Software: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian). PHP/5.3.3-7+squeeze19 uname -a: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Tue May 13 16:34:35 UTC uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /usr/share/pyshared/nevow/js/Nevow/Test/ drwxr-xr-x |
Viewing file: Select action/file-type: // -*- test-case-name: nevow.test.test_javascript.JSUnitTests.test_widget -*- // import Divmod.UnitTest // import Nevow.Athena // import Nevow.Test.Util // import Nevow.Test.WidgetUtil Nevow.Test.TestWidget.DummyWidget = Nevow.Athena.Widget.subclass( 'Nevow.Test.TestWidget.DummyWidget'); Nevow.Test.TestWidget.DummyWidget.methods( function onclick(self, event) { self.clicked = 'implicitly'; }, function explicitClick(self, event) { self.clicked = 'explicitly'; }); Nevow.Test.TestWidget.WidgetTests = Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase.subclass( 'Nevow.Test.TestWidget.WidgetTests'); Nevow.Test.TestWidget.WidgetTests.methods( /** * Create a widget for use in each test. */ function setUp(self) { self.node = Nevow.Test.WidgetUtil.makeWidgetNode(1); self.otherNode = document.createElement("span"); self.node.appendChild(self.otherNode); self.widget = Nevow.Test.TestWidget.DummyWidget(self.node); Nevow.Test.WidgetUtil.registerWidget(self.widget); self._unmockRDM = Nevow.Test.WidgetUtil.mockTheRDM(); }, function tearDown(self) { self._unmockRDM(); }, /** * L{Nevow.Athena.Widget.addChildWidgetFromWidgetInfo}'s deferred should * errback if one of the import deferreds does. */ function test_addChildWidgetFromWidgetInfoError(self) { var requiredModules = [ ['test_addChildWidgetFromWidgetInfoError1', '/test_addChildWidgetFromWidgetInfoError1']]; var widgetInfo = { requiredModules: requiredModules, requiredCSSModules: [], id: 'test_addChildWidgetFromWidgetInfoError', 'class': 'test_addChildWidgetFromWidgetInfoError', children: [], initArguments: [], markup: ''}; var loadScriptError = new Error( 'test_addChildWidgetFromWidgetInfoloadScriptError'); var origLoadScript = Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.loadScript; var loadScript = function loadScript(location) { self.assertIdentical(location, requiredModules[0][1]); return; } Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.loadScript = loadScript; try { var result = self.widget.addChildWidgetFromWidgetInfo(widgetInfo); } finally { Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.loadScript = origLoadScript; } var theFailure; result.addErrback( function(err) { theFailure = err; }); var firstError = theFailure.check(Divmod.Defer.FirstError); self.assertIdentical(firstError.err.error, loadScriptError); }, /** * L{Nevow.Athena.Widget.addChildWidgetFromWidgetInfo} should call * L{Divmod.Runtime.Platform.loadStylesheet} with each required * stylesheet. */ function test_addChildWidgetStylesheets(self) { var requiredCSSModules = [ '/test_addChildWidgetStylesheets1', '/test_addChildWidgetStylesheets2']; var widgetInfo = { requiredModules: [], requiredCSSModules: requiredCSSModules, id: 'test_addChildWidgetStylesheets', 'class': 'test_addChildWidgetStylesheets', children: [], initArguments: [], markup: ''}; var loadedStylesheets = []; var origLoadStylesheet = Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.loadStylesheet; var loadStylesheet = function loadStylesheet(location) { loadedStylesheets.push(location); } Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.loadStylesheet = loadStylesheet; try { var result = self.widget.addChildWidgetFromWidgetInfo(widgetInfo); } finally { Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.loadStylesheet = loadStylesheet; } self.assertArraysEqual(loadedStylesheets, requiredCSSModules); }, /** * Verify that translateNodeId returns a correctly translated id. */ function test_translateNodeId(self) { var translatedId = self.widget.translateNodeId('foo'); self.assert(translatedId == 'athenaid:1-foo'); }, /** * Verify that connectDOMEvent will connect the appropriate DOM event to * the browser, and the default handler method name and node will be the * name of the event and the widget's node. */ function test_connectDOMEventDefaults(self) { self.widget.connectDOMEvent("onclick"); self.node.onclick(); self.assertIdentical(self.widget.clicked, "implicitly"); }, /** * Verify that connectDOMEvent will connect the appropriate DOM event to * the browser, and the explicitly selected handler will be invoked. */ function test_connectDOMEventCustomMethod(self) { self.widget.connectDOMEvent("onclick", "explicitClick"); self.node.onclick(); self.assertIdentical(self.widget.clicked, "explicitly"); }, /** * Verify that connectDOMEvent will connect the appropriate DOM event to * the browser, and the explicitly selected node will be used. */ function test_connectDOMEventCustomNode(self) { self.widget.connectDOMEvent("onclick", "explicitClick", self.otherNode); self.otherNode.onclick(); self.assertIdentical(self.widget.clicked, "explicitly"); }); Nevow.Test.TestWidget.PageWidgetTests = Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase.subclass( 'Nevow.Test.TestWidget.PageWidgetTests'); /** * Nevow.Athena.PageWidget is the client half of nevow.athena.LivePage. It * handles global, page-level responsibilities in the client, such as serving * as the root widget, implementing callRemote for all its widgets by handling * and sending messages to a ReliableMessageDelivery, and dealing with * connection lost notifications. */ Nevow.Test.TestWidget.PageWidgetTests.methods( /** * Verify that two objects have the same set of attributes, that they are * equivalent as dictionaries. */ function assertObjectsEqual(self, obj1, obj2) { (a, b) { var aattrs = Divmod.dir(a).sort(); var battrs = Divmod.dir(b).sort(); self.assertArraysEqual(aattrs, battrs); for (var attrname in aattrs) { if (a[attrname] !== b[attrname]) { return false; } } return true; }, "!~==", obj1, obj2); }, /** * Create a PageWidget attached to a fake delivery channel. */ function setUp(self) { self.messages = []; self.channelClosed = false; var fakeRDMFactory = function () { var rdm = { addMessage: function (msg) { self.messages.push(msg); }, stop: function () { self.channelClosed = true; } }; return rdm; } = Nevow.Athena.PageWidget("fake-livepage-id", fakeRDMFactory); Nevow.Test.TestWidget.TEMPORARY_GLOBAL = self; }, function tearDown(self) { delete Nevow.Test.TestWidget.TEMPORARY_GLOBAL; }, /** * The 'respond' action should look up a Deferred in the remoteCalls * object and delete it. */ function test_respondAction(self) { var OPAQUE_ID = "opaque test remote call id"; var RESULT = "opaque test result"; var d = Divmod.Defer.Deferred(); var innerResult = null; d.addCallback(function (result) { innerResult = result; });[OPAQUE_ID] = d;, true, RESULT); self.assert(!(OPAQUE_ID in; self.assertIdentical(innerResult, RESULT); }, /** * Test that the 'noop' action does nothing, so the server can ping us. */ function test_noopAction(self) {; }, /** * A test for a call action. * * @param toReturn: a 2-arg function which takes the expected return value * and may return it, raise an exception, or return a Deferred that wraps * it (or fails). The second argument to is is a 1-arg function which * changes the return value to expect. * * @param: expectSuccess: a boolean, whether the test should expect the * method to succeed. */ function callActionTest(self, toReturn, expectSuccess) { var innerThis = null; var innerArg = null; var TEST_ARG = "test argument"; var OPAQUE_ID = 'opaque-identifier'; var RESULT = 'resulting value'; var expected = RESULT; self.tempMethod = function (arg) { innerThis = this; innerArg = arg; return toReturn(RESULT, function (arg) { expected = arg; }); }; 'Nevow.Test.TestWidget.TEMPORARY_GLOBAL.tempMethod', OPAQUE_ID, [TEST_ARG]); self.assertIdentical(innerArg, TEST_ARG); self.assertIdentical(innerThis, self); var msg = self.messages[0]; var args = msg[1]; self.assertIdentical(msg[0], "respond"); self.assertArraysEqual(args, [OPAQUE_ID, expectSuccess, expected]); }, /** * The 'call' action should invoke a given global function and return its * value to the server along with a flag indicating it succeed by adding a * new message. */ function test_callAction(self) { self.callActionTest(function (value) { return value; }, true); }, /** * The 'call' action should invoke a given global function and, if that * function raises an exception, serialize that exception along with a * flag indicating it failed by adding a new message. */ function test_callActionFail(self) { self.callActionTest(function (value, expect) { var e = new Error(); expect(e); throw e; }, false); }, /** * The 'call' action should invoke a given global function and return the * result of its deferred to the server along with a flag indicating it * succeed by adding a new message. */ function test_callActionDeferred(self) { self.callActionTest(function (value, expect) { var d = Divmod.Defer.succeed(value); expect(value); return d; }, true); }, /** * The 'call' action should invoke a given global function and return the * failure from its deferred to the server along with a flag indicating it * failed by adding a new message. */ function test_callActionDeferredFail(self) { self.callActionTest(function (value, expect) { var e = new Error(); expect(e); return; }, false); }, /** * The 'close' action should stop the reliable message delivery channel. */ function test_closeAction(self) {; self.assertIdentical(self.channelClosed, true); }, /** * PageWidget ought to send a message to the PageWidget's reliable message * delivery channel when a remote reference that addresses it sends a * message. */ function test_pageCallRemote(self) { var ref = Nevow.Athena.RemoteReference(1234,; var d = ref.callRemote("testMethod", 5, 7, 9); // Format of the message is ['call', [requestId, method, objectID, args, kwargs]] // See Python's action_call self.assertIdentical(self.messages.length, 1); self.assertIdentical(self.messages[0].length, 2); self.assertIdentical(self.messages[0][0], "call"); self.assertIdentical(self.messages[0][1].length, 5); self.assertIdentical(self.messages[0][1][0], "c2s0"); // requestId starts at 0. self.assertIdentical(self.messages[0][1][1], "testMethod"); self.assertIdentical(self.messages[0][1][2], 1234); self.assertArraysEqual(self.messages[0][1][3], [5, 7, 9]); self.assertObjectsEqual(self.messages[0][1][4], {}); // Verify that the Deferred is waiting. self.assertIdentical(["c2s0"], d); }); Nevow.Test.TestWidget.SetupTests = Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase.subclass( 'Nevow.Test.TestWidget.SetupTests'); /** * Test things about the page state that Athena needs to set up in order to * function properly. */ Nevow.Test.TestWidget.SetupTests.methods( /** * Replace the 'window' object so the tests can inspect it easily. */ function setUp(self) { self.faker = Nevow.Test.Util.Faker(); self.closeMessageSent = false; = Nevow.Athena.PageWidget( "asdf", function (page) { return self; }); }, /** * Mock the ReliableMessageDelivery.sendCloseMessage method by setting a * flag to verify that it was called. */ function sendCloseMessage(self) { self.closeMessageSent = true;; }, /** * Put back all the fakes. */ function tearDown(self) { self.faker.stop(); }, /** * Verify that the page's onbeforeunload event handler will set the * pageUnloaded attribute and invoke the delivery channel's fast-path * instant teardown. */ function test_onbeforeunload(self) { self.assertIdentical(, false); var disconnectDialogShown = false; = function () { disconnectDialogShown = true; };; self.assertIdentical(, true); self.assertIdentical(self.closeMessageSent, true); // This should not show the disconnect dialog; onbeforeunload is a // "clean" disconnect. self.assertIdentical(disconnectDialogShown, false); }, /** * The 'Escape' key's default behavior in Firefox is to kill the outgoing * connection immediately. If the user does this 3 times, it will cancel * 3 output channels, which will cause the Athena connection to die. * * When we receive such an event on the top-level window, cancel it so * that the connections will not be affected, but do not otherwise alter * the event, so that users can handle keys as they see fit. */ function test_escapeCancelsDefault(self) { var fakeEvt = self._fakeEvent(Nevow.Athena.KEYCODE_ESCAPE); var result =; self.assertIdentical(fakeEvt.cancelBubble, false); self.assertIdentical(result, true); self.assert(fakeEvt.prevented, "Did not prevent default behavior."); }, /** * Create a fake event object. */ function _fakeEvent(self, keyCode) { var evt = { prevented: false, keyCode: keyCode, cancelBubble: false, stopPropagation: function () {"Should not stop propagation.") }, preventDefault: function () { evt.prevented = true; } }; return evt; }, /** * Functions registered with 'notifyOnDisconnect' should be invoked when * the page is disconnected. */ function test_notifyOnDisconnect(self) { var called = 0; var arg = 0; var thunk = {}; self.faker.fake('page',, Nevow.Athena); Nevow.Athena.notifyOnDisconnect(function (inarg) { called++; arg = inarg; }); self.assertIdentical(called, 0);; self.assertIdentical(called, 1); self.assertIdentical(arg, thunk);; self.assertIdentical(called, 1); }, /** * The 'escape' key handler should not modify the event in any way, it * should simply return true. */ function test_nonEscapeKeyDoesNothing(self) { var NOT_ESCAPE = 1234; var fakeEvt = self._fakeEvent(NOT_ESCAPE); var result =; self.assertIdentical(fakeEvt.cancelBubble, false); self.assertIdentical(result, true); self.assert(!fakeEvt.prevented, "Prevented default behavior."); }, /** * Verify that the window's top-level key-press handler is installed. See * test_escapeCancelsDefault for an explanation of why we need to do this. */ function test_registeredKeyPress(self) { var NOT_ESCAPE = 1234; var fakeEvt = self._fakeEvent(NOT_ESCAPE); self.window = {}; self.called = false; = function () { self.called = true; }; Divmod.Base.addToCallStack( self.window, 'onkeypress','onkeypress')); self.window.onkeypress(fakeEvt); self.assert(self.called, "Key not bound.") }); |
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