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// -*- test-case-name: nevow.test.test_javascript -*-

 * JavaScript unit testing framework, modeled on xUnit.

// import Divmod
// import Divmod.Inspect
// import Divmod.Runtime

 * Return a suite which contains every test defined in C{testClass}. Assumes
 * that if a method name starts with C{test_}, then it is a test.
Divmod.UnitTest.loadFromClass = function loadFromClass(testClass) {
    var prefix = 'test_';
    var suite = Divmod.UnitTest.TestSuite();
    var methods = Divmod.Inspect.methods(testClass);
    for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i) {
        var name = methods[i];
        // XXX - abstract startsWith
        if (name.substr(0, prefix.length) == prefix) {
    return suite;

 * Return C{true} is given value is a subclass of L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase},
 * C{false} otherwise.
Divmod.UnitTest.isTestCaseClass = function isTestCaseClass(klass) {
    if (klass.subclassOf === undefined) {
        return false;
    return klass.subclassOf(Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase);

 * Return a suite which contains every test defined in C{testModule}.
Divmod.UnitTest.loadFromModule = function loadFromModule(testModule) {
    var suite = Divmod.UnitTest.TestSuite();
    for (var name in testModule) {
        if (Divmod.UnitTest.isTestCaseClass(testModule[name])) {
    return suite;

 * Raised to indicate that a test has failed.
Divmod.UnitTest.AssertionError = Divmod.Error.subclass('Divmod.UnitTest.AssertionError');
    function toString(self) {
        return 'AssertionError: ' + self.message;

 * Represents the results of a run of unit tests.
 * @type testsRun: integer
 * @ivar testsRun: The number of tests that have been run using this as the
 *                 result.
 * @type failures: Array of [L{TestCase}, L{Divmod.Error}] pairs
 * @ivar failures: The assertion failures that have occurred in this test run,
 *                 paired with the tests that generated them.
 * @type successes: Array of L{TestCase}
 * @ivar successes: A list of tests that succeeded.
 * @type errors: Array of [L{TestCase}, L{Divmod.Error}] pairs
 * @ivar errors: The errors that were raised by tests in this test run, paired
 *               with the tests that generated them.
Divmod.UnitTest.TestResult = Divmod.Class.subclass('Divmod.UnitTest.TestResult');
    function __init__(self) {
        self.testsRun = 0;
        self.failures = [];
        self.successes = [];
        self.errors = [];

     * Called by C{TestCase.run} at the start of the test.
     * @param test: The test that just started.
     * @type test: L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase}
    function startTest(self, test) {

     * Called by C{TestCase.run} at the end of the test run.
     * @param test: The test that just finished.
     * @type test: L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase}
    function stopTest(self, test) {

     * Report an error that occurred while running the given test.
     * @param test: The test that had an error.
     * @type test: L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase}
     * @param error: The error that occurred.
     * @type error: Generally a L{Divmod.Error} instance.
    function addError(self, test, error) {
        self.errors.push([test, error]);

     * Report a failed assertion that occurred while running the given test.
     * @param test: The test with the failed assertion.
     * @type test: L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase}
     * @param failure: The failure that occurred.
     * @type failure: A L{Divmod.UnitTest.AssertionError} instance.
    function addFailure(self, test, failure) {
        self.failures.push([test, failure]);

     * Report that the given test succeeded.
     * @param test: The test that succeeded.
     * @type test: L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase}
    function addSuccess(self, test) {

     * Return a triple of (tests run, number of failures, number of errors)
    function getSummary(self) {
        return [self.testsRun, self.failures.length, self.errors.length];

     * Return C{true} if there have been no failures or errors. Return C{false}
     * if there have been.
    function wasSuccessful(self) {
        return self.failures.length == 0 && self.errors.length == 0;

Divmod.UnitTest.SubunitTestClient = Divmod.UnitTest.TestResult.subclass('Divmod.UnitTest.SubunitTestClient');
    function _write(self, string) {

    function _sendException(self, error) {
        var f = Divmod.Defer.Failure(error);

    function addError(self, test, error) {
        self._write("error: " + test.id() + " [");

    function addFailure(self, test, error) {
        self._write("failure: " + test.id() + " [");

    function addSuccess(self, test) {
        self._write('successful: ' + test.id());

    function startTest(self, test) {
        self._write('test: ' + test.id());

 * Represents a collection of tests. Implements the Composite pattern.
Divmod.UnitTest.TestSuite = Divmod.Class.subclass('Divmod.UnitTest.TestSuite');
    function __init__(self, /* optional */ tests) {
        self.tests = [];
        if (tests != undefined) {

     * Add the given test to the suite.
     * @param test: The test to add.
     * @type test: L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase} or L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestSuite}
    function addTest(self, test) {

     * Add the given tests to the suite.
     * @param tests: An array of tests to add.
     * @type tests: [L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase} or L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestSuite}]
    function addTests(self, tests) {
        for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) {

     * Return the number of actual tests contained in this suite.
    function countTestCases(self) {
        var total = 0;
        self.visit(function (test) { total += test.countTestCases(); });
        return total;

     * Visit each test case in this suite with the given visitor function.
    function visit(self, visitor) {
        for (var i = 0; i < self.tests.length; ++i) {

     * Run all of the tests in the suite.
    function run(self, result) {
        self.visit(function (test) { test.run(result); });

 * I represent a single unit test.
Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase = Divmod.Class.subclass('Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase');
     * Construct a test.
     * @type methodName: string
     * @param methodName: The name of a method on this object that contains
     * the unit test.
    function __init__(self, methodName) {
        self._methodName = methodName;

     * Return a string which identifies this test.
    function id(self) {
        return self.__class__.__name__ + '.' + self._methodName;

     * Count the number of test cases in this test. Always 1, because an
     * instance represents a single test.
    function countTestCases(self) {
        return 1;

     * Visit this test case.
     * @param visitor: A callable which takes one argument (a test case).
    function visit(self, visitor) {

     * Fail the test. Equivalent to an invalid assertion.
     * @type reason: text
     * @param reason: Why the test is being failed.
     * @throw: Divmod.UnitTest.AssertionError
    function fail(self, reason) {
        throw Divmod.UnitTest.AssertionError(reason);

     * Assert that the given expression evalutates to true.
     * @type expression: boolean
     * @param expression: The thing we are asserting.
     * @type message: text
     * @param message: An optional parameter, explaining what the assertion
     * means.
    function assert(self, expression, /* optional */ message) {
        if (!expression) {

     * Compare C{a} and C{b} using the provided predicate.
     * @type predicate: A callable that accepts two parameters.
     * @param predicate: Returns either C{true} or C{false}.
     * @type description: text
     * @param description: Describes the inverse of the comparison. This is
     *                     used in the L{AssertionError} if the comparison
     *                     fails.
     * @type a: any
     * @param a: The thing to be compared with C{b}. Passed as the first
     *           parameter to C{predicate}.
     * @type b: any
     * @param b: The thing to be compared with C{a}. Passed as the second
     *           parameter to C{predicate}.
     * @type message: text
     * @param message: An optional message to be included in the raised
     *                 L{AssertionError}.
     * @raises L{Divmod.UnitTest.AssertionError} if C{predicate} returns
     * C{false}.
    function compare(self, predicate, description, a, b,
                     /* optional */ message) {
        var repr = Divmod.UnitTest.repr;
        if (!predicate(a, b)) {
            msg = repr(a) + " " + description + " " + repr(b);
            if (message != null) {
                msg += ': ' + message;

     * Assert that C{a} and C{b} are equal. Recurses into arrays and dicts.
    function assertArraysEqual(self, a, b, /* optional */ message) {
        self.compare(Divmod.arraysEqual, '!=', a, b, message);

     * Assert that C{a} and C{b} are identical.
    function assertIdentical(self, a, b, /* optional */ message) {
        self.compare(function (x, y) { return x === y; },
                     '!==', a, b, message);

     * Assert that C{callable} throws C{expectedError}
     * @param expectedError: The error type (class or prototype) which is
     * expected to be thrown.
     * @param callable: A no-argument callable which is expected to throw
     * C{expectedError}.
     * @throw AssertionError: Thrown if the callable doesn't throw
     * C{expectedError}. This could be because it threw a different error or
     * because it didn't throw any errors.
     * @return: The exception that was raised by callable.
    function assertThrows(self, expectedError, callable) {
        var threw = null;
        try {
        } catch (e) {
            threw = e;
            self.assert(e instanceof expectedError,
                        "Wrong error type thrown: " + e);
        self.assert(threw != null, "Callable threw no error");
        return threw;

     * Override me to provide code to set up a unit test. This method is called
     * before the test method.
     * L{setUp} is most useful when a subclass contains many test methods which
     * require a common base configuration. L{tearDown} is the complement of
     * L{setUp}.
    function setUp(self) {

     * Override me to provide code to clean up a unit test. This method is called
     * after the test method.
     * L{tearDown} is at its most useful when used to clean up resources that are
     * initialized/modified by L{setUp} or by the test method.
    function tearDown(self) {

     * Actually run this test.
    function run(self, result) {
        var success = true;

        // XXX: This probably isn't the best place to put this, but it's the
        // only place for the time being; see #2806 for the proper way to deal
        // with this.

        try {
        } catch (e) {
            result.addError(self, e);
            return result;
        try {
        } catch (e) {
            if (e instanceof Divmod.UnitTest.AssertionError) {
                result.addFailure(self, e);
            } else {
                result.addError(self, e);
            success = false;
        try {
        } catch (e) {
            result.addError(self, e);
            success = false;
        if (success) {

 * Return a nicely formatted summary from the given L{TestResult}.
Divmod.UnitTest.formatSummary = function formatSummary(result) {
    var summary;
    if (result.wasSuccessful()) {
        summary = "PASSED "
    } else {
        summary = "FAILED "
    summary += "(tests=" + result.testsRun;
    if (result.errors.length > 0) {
        summary += ", errors=" + result.errors.length
    if (result.failures.length > 0) {
        summary += ", failures=" + result.failures.length;
    summary += ')';
    return summary;

 * Return a formatted string containing all the errors and failures in a result
 * @param result: A test result.
 * @type result: L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestResult}
Divmod.UnitTest.formatErrors = function formatErrors(result) {
    var format = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < result.errors.length; ++i) {
        format += Divmod.UnitTest.formatError('ERROR',
    for (var i = 0; i < result.failures.length; ++i) {
        format += Divmod.UnitTest.formatError('FAILURE',
    return format;

 * Return a formatting string showing the failure/error that occurred in a test.
 * @param test: A test which had a failure or error.
 * @type test: L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase}
 * @param error: An error or failure which occurred in the test.
 * @type error: L{Divmod.Error}
Divmod.UnitTest.formatError = function formatError(kind, test, error) {
    var f = Divmod.Defer.Failure(error);
    var ret = '[' + kind + '] ' + test.id() + ': ' + error.message + '\n';
    ret += f.toPrettyText(f.filteredParseStack()) + '\n';
    return ret;

 * Run the given test, printing the summary of results and any errors. If run
 * inside a web browser, it will try to print these things to the printer, so
 * don't use this in a web browser.
 * @param test: The test to run.
 * @type test: L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase} or L{Divmod.UnitTest.TestSuite}
Divmod.UnitTest.run = function run(test) {
    var result = Divmod.UnitTest.TestResult()

Divmod.UnitTest.runRemote = function runRemote(test) {
    var result = Divmod.UnitTest.SubunitTestClient();

 * Return a string representation of an arbitrary value, similar to
 * Python's builtin repr() function.
Divmod.UnitTest.repr = function repr(value) {
    // We can't call methods on undefined or null.
    if (value === undefined) {
        return 'undefined';
    } else if (value === null) {
        return 'null';
    } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
        return '"' + value + '"';
    } else if (typeof value === 'number') {
        return '' + value;
    } else if (value.toSource !== undefined) {
        return value.toSource();
    } else if (value.toString !== undefined) {
        return value.toString();
    } else {
        return '' + value;

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

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