!C99Shell v. 2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019]!

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from os.path import join
import gnomeapplet, gtk, gtk.gdk, gconf, gobject
from gettext import gettext as _
import csv
from urllib import urlopen
import datetime
from threading import Thread

import invest, invest.about, invest.chart

CHUNK_SIZE = 512*1024 # 512 kB
AUTOREFRESH_TIMEOUT = 15*60*1000 # 15 minutes


# Sample (25/4/2008): UCG.MI,"4,86",09:37:00,2008/04/25,"0,07","4,82","4,87","4,82",11192336
QUOTES_CSV_FIELDS=["ticker", ("trade", float), "time", "date", ("variation", float), ("open", float)]

# based on http://www.johnstowers.co.nz/blog/index.php/2007/03/12/threading-and-pygtk/
class _IdleObject(gobject.GObject):
    Override gobject.GObject to always emit signals in the main thread
    by emmitting on an idle handler
    def __init__(self):

    def emit(self, *args):

class QuotesRetriever(Thread, _IdleObject):
    Thread which uses gobject signals to return information
    to the GUI.
    __gsignals__ =  {
            "completed": (
                gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, []),
            # FIXME: We don't monitor progress, yet ...
            #"progress": (
            #    gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [
            #    gobject.TYPE_FLOAT])        #percent complete

    def __init__(self, tickers):
        self.tickers = tickers
        self.retrieved = False
        self.data = []

    def run(self):
        quotes_url = QUOTES_URL % {"s": self.tickers}
            quotes_file = urlopen(quotes_url, proxies = invest.PROXY)
            self.data = quotes_file.readlines ()
            quotes_file.close ()
        except Exception, msg:
            invest.debug("Error while retrieving quotes data (url = %s): %s" % (quotes_url, msg))
            self.retrieved = True

class QuoteUpdater(gtk.ListStore):
    updated = False
    last_updated = None
    quotes_valid = False
    timeout_id = None
    def __init__ (self, change_icon_callback, set_tooltip_callback):
        gtk.ListStore.__init__ (self, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, bool, float, float, float, float, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf)
        self.change_icon_callback = change_icon_callback
        self.set_tooltip_callback = set_tooltip_callback
        self.set_sort_column_id(1, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING)

        # tell the network manager to notify me when network status changes

    def set_update_interval(self, interval):
        if self.timeout_id != None:
            invest.debug("Canceling refresh timer")
            self.timeout_id = None
        if interval > 0:
            invest.debug("Setting refresh timer to %s:%02d.%03d" % ( interval / 60000, interval % 60000 / 1000, interval % 1000) )
            self.timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(interval, self.refresh)

    def nm_state_changed(self):
        # when nm is online but we do not have an update timer, create it and refresh
        if invest.nm.online():
            if self.timeout_id == None:

    def refresh(self):

        # when nm tells me I am offline, stop the update interval
        if invest.nm.offline():
            invest.debug("We are offline, stopping update timer")
            return False

        if len(invest.STOCKS) == 0:
            return True

        tickers = '+'.join(invest.STOCKS.keys())
        quotes_retriever = QuotesRetriever(tickers)
        quotes_retriever.connect("completed", self.on_retriever_completed)

        return True

    def on_retriever_completed(self, retriever):
        if retriever.retrieved == False:
            tooltip = [_('Invest could not connect to Yahoo! Finance')]
            if self.last_updated != None:
                tooltip.append(_('Updated at %s') % self.last_updated.strftime("%H:%M"))
            self.updated = True
            self.last_updated = datetime.datetime.now()
            tooltip = []
            if self.simple_quotes_count > 0:
                # Translators: This is share-market jargon. It is the percentage change in the price of a stock. The %% gets changed to a single percent sign and the %+.2f gets replaced with the value of the change.
                tooltip.append(_('Quotes average change %%: %+.2f%%') % self.avg_simple_quotes_change)
            if self.positions_count > 0:
                # Translators: This is share-market jargon. It refers to the total difference between the current price and purchase price for all the shares put together. i.e. How much money would be earned if they were sold right now.
                tooltip.append(_('Positions balance: %+.2f') % self.positions_balance)
            tooltip.append(_('Updated at %s') % self.last_updated.strftime("%H:%M"))

    def parse_yahoo_csv(self, csvreader):
        result = {}
        for fields in csvreader:
            if len(fields) == 0:

            result[fields[0]] = {}
            for i, field in enumerate(QUOTES_CSV_FIELDS):
                if type(field) == tuple:
                        result[fields[0]][field[0]] = field[1](fields[i])
                        result[fields[0]][field[0]] = 0
                    result[fields[0]][field] = fields[i]
            # calculated fields
                result[fields[0]]['variation_pct'] = result[fields[0]]['variation'] / float(result[fields[0]]['trade'] - result[fields[0]]['variation']) * 100
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                result[fields[0]]['variation_pct'] = 0
        return result

    def populate(self, quotes):
        if (len(quotes) == 0):

            quote_items = quotes.items ()
            quote_items.sort ()

            simple_quotes_change = 0
            self.simple_quotes_count = 0
            self.positions_balance = 0
            self.positions_count = 0

            for ticker, val in quote_items:
                pb = None

                # get the label of this stock for later reuse
                label = invest.STOCKS[ticker]["label"]
                if len(label) == 0:
                    label = ticker

                # Check whether the symbol is a simple quote, or a portfolio value
                is_simple_quote = True
                for purchase in invest.STOCKS[ticker]["purchases"]:
                    if purchase["amount"] != 0:
                        is_simple_quote = False

                if is_simple_quote:
                    self.simple_quotes_count += 1
                    row = self.insert(0, [ticker, label, True, 0, 0, val["trade"], val["variation_pct"], pb])
                    simple_quotes_change += val['variation_pct']
                    self.positions_count += 1
                    current = sum([purchase["amount"]*val["trade"] for purchase in invest.STOCKS[ticker]["purchases"] if purchase["amount"] != 0])
                    paid = sum([purchase["amount"]*purchase["bought"] + purchase["comission"] for purchase in invest.STOCKS[ticker]["purchases"] if purchase["amount"] != 0])
                    balance = current - paid
                    if paid != 0:
                        change = 100*balance/paid
                        change = 100 # Not technically correct, but it will look more intuitive than the real result of infinity.
                    row = self.insert(0, [ticker, label, False, balance, change, val["trade"], val["variation_pct"], pb])
                    self.positions_balance += balance

                if len(ticker.split('.')) == 2:
                    url = 'http://ichart.europe.yahoo.com/h?s=%s' % ticker
                    url = 'http://ichart.yahoo.com/h?s=%s' % ticker

                image_retriever = invest.chart.ImageRetriever(url)
                image_retriever.connect("completed", self.set_pb_callback, row)

            if self.simple_quotes_count > 0:
                self.avg_simple_quotes_change = simple_quotes_change/float(self.simple_quotes_count)
                self.avg_simple_quotes_change = 0

            if self.avg_simple_quotes_change != 0:
                simple_quotes_change_sign = self.avg_simple_quotes_change / abs(self.avg_simple_quotes_change)
                simple_quotes_change_sign = 0

            # change icon
            if self.simple_quotes_count > 0:
                positions_balance_sign = self.positions_balance/abs(self.positions_balance)
            # mark quotes to finally be valid
            self.quotes_valid = True

        except Exception, msg:
            invest.debug("Failed to populate quotes: %s" % msg)
            self.quotes_valid = False

    def set_pb_callback(self, retriever, row):
        self.set_value(row, self.PB, retriever.image.get_pixbuf())

    # check if we have only simple quotes
    def simple_quotes_only(self):
        res = True
        for entry, data in invest.STOCKS.iteritems():
            purchases = data["purchases"]
            for purchase in purchases:
                if purchase["amount"] != 0:
                    res = False
        return res

if gtk.pygtk_version < (2,8,0):

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

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