Software: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian). PHP/5.3.3-7+squeeze19 uname -a: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Tue May 13 16:34:35 UTC uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /usr/share/pyshared/nevow/js/Nevow/Athena/ drwxr-xr-x |
Viewing file: Select action/file-type: // import Divmod.Inspect // import Divmod.Defer // import Nevow.Athena /** * Represent one test method from one test case. * * @ivar testCase: The instance of L{Nevow.Athena.Test.TestCase} to which this * test method belongs. * * @ivar testMethodName: A string naming the method from C{testCase} to run. * * @ivar fullyQualifiedName: A string naming both the class from which this * test method comes as well as the individual method itself. For example, * "Nevow.Athena.Test.TestStuff.test_fooBar". */ Nevow.Athena.Test._TestMethod = Divmod.Class.subclass('Nevow.Athena.Test._TestMethod'); Nevow.Athena.Test._TestMethod.methods( function __init__(self, testCase, testMethodName, /* optional */ timeout) { self.testCase = testCase; self.testMethodName = testMethodName; self.fullyQualifiedName = self.testCase.__class__.__name__ + '.' + self.testMethodName; if (timeout == undefined) { timeout = 10; } self.timeout = timeout; }, function toString(self) { return 'TestMethod(' + self.fullyQualifiedName + ')'; }, /** * Execute this test method and report its results to the given reporter. * * @param reporter: An L{IReporter} provider to which the outcome of this * test run will be reported. * * @return: A L{Divmod.Defer.Deferred} which will be called back when this * test has completed, whether it succeeds or fails. */ function run(self, reporter) { var failed; var result; var testMethod = self.testCase[self.testMethodName]; reporter.startTest(self); try { failed = false; result =; } catch (err) { failed = true; result =; } if (!failed) { if (!(result instanceof Divmod.Defer.Deferred)) { result = Divmod.Defer.succeed(result); } } var timeoutCall = setTimeout( function() { timeoutCall = null; result.errback(new Error("Timeout")); }, self.timeout * 1000); result.addBoth(function(passthrough) { if (timeoutCall != null) { clearTimeout(timeoutCall); } return passthrough; }); result.addCallback(function(result) { reporter.addSuccess(self); }); result.addErrback(function(error) { reporter.addFailure(self, error); }); result.addCallback(function(ignored) { reporter.stopTest(self); }); return result; }); Nevow.Athena.Test.TestCase = Nevow.Athena.Widget.subclass('Nevow.Athena.Test.TestCase'); Nevow.Athena.Test.TestCase.methods( function fail(self, msg) { if (self.debug) { debugger; } throw new Error('Test Failure: ' + msg); }, /** * Throw an error if the given object is true. * * @param a: The object of which to test the truth value. * * @param msg: An optional string which will used to create the thrown * Error if specified. * * @throw Error: If the given object is true, an error is thrown. * * @return: C{undefined} */ function failIf(self, a, msg) { if (a) { if (msg == undefined) { msg = a; }; } }, /** * Throw an error if the given object is false. * * @param a: The object of which to test the truth value. * * @param msg: An optional string which will used to create the thrown * Error if specified. * * @throw Error: If the given object is false, an error is thrown. * * @return: C{undefined} */ function failUnless(self, a, msg) { if (!a) { if (msg == undefined) { msg = a; }; } }, /** * Throw an error unless two objects compare equal. * * @param a: An object to compare to C{b}. * * @param b: An object to compare to C{a}. * * @param msg: An optional string which will used to create the thrown * Error if specified. * * @throw Error: If the two objects do not compare equal, an error is thrown. * * @return: C{undefined} */ function assertEqual(self, a, b, msg) { if (!(a === b)) { if (msg === undefined) { msg = a + ' !== ' + b; } else { msg = a + ' !== ' + b + ': ' + msg; }; } }, /** * Pointless deprecated synonym for assertEqual. */ function assertEquals(self, a, b, msg) { return self.assertEqual(a, b, msg); }, /** * Throw an error if two objects compare equal. * * @param a: An object to compare to C{b}. * * @param b: An object to compare to C{a}. * * @param msg: An optional string which will used to create the thrown * Error if specified. * * @throw Error: If the two objects compare equal, an error is thrown. * * @return: C{undefined} */ function assertNotEqual(self, a, b, msg) { if (!(a !== b)) { if (msg == undefined) { msg = a + " === " + b; } else { msg = a + " === " + b + ": " + msg; }; } }, /** * Throw an error unless a given function throws a particular error. * * @param expectedError: The error type (class or prototype) which is * expected to be thrown. * * @param callable: A no-argument callable which is expected to throw * C{expectedError}. * * @throw Error: If no error is thrown or the wrong error is thrown, an error * is thrown. * * @return: The error instance which was thrown. */ function assertThrows(self, expectedError, callable) { var threw; try { callable(); } catch (error) { threw = error; self.failUnless(error instanceof expectedError, "Wrong error type thrown: " + error); } self.failUnless(threw !== undefined, "Callable threw no error."); return threw; }, /** * Add a callback and an errback to the given Deferred which will assert * that it is errbacked with one of the specified error types. * * @param deferred: The L{Divmod.Defer.Deferred} which is expected to fail. * * @param errorTypes: An C{Array} of L{Divmod.Error} subclasses which are * the allowed failure types for the given Deferred. * * @throw Error: Thrown if C{errorTypes} has a length of 0. * * @rtype: L{Divmod.Defer.Deferred} * * @return: A Deferred which will fire with the error instance with which * the input Deferred fails if it is one of the types specified in * C{errorTypes} or which will errback if the input Deferred either * succeeds or fails with a different error type. */ function assertFailure(self, deferred, errorTypes) { if (errorTypes.length == 0) { throw new Error("Specify at least one error class to assertFailure"); } return deferred.addCallbacks( function(result) {"Deferred called back, expected an errback."); }, function(err) { var result; for (var i = 0; i < errorTypes.length; ++i) { result = err.check(errorTypes[i]); if (result != null) { return result; } }"Expected " + errorTypes + ", got " + err); }); }, /** * Throw an error unless two arrays are equal to each other. * * @type a: C{Array} * @param a: An array to compare to C{b}. * * @type b: C{Array} * @param b: An array to compare to C{a}. * * @param elementComparison: A three-argument callable which, if specified, * will be used to compare the elements of the array to each other. If not * specified, the == operator will be used. The arguments should be like those * of C{assertEqual}. * * @throw Error: Thrown if either C{a} or C{b} is not an Array or if * C{a.length} is not equal to C{b.length} or if any of C{a[i]} is not equal to * C{b[i]} for C{0 <= i < a.length}. * * @return C{undefined} */ function assertArraysEqual(self, a, b, /* optional */ elementComparison) { self.failUnless(a instanceof Array, "First argument not an Array (" + a + ")"); self.failUnless(b instanceof Array, "Second argument not an Array (" + b + ")"); var msg; if (a.toSource && b.toSource) { msg = a.toSource() + " != " + b.toSource(); } else { msg = a.toString() + " != " + b.toString(); } self.assertEqual(a.length, b.length, msg); if (elementComparison == undefined) { elementComparison = function assertEqual(a, b, msg) { self.assertEqual(a, b, msg); } } for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { elementComparison(a[i], b[i], "Element " + i + " not equal: " + a[i] + " != " + b[i]); } }, /** * Throw an error unless one object is contained within another object. * * @param containee: The object which should be in another object. * * @param container: The object which should contain the other object. * */ function assertIn(self, containee, container, msg) { if (msg === undefined) { msg = containee + " not in " + container; } self.failUnless(containee in container, msg); }, /** * Return an Array of strings naming test methods. */ function getTestMethodNames(self) { var tests = []; var methods = Divmod.Inspect.methods(self.__class__); for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i) { if (methods[i].slice(0, 4) == "test") { tests.push(methods[i]); } } /* * A bit of backwards compatibility */ if (self['run'] != undefined) { Divmod.msg(" is deprecated: define methods with a 'test' prefix."); tests.push('run'); } return tests; }, /** * Return an Array of ITestMethod providers. */ function getTestMethods(self) { var tests = self.getTestMethodNames(); for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) { tests[i] = Nevow.Athena.Test._TestMethod(self, tests[i]); } return tests; }); Nevow.Athena.Test.TestRunner = Nevow.Athena.Widget.subclass('Nevow.Athena.Test.TestRunner'); Nevow.Athena.Test.TestRunner.methods( function __init__(self, node) { Nevow.Athena.Test.TestRunner.upcall(self, '__init__', node); self._successNode = self.nodeByAttribute('class', 'test-success-count'); self._failureNode = self.nodeByAttribute('class', 'test-failure-count'); self._timingNode = self.nodeByAttribute('class', 'test-time'); self._resultsNode = self.nodeByAttribute('class', 'test-results'); }, /* ITestSuite */ /** * Return an Array of all the test methods of all the ITestSuites which are * children of this widget. */ function getTestMethods(self) { var widget; var methods = []; for (var i = 0; i < self.childWidgets.length; ++i) { widget = self.childWidgets[i]; if (widget.getTestMethods) { methods = methods.concat(widget.getTestMethods()); } } return methods; }, function setRunTime(self, started, finished) { var difference = finished.getTime() - started.getTime(); self._timingNode.innerHTML = difference / 1000.0 + ' seconds'; }, function _clear(self, node) { while (node.firstChild != null) { node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } }, /** * Run the test suite represented by by the TestCases which exist as * children of this Widget's node using a default visitor controller and * reporter. * * @return: C{false} */ function runWithDefaults(self) { self._clear(self._successNode); self._clear(self._failureNode); self._clear(self._timingNode); self._clear(self._resultsNode); var started = new Date(); var completionDeferred = Nevow.Athena.Test.SerialVisitor(), Nevow.Athena.Test.TestReporter( self._successNode, self._failureNode, self._timingNode, self._resultsNode), self); completionDeferred.addCallback( function(ignored) { var finished = new Date(); self.setRunTime(started, finished); }); completionDeferred.addErrback( function(error) { alert(error); }); return false; }, /** * Run a suite of tests, visiting them as directed by a C{controller} * and passing results to C{reporter}. * * @param controller: An L{IVisitController} provider (L{ConcurrentVisitor} * or L{SerialVisitor}). * * @param reporter: An L{IReporter} provider (L{TestReporter}). * * @param suite: An L{ITestSuite} provider (L{TestCase}). * * @return: A L{Deferred} which fires when the suite has been run to * completion. */ function run(self, controller, reporter, suite) { return controller.traverse( function(testMethod) { Divmod.msg("Running " + testMethod); var result; var failed; try { failed = false; result =; } catch (err) { failed = true; result =; } if (!failed) { if (!(result instanceof Divmod.Defer.Deferred)) { result = Divmod.Defer.succeed(result); } } return result; }, suite); }); /** * Represent the running or completed state of a single test method. * * @ivar node: A DOM node which will be manipulated to reflect the state of * this result. * * @ivar testMethodName: A string naming the test method for which this * represents the results. */ Nevow.Athena.Test.TestResult = Divmod.Class.subclass('Nevow.Athena.Test.TestResult'); Nevow.Athena.Test.TestResult.methods( function __init__(self, node, testMethodName) { self.node = node; self.testMethodName = testMethodName; self._initializeNode(self.node); }, function _createLabel(self, text) { return document.createTextNode(text); }, function _createTraceback(self, text) { var tb = document.createTextNode(text); var container = document.createElement('pre'); container.appendChild(tb); return container; }, function _initializeNode(self, node) { node.appendChild(self._createLabel(self.testMethodName)); }, function startTest(self) { Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.setAttribute(self.node, 'class', 'test-running'); }, function testSucceeded(self) { Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.setAttribute(self.node, 'class', 'test-success'); }, function testFailed(self, failure) { var message = failure.error.toString(); var stack = failure.error.stack; if (stack) { var frames = stack.split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i) { if (frames[i].length > 1024) { /* * Most versions of Firefox will crash if you display very long * lines. */ frames[i] = frames[i].slice(0, 1024) + '<... truncated>'; } } stack = frames.join('\n'); } Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.setAttribute(self.node, 'class', 'test-failure'); self.node.appendChild( self._createTraceback( message + '\n' + stack + '\n')); }); /** * Report the results of a number of test runs using a document in this page. * (This is the de-facto definition of IReporter for now). * * @implements: IReporter * * @ivar successCountNode: A DOM node which will be manipulated to reflect the * number of tests which have succeeded. * * @ivar successCountNode: A DOM node which will be manipulated to reflect the * number of tests which have failed. * * @ivar successCountNode: A DOM node which will be manipulated to report the * total runtime of the test suite. * * @ivar resultsNode: The DOM node beneath which test results will be reported. * * @ivar _knownTestMethods: A mapping of test method names to * L{Nevow.Athena.Test.TestResult} instances representing the current reporting * state. * */ Nevow.Athena.Test.TestReporter = Divmod.Class.subclass('Nevow.Athena.Test.TestReporter'); Nevow.Athena.Test.TestReporter.methods( function __init__(self, successCountNode, failureCountNode, timingNode, resultsNode) { self.successCountNode = successCountNode; self.failureCountNode = failureCountNode; self.timingNode = timingNode; self.resultsNode = resultsNode; self._knownTestMethods = {}; }, /** * Create a DOM node suitable for use by a TestResult. */ function _createResultNode(self, testMethod) { return document.createElement('div'); }, function _increment(self, node) { var currentValue = parseInt(node.innerHTML); if (isNaN(currentValue)) { currentValue = 0; } node.innerHTML = String(currentValue + 1); }, function startTest(self, testMethod) { if (testMethod.fullyQualifiedName in self._knownTestMethods) { throw new Error("Completely invalid duplicate testMethod: " + testMethod.fullyQualifiedName); } var node = self._createResultNode(testMethod); self.resultsNode.insertBefore(node, self.resultsNode.firstChild); var result = Nevow.Athena.Test.TestResult(node, testMethod.fullyQualifiedName); self._knownTestMethods[testMethod.fullyQualifiedName] = result; result.startTest(); }, function stopTest(self, testMethod) { }, function addSuccess(self, testMethod) { self._increment(self.successCountNode); self._knownTestMethods[testMethod.fullyQualifiedName].testSucceeded() }, function addFailure(self, testMethod, failure) { self._increment(self.failureCountNode); self._knownTestMethods[testMethod.fullyQualifiedName].testFailed(failure) }); /** * A visit-controller which applies a specified visitor to the methods of a * suite without waiting for the Deferred from a visit to fire before * proceeding to the next method. */ Nevow.Athena.Test.ConcurrentVisitor = Divmod.Class.subclass('Nevow.Athena.Test.ConcurrentVisitor'); Nevow.Athena.Test.ConcurrentVisitor.methods( function traverse(self, visitor, suite) { var deferreds = []; var methods = suite.getTestMethods(); Divmod.msg("Running " + methods.length + " methods."); for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i) { deferreds.push(visitor(methods[i])); } return Divmod.Defer.DeferredList(deferreds); }); /** * A visit-controller which applies a specified visitor to the methods of a * suite, waiting for the Deferred from a visit to fire before proceeding to * the next method. */ Nevow.Athena.Test.SerialVisitor = Divmod.Class.subclass('Nevow.Athena.Test.SerialVisitor'); Nevow.Athena.Test.SerialVisitor.methods( function traverse(self, visitor, suite) { var completionDeferred = Divmod.Defer.Deferred(); self._traverse(visitor, suite.getTestMethods(), completionDeferred); return completionDeferred; }, function _traverse(self, visitor, methods, completionDeferred) { var method; var result; if (methods.length) { method = methods.shift(); result = visitor(method); result.addCallback(function(ignored) { self._traverse(visitor, methods, completionDeferred); }); } else { completionDeferred.callback(null); } }); |
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