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# Copyright (c) 2004 Divmod. # See LICENSE for details.
from __future__ import generators
import urllib, warnings
from twisted.python import log, failure
from nevow import util from nevow.stan import directive, Unset, invisible, _PrecompiledSlot from nevow.inevow import ICanHandleException, IData, IMacroFactory, IRenderer, IRendererFactory from nevow.flat import precompile, serialize from nevow.accessors import convertToData from nevow.context import WovenContext
allowSingleton = ('img', 'br', 'hr', 'base', 'meta', 'link', 'param', 'area', 'input', 'col', 'basefont', 'isindex', 'frame')
def ProtoSerializer(original, context): return '<%s />' % original
def _datacallback(result, context): context.remember(result, IData) return ''
def TagSerializer(original, context, contextIsMine=False): """ Original is the tag. Context is either: - the context of someone up the chain (if contextIsMine is False) - this tag's context (if contextIsMine is True) """ # print "TagSerializer:",original, "ContextIsMine",contextIsMine, "Context:",context visible = bool(original.tagName) if visible and context.isAttrib: raise RuntimeError, "Tried to render tag '%s' in an tag attribute context." % (original.tagName)
if context.precompile and original.macro: toBeRenderedBy = original.macro ## Special case for directive; perhaps this could be handled some other way with an interface? if isinstance(toBeRenderedBy, directive): toBeRenderedBy = IMacroFactory(context).macro(context, original.macro = Unset newContext = WovenContext(context, original) yield serialize(toBeRenderedBy(newContext), newContext) return
## TODO: Do we really need to bypass precompiling for *all* specials? ## Perhaps just render? if context.precompile and ( [x for x in original._specials.values() if x is not None and x is not Unset] or original.slotData): ## The tags inside this one get a "fresh" parent chain, because ## when the context yielded here is serialized, the parent ## chain gets reconnected to the actual parents at that ## point, since the render function here could change ## the actual parentage hierarchy. nestedcontext = WovenContext(precompile=context.precompile, isAttrib=context.isAttrib) # If necessary, remember the MacroFactory onto the new context chain. macroFactory = IMacroFactory(context, None) if macroFactory is not None: nestedcontext.remember(macroFactory, IMacroFactory)
original = original.clone(deep=False) if not contextIsMine: context = WovenContext(context, original) context.tag.children = precompile(context.tag.children, nestedcontext)
yield context return
## Don't render patterns if original.pattern is not Unset and original.pattern is not None: return
if not contextIsMine: if original.render: ### We must clone our tag before passing to a render function original = original.clone(deep=False) context = WovenContext(context, original) if is not Unset: newdata = convertToData(, context) if isinstance(newdata, util.Deferred): yield newdata.addCallback(lambda newdata: _datacallback(newdata, context)) else: _datacallback(newdata, context) if original.render: ## If we have a render function we want to render what it returns, ## not our tag toBeRenderedBy = original.render # erase special attribs so if the renderer returns the tag, # the specials won't be on the context twice. original._clearSpecials() yield serialize(toBeRenderedBy, context) return
if not visible: for child in original.children: yield serialize(child, context) return
yield '<%s' % original.tagName if original.attributes: attribContext = WovenContext(parent=context, precompile=context.precompile, isAttrib=True) for (k, v) in original.attributes.iteritems(): if v is None: continue yield ' %s="' % k yield serialize(v, attribContext) yield '"' if not original.children: if original.tagName in allowSingleton: yield ' />' else: yield '></%s>' % original.tagName else: yield '>' for child in original.children: yield serialize(child, context) yield '</%s>' % original.tagName
def EntitySerializer(original, context): if in ['amp', 'gt', 'lt', 'quot']: return '&%s;' % return '&#%s;' % original.num
def _jsSingleQuoteQuote(quotable): return quotable.replace( "\\", "\\\\").replace( "'", r"\'").replace( "\n", "\\n").replace( "\r", "\\r")
def RawSerializer(original, context): if context.inJSSingleQuoteString: return _jsSingleQuoteQuote(original) return original
def StringSerializer(original, context): # Quote the string as necessary. URLs need special quoting - only # alphanumeric and a few punctation characters are valid. # Otherwise we use normal XML escaping rules but also replacing " # in an attribute because Nevow always uses "..." for values. if context.inURL: # The magic string "-_.!*'()" also appears in Thinking about # changing this? Change that, too. return urllib.quote(original, safe="-_.!*'()") ## quote it if context.inJS: original = _jsSingleQuoteQuote(original) if not context.inJSSingleQuoteString: original = "'%s'" % (original, ) if context.isAttrib: return original.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace('"', """) elif context.inJS: return original else: return original.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">")
def NoneWarningSerializer(original, context): if context.isAttrib: ## We don't want the big red None warning inside a html attribute. Just leave it blank. return '' elif context.inURL: return '' elif context.inJS: return '' return '<span style="font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; color: red; border: thick solid red;">None</span>'
def StringCastSerializer(original, context): if context.inJS: return str(original) return StringSerializer(str(original), context)
def BooleanSerializer(original, context): if context.inJS: if original: return 'true' return 'false' return str(original)
def ListSerializer(original, context): for item in original: yield serialize(item, context)
def XmlSerializer(original, context): return original.content
PASS_SELF = object()
def FunctionSerializer_nocontext(original): code = getattr(original, 'func_code', None) if code is None: return True argcount = code.co_argcount if argcount == 1: return True if argcount == 3: return PASS_SELF return False
def FunctionSerializer(original, context, nocontextfun=FunctionSerializer_nocontext): if context.precompile: return WovenContext(tag=invisible(render=original)) else: data = convertToData(context.locate(IData), context) try: nocontext = nocontextfun(original) if nocontext is True: result = original(data) else: if nocontext is PASS_SELF: renderer = context.locate(IRenderer) result = original(renderer, context, data) else: result = original(context, data) except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError, "User function %r raised StopIteration." % original return serialize(result, context)
def MethodSerializer(original, context): def nocontext(original): func = getattr(original, 'im_func', None) code = getattr(func, 'func_code', None) return code is None or code.co_argcount == 2 return FunctionSerializer(original, context, nocontext)
def RendererSerializer(original, context): def nocontext(original): func = getattr(original, 'im_func', None) code = getattr(func, 'func_code', None) return code is None or code.co_argcount == 2 return FunctionSerializer(original.rend, context, nocontext)
def DirectiveSerializer(original, context): if context.precompile: return original
rendererFactory = context.locate(IRendererFactory) renderer = rendererFactory.renderer(context, return serialize(renderer, context)
def SlotSerializer(original, context): """ Serialize a slot.
If the value is already available in the given context, serialize and return it. Otherwise, if this is a precompilation pass, return a new kind of slot which captures the current render context, so that any necessary quoting may be performed. Otherwise, raise an exception indicating that the slot cannot be serialized. """ if context.precompile: try: data = context.locateSlotData( except KeyError: return _PrecompiledSlot(, precompile(original.children, context), original.default, context.isAttrib, context.inURL, context.inJS, context.inJSSingleQuoteString, original.filename, original.lineNumber, original.columnNumber) else: return serialize(data, context) try: data = context.locateSlotData( except KeyError: if original.default is None: raise data = original.default return serialize(data, context)
def PrecompiledSlotSerializer(original, context): """ Serialize a pre-compiled slot.
Return the serialized value of the slot or raise a KeyError if it has no value. """ # Precompilation should _not_ be happening at this point, but Nevow is very # sloppy about precompiling multiple times, so sometimes we are in a # precompilation context. In this case, there is nothing to do, just # return the original object. The case which seems to exercise this most # often is the use of a pattern as the stan document given to the stan # loader. The pattern has already been precompiled, but the stan loader # precompiles it again. This case should be eliminated by adding a loader # for precompiled documents. if context.precompile: warnings.warn( "[v0.9.9] Support for multiple precompilation passes is deprecated.", PendingDeprecationWarning) return original
try: data = context.locateSlotData( except KeyError: if original.default is None: raise data = original.default originalContext = context.clone(deep=False) originalContext.isAttrib = original.isAttrib originalContext.inURL = original.inURL originalContext.inJS = original.inJS originalContext.inJSSingleQuoteString = original.inJSSingleQuoteString return serialize(data, originalContext)
def ContextSerializer(original, context): """ Serialize the given context's tag in that context. """ originalContext = original.clone(deep=False) originalContext.precompile = context and context.precompile or False if originalContext.parent is not None: originalContext.parent = originalContext.parent.clone(cloneTags=False) originalContext.chain(context) try: return TagSerializer(originalContext.tag, originalContext, contextIsMine=True) except: f = failure.Failure() handler = context.locate(ICanHandleException) if handler: return handler.renderInlineError(context, f) else: log.err(f) return """<div style="border: 1px dashed red; color: red; clear: both">[[ERROR]]</div>"""
def CommentSerializer(original, context): yield "<!--" for x in original.children: yield serialize(x, context) yield "-->"
def DocFactorySerializer(original, ctx): """Serializer for document factories. """ return serialize(original.load(ctx), ctx)
def FailureSerializer(original, ctx): from nevow import failure return serialize(failure.formatFailure(original), ctx)
def inlineJSSerializer(original, ctx): from nevow import livepage from nevow.tags import script, xml theJS = livepage.js(original.children) new = livepage.JavascriptContext(ctx, invisible[theJS]) return serialize(script(type="text/javascript")[ xml('\n//<![CDATA[\n'), serialize(theJS, new), xml('\n//]]>\n')], ctx)