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# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod. # See LICENSE for details.
from nevow.testutil import TestCase
from nevow.flat.flatsax import parse, parseString from nevow.flat import flatten from nevow.stan import Tag, slot
def norm(s): return ' '.join(s.split())
class Basic(TestCase): """ Tests for Nevow documents which are loaded via L{xml.sax} from XHTML templates. """ def _tagChildren(self, tag): """ Return a list of the children of C{tag} which are themselves L{Tag}s. """ return [x for x in tag.children if isinstance(x, Tag)]
def test_tagLocation(self): """ L{Tag} instances returned by L{parse} have a C{filename} attribute which gives the name of the file from which they were parsed, a C{lineNumber} attribute giving the line number on which the tag was seen in that file, and a C{columnNumber} attribute giving the column number at which the tag was seen in that file. """ fName = self.mktemp() fObj = file(fName, 'w') fObj.write( '<html>\n' ' <head>\n' ' <title>\n' ' Hello, world.\n' ' </title>\n' ' </head>\n' ' <body>\n' ' Hi.\n' ' </body>\n' '</html>\n') fObj.close() [html] = parse(file(fName)) [head, body] = self._tagChildren(html) [title] = self._tagChildren(head) self.assertEqual(html.filename, fName) self.assertEqual(html.lineNumber, 1) self.assertEqual(html.columnNumber, 0) self.assertEqual(head.filename, fName) self.assertEqual(head.lineNumber, 2) self.assertEqual(head.columnNumber, 2) self.assertEqual(title.filename, fName) self.assertEqual(title.lineNumber, 3) self.assertEqual(title.columnNumber, 4) self.assertEqual(body.filename, fName) self.assertEqual(body.lineNumber, 7) self.assertEqual(body.columnNumber, 2)
def test_attrLocation(self): """ I{attr} L{Tag} instances returned by L{parse} have a C{filename} attribute which gives the name of the file from which they were parsed, a C{lineNumber} attribute giving the line number on which the tag was seen in that file, and a C{columnNumber} attribute giving the column number at which the tag was seen in that file. """ fName = self.mktemp() fObj = file(fName, 'w') fObj.write( '<html xmlns:nevow="">\n' ' <nevow:attr name="foo" />\n' '</html>\n') fObj.close() [html] = parse(file(fName)) attr = html.attributes['foo'] self.assertEqual(attr.filename, fName) self.assertEqual(attr.lineNumber, 2) self.assertEqual(attr.columnNumber, 4)
def test_slotLocation(self): """ L{slot} instances returned by L{parse} have the same C{filename}, C{lineNumber}, and C{columnNumber} attributes as L{Tag} instances do. """ fName = self.mktemp() fObj = file(fName, 'w') fObj.write( '<html xmlns:nevow="">\n' ' <nevow:slot name="foo" />\n' '</html>') fObj.close() [html] = parse(file(fName)) [foo] = [x for x in html.children if isinstance(x, slot)] self.assertEqual(foo.filename, fName) self.assertEqual(foo.lineNumber, 2) self.assertEqual(foo.columnNumber, 4)
def test_parseString(self): xml = '''<html></html>''' self.failUnlessEqual(xml, flatten(parseString(xml)))
def test_attrs(self): xml = '''<p class="foo"></p>''' self.failUnlessEqual(xml, flatten(parseString(xml)))
def test_xmlns(self): xml = '''<html xmlns=""></html>''' self.failUnlessEqual(xml, flatten(parseString(xml)))
def test_processingInstruction(self): xml = '''<html></html>''' self.failUnlessEqual(xml, flatten(parseString(xml)))
def test_doctype(self): xml = ( '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ' '"">\n' '<html></html>') self.failUnlessEqual(norm(xml), norm(flatten(parseString(xml))))
def test_entities(self): xml = """<p>&</p>""" self.failUnlessEqual(xml, flatten(parseString(xml)))
def test_cdata(self): xml = '<script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[<abc]]></script>' self.failUnlessEqual(xml, flatten(parseString(xml)))
def test_comment(self): xml = '<!-- comment &£ --><html></html>' self.failUnlessEqual(xml, flatten(parseString(xml)))
def test_commentWhereSpacingMatters(self): """ Explicitly test that spacing in comments is maintained. """ xml = """<head> <!--[if IE]> <style> div.logo { margin-left: 10px; } </style> <![endif]--> </head>""" self.failUnlessEqual(xml, flatten(parseString(xml)))
def test_unicodeComment(self): xml = '<!-- \xc2\xa3 --><html></html>' self.failUnlessEqual(xml, flatten(parseString(xml)))
def test_xmlAttr(self): xml = '<html xml:lang="en"></html>' self.failUnlessEqual(xml, flatten(parseString(xml)))
def test_badNamespace(self): xml = '<html foo:bar="wee"><abc:p>xyz</abc:p></html>' self.failUnlessEqual(xml, flatten(parseString(xml))) test_badNamespace.skip = ( 'the standard 2.3 sax parser likes all namespaces to be defined ' 'so this test fails. it does pass with python-xml')
def test_switchns(self): xml = ( '<html xmlns="">' '<p>in default namespace</p>' '<foo:div xmlns:foo="">' '<foo:p>in foo namespace</foo:p></foo:div></html>') self.failUnlessEqual(xml, flatten(parseString(xml)))
def test_otherns(self): xml = ( '<html xmlns="" ' 'xmlns:xf=""><p>' 'in default namespace</p><xf:input><xf:label>' 'in another namespace</xf:label></xf:input></html>') self.failUnlessEqual(xml, flatten(parseString(xml)))
def test_invisiblens(self): """ Test that invisible tags do not get output with a namespace. """ xml = ( '<p xmlns:n="">' '<n:invisible>123</n:invisible></p>') self.failUnlessEqual('<p>123</p>', flatten(parseString(xml)))