being set.
@return: C{None} or a C{str} giving the domain restriction to set on the cookie. """ return None