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# -*- test-case-name: nevow.test.test_athena -*-
import itertools, os, re, warnings
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet import defer, error, reactor from twisted.python import log, failure, context from twisted.python.util import sibpath from twisted import plugin
from nevow import inevow, plugins, flat, _flat from nevow import rend, loaders, url, static from nevow import json, util, tags, guard, stan from nevow.util import CachedFile from nevow.useragent import UserAgent, browsers
from import Element, renderer
ATHENA_XMLNS_URI = "" ATHENA_RECONNECT = "__athena_reconnect__"
expose = util.Expose( """ Allow one or more methods to be invoked by the client::
| class Foo(LiveElement): | def twiddle(self, x, y): | ... | def frob(self, a, b): | ... | expose(twiddle, frob)
The Widget for Foo will be allowed to invoke C{twiddle} and C{frob}. """)
class OrphanedFragment(Exception): """ Raised when an operation requiring a parent is attempted on an unattached child. """
class LivePageError(Exception): """ Base exception for LivePage errors. """ jsClass = u'Divmod.Error'
class NoSuchMethod(LivePageError): """ Raised when an attempt is made to invoke a method which is not defined or exposed. """ jsClass = u'Nevow.Athena.NoSuchMethod'
def __init__(self, objectID, methodName): self.objectID = objectID self.methodName = methodName LivePageError.__init__(self, objectID, methodName)
def neverEverCache(request): """ Set headers to indicate that the response to this request should never, ever be cached. """ request.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate') request.setHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache')
def activeChannel(request): """ Mark this connection as a 'live' channel by setting the Connection: close header and flushing all headers immediately. """ request.setHeader("Connection", "close") request.write('')
class MappingResource(object): """ L{inevow.IResource} which looks up segments in a mapping between symbolic names and the files they correspond to.
@type mapping: C{dict} @ivar mapping: A map between symbolic, requestable names (eg, 'Nevow.Athena') and C{str} instances which name files containing data which should be served in response. """ implements(inevow.IResource)
def __init__(self, mapping): self.mapping = mapping
def renderHTTP(self, ctx): return rend.FourOhFour()
def resourceFactory(self, fileName): """ Retrieve an L{inevow.IResource} which will render the contents of C{fileName}. """ return static.File(fileName)
def locateChild(self, ctx, segments): try: impl = self.mapping[segments[0]] except KeyError: return rend.NotFound else: return self.resourceFactory(impl), []
def _dependencyOrdered(coll, memo): """ @type coll: iterable of modules @param coll: The initial sequence of modules.
@type memo: C{dict} @param memo: A dictionary mapping module names to their dependencies that will be used as a mutable cache. """
class AthenaModule(object): """ A representation of a chunk of stuff in a file which can depend on other chunks of stuff in other files. """ _modules = {}
lastModified = 0 deps = None packageDeps = []
def getOrCreate(cls, name, mapping): # XXX This implementation of getOrCreate precludes the # simultaneous co-existence of several different package # namespaces. if name in cls._modules: return cls._modules[name] mod = cls._modules[name] = cls(name, mapping) return mod getOrCreate = classmethod(getOrCreate)
def __init__(self, name, mapping): = name self.mapping = mapping
if '.' in name: parent = '.'.join(name.split('.')[:-1]) self.packageDeps = [self.getOrCreate(parent, mapping)]
self._cache = CachedFile(self.mapping[], self._getDeps)
def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__,,)
_importExpression = re.compile('^// import (.+)$', re.MULTILINE) def _extractImports(self, fileObj): s = for m in self._importExpression.finditer(s): yield self.getOrCreate('ascii'), self.mapping)
def _getDeps(self, jsFile): """ Calculate our dependencies given the path to our source. """ depgen = self._extractImports(file(jsFile, 'rU')) return self.packageDeps + dict.fromkeys(depgen).keys()
def dependencies(self): """ Return a list of names of other JavaScript modules we depend on. """ return self._cache.load()
def allDependencies(self, memo=None): """ Return the transitive closure of dependencies, including this module.
The transitive dependencies for this module will be ordered such that any particular module is located after all of its dependencies, with no module occurring more than once.
The dictionary passed in for C{memo} will be modified in-place; if it is reused across multiple calls, dependencies calculated during a previous invocation will not be recalculated again.
@type memo: C{dict} of C{str: list of AthenaModule} @param memo: A dictionary mapping module names to the modules they depend on that will be used as a mutable cache.
@rtype: C{list} of C{AthenaModule} """ if memo is None: memo = {} ordered = []
def _getDeps(dependent): if in memo: deps = memo[] else: memo[] = deps = dependent.dependencies() return deps
def _insertDep(dependent): if dependent not in ordered: for dependency in _getDeps(dependent): _insertDep(dependency) ordered.append(dependent)
_insertDep(self) return ordered
class JSModule(AthenaModule): """ L{AthenaModule} subclass for dealing with Javascript modules. """ _modules= {}
class CSSModule(AthenaModule): """ L{AthenaModule} subclass for dealing with CSS modules. """ _modules = {}
class JSPackage(object): """ A Javascript package.
@type mapping: C{dict} @ivar mapping: Mapping between JS module names and C{str} representing filesystem paths containing their implementations. """ implements(plugin.IPlugin, inevow.IJavascriptPackage)
def __init__(self, mapping): self.mapping = mapping
def _collectPackageBelow(baseDir, extension): """ Assume a filesystem package hierarchy starting at C{baseDir}. Collect all files within it ending with C{extension} into a mapping between dot-separated symbolic module names and their corresponding filesystem paths.
Note that module/package names beginning with . are ignored.
@type baseDir: C{str} @param baseDir: A path to the root of a package hierarchy on a filesystem.
@type extension: C{str} @param extension: The filename extension we're interested in (e.g. 'css' or 'js').
@rtype: C{dict} @return: Mapping between C{unicode} module names and their corresponding C{str} filesystem paths. """ mapping = {} EMPTY = sibpath(__file__, 'empty-module.' + extension)
_revMap = {baseDir: ''} for (root, dirs, filenames) in os.walk(baseDir): stem = _revMap[root] dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if not d.startswith('.')]
for dir in dirs: name = stem + dir path = os.path.join(root, dir, '__init__.' + extension) if not os.path.exists(path): path = EMPTY mapping[unicode(name, 'ascii')] = path _revMap[os.path.join(root, dir)] = name + '.'
for fn in filenames: if fn.startswith('.'): continue
if fn == '__init__.' + extension: continue
if not fn.endswith('.' + extension): continue
name = stem + fn[:-(len(extension) + 1)] path = os.path.join(root, fn) mapping[unicode(name, 'ascii')] = path return mapping
class AutoJSPackage(object): """ A L{inevow.IJavascriptPackage} implementation that scans an on-disk hierarchy locating modules and packages.
@type baseDir: C{str} @ivar baseDir: A path to the root of a JavaScript packages/modules filesystem hierarchy. """ implements(plugin.IPlugin, inevow.IJavascriptPackage)
def __init__(self, baseDir): self.mapping = _collectPackageBelow(baseDir, 'js')
class AutoCSSPackage(object): """ Like L{AutoJSPackage}, but for CSS packages. Modules within this package can be referenced by L{LivePage.cssModule} or L{LiveElement.cssModule}. """ implements(plugin.IPlugin, inevow.ICSSPackage)
def __init__(self, baseDir): self.mapping = _collectPackageBelow(baseDir, 'css')
def allJavascriptPackages(): """ Return a dictionary mapping JavaScript module names to local filenames which implement those modules. This mapping is constructed from all the C{IJavascriptPackage} plugins available on the system. It also includes C{Nevow.Athena} as a special case. """ d = {} for p in plugin.getPlugIns(inevow.IJavascriptPackage, plugins): d.update(p.mapping) return d
def allCSSPackages(): """ Like L{allJavascriptPackages}, but for CSS packages. """ d = {} for p in plugin.getPlugIns(inevow.ICSSPackage, plugins): d.update(p.mapping) return d
class JSDependencies(object): """ Keeps track of which JavaScript files depend on which other JavaScript files (because JavaScript is a very poor language and cannot do this itself). """ _loadPlugins = False
def __init__(self, mapping=None): if mapping is None: self.mapping = {} self._loadPlugins = True else: self.mapping = mapping
def getModuleForName(self, className): """ Return the L{JSModule} most likely to define the given name. """ if self._loadPlugins: self.mapping.update(allJavascriptPackages()) self._loadPlugins = False
jsMod = className while jsMod: try: jsFile = self.mapping[jsMod] except KeyError: if '.' not in jsMod: break jsMod = '.'.join(jsMod.split('.')[:-1]) else: return JSModule.getOrCreate(jsMod, self.mapping) raise RuntimeError("Unknown class: %r" % (className,)) getModuleForClass = getModuleForName
jsDeps = JSDependencies()
class CSSRegistry(object): """ Keeps track of a set of CSS modules. """ def __init__(self, mapping=None): if mapping is None: mapping = {} loadPlugins = True else: loadPlugins = False self.mapping = mapping self._loadPlugins = loadPlugins
def getModuleForName(self, moduleName): """ Turn a CSS module name into an L{AthenaModule}.
@type moduleName: C{unicode}
@rtype: L{CSSModule} """ if self._loadPlugins: self.mapping.update(allCSSPackages()) self._loadPlugins = False try: self.mapping[moduleName] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError('Unknown CSS module: %r' % (moduleName,)) return CSSModule.getOrCreate(moduleName, self.mapping)
_theCSSRegistry = CSSRegistry()
class JSException(Exception): """ Exception class to wrap remote exceptions from JavaScript. """
class JSCode(object): """ Class for mock code objects in mock JS frames. """ def __init__(self, name, filename): self.co_name = name self.co_filename = filename
class JSFrame(object): """ Class for mock frame objects in JS client-side traceback wrappers. """ def __init__(self, func, fname, ln): self.f_back = None self.f_locals = {} self.f_globals = {} self.f_code = JSCode(func, fname) self.f_lineno = ln
class JSTraceback(object): """ Class for mock traceback objects representing client-side JavaScript tracebacks. """ def __init__(self, frame, ln): self.tb_frame = frame self.tb_lineno = ln self.tb_next = None
def parseStack(stack): """ Extract function name, file name, and line number information from the string representation of a JavaScript trace-back. """ frames = [] for line in stack.split('\n'): if '@' not in line: continue func, rest = line.split('@', 1) if ':' not in rest: continue
divide = rest.rfind(':') if divide == -1: fname, ln = rest, '' else: fname, ln = rest[:divide], rest[divide + 1:] ln = int(ln) frames.insert(0, (func, fname, ln)) return frames
def buildTraceback(frames, modules): """ Build a chain of mock traceback objects from a serialized Error (or other exception) object, and return the head of the chain. """ last = None first = None for func, fname, ln in frames: fname = modules.get(fname.split('/')[-1], fname) frame = JSFrame(func, fname, ln) tb = JSTraceback(frame, ln) if last: last.tb_next = tb else: first = tb last = tb return first
def getJSFailure(exc, modules): """ Convert a serialized client-side exception to a Failure. """ text = '%s: %s' % (exc[u'name'], exc[u'message'])
frames = [] if u'stack' in exc: frames = parseStack(exc[u'stack'])
return failure.Failure(JSException(text), exc_tb=buildTraceback(frames, modules))
class LivePageTransport(object): implements(inevow.IResource)
def __init__(self, messageDeliverer, useActiveChannels=True): self.messageDeliverer = messageDeliverer self.useActiveChannels = useActiveChannels
def locateChild(self, ctx, segments): return rend.NotFound
def renderHTTP(self, ctx): req = inevow.IRequest(ctx) neverEverCache(req) if self.useActiveChannels: activeChannel(req)
requestContent = messageData = json.parse(requestContent)
response = self.messageDeliverer.basketCaseReceived(ctx, messageData) response.addCallback(json.serialize) req.notifyFinish().addErrback(lambda err: self.messageDeliverer._unregisterDeferredAsOutputChannel(response)) return response
class LivePageFactory: noisy = True
def __init__(self): self.clients = {}
def addClient(self, client): clientID = self._newClientID() self.clients[clientID] = client if self.noisy: log.msg("Rendered new LivePage %r: %r" % (client, clientID)) return clientID
def getClient(self, clientID): return self.clients[clientID]
def removeClient(self, clientID): # State-tracking bugs may make it tempting to make the next line a # 'pop', but it really shouldn't be; if the Page instance with this # client ID is already gone, then it should be gone, which means that # this method can't be called with that argument. del self.clients[clientID] if self.noisy: log.msg("Disconnected old LivePage %r" % (clientID,))
def _newClientID(self): return guard._sessionCookie()
_thePrivateAthenaResource = static.File(util.resource_filename('nevow', 'athena_private'))
class ConnectFailed(Exception): pass
class ConnectionLost(Exception): pass
CLOSE = u'close' UNLOAD = u'unload'
class ReliableMessageDelivery(object): _paused = 0 _stopped = False
outgoingAck = -1 # sequence number which has been acknowledged # by this end of the connection.
outgoingSeq = -1 # sequence number of the next message to be # added to the outgoing queue.
def __init__(self, livePage, connectTimeout=60, transportlessTimeout=30, idleTimeout=300, connectionLost=None, scheduler=None): self.livePage = livePage self.messages = [] self.outputs = [] self.connectTimeout = connectTimeout self.transportlessTimeout = transportlessTimeout self.idleTimeout = idleTimeout if scheduler is None: scheduler = reactor.callLater self.scheduler = scheduler self._transportlessTimeoutCall = self.scheduler(self.connectTimeout, self._connectTimedOut) self.connectionLost = connectionLost
def _connectTimedOut(self): self._transportlessTimeoutCall = None self.connectionLost(failure.Failure(ConnectFailed("Timeout")))
def _transportlessTimedOut(self): self._transportlessTimeoutCall = None self.connectionLost(failure.Failure(ConnectionLost("Timeout")))
def _idleTimedOut(self): output, timeout = self.outputs.pop(0) if not self.outputs: self._transportlessTimeoutCall = self.scheduler(self.transportlessTimeout, self._transportlessTimedOut) output([self.outgoingAck, []])
def _sendMessagesToOutput(self, output): log.msg(athena_send_messages=True, count=len(self.messages)) output([self.outgoingAck, self.messages])
def pause(self): self._paused += 1
def _trySendMessages(self): """ If we have pending messages and there is an available transport, then consume it to send the messages. """ if self.messages and self.outputs: output, timeout = self.outputs.pop(0) timeout.cancel() if not self.outputs: self._transportlessTimeoutCall = self.scheduler(self.transportlessTimeout, self._transportlessTimedOut) self._sendMessagesToOutput(output)
def unpause(self): """ Decrement the pause counter and if the resulting state is not still paused try to flush any pending messages and expend excess outputs. """ self._paused -= 1 if self._paused == 0: self._trySendMessages() self._flushOutputs()
def addMessage(self, msg): if self._stopped: return
self.outgoingSeq += 1 self.messages.append((self.outgoingSeq, msg)) if not self._paused and self.outputs: output, timeout = self.outputs.pop(0) timeout.cancel() if not self.outputs: self._transportlessTimeoutCall = self.scheduler(self.transportlessTimeout, self._transportlessTimedOut) self._sendMessagesToOutput(output)
def addOutput(self, output): if self._transportlessTimeoutCall is not None: self._transportlessTimeoutCall.cancel() self._transportlessTimeoutCall = None if not self._paused and self.messages: self._transportlessTimeoutCall = self.scheduler(self.transportlessTimeout, self._transportlessTimedOut) self._sendMessagesToOutput(output) else: if self._stopped: self._sendMessagesToOutput(output) else: self.outputs.append((output, self.scheduler(self.idleTimeout, self._idleTimedOut)))
def close(self): assert not self._stopped, "Cannot multiply stop ReliableMessageDelivery" self.addMessage((CLOSE, [])) self._stopped = True while self.outputs: output, timeout = self.outputs.pop(0) timeout.cancel() self._sendMessagesToOutput(output) self.outputs = None if self._transportlessTimeoutCall is not None: self._transportlessTimeoutCall.cancel() self._transportlessTimeoutCall = None
def _unregisterDeferredAsOutputChannel(self, deferred): for i in xrange(len(self.outputs)): if self.outputs[i][0].im_self is deferred: output, timeout = self.outputs.pop(i) timeout.cancel() break else: return if not self.outputs: self._transportlessTimeoutCall = self.scheduler(self.transportlessTimeout, self._transportlessTimedOut)
def _createOutputDeferred(self): """ Create a new deferred, attaching it as an output. If the current state is not paused, try to flush any pending messages and expend any excess outputs. """ d = defer.Deferred() self.addOutput(d.callback) if not self._paused and self.outputs: self._trySendMessages() self._flushOutputs() return d
def _flushOutputs(self): """ Use up all except for one output.
This provides ideal behavior for the default HTTP client configuration, since only a maximum of two simultaneous connections are allowed. The remaining one output will let us signal the client at will without preventing the client from establishing new connections. """ if self.outputs is None: return while len(self.outputs) > 1: output, timeout = self.outputs.pop(0) timeout.cancel() output([self.outgoingAck, []])
def basketCaseReceived(self, ctx, basketCase): """ This is called when some random JSON data is received from an HTTP request.
A 'basket case' is currently a data structure of the form [ackNum, [[1, message], [2, message], [3, message]]]
Its name is highly informal because unless you are maintaining this exact code path, you should not encounter it. If you do, something has gone *badly* wrong. """ ack, incomingMessages = basketCase
outgoingMessages = self.messages
# dequeue messages that our client certainly knows about. while outgoingMessages and outgoingMessages[0][0] <= ack: outgoingMessages.pop(0)
if incomingMessages: log.msg(athena_received_messages=True, count=len(incomingMessages)) if incomingMessages[0][0] == UNLOAD: # Page-unload messages are special, because they are not part # of the normal message stream: they are a notification that # the message stream can't continue. Browser bugs force us to # handle this as quickly as possible, since the browser can # lock up hard while waiting for a response to this message # (and the user has already navigated away from the page, so # there's no useful communication that can take place any more) # so only one message is allowed. In the actual Athena JS, # only one is ever sent, so there is no need to handle more. # The structure of the packet is preserved for symmetry, # however, if we ever need to expand on it. Realistically, the # only message that can be usefully processed here is CLOSE. msg = incomingMessages[0][1] self.livePage.liveTransportMessageReceived(ctx, msg) return self._createOutputDeferred() elif self.outgoingAck + 1 >= incomingMessages[0][0]: lastSentAck = self.outgoingAck self.outgoingAck = max(incomingMessages[-1][0], self.outgoingAck) self.pause() try: for (seq, msg) in incomingMessages: if seq > lastSentAck: self.livePage.liveTransportMessageReceived(ctx, msg) else: log.msg("Athena transport duplicate message, discarding: %r %r" % (self.livePage.clientID, seq)) d = self._createOutputDeferred() finally: self.unpause() else: d = defer.succeed([self.outgoingAck, []]) log.msg( "Sequence gap! %r went from %s to %s" % (self.livePage.clientID, self.outgoingAck, incomingMessages[0][0])) else: d = self._createOutputDeferred()
return d
BOOTSTRAP_NODE_ID = 'athena:bootstrap' BOOTSTRAP_STATEMENT = ("eval(document.getElementById('" + BOOTSTRAP_NODE_ID + "').getAttribute('payload'));")
class _HasJSClass(object): """ A utility to share some code between the L{LivePage}, L{LiveElement}, and L{LiveFragment} classes which all have a jsClass attribute that represents a JavaScript class.
@ivar jsClass: a JavaScript class. @type jsClass: L{unicode} """
def _getModuleForClass(self): """ Get a L{JSModule} object for the class specified by this object's jsClass string. """ return jsDeps.getModuleForClass(self.jsClass)
def _getRequiredModules(self, memo): """ Return a list of two-tuples containing module names and URLs at which those modules are accessible. All of these modules must be loaded into the page before this Fragment's widget can be instantiated. modules are accessible. """ return [ (, for dep in self._getModuleForClass().allDependencies(memo) if]
def jsModuleDeclaration(name): """ Generate Javascript for a module declaration. """ var = '' if '.' not in name: var = 'var ' return '%s%s = {"__name__": "%s"};' % (var, name, name)
class _HasCSSModule(object): """ C{cssModule}-handling code common to L{LivePage}, L{LiveElement} and L{LiveFragment}.
@ivar cssModule: A CSS module name. @type cssModule: C{unicode} or C{NoneType} """ def _getRequiredCSSModules(self, memo): """ Return a list of CSS module URLs.
@rtype: C{list} of L{url.URL} """ if self.cssModule is None: return [] module = return [ for dep in module.allDependencies(memo) if]
def getStylesheetStan(self, modules): """ Get some stan which will include the given modules.
@type modules: C{list} or L{url.URL}
@rtype: Stan """ return [ rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href=url) for url in modules]
class LivePage(rend.Page, _HasJSClass, _HasCSSModule): """ A resource which can receive messages from and send messages to the client after the initial page load has completed and which can send messages.
@ivar requiredBrowserVersions: A dictionary mapping User-Agent browser names to the minimum supported version of those browsers. Clients using these browsers which are below the minimum version will be shown an alternate page explaining this rather than the normal page content.
@ivar unsupportedBrowserLoader: A document loader which will be used to generate the content shown to unsupported browsers.
@type _cssDepsMemo: C{dict} @ivar _cssDepsMemo: A cache for CSS module dependencies; by default, this will only be shared within a single page instance.
@type _jsDepsMemo: C{dict} @ivar _jsDepsMemo: A cache for JS module dependencies; by default, this will only be shared within a single page instance. """ jsClass = u'Nevow.Athena.PageWidget' cssModule = None
factory = LivePageFactory() _rendered = False _didDisconnect = False
useActiveChannels = True
# This is the number of seconds that is acceptable for a LivePage to be # considered 'connected' without any transports still active. In other # words, if the browser cannot make requests for more than this timeout # (due to network problems, blocking javascript functions, or broken # proxies) then deferreds returned from notifyOnDisconnect() will be # errbacked with ConnectionLost, and the LivePage will be removed from the # factory's cache, and then likely garbage collected. TRANSPORTLESS_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT = 30
# This is the amount of time that each 'transport' request will remain open # to the server. Although the underlying transport, i.e. the conceptual # connection established by the sequence of requests, remains alive, it is # necessary to periodically cancel requests to avoid browser and proxy # bugs. TRANSPORT_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 300
page = property(lambda self: self)
# Modules needed to bootstrap BOOTSTRAP_MODULES = ['Divmod', 'Divmod.Base', 'Divmod.Defer', 'Divmod.Runtime', 'Nevow', 'Nevow.Athena']
# Known minimum working versions of certain browsers. requiredBrowserVersions = { browsers.GECKO: (20051111,), browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER: (6, 0), browsers.WEBKIT: (523,), browsers.OPERA: (9,)}
unsupportedBrowserLoader = loaders.stan( tags.html[ tags.body[ 'Your browser is not supported by the Athena toolkit.']])
def __init__(self, iface=None, rootObject=None, jsModules=None, jsModuleRoot=None, transportRoot=None, cssModules=None, cssModuleRoot=None, *a, **kw): super(LivePage, self).__init__(*a, **kw)
self.iface = iface self.rootObject = rootObject if jsModules is None: jsModules = JSPackage(jsDeps.mapping) self.jsModules = jsModules self.jsModuleRoot = jsModuleRoot if transportRoot is None: transportRoot = self.transportRoot = transportRoot self.cssModuleRoot = cssModuleRoot if cssModules is None: cssModules = _theCSSRegistry self.cssModules = cssModules self.liveFragmentChildren = [] self._includedModules = [] self._includedCSSModules = [] self._disconnectNotifications = [] self._jsDepsMemo = {} self._cssDepsMemo = {}
def _shouldInclude(self, moduleName): if moduleName not in self._includedModules: self._includedModules.append(moduleName) return True return False
def _shouldIncludeCSSModule(self, moduleName): """ Figure out whether the named CSS module has already been included.
@type moduleName: C{unicode}
@rtype: C{bool} """ if moduleName not in self._includedCSSModules: self._includedCSSModules.append(moduleName) return True return False
# Child lookup may be dependent on the application state # represented by a LivePage. In this case, it is preferable to # dispatch child lookup on the same LivePage instance as performed # the initial rendering of the page. Override the default # implementation of locateChild to do this where appropriate. def locateChild(self, ctx, segments): try: client = self.factory.getClient(segments[0]) except KeyError: return super(LivePage, self).locateChild(ctx, segments) else: return client, segments[1:]
def child___athena_private__(self, ctx): return _thePrivateAthenaResource
# A note on timeout/disconnect logic: whenever a live client goes from some # transports to no transports, a timer starts; whenever it goes from no # transports to some transports, the timer is stopped; if the timer ever # expires the connection is considered lost; every time a transport is # added a timer is started; when the transport is used up, the timer is # stopped; if the timer ever expires, the transport has a no-op sent down # it; if an idle transport is ever disconnected, the connection is # considered lost; this lets the server notice clients who actively leave # (closed window, browser navigates away) and network congestion/errors # (unplugged ethernet cable, etc) def _becomeLive(self, location): """ Assign this LivePage a clientID, associate it with a factory, and begin tracking its state. This only occurs when a LivePage is *rendered*, not when it is instantiated. """ self.clientID = self.factory.addClient(self)
if self.jsModuleRoot is None: self.jsModuleRoot = location.child(self.clientID).child('jsmodule') if self.cssModuleRoot is None: self.cssModuleRoot = location.child(self.clientID).child('cssmodule')
self._requestIDCounter = itertools.count().next
self._messageDeliverer = ReliableMessageDelivery( self, self.TRANSPORTLESS_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT * 2, self.TRANSPORTLESS_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT, self.TRANSPORT_IDLE_TIMEOUT, self._disconnected) self._remoteCalls = {}
# Mapping of Object-ID to a Python object that will accept messages # from the client. self._localObjects = {}
# Counter for assigning local object IDs self._localObjectIDCounter = itertools.count().next
def _supportedBrowser(self, request): """ Determine whether a known-unsupported browser is making a request.
@param request: The L{IRequest} being made.
@rtype: C{bool} @return: False if the user agent is known to be unsupported by Athena, True otherwise. """ agentString = request.getHeader("user-agent") if agentString is None: return True agent = UserAgent.fromHeaderValue(agentString) if agent is None: return True
requiredVersion = self.requiredBrowserVersions.get(agent.browser, None) if requiredVersion is not None: return agent.version >= requiredVersion return True
def renderUnsupported(self, ctx): """ Render a notification to the user that his user agent is unsupported by this LivePage.
@param ctx: The current rendering context.
@return: Something renderable (same behavior as L{renderHTTP}) """ return flat.flatten(self.unsupportedBrowserLoader.load())
def renderHTTP(self, ctx): """ Attach this livepage to its transport, and render it and all of its attached widgets to the browser. During rendering, the page is attached to its factory, acquires a clientID, and has headers set appropriately to prevent a browser from ever caching the page, since the clientID it gives to the browser is transient and changes every time.
These state changes associated with rendering mean that L{LivePage}s can only be rendered once, because they are attached to a particular user's browser, and it must be unambiguous what browser L{LivePage.callRemote} will invoke the method in.
The page's contents are rendered according to its docFactory, as with a L{Page}, unless the user-agent requesting this LivePage is determined to be unsupported by the JavaScript runtime required by Athena. In that case, a static page is rendered by this page's C{renderUnsupported} method.
If a special query argument is set in the URL, "__athena_reconnect__", the page will instead render the JSON-encoded clientID by itself as the page's content. This allows an existing live page in a browser to programmatically reconnect without re-rendering and re-loading the entire page.
@see: L{LivePage.renderUnsupported}
@see: L{Page.renderHTTP}
@param ctx: a L{WovenContext} with L{IRequest} remembered.
@return: a string (the content of the page) or a Deferred which will fire with the same.
@raise RuntimeError: if the page has already been rendered, or this page has not been given a factory. """ if self._rendered: raise RuntimeError("Cannot render a LivePage more than once") if self.factory is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot render a LivePage without a factory")
self._rendered = True request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) if not self._supportedBrowser(request): request.write(self.renderUnsupported(ctx)) return ''
self._becomeLive(url.URL.fromString(flat.flatten(, ctx)))
neverEverCache(request) if request.args.get(ATHENA_RECONNECT): return json.serialize(self.clientID.decode("ascii")) return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
def _disconnected(self, reason): if not self._didDisconnect: self._didDisconnect = True
notifications = self._disconnectNotifications self._disconnectNotifications = None for d in notifications: d.errback(reason) calls = self._remoteCalls self._remoteCalls = {} for (reqID, resD) in calls.iteritems(): resD.errback(reason) self.factory.removeClient(self.clientID)
def addLocalObject(self, obj): objID = self._localObjectIDCounter() self._localObjects[objID] = obj return objID
def callRemote(self, methodName, *args): requestID = u's2c%i' % (self._requestIDCounter(),) message = (u'call', (unicode(methodName, 'ascii'), requestID, args)) resultD = defer.Deferred() self._remoteCalls[requestID] = resultD self.addMessage(message) return resultD
def addMessage(self, message): self._messageDeliverer.addMessage(message)
def notifyOnDisconnect(self): """ Return a Deferred which will fire or errback when this LivePage is no longer connected.
Note that if a LivePage never establishes a connection in the first place, the Deferreds this returns will never fire.
@rtype: L{defer.Deferred} """ d = defer.Deferred() self._disconnectNotifications.append(d) return d
def getJSModuleURL(self, moduleName): return self.jsModuleRoot.child(moduleName)
def getCSSModuleURL(self, moduleName): """ Return a URL rooted a L{cssModuleRoot} from which the CSS module named C{moduleName} can be fetched.
@type moduleName: C{unicode}
@rtype: C{str} """ return self.cssModuleRoot.child(moduleName)
def getImportStan(self, moduleName): moduleDef = jsModuleDeclaration(moduleName); return [tags.script(type='text/javascript')[tags.raw(moduleDef)], tags.script(type='text/javascript', src=self.getJSModuleURL(moduleName))]
def render_liveglue(self, ctx, data): bootstrapString = '\n'.join( [self._bootstrapCall(method, args) for method, args in self._bootstraps(ctx)]) return ctx.tag[ self.getStylesheetStan(self._getRequiredCSSModules(self._cssDepsMemo)),
# Hit jsDeps.getModuleForName to force it to load some plugins :/ # This really needs to be redesigned. [self.getImportStan(jsDeps.getModuleForName(name).name) for (name, url) in self._getRequiredModules(self._jsDepsMemo)], tags.script(type='text/javascript', id=BOOTSTRAP_NODE_ID, payload=bootstrapString)[ BOOTSTRAP_STATEMENT] ]
def _bootstraps(self, ctx): """ Generate a list of 2-tuples of (methodName, arguments) representing the methods which need to be invoked as soon as all the bootstrap modules are loaded.
@param: a L{WovenContext} that can render an URL. """ return [ ("Divmod.bootstrap", [flat.flatten(self.transportRoot, ctx).decode("ascii")]), ("Nevow.Athena.bootstrap", [self.jsClass, self.clientID.decode('ascii')])]
def _bootstrapCall(self, methodName, args): """ Generate a string to call a 'bootstrap' function in an Athena JavaScript module client-side.
@param methodName: the name of the method.
@param args: a list of objects that will be JSON-serialized as arguments to the named method. """ return '%s(%s);' % ( methodName, ', '.join([json.serialize(arg) for arg in args]))
def child_jsmodule(self, ctx): return MappingResource(self.jsModules.mapping)
def child_cssmodule(self, ctx): """ Return a L{MappingResource} wrapped around L{cssModules}. """ return MappingResource(self.cssModules.mapping)
_transportResource = None def child_transport(self, ctx): if self._transportResource is None: self._transportResource = LivePageTransport( self._messageDeliverer, self.useActiveChannels) return self._transportResource
def locateMethod(self, ctx, methodName): if methodName in self.iface: return getattr(self.rootObject, methodName) raise AttributeError(methodName)
def liveTransportMessageReceived(self, ctx, (action, args)): """ A message was received from the reliable transport layer. Process it by dispatching it first to myself, then later to application code if applicable. """ method = getattr(self, 'action_' + action) method(ctx, *args)
def action_call(self, ctx, requestId, method, objectID, args, kwargs): """ Handle a remote call initiated by the client. """ localObj = self._localObjects[objectID] try: func = localObj.locateMethod(ctx, method) except AttributeError: result =, method)) else: result = defer.maybeDeferred(func, *args, **kwargs) def _cbCall(result): success = True if isinstance(result, failure.Failure): log.msg("Sending error to browser:") log.err(result) success = False if result.check(LivePageError): result = ( result.value.jsClass, result.value.args) else: result = ( u'Divmod.Error', [u'%s: %s' % ( result.type.__name__.decode('ascii'), result.getErrorMessage().decode('ascii'))]) message = (u'respond', (unicode(requestId), success, result)) self.addMessage(message) result.addBoth(_cbCall)
def action_respond(self, ctx, responseId, success, result): """ Handle the response from the client to a call initiated by the server. """ callDeferred = self._remoteCalls.pop(responseId) if success: callDeferred.callback(result) else: callDeferred.errback(getJSFailure(result, self.jsModules.mapping))
def action_noop(self, ctx): """ Handle noop, used to initialise and ping the live transport. """
def action_close(self, ctx): """ The client is going away. Clean up after them. """ self._messageDeliverer.close() self._disconnected(error.ConnectionDone("Connection closed"))
handler = stan.Proto('athena:handler') _handlerFormat = "return Nevow.Athena.Widget.handleEvent(this, %(event)s, %(handler)s);"
def _rewriteEventHandlerToAttribute(tag): """ Replace athena:handler children of the given tag with attributes on the tag which correspond to those event handlers. """ if isinstance(tag, stan.Tag): extraAttributes = {} for i in xrange(len(tag.children) - 1, -1, -1): if isinstance(tag.children[i], stan.Tag) and tag.children[i].tagName == 'athena:handler': info = tag.children.pop(i) name = info.attributes['event'].encode('ascii') handler = info.attributes['handler'] extraAttributes[name] = _handlerFormat % { 'handler': json.serialize(handler.decode('ascii')), 'event': json.serialize(name.decode('ascii'))} tag(**extraAttributes) return tag
def rewriteEventHandlerNodes(root): """ Replace all the athena:handler nodes in a given document with onfoo attributes. """ stan.visit(root, _rewriteEventHandlerToAttribute) return root
def _mangleId(oldId): """ Return a consistently mangled form of an id that is unique to the widget within which it occurs. """ return ['athenaid:', tags.slot('athena:id'), '-', oldId]
def _rewriteAthenaId(tag): """ Rewrite id attributes to be prefixed with the ID of the widget the node is contained by. Also rewrite label "for" attributes which must match the id of their form element. """ if isinstance(tag, stan.Tag): elementId = tag.attributes.pop('id', None) if elementId is not None: tag.attributes['id'] = _mangleId(elementId) if tag.tagName == "label": elementFor = tag.attributes.pop('for', None) if elementFor is not None: tag.attributes['for'] = _mangleId(elementFor) if tag.tagName in ('td', 'th'): headers = tag.attributes.pop('headers', None) if headers is not None: ids = headers.split() headers = [_mangleId(headerId) for headerId in ids] for n in xrange(len(headers) - 1, 0, -1): headers.insert(n, ' ') tag.attributes['headers'] = headers return tag
def rewriteAthenaIds(root): """ Rewrite id attributes to be unique to the widget they're in. """ stan.visit(root, _rewriteAthenaId) return root
class _LiveMixin(_HasJSClass, _HasCSSModule): jsClass = u'Nevow.Athena.Widget' cssModule = None
preprocessors = [rewriteEventHandlerNodes, rewriteAthenaIds]
fragmentParent = None
_page = None
# Reference to the result of a call to _structured, if one has been made, # otherwise None. This is used to make _structured() idempotent. _structuredCache = None
def __init__(self, *a, **k): super(_LiveMixin, self).__init__(*a, **k) self.liveFragmentChildren = []
def page(): def get(self): if self._page is None: if self.fragmentParent is not None: self._page = return self._page def set(self, value): self._page = value doc = """ The L{LivePage} instance which is the topmost container of this fragment. """ return get, set, None, doc page = property(*page())
def getInitialArguments(self): """ Return a C{tuple} or C{list} of arguments to be passed to this C{LiveFragment}'s client-side Widget.
This will be called during the rendering process. Whatever it returns will be serialized into the page and passed to the C{__init__} method of the widget specified by C{jsClass}.
@rtype: C{list} or C{tuple} """ return ()
def _prepare(self, tag): """ Check for clearly incorrect settings of C{self.jsClass} and C{}, add this object to the page and fill the I{athena:id} slot with this object's Athena identifier. """ assert isinstance(self.jsClass, unicode), "jsClass must be a unicode string"
if is None: raise OrphanedFragment(self) self._athenaID = tag.fillSlots('athena:id', str(self._athenaID))
def setFragmentParent(self, fragmentParent): """ Sets the L{LiveFragment} (or L{LivePage}) which is the logical parent of this fragment. This should parallel the client-side hierarchy.
All LiveFragments must have setFragmentParent called on them before they are rendered for the client; otherwise, they will be unable to properly hook up to the page.
LiveFragments should have their own setFragmentParent called before calling setFragmentParent on any of their own children. The normal way to accomplish this is to instantiate your fragment children during the render pass.
If that isn't feasible, instead override setFragmentParent and instantiate your children there.
This architecture might seem contorted, but what it allows that is interesting is adaptation of foreign objects to LiveFragment. Anywhere you adapt to LiveFragment, setFragmentParent is the next thing that should be called. """ self.fragmentParent = fragmentParent = fragmentParent.liveFragmentChildren.append(self)
def _flatten(self, what): """ Synchronously flatten C{what} and return the result as a C{str}. """ # Nested import because in a significant stroke of misfortune, # nevow.testutil already depends on nevow.athena. It makes more sense # for the dependency to go from nevow.athena to nevow.testutil. # Perhaps a sane way to fix this would be to move FakeRequest to a # different module from whence nevow.athena and nevow.testutil could # import it. -exarkun from nevow.testutil import FakeRequest return "".join(_flat.flatten(FakeRequest(), what, False, False))
def _structured(self): """ Retrieve an opaque object which may be usable to construct the client-side Widgets which correspond to this fragment and all of its children. """ if self._structuredCache is not None: return self._structuredCache
children = [] requiredModules = [] requiredCSSModules = []
# Using the context here is terrible but basically necessary given the # /current/ architecture of Athena and flattening. A better # implementation which was not tied to the rendering system could avoid # this. markup = {'children': children, 'requiredModules': requiredModules, 'requiredCSSModules': requiredCSSModules}, self._flatten, tags.div(xmlns="")[self]).decode('utf-8')
del children[0]
self._structuredCache = { u'requiredModules': [(name, flat.flatten(url).decode('utf-8')) for (name, url) in requiredModules], u'requiredCSSModules': [flat.flatten(url).decode('utf-8') for url in requiredCSSModules], u'class': self.jsClass, u'id': self._athenaID, u'initArguments': tuple(self.getInitialArguments()), u'markup': markup, u'children': children} return self._structuredCache
def liveElement(self, request, tag): """ Render framework-level boilerplate for making sure the Widget for this Element is created and added to the page properly. """ requiredModules = self._getRequiredModules( requiredCSSModules = self._getRequiredCSSModules(
# Add required attributes to the top widget node tag(**{'xmlns:athena': ATHENA_XMLNS_URI, 'id': 'athena:%d' % self._athenaID, 'athena:class': self.jsClass})
# This will only be set if _structured() is being run. if context.get('children') is not None: context.get('children').append({ u'class': self.jsClass, u'id': self._athenaID, u'initArguments': self.getInitialArguments()}) context.get('requiredModules').extend(requiredModules) context.get('requiredCSSModules').extend(requiredCSSModules) return tag
return ( self.getStylesheetStan(requiredCSSModules),
# Import stuff [self.getImportStan(name) for (name, url) in requiredModules],
# Dump some data for our client-side __init__ into a text area # where it can easily be found. tags.textarea(id='athena-init-args-' + str(self._athenaID), style="display: none")[ json.serialize(self.getInitialArguments())],
# Arrange to be instantiated tags.script(type='text/javascript')[ """ Nevow.Athena.Widget._widgetNodeAdded(%(athenaID)d); """ % {'athenaID': self._athenaID, 'pythonClass': self.__class__.__name__}],
# Okay, application stuff, plus metadata tag, ) renderer(liveElement)
def render_liveFragment(self, ctx, data): return self.liveElement(inevow.IRequest(ctx), ctx.tag)
def getImportStan(self, moduleName): return
def locateMethod(self, ctx, methodName): remoteMethod = expose.get(self, methodName, None) if remoteMethod is None: raise AttributeError(self, methodName) return remoteMethod
def callRemote(self, methodName, *varargs): return "Nevow.Athena.callByAthenaID", self._athenaID, unicode(methodName, 'ascii'), varargs)
def _athenaDetachServer(self): """ Locally remove this from its parent.
@raise OrphanedFragment: if not attached to a parent. """ if self.fragmentParent is None: raise OrphanedFragment(self) for ch in self.liveFragmentChildren: ch._athenaDetachServer() self.fragmentParent.liveFragmentChildren.remove(self) self.fragmentParent = None = None self.detached() expose(_athenaDetachServer)
def detach(self): """ Remove this from its parent after notifying the client that this is happening.
This function will *not* work correctly if the parent/child relationships of this widget do not exactly match the parent/child relationships of the corresponding fragments or elements on the server.
@return: A L{Deferred} which will fire when the detach completes. """ d = self.callRemote('_athenaDetachClient') d.addCallback(lambda ign: self._athenaDetachServer()) return d
def detached(self): """ Application-level callback invoked when L{detach} succeeds or when the client invokes the detach logic from its side.
This is invoked after this fragment has been disassociated from its parent and from the page.
Override this. """
class LiveFragment(_LiveMixin, rend.Fragment): """ This class is deprecated because it relies on context objects U{which are being removed from Nevow<>}.
@see: L{LiveElement} """ def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(LiveFragment, self).__init__(*a, **kw) warnings.warn("[v0.10] LiveFragment has been superceded by LiveElement.", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
def rend(self, context, data): """ Hook into the rendering process in order to check preconditions and make sure the document will actually be renderable by satisfying certain Athena requirements. """ context = rend.Fragment.rend(self, context, data) self._prepare(context.tag) return context
class LiveElement(_LiveMixin, Element): """ Base-class for a portion of a LivePage. When being rendered, a LiveElement has a special ID attribute added to its top-level tag. This attribute is used to dispatch calls from the client onto the correct object (this one).
A LiveElement must use the `liveElement' renderer somewhere in its document template. The node given this renderer will be the node used to construct a Widget instance in the browser (where it will be saved as the `node' property on the widget object).
JavaScript handlers for elements inside this node can use C{Nevow.Athena.Widget.get} to retrieve the widget associated with this LiveElement. For example::
<form onsubmit="Nevow.Athena.Widget.get(this).callRemote('foo', bar); return false;">
Methods of the JavaScript widget class can also be bound as event handlers using the handler tag type in the Athena namespace::
<form xmlns:athena=""> <athena:handler event="onsubmit" handler="doFoo" /> </form>
This will invoke the C{doFoo} method of the widget which contains the form node.
Because this mechanism sets up error handling and otherwise reduces the required boilerplate for handling events, it is preferred and recommended over directly including JavaScript in the event handler attribute of a node.
The C{jsClass} attribute of a LiveElement instance determines the JavaScript class used to construct its corresponding Widget. This appears as the 'athena:class' attribute.
JavaScript modules may import other JavaScript modules by using a special comment which Athena recognizes::
// import Module.Name
Different imports must be placed on different lines. No other comment style is supported for these directives. Only one space character must appear between the string 'import' and the name of the module to be imported. No trailing whitespace or non-whitespace is allowed. There must be exactly one space between '//' and 'import'. There must be no preceeding whitespace on the line.
C{Nevow.Athena.Widget.callRemote} can be given permission to invoke methods on L{LiveElement} instances by passing the functions which implement those methods to L{nevow.athena.expose} in this way::
class SomeElement(LiveElement): def someMethod(self, ...): ... expose(someMethod)
Only methods exposed in this way will be accessible.
L{LiveElement.callRemote} can be used to invoke any method of the widget on the client.
XML elements with id attributes will be rewritten so that the id is unique to that particular instance. The client-side C{Nevow.Athena.Widget.nodeById} API is provided to locate these later on. For example::
<div id="foo" />
and then::
var node = self.nodyById('foo');
On most platforms, this API will be much faster than similar techniques using C{Nevow.Athena.Widget.nodeByAttribute} etc.
Similarly to how Javascript classes are specified, L{LiveElement} instances may also identify a CSS module which provides appropriate styles with the C{cssModule} attribute (a unicode string naming a module within a L{inevow.ICSSPackage}).
The referenced CSS modules are treated as regular CSS, with the exception of support for the same::
// import CSSModule.Name
syntax as is provided for Javascript modules. """ def render(self, request): """ Hook into the rendering process in order to check preconditions and make sure the document will actually be renderable by satisfying certain Athena requirements. """ document = tags.invisible[Element.render(self, request)] self._prepare(document) return document
class IntrospectionFragment(LiveFragment): """ Utility for developers which provides detailed information about the state of a live page. """
jsClass = u'Nevow.Athena.IntrospectionWidget'
docFactory = loaders.stan( tags.span(render=tags.directive('liveFragment'))[ tags.a( href="#DEBUG_ME", class_='toggle-debug')["Debug"]])
__all__ = [ # Constants 'ATHENA_XMLNS_URI',
# Errors 'LivePageError', 'OrphanedFragment', 'ConnectFailed', 'ConnectionLost'
# JS support 'MappingResource', 'JSModule', 'JSPackage', 'AutoJSPackage', 'allJavascriptPackages', 'JSDependencies', 'JSException', 'JSCode', 'JSFrame', 'JSTraceback',
# CSS support 'CSSRegistry', 'CSSModule',
# Core objects 'LivePage', 'LiveFragment', 'LiveElement', 'IntrospectionFragment',
# Decorators 'expose', 'handler', ]