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# Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Divmod. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Tests for L{nevow.json}. """
from zope.interface import implements
from nevow.inevow import IAthenaTransportable from nevow import json, rend, page, loaders, tags, athena, testutil
from twisted.trial import unittest
TEST_OBJECTS = [ 0, None, True, False, [], [0], [0, 1, 2], [None, 1, 2], [None, u'one', 2], [True, False, u'string', 10], [[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[1.5, 2.5], [3.5, 4.5]], [0, [1, 2], [u'hello'], [u'world'], [True, None, False]], {}, {u'foo': u'bar'}, {u'foo': None}, {u'bar': True}, {u'baz': [1, 2, 3]}, {u'quux': {u'bar': u'foo'}}, ]
TEST_STRINGLIKE_OBJECTS = [ u'', u'string', u'string with "embedded" quotes', u"string with 'embedded' single-quotes", u'string with \\"escaped embedded\\" quotes', u"string with \\'escaped embedded\\' single-quotes", u"string with backslashes\\\\", u"string with trailing accented vowels: \xe1\xe9\xed\xf3\xfa\xfd\xff", u"string with trailing control characters: \f\b\n\t\r", u'string with high codepoint characters: \u0111\u2222\u3333\u4444\uffff', u'string with very high codepoint characters: \U00011111\U00022222\U00033333\U00044444\U000fffff', ]
class DummyLivePage(object): """ Stand-in for L{athena.LivePage} which implements only enough of its behavior so that a L{LiveFragment} or L{LiveElement} can be set as its child and flattened. """ localCounter = 0
def __init__(self): = self self.liveFragmentChildren = [] self._jsDepsMemo = {} self._cssDepsMemo = {}
def addLocalObject(self, obj): """ Return an Athena ID for the given object. Returns a new value on every call. """ self.localCounter += 1 return self.localCounter
def _shouldInclude(self, module): """ Stub module-system method. Always declares that the given module should not be included. """ return False
class JavascriptObjectNotationTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testSerialize(self): for struct in TEST_OBJECTS: json.serialize(struct)
def testRoundtrip(self): for struct in TEST_OBJECTS: bytes = json.serialize(struct) unstruct = json.parse(bytes) self.assertEquals( unstruct, struct, "Failed to roundtrip %r: %r (through %r)" % ( struct, unstruct, bytes))
def testStringlikeRountrip(self): for struct in TEST_STRINGLIKE_OBJECTS: bytes = json.serialize(struct) unstruct = json.parse(bytes) failMsg = "Failed to roundtrip %r: %r (through %r)" % ( struct, unstruct, bytes) self.assertEquals(unstruct, struct, failMsg) self.assert_(isinstance(unstruct, unicode), failMsg)
def testScientificNotation(self): self.assertEquals(json.parse('1e10'), 10**10) self.assertEquals(json.parse('1e0'), 1)
def testHexEscapedCodepoints(self): self.assertEquals( json.parse('"\\xe1\\xe9\\xed\\xf3\\xfa\\xfd"'), u"\xe1\xe9\xed\xf3\xfa\xfd")
def testEscapedControls(self): self.assertEquals( json.parse('"\\f\\b\\n\\t\\r"'), u"\f\b\n\t\r")
def _rendererTest(self, cls): self.assertEquals( json.serialize( cls( docFactory=loaders.stan(tags.p['Hello, world.']))), '"<div xmlns=\\"\\"><p>Hello, world.</p></div>"')
def test_fragmentSerialization(self): """ Test that instances of L{nevow.rend.Fragment} serialize as an xhtml string. """ return self._rendererTest(rend.Fragment)
def test_elementSerialization(self): """ Test that instances of L{} serialize as an xhtml string. """ return self._rendererTest(page.Element)
def _doubleSerialization(self, cls): fragment = cls(docFactory=loaders.stan(tags.div['Hello'])) self.assertEqual( json.serialize(fragment), json.serialize(fragment))
def test_doubleFragmentSerialization(self): """ Test that repeatedly calling L{json.serialize} with an instance of L{rend.Fragment} results in the same result each time. """ return self._doubleSerialization(rend.Fragment)
def test_doubleElementSerialization(self): """ Like L{test_doubleElementSerialization} but for L{page.Element} instances. """ return self._doubleSerialization(page.Element)
def _doubleLiveSerialization(self, cls, renderer): livePage = DummyLivePage() liveFragment = cls( docFactory=loaders.stan( [tags.div(render=tags.directive(renderer))['Hello'], tags.div(render=tags.directive('foo'))])) liveFragment.setFragmentParent(livePage) self.assertEqual( json.serialize(liveFragment), json.serialize(liveFragment))
def test_doubleLiveFragmentSerialization(self): """ Like L{test_doubleFragmentSerialization} but for L{athena.LiveFragment} instances. """ class AnyLiveFragment(athena.LiveFragment): """ Just some L{LiveFragment} subclass, such as an application might define. """ def render_foo(self, ctx, data): return ctx.tag self._doubleLiveSerialization(AnyLiveFragment, 'liveFragment')
def test_doubleLiveElementSerialization(self): """ Like L{test_doubleFragmentSerialization} but for L{athena.LiveElement} instances. """ requests = [] class AnyLiveElement(athena.LiveElement): """ Just some L{LiveElement} subclass, such as an application might define. """ def foo(self, request, tag): requests.append(request) return tag page.renderer(foo) self._doubleLiveSerialization(AnyLiveElement, 'liveElement') self.assertTrue(isinstance(requests[0], testutil.FakeRequest))
def test_unsupportedSerialization(self): """ L{json.serialize} should raise a L{TypeError} if it is passed an object which it does not know how to serialize. """ class Unsupported(object): def __repr__(self): return 'an unsupported object' exception = self.assertRaises(TypeError, json.serialize, Unsupported()) self.assertEqual( str(exception), "Unsupported type <class 'nevow.test.test_json.Unsupported'>: " "an unsupported object")
def test_customSerialization(self): """ L{json.serialize} should emit JavaScript calls to the JavaScript object named by L{IAthenaTransportable.jsClass} with the arguments returned by L{IAthenaTransportable.getInitialArguments} when passed an object which can be adapted to L{IAthenaTransportable}. """ class Transportable(object): """ Completely parameterized L{IAthenaTransportable} implementation so different data can be easily tested. """ implements(IAthenaTransportable)
def __init__(self, jsClass, initialArgs): self.jsClass = jsClass self.getInitialArguments = lambda: initialArgs
self.assertEqual( json.serialize(Transportable(u"Foo", ())), "(new Foo())") self.assertEqual( json.serialize(Transportable(u"Bar", (None,))), "(new Bar(null))") self.assertEqual( json.serialize(Transportable(u"Baz.Quux", (1, 2))), "(new Baz.Quux(1,2))")
# The style of the quotes in this assertion is basically irrelevant. # If, for some reason, the serializer changes to use ' instead of ", # there's no reason not to change this test to reflect that. -exarkun self.assertEqual( json.serialize(Transportable(u"Quux", (u"Foo",))), '(new Quux("Foo"))')