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# -*- test-case-name: nevow.test.test_newflat -*- # Copyright (c) 2008 Divmod. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Context-free flattener/serializer for rendering Python objects, possibly complex or arbitrarily nested, as strings.
Immediate future plans:
- Deprecate IRenderer and getFlattener cases in _flatten - Write a precompiler which is more friendly towards _flatten - Write a pretty "render stack" formatter for the information in FlattenerError._roots
from sys import exc_info from types import GeneratorType from traceback import extract_tb, format_list
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
from nevow.inevow import IRenderable, IRenderer, IRendererFactory, IData from nevow.inevow import IRequest from nevow.url import URL from nevow.stan import _PrecompiledSlot, Unset, Proto, Tag, Entity, slot, xml from nevow.stan import directive from nevow.context import WovenContext from nevow.flat.flatstan import allowSingleton from nevow.flat import flattenFactory from nevow.flat.ten import getFlattener from nevow.tags import raw
class FlattenerError(Exception): """ An error occurred while flattening an object.
@ivar _roots: A list of the objects on the flattener's stack at the time the unflattenable object was encountered. The first element is least deeply nested object and the last element is the most deeply nested. """ def __init__(self, exception, roots, traceback): self._exception = exception self._roots = roots self._traceback = traceback Exception.__init__(self, exception, roots, traceback)
def _formatRoot(self, obj): """ Convert an object from C{self._roots} to a string suitable for inclusion in a render-traceback (like a normal Python traceback, but can include "frame" source locations which are not in Python source files).
@param obj: Any object which can be a render step I{root}. Typically, L{Tag}s, strings, and other simple Python types.
@return: A string representation of C{obj}. @rtype: L{str} """ if isinstance(obj, (str, unicode)): # It's somewhat unlikely that there will ever be a str in the roots # list. However, something like a MemoryError during a str.replace # call (eg, replacing " with ") could possibly cause this. # Likewise, UTF-8 encoding a unicode string to a byte string might # fail like this. if len(obj) > 40: if isinstance(obj, str): prefix = 1 else: prefix = 2 return repr(obj[:20])[:-1] + '<...>' + repr(obj[-20:])[prefix:] else: return repr(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Tag): if obj.filename is None: return 'Tag <' + obj.tagName + '>' else: return "File \"%s\", line %d, column %d, in \"%s\"" % ( obj.filename, obj.lineNumber, obj.columnNumber, obj.tagName) else: return repr(obj)
def __repr__(self): if self._roots: roots = ' ' + '\n '.join([ self._formatRoot(r) for r in self._roots]) + '\n' else: roots = '' if self._traceback: traceback = '\n'.join([ line for entry in format_list(self._traceback) for line in entry.splitlines()]) + '\n' else: traceback = '' return ( 'Exception while flattening:\n' + roots + traceback + self._exception.__class__.__name__ + ': ' + str(self._exception) + '\n')
def __str__(self): return repr(self)
class UnfilledSlot(Exception): """ During flattening, a slot with no associated data was encountered. """ def __str__(self): return 'UnfilledSlot(%r)' % self.args
class UnsupportedType(Exception): """ During flattening, an object of a type which cannot be flattened was encountered. """ def __str__(self): return "UnsupportedType(%r)" % self.args
def escapedData(data, inAttribute, inXML): """ Escape a string for inclusion in a document.
@type data: C{str} @param data: The string to escape.
@type inAttribute: C{bool} @param inAttribute: A flag which, if set, indicates that the string should be quoted for use as the value of an XML tag value.
@type inXML: C{bool} @param inXML: A flag which, if set, indicates that the string should be quoted for use as an XML text node or as the value of an XML tag value.
@rtype: C{str} @return: The quoted form of C{data}. """ if inXML or inAttribute: data = data.replace('&', '&' ).replace('<', '<' ).replace('>', '>') if inAttribute: data = data.replace('"', '"') return data
def _ctxForRequest(request, slotData, renderFactory, inAttribute): """ Create a L{WovenContext} which can be used to by the backwards-compatibility support of L{IRenderer} and L{getFlattener} to continue rendering a response for the given request. """ ctx = WovenContext() ctx.isAttrib = inAttribute ctx.remember(None, IData) # Even though IData(ctx) can never return None, # remembering None here is somehow very important # for preventing a TypeError from happening when # ctx.locate(IData) is invoked, since it is # sometimes invoked from a codepath other than # __conform__. -exarkun ctx.remember(request, IRequest) for slotGroup in slotData: if slotGroup is not None: for k, v in slotGroup.items(): ctx.fillSlots(k, v) if renderFactory is not None: ctx.remember(_OldRendererFactory(renderFactory), IRendererFactory) return ctx
def _getSlotValue(name, slotData): """ Find the value of the named slot in the given stack of slot data. """ for slotFrame in slotData[::-1]: if slotFrame is not None and name in slotFrame: return slotFrame[name] else: raise UnfilledSlot(name)
def _flatten(request, root, slotData, renderFactory, inAttribute, inXML): """ Make C{root} slightly more flat by yielding all or part of it as strings or generators.
@param request: A request object which will be passed to L{IRenderable.render}.
@param root: An object to be made flatter. This may be of type C{unicode}, C{str}, L{raw}, L{Proto}, L{xml}, L{slot}, L{_PrecompiledSlot}, L{Tag}, L{URL}, L{tuple}, L{list}, L{GeneratorType}, L{Entity}, L{Deferred}, or it may be an object which is adaptable to L{IRenderable}. Deprecated backwards-compatibility support is also present for objects adaptable to L{IRenderer} or for which a flattener has been registered via L{registerFlattener}.
@param slotData: A C{list} of C{dict} mapping C{str} slot names to data with which those slots will be replaced.
@param inAttribute: A flag which, if set, indicates that C{str} and C{unicode} instances encountered must be quoted as for XML tag attribute values.
@param inXML: A flag which, if set, indicates that C{str} and C{unicode} instances encountered must be quoted as for XML text node data.
@return: An iterator which yields C{str}, L{Deferred}, and more iterators of the same type. """ if isinstance(root, unicode): root = root.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(root, WovenContext): # WovenContext is supported via the getFlattener case, but that is a # very slow case. Checking here is an optimization. It also lets us # avoid the deprecation warning which would be emitted whenever a # precompiled document was flattened, since those contain WovenContexts # for tags with render directives. -exarkun inAttribute = root.isAttrib inXML = True root = root.tag
if isinstance(root, raw): root = str(root) if inAttribute: root = root.replace('"', '"') yield root elif isinstance(root, Proto): root = str(root) if root: if root in allowSingleton: yield '<' + root + ' />' else: yield '<' + root + '></' + root + '>' elif isinstance(root, str): yield escapedData(root, inAttribute, inXML) elif isinstance(root, slot): slotValue = _getSlotValue(, slotData) yield _flatten(request, slotValue, slotData, renderFactory, inAttribute, inXML) elif isinstance(root, _PrecompiledSlot): slotValue = _getSlotValue(, slotData) yield _flatten(request, slotValue, slotData, renderFactory, root.isAttrib, inXML) elif isinstance(root, Tag): if root.pattern is Unset or root.pattern is None: slotData.append(root.slotData) if root.render is Unset: if not root.tagName: for element in _flatten(request, root.children, slotData, renderFactory, False, True): yield element else: yield '<' if isinstance(root.tagName, unicode): tagName = root.tagName.encode('ascii') else: tagName = str(root.tagName) yield tagName for k, v in root.attributes.iteritems(): if isinstance(k, unicode): k = k.encode('ascii') yield " " + k + "=\"" for element in _flatten(request, v, slotData, renderFactory, True, True): yield element yield "\"" if root.children or tagName not in allowSingleton: yield '>' for element in _flatten(request, root.children, slotData, renderFactory, False, True): yield element yield '</' + tagName + '>' else: yield ' />' else: if isinstance(root.render, directive): rendererName = else: rendererName = root.render root = root.clone(False) del root._specials['render'] result = renderFactory.renderer(rendererName)(request, root) yield _flatten(request, result, slotData, renderFactory, None, inXML) slotData.pop() elif isinstance(root, URL): yield escapedData(str(root), inAttribute, inXML) elif isinstance(root, (tuple, list, GeneratorType)): for element in root: yield _flatten(request, element, slotData, renderFactory, inAttribute, inXML) elif isinstance(root, Entity): yield '&#' yield root.num yield ';' elif isinstance(root, xml): if isinstance(root.content, unicode): yield root.content.encode('utf-8') else: yield root.content elif isinstance(root, Deferred): yield root.addCallback( lambda result: (result, _flatten(request, result, slotData, renderFactory, inAttribute, inXML))) else: renderable = IRenderable(root, None) if renderable is not None: # [] for the slotData parameter of this call to _flatten means # slots returned by this renderable's render method won't be filled # with data which has so far accumulated in the slotData stack. # This seems like a reasonable thing to me, since a renderable is a # piece of Python code. It should be isolated from this other # stuff, which is primarily data. -exarkun yield _flatten(request, renderable.render(request), [], renderable, inAttribute, inXML) else: renderer = IRenderer(root, None) if renderer is not None: ctx = _ctxForRequest(request, slotData, None, inAttribute) results = [] synchronous = [] flattened = flattenFactory(renderer, ctx, results.append, lambda ign: None) def cbFlattened(result): synchronous.append(None) return (result, (str(s) for s in results)) flattened.addCallback(cbFlattened) if synchronous: yield ''.join(map(str, results)) else: yield flattened else: flattener = getFlattener(root) if flattener is not None: ctx = _ctxForRequest(request, slotData, renderFactory, inAttribute) yield _flatten(request, flattener(root, ctx), slotData, renderFactory, False, False) else: raise UnsupportedType(root)
class _OldRendererFactory(object): """ Adapter from L{IRenderable} to L{IRenderFactory}, used to provide support for using the old flattener on new kinds of view objects. """ def __init__(self, newRendererFactory): self.newRendererFactory = newRendererFactory
def renderer(self, context, name): f = self.newRendererFactory.renderer(name) def render(ctx, data): return f( IRequest(ctx, None), ctx.tag, ) return render
def flatten(request, root, inAttribute, inXML): """ Make C{root} into an iterable of C{str} and L{Deferred}.
@param request: A request object which will be passed to L{IRenderable.render}.
@param root: An object to be made flatter. This may be of type C{unicode}, C{str}, L{Proto}, L{slot}, L{Tag}, L{URL}, L{tuple}, L{list}, L{Entity}, L{Deferred}, or it may be an object which is adaptable to L{IRenderable}.
@type inAttribute: C{bool} @param inAttribute: A flag which, if set, indicates that the string should be quoted for use as the value of an XML tag value.
@type inXML: C{bool} @param inXML: A flag which, if set, indicates that the string should be quoted for use as an XML text node or as the value of an XML tag value.
@return: An iterator which yields objects of type C{str} and L{Deferred}. A L{Deferred} is only yielded when one is encountered in the process of flattening C{root}. The returned iterator must not be iterated again until the L{Deferred} is called back. """ stack = [_flatten(request, root, [], None, inAttribute, inXML)] while stack: try: # In Python 2.5, after an exception, a generator's gi_frame is # None. frame = stack[-1].gi_frame element = stack[-1].next() except StopIteration: stack.pop() except Exception, e: stack.pop() roots = [] for generator in stack: roots.append(generator.gi_frame.f_locals['root']) roots.append(frame.f_locals['root']) raise FlattenerError(e, roots, extract_tb(exc_info()[2])) else: if type(element) is str: yield element elif isinstance(element, Deferred): def cbx((original, toFlatten)): stack.append(toFlatten) return original yield element.addCallback(cbx) else: stack.append(element)
def _flattensome(state, write, schedule, result): """ Take strings from an iterator and pass them to a writer function.
@param state: An iterator of C{str} and L{Deferred}. C{str} instances will be passed to C{write}. L{Deferred} instances will be waited on before resuming iteration of C{state}.
@param write: A callable which will be invoked with each C{str} produced by iterating C{state}.
@param schedule: A callable which will arrange for a function to be called with some positional arguments I{later}. This is used to avoid unbounded call stack depth due to already-fired L{Deferred}s produced by C{state}.
@param result: A L{Deferred} which will be called back when C{state} has been completely flattened into C{write} or which will be errbacked if an unexpected exception occurs.
@return: C{None} """ while True: try: element = except StopIteration: result.callback(None) except: result.errback() else: if type(element) is str: write(element) continue else: def cby(original): schedule(_flattensome, state, write, schedule, result) return original element.addCallbacks(cby, result.errback) break
def _schedule(f, *a): """ Scheduler for use with L{_flattensome} which uses L{IReactorTime.callLater} to schedule calls. This works around the fact that L{Deferred} can exceed the stack limit in certain cases. """ # XXX SUCKY from twisted.internet import reactor reactor.callLater(0, f, *a)
def deferflatten(request, root, inAttribute, inXML, write): """ Incrementally write out a string representation of C{root} using C{write}.
In order to create a string representation, C{root} will be decomposed into simpler objects which will themselves be decomposed and so on until strings or objects which can easily be converted to strings are encountered.
@param request: A request object which will be passed to the C{render} method of any L{IRenderable} provider which is encountered.
@param root: An object to be made flatter. This may be of type C{unicode}, C{str}, L{raw}, L{Proto}, L{xml}, L{slot}, L{_PrecompiledSlot}, L{Tag}, L{URL}, L{tuple}, L{list}, L{GeneratorType}, L{Entity}, L{Deferred}, or it may be an object which is adaptable to L{IRenderable}. Deprecated backwards-compatibility support is also present for objects adaptable to L{IRenderer} or for which a flattener has been registered via L{registerFlattener}.
@type inAttribute: C{bool} @param inAttribute: A flag which, if set, indicates that the string should be quoted for use as the value of an XML tag value.
@type inXML: C{bool} @param inXML: A flag which, if set, indicates that the string should be quoted for use as an XML text node or as the value of an XML tag value.
@param write: A callable which will be invoked with each C{str} produced by flattening C{root}.
@return: A L{Deferred} which will be called back when C{root} has been completely flattened into C{write} or which will be errbacked if an unexpected exception occurs. """ result = Deferred() state = flatten(request, root, inAttribute, inXML) _flattensome(state, write, _schedule, result) return result