Software: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian). PHP/5.3.3-7+squeeze19 uname -a: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Tue May 13 16:34:35 UTC uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /usr/share/pyshared/nevow/js/Divmod/Test/ drwxr-xr-x |
Viewing file: Select action/file-type: // -*- test-case-name: nevow.test.test_javascript.JSUnitTests.test_runtime -*- /** * Unit Tests for Divmod.Runtime. * * There are not enough tests here, because the unit test framework for * Javascript, and perhaps more importantly the mock browser document * implementation, were added long after the Runtime module was introduced. * However, as any functionality is changed or updated or bugs are fixed, * tests should be added here to verify various behaviors of the runtime. Any * necessary functionality should be added to MockBrowser to facilitate those * tests. */ // import Divmod.UnitTest // import Divmod.Runtime Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.FakeRequest = Divmod.Class.subclass( 'Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.FakeRequest'); /** * A fake implementation of - * specifically as implemented by Firefox. */ Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.FakeRequest.methods( /** * Initialize attributes to starting values. */ function __init__(self) { self.opened = null; self.sent = null; self._status = 0; self.headers = []; self.networkError = false; }, /** * Implement by recording the * arguments passed. */ function open(self, method, url, async) { self.opened = [method, url, async]; }, /** * Implement by recording the * arguments passed. */ function send(self, data) { self.sent = [data]; }, /** * Implement by * recording the header that was set in this object's 'headers' array. */ function setRequestHeader(self, key, val) { if (self.opened === null) { // "1. If the state of the object is not OPEN raise an // INVALID_STATE_ERR exception and terminate these steps." throw new Error("INVALID_STATE_ERR: you didn't open the request first."); } self.headers.push([key, val]); }); /** * Define a 'getter' function for the "status" attribute on FakeRequest which * raises an exception when the 'networkError' attribute is set. * * Note: in general, the tests try to maintain compatibility with standard * ECMAScript, not using features particular to any specific runtime. * __defineGetter__ is a Firefox-specific extension, but there is no * standardized way to affect getting and setting attributes on objects in * javascript. If we do implement a way to run the tests in browsers such as * IE and Opera, we may need to implement something different. */ Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.FakeRequest.prototype.__defineGetter__( "status", function () { if (this.networkError) { throw Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.FakeRequestStatusAccessError(); } return this._status; }); Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.FakeRequestStatusAccessError = Divmod.Error.subclass( "Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.FakeRequestStatusAccessError"); Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.NetworkTests = Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase.subclass( 'Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.NetworkTests'); /** * These tests cover functionality related to responding to XMLHttpRequest * objects. */ Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.NetworkTests.methods( /** * Create a platform object and reassign its makeHTTPRequest method, since * these tests should be for the logical state transitions associated with * the request, not browser-specific naming hacks. */ function setUp(self) { self.platform = Divmod.Runtime.Platform(); self.platform.makeHTTPRequest = function () { return self.makeHTTPRequest(); } }, /** * Stub implementation of the platform's makeHTTPRequest method, so that * we can control the behavior of the fake XMLHttpRequest object. */ function makeHTTPRequest(self) { self.httpRequest = Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.FakeRequest(); return self.httpRequest; }, /** * getPage() should yield an array with two elements: an XMLHttpRequest * object that represents the request, and a Deferred which fires with a * string if the request succeeds. */ function test_getPage(self) { var gp = self.platform.getPage('/hello/world'); var realResult = null; self.assertIdentical(gp.length, 2); self.assertIdentical(gp[0], self.httpRequest); self.assertArraysEqual(self.httpRequest.opened, ['GET', '/hello/world', true]); self.assertArraysEqual(self.httpRequest.sent, ['']); self.assert(gp[1] instanceof Divmod.Defer.Deferred); gp[1].addCallback(function (result) { realResult = result; }); self.assertIdentical(realResult, null); self.httpRequest._status = 1234; self.httpRequest.responseText = "this is some text"; self.httpRequest.readyState = Divmod.Runtime.Platform.XHR_DONE; self.httpRequest.onreadystatechange(); self.assertIdentical(realResult.status, 1234); self.assertIdentical(realResult.response, "this is some text"); }, /** * getPage should translate its 'headers' array into calls to * 'setRequestHeader' on the XMLHttpRequest. */ function test_getPageHeaders(self) { var gp = self.platform.getPage('/goodby/cruel/world', [], 'GET', [['Content-Type', 'text/html']]); self.assertIdentical(self.httpRequest.headers.length, 1); self.assertArraysEqual(self.httpRequest.headers[0], ['Content-Type', 'text/html']); }, /** * getPage should translate its 'args' array into a properly quoted URL * query string. */ function test_getPageQueryString(self) { var gp = self.platform.getPage('/hello/again', [['q', 'where is the beef?']]); self.assertIdentical(self.httpRequest.opened.length, 3); self.assertArraysEqual( self.httpRequest.opened, ['GET', '/hello/again?q=where%20is%20the%20beef%3F', true]); }, /** * getPage should return a Deferred which errbacks with the platform * exception in the case where the network has failed (detectable in * firefox by an error when attemtping to access the 'status' attribute in * the callback.) */ function test_getPageNetworkFailure(self) { var gp = self.platform.getPage("/hello"); var errbacked = false; self.httpRequest.networkError = true; self.httpRequest.readyState = Divmod.Runtime.Platform.XHR_DONE; self.httpRequest.onreadystatechange(); gp[1].addErrback(function (err) { errbacked = true; self.assert( err instanceof Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.FakeRequestStatusAccessError); }); self.assert(errbacked); }, /** * getPage should pass the content to XMLHttpReqeust.send. */ function test_getPageContent(self) { var gp = self.platform.getPage('/not/again', [], 'GET', [], 'Hello, content!'); self.assertIdentical(self.httpRequest.sent.length, 1); self.assertArraysEqual(self.httpRequest.sent, ['Hello, content!']); }, /** * getPage should make a synchronous request if you specifically pass a * 'synchronous' parameter set to 'true'. */ function test_getPageSynchronous(self) { var gp = self.platform.getPage('/hello/world', [], 'GET', [], '', true); self.assertIdentical(self.httpRequest.sent.length, 1); self.assertArraysEqual(self.httpRequest.opened, ['GET', '/hello/world', false]); // ^ 'async' flag }); Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.RuntimeTests = Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase.subclass( 'Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.RuntimeTests'); Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.RuntimeTests.methods( /** * Assert that the various *_NODE attributes are present with the correct * values. * * Note: Actually, there should be quite a few other attributes as well. * See * <>. * Feel free to add them as necessary. */ function _attributesTest(self, node) { self.assertIdentical(node.ELEMENT_NODE, 1); self.assertIdentical(node.TEXT_NODE, 3); self.assertIdentical(node.DOCUMENT_NODE, 9); }, /** * Nodes should have L{ELEMENT_NODE} and L{TEXT_NODE} attributes. */ function test_nodeAttributes(self) { var node = document.createElement('span'); self._attributesTest(node); }, /** * Documents should have L{ELEMENT_NODE} and L{TEXT_NODE} attributes. */ function test_documentAttributes(self) { self._attributesTest(document); }, /** * The nodeType property of a Document should be C{DOCUMENT_NODE}. */ function test_documentNodeType(self) { self.assertIdentical(document.nodeType, document.DOCUMENT_NODE); }, /** * The nodeType property of an element should be C{ELEMENT_NODE}. */ function test_elementNodeType(self) { var node = document.createElement('span'); self.assertIdentical(node.nodeType, document.ELEMENT_NODE); }, /** * The nodeType property of a text node should be C{TEXT_NODE}. */ function test_textNodeNodeType(self) { var node = document.createTextNode('foo'); self.assertIdentical(node.nodeType, document.TEXT_NODE); }, /** * Node.appendChild should accept a TextNode and add it to the childNodes * array. */ function test_appendTextNode(self) { var words = 'words'; var node = document.createElement('span'); var text = document.createTextNode(words); node.appendChild(text); self.assertIdentical(node.childNodes.length, 1); self.assertIdentical(node.childNodes[0].nodeValue, words); }, /** * When a node is removed from its parent with removeChild, the parentNode * property of the removed node should be set to null. */ function test_removeChildClearsParent(self) { var parent = document.createElement('span'); var child = document.createElement('span'); parent.appendChild(child); parent.removeChild(child); self.assertIdentical(child.parentNode, null); }, /** * Verify that C{insertBefore} sticks the new node at the right place in * the C{childNodes} array, and sets the appropriate parent. */ function test_insertBefore(self) { var top = document.createElement('div'); var reference = document.createElement('div'); top.appendChild(reference); var toInsert = document.createElement('div'); top.insertBefore(toInsert, reference); self.assertIdentical(toInsert.parentNode, top); self.assertIdentical(top.childNodes[0], toInsert); self.assertIdentical(top.childNodes[1], reference); self.assertIdentical(top.childNodes.length, 2); }, /** * Verify that C{insertBefore} returns the inserted node. */ function test_insertBeforeReturnValue(self) { var top = document.createElement('div'); var reference = document.createElement('div'); top.appendChild(reference); var toInsert = document.createElement('div'); self.assertIdentical(top.insertBefore(toInsert, reference), toInsert); }, /** * Verify that C{insertBefore} returns the inserted node when the * reference node is C{null}. */ function test_insertBeforeReturnValueNoReference(self) { var top = document.createElement('div'); var toInsert = document.createElement('div'); self.assertIdentical(top.insertBefore(toInsert, null), toInsert); }, /** * Verify that C{insertBefore} appends the node to its child array when * the reference node is C{null}. */ function test_insertBeforeNoReference(self) { var top = document.createElement('div'); var toInsert = document.createElement('div'); top.insertBefore(toInsert, null); self.assertIdentical(toInsert.parentNode, top); self.assertIdentical(top.childNodes.length, 1); self.assertIdentical(top.childNodes[0], toInsert); }, /** * C{insertBefore} should throw a C{DOMError} if its passed a non C{null} * reference node which is not one of its child nodes. */ function test_insertBeforeBadReference(self) { self.assertThrows( DOMException, function() { document.createElement('div').insertBefore( document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('div')); }); }, /** * A node can be replaced in its parent's children list with the parent's * C{replaceNode} method. C{replaceNode} returns the node which was * replaced. */ function test_replaceChild(self) { var parent = document.createElement('SPAN'); var oldChild = document.createElement('A'); var newChild = document.createElement('B'); parent.appendChild(document.createElement('BEFORE')); parent.appendChild(oldChild); parent.appendChild(document.createElement('AFTER')); var returned = parent.replaceChild(newChild, oldChild); self.assertIdentical(returned, oldChild); self.assertIdentical(parent.childNodes.length, 3); self.assertIdentical(parent.childNodes[0].tagName, 'BEFORE'); self.assertIdentical(parent.childNodes[1].tagName, 'B'); self.assertIdentical(parent.childNodes[2].tagName, 'AFTER'); self.assertIdentical(oldChild.parentNode, null); self.assertIdentical(newChild.parentNode, parent); }, /** * L{Element.replaceChild} should throw a L{DOMError} when invoked with an * old child argument which is not a child of the node. */ function test_replaceChildThrows(self) { var parent = document.createElement('SPAN'); var nonChild = document.createElement('A'); var newChild = document.createElement('B'); self.assertThrows( DOMException, function() { parent.replaceChild(newChild, nonChild); }); self.assertIdentical(parent.childNodes.length, 0); }, /** * Verify that traversal of nested nodes will result in retrieving all the * nodes in depth-first order. */ function test_traverse(self) { var d = document; var firstNode = d.createElement('firstNode'); var secondNode = d.createElement('secondNode'); var thirdNode = d.createElement('thirdNode'); var fourthNode = d.createElement('fourthNode'); secondNode.appendChild(thirdNode); firstNode.appendChild(secondNode); firstNode.appendChild(fourthNode); var nodes = []; Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.traverse(firstNode, function (aNode) { nodes.push(aNode); return Divmod.Runtime.Platform.DOM_DESCEND; }); self.assertIdentical(nodes.length, 4); self.assertIdentical(nodes[0], firstNode); self.assertIdentical(nodes[1], secondNode); self.assertIdentical(nodes[2], thirdNode); self.assertIdentical(nodes[3], fourthNode); }, /** * It should be possible to find a node with a particular id starting from * a node with implements the DOM API. * * Elements are documented here: * * */ function test_getElementByIdWithNode(self) { var id = 'right'; var node; var child; node = document.createElement('a'); = id; document.body.appendChild(node); self.assertIdentical( Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.getElementByIdWithNode(node, id), node); self.assertThrows( Divmod.Runtime.NodeNotFound, function() { Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.getElementByIdWithNode( node, 'wrong'); }); node = document.createElement('a'); child = document.createElement('b'); = 'wrong'; node.appendChild(child); child = document.createElement('c'); = id; node.appendChild(child); document.body.appendChild(node); self.assertIdentical( Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.getElementByIdWithNode(node, id).id, id); }, /** * I{firstNodeByAttribute} should return the highest, left-most node in the * DOM with a matching attribute value. */ function test_firstNodeByAttribute(self) { /* * Save some typing. */ function find(root, attrName, attrValue) { return Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.firstNodeByAttribute( root, attrName, attrValue); } var root = document.createElement('div'); root.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); self.assertIdentical(find(root, 'foo', 'bar'), root); var childA = document.createElement('h1'); childA.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); childA.setAttribute('baz', 'quux'); root.appendChild(childA); self.assertIdentical(find(root, 'foo', 'bar'), root); self.assertIdentical(find(root, 'baz', 'quux'), childA); var childB = document.createElement('h2'); childB.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); childB.setAttribute('baz', 'quux'); root.appendChild(childB); self.assertIdentical(find(root, 'foo', 'bar'), root); self.assertIdentical(find(root, 'baz', 'quux'), childA); var childC = document.createElement('h3'); childC.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); childC.setAttribute('baz', 'quux'); childA.appendChild(childC); self.assertIdentical(find(root, 'foo', 'bar'), root); self.assertIdentical(find(root, 'baz', 'quux'), childA); var childD = document.createElement('h4'); childD.setAttribute('corge', 'grault'); childB.appendChild(childD); self.assertIdentical(find(root, 'corge', 'grault'), childD); }, /** * I{firstNodeByAttribute} should throw an error if no node matches the * attribute name and value supplied. */ function test_firstNodeByAttributeThrows(self) { var root = document.createElement('span'); self.assertThrows( Divmod.Runtime.NodeAttributeError, function() { return Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.firstNodeByAttribute( root, 'foo', 'bar'); }); root.setAttribute('foo', 'quux'); self.assertThrows( Divmod.Runtime.NodeAttributeError, function() { return Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.firstNodeByAttribute( root, 'foo', 'bar'); }); root.setAttribute('baz', 'bar'); self.assertThrows( Divmod.Runtime.NodeAttributeError, function() { return Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.firstNodeByAttribute( root, 'foo', 'bar'); }); }, /** * I{nodeByAttribute} should return the single node which matches the * attribute name and value supplied. */ function test_nodeByAttribute(self) { function find(root, attrName, attrValue) { return Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.nodeByAttribute( root, attrName, attrValue); }; var root = document.createElement('div'); root.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); self.assertIdentical(find(root, 'foo', 'bar'), root); root.setAttribute('foo', ''); var childA = document.createElement('span'); childA.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); root.appendChild(childA); self.assertIdentical(find(root, 'foo', 'bar'), childA); childA.setAttribute('foo', ''); var childB = document.createElement('span'); childB.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); root.appendChild(childB); self.assertIdentical(find(root, 'foo', 'bar'), childB); childB.setAttribute('foo', ''); var childC = document.createElement('span'); childC.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); childA.appendChild(childC); self.assertIdentical(find(root, 'foo', 'bar'), childC); childC.setAttribute('foo', ''); var childD = document.createElement('span'); childD.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); childB.appendChild(childD); self.assertIdentical(find(root, 'foo', 'bar'), childD); }, /** * I{nodeByAttribute} should throw an error if more than one node matches * the specified attribute name and value. */ function test_nodeByAttributeThrowsOnMultiple(self) { function find(root, attrName, attrValue) { return Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.nodeByAttribute( root, attrName, attrValue); }; var root = document.createElement('div'); root.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); var childA = document.createElement('span'); childA.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); root.appendChild(childA); self.assertThrows( Error, function() { return find(root, 'foo', 'bar'); }); childA.setAttribute('foo', ''); var childB = document.createElement('span'); childB.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); root.appendChild(childB); self.assertThrows( Error, function() { return find(root, 'foo', 'bar'); }); childB.setAttribute('foo', ''); var childC = document.createElement('span'); childC.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); childA.appendChild(childC); self.assertThrows( Error, function() { return find(root, 'foo', 'bar'); }); childC.setAttribute('foo', ''); var childD = document.createElement('span'); childD.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); childB.appendChild(childD); self.assertThrows( Error, function() { return find(root, 'foo', 'bar'); }); root.setAttribute('foo', ''); childC.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); self.assertThrows( Error, function() { return find(root, 'foo', 'bar'); }); }, /** * I{nodeByAttribute} should throw an error if no nodes match the specified * attribute name and value. */ function test_nodeByAttributeThrowsOnMissing(self) { var root = document.createElement('span'); self.assertThrows( Divmod.Runtime.NodeAttributeError, function() { return Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.nodeByAttribute( root, 'foo', 'bar'); }); root.setAttribute('foo', 'quux'); self.assertThrows( Divmod.Runtime.NodeAttributeError, function() { return Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.nodeByAttribute( root, 'foo', 'bar'); }); root.setAttribute('baz', 'bar'); self.assertThrows( Divmod.Runtime.NodeAttributeError, function() { return Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.nodeByAttribute( root, 'foo', 'bar'); }); }, /** * I{nodesByAttribute} should return an array of all nodes which have * matching values for the specified attribute. */ function test_nodesByAttribute(self) { var root = document.createElement('div'); root.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); var childA = document.createElement('span'); var childB = document.createElement('span'); childB.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); root.appendChild(childA); root.appendChild(childB); var nodes = Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.nodesByAttribute( root, 'foo', 'bar'); self.assertIdentical(nodes.length, 2); self.assertIdentical(nodes[0], root); self.assertIdentical(nodes[1], childB); nodes = Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.nodesByAttribute( root, 'baz', 'quux'); self.assertIdentical(nodes.length, 0); }, /** * L{Divmod.Runtime.Platform.loadStylesheet} should create an appropriate * C{<link>} element. */ function test_loadStylesheet(self) { var location = 'http://test_loadStylesheet'; var headNode = document.createElement('head'); document.body.appendChild(headNode); // eh, whatever Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.loadStylesheet(location); self.assertIdentical(headNode.childNodes.length, 1); var child = headNode.childNodes[0]; self.assertIdentical(child.tagName, 'LINK'); self.assertIdentical(child.getAttribute('rel'), 'stylesheet'); self.assertIdentical(child.getAttribute('type'), 'text/css'); self.assertIdentical(child.getAttribute('href'), location); }); Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.SpidermonkeyRuntimeTests = Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase.subclass( 'Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.SpidermonkeyRuntimeTests'); /** * Tests for the Spidermonkey runtime. */ Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.SpidermonkeyRuntimeTests.methods( /** * I{addLoadEvent} should add the handler to the list of load events. */ function test_addLoadEvent(self) { var marker = false; var handler = function handler() { marker = true; }; self.assertIdentical(marker, false); Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.addLoadEvent(handler); self.assertIdentical(marker, false); self.assertIdentical(Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.loadEvents.length, 1); Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.loadEvents[0](); self.assertIdentical(marker, true); }); Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.ConnectSingleDOMEventTestCase = Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase.subclass( 'Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.ConnectSingleDOMEventTestCase'); /** * Tests for L{Divmod.Runtime.Platform.connectSingleDOMEvent}. */ Divmod.Test.TestRuntime.ConnectSingleDOMEventTestCase.methods( /** * Make an instance of a L{Divmod.Class} subclass which keeps track of * method calls. */ function setUp(self) { var ConnectSingleDOMEventTester = Divmod.Class.subclass( 'ConnectSingleDOMEventTester'); ConnectSingleDOMEventTester.methods( function __init__(self) { self.onclickHandlerCalls = []; self.handlerReturnValue = {}; }, function onclickHandler(self, node) { self.onclickHandlerCalls.push(node); return self.handlerReturnValue; }); self.handlerObject = ConnectSingleDOMEventTester(); }, /** * Verify that the handler set by * L{Divmod.Runtime.Platform.connectSingleDOMEvent} calls the method with * the given name on the handler object and passes it the node that the * DOM event handler was passed. */ function test_callsMethod(self) { var node = {}; Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.connectSingleDOMEvent( 'onclick', self.handlerObject, node, 'onclickHandler'); node['onclick'](node); self.assertIdentical( self.handlerObject.onclickHandlerCalls.length, 1); self.assertIdentical( self.handlerObject.onclickHandlerCalls[0], node); }, /** * Verify that the handler set by * L{Divmod.Runtime.Platform.connectSingleDOMEvent} returns the value it * got from the handler method. */ function test_forwardsReturnValue(self) { var node = {}; Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.connectSingleDOMEvent( 'onclick', self.handlerObject, node, 'onclickHandler'); self.assertIdentical( node['onclick'](node), self.handlerObject.handlerReturnValue); }, /** * Verify that the handler set by * L{Divmod.Runtime.Platform.connectSingleDOMEvent} removes itself after * it's called. */ function test_removesHandlerAfterCall(self) { var node = {}; Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.connectSingleDOMEvent( 'onclick', self.handlerObject, node, 'onclickHandler'); node['onclick'](node); self.assertIdentical(node['onclick'], undefined); }, /** * Verify that the handler set by * L{Divmod.Runtime.Platform.connectSingleDOMEvent} removes the handler * object's entry from L{Divmod.Runtime._eventHandlerObjects}. */ function test_forgetsObject(self) { var node = {}; Divmod.Runtime.theRuntime.connectSingleDOMEvent( 'onclick', self.handlerObject, node, 'onclickHandler'); /* sanity check */ self.assertIdentical( Divmod.Runtime._eventHandlerObjects[ self.handlerObject.__id__], self.handlerObject); node['onclick'](node); self.assertIdentical( Divmod.Runtime._eventHandlerObjects[ self.handlerObject.__id__], undefined); }); |
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