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# - coding: utf-8 -
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Toms Bauģis <toms.baugis at> # Copyright (C) 2007 Patryk Zawadzki <patrys at>
# This file is part of Project Hamster.
# Project Hamster is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version.
# Project Hamster is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Project Hamster. If not, see <>.
"""separate file for database operations""" import logging
try: import sqlite3 as sqlite except ImportError: try: logging.warn("Using sqlite2") from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite except ImportError: logging.error("Neither sqlite3 nor pysqlite2 found") raise
import os, time import datetime import storage import stuff from shutil import copy as copyfile import datetime as dt import gettext
import itertools
DB_FILE = 'hamster.db'
class Storage(storage.Storage): con = None # Connection will be created on demand def __setup(self): """ Delayed setup so we don't do everything at the same time """ if self.__setup.im_func.complete: return
self.__con = None self.__cur = None
from configuration import runtime
db_file = runtime.database_path db_path, _ = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(db_file))
if not os.path.exists(db_path): try: os.makedirs(db_path, 0744) except Exception, msg: logging.error("could not create user dir (%s): %s" % (db_path, msg))
data_dir = runtime.data_dir
#check if db is here if not os.path.exists(db_file):"Database not found in %s - installing default from %s!" % (db_file, data_dir)) copyfile(os.path.join(data_dir, DB_FILE), db_file)
#change also permissions - sometimes they are 444 try: os.chmod(db_file, 0664) except Exception, msg: logging.error("Could not change mode on %s!" % (db_file)) self.__setup.im_func.complete = True self.run_fixtures()
__setup.complete = False
#tags, here we come! def __get_tags(self, autocomplete = None): query = "select * from tags" if autocomplete: query += " where autocomplete='true'"
query += " order by name" return self.fetchall(query)
def __get_tag_ids(self, tags): """look up tags by their name. create if not found"""
db_tags = self.fetchall("select * from tags where name in (%s)" % ",".join(["?"] * len(tags)), tags) # bit of magic here - using sqlites bind variables
changes = False
# check if any of tags needs ressurection set_complete = [str(tag["id"]) for tag in db_tags if tag["autocomplete"] == "false"] if set_complete: changes = True self.execute("update tags set autocomplete='true' where id in (%s)" % ", ".join(set_complete))
found_tags = [tag["name"] for tag in db_tags]
add = set(tags) - set(found_tags) if add: statement = "insert into tags(name) values(?)"
self.execute([statement] * len(add), [(tag,) for tag in add])
return self.__get_tag_ids(tags)[0], True # all done, recurse else: return db_tags, changes
def __update_autocomplete_tags(self, tags): tags = [tag.strip() for tag in tags.split(",") if tag.strip()] # split by comma
#first we will create new ones tags, changes = self.__get_tag_ids(tags) tags = [tag["id"] for tag in tags]
#now we will find which ones are gone from the list query = """ SELECT as id, b.autocomplete, count(a.fact_id) as occurences FROM tags b LEFT JOIN fact_tags a on a.tag_id = WHERE not in (%s) GROUP BY """ % ",".join(["?"] * len(tags)) # bit of magic here - using sqlites bind variables
gone = self.fetchall(query, tags)
to_delete = [str(tag["id"]) for tag in gone if tag["occurences"] == 0] to_uncomplete = [str(tag["id"]) for tag in gone if tag["occurences"] > 0 and tag["autocomplete"] == "true"]
if to_delete: self.execute("delete from tags where id in (%s)" % ", ".join(to_delete))
if to_uncomplete: self.execute("update tags set autocomplete='false' where id in (%s)" % ", ".join(to_uncomplete))
return changes or len(to_delete + to_uncomplete) > 0
def __get_category_list(self): return self.fetchall("SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY category_order")
def __change_category(self, id, category_id): # first check if we don't have an activity with same name before us activity = self.fetchone("select name from activities where id = ?", (id, )) existing_activity = self.__get_activity_by_name(activity['name'], category_id)
if existing_activity: #ooh, we have something here! if id == existing_activity['id']: # we are already there, go home return False
# first move all facts that belong to movable activity to the new one update = """ UPDATE facts SET activity_id = ? WHERE activity_id = ? """
self.execute(update, (existing_activity['id'], id))
# and now get rid of our friend self.__remove_activity(id)
else: #just moving query = "SELECT max(activity_order) + 1 FROM activities WHERE category_id = ?" max_order = self.fetchone(query, (category_id, ))[0] or 1
statement = """ UPDATE activities SET category_id = ?, activity_order = ? WHERE id = ? """
self.execute(statement, (category_id, max_order, id))
return True
def __add_category(self, name): order = self.fetchone("select max(category_order) + 1 from categories")[0] or 1 query = """ INSERT INTO categories (name, category_order) VALUES (?, ?) """ self.execute(query, (name, order)) return self.__last_insert_rowid()
def __update_category(self, id, name): if id > -1: # Update, and ignore unsorted, if that was somehow triggered update = """ UPDATE categories SET name = ? WHERE id = ? """ self.execute(update, (name, id))
def __move_activity(self, source_id, target_order, insert_after = True): statement = "UPDATE activities SET activity_order = activity_order + 1"
if insert_after: statement += " WHERE activity_order > ?" else: statement += " WHERE activity_order >= ?"
self.execute(statement, (target_order, ))
statement = "UPDATE activities SET activity_order = ? WHERE id = ?"
if insert_after: self.execute(statement, (target_order + 1, source_id)) else: self.execute(statement, (target_order, source_id))
def __get_activity_by_name(self, name, category_id = None, ressurect = True): """get most recent, preferably not deleted activity by it's name"""
if category_id: query = """ SELECT,, a.deleted, coalesce(, ?) as category FROM activities a LEFT JOIN categories b ON category_id = WHERE lower( = lower(?) AND category_id = ? ORDER BY a.deleted, desc LIMIT 1 """
res = self.fetchone(query, (_("Unsorted"), name, category_id)) else: query = """ SELECT,, a.deleted, coalesce(, ?) as category FROM activities a LEFT JOIN categories b ON category_id = WHERE lower( = lower(?) ORDER BY a.deleted, desc LIMIT 1 """ res = self.fetchone(query, (_("Unsorted"), name, ))
if res: # if the activity was marked as deleted, ressurect on first call # and put in the unsorted category if res['deleted'] and not ressurect: return None elif res['deleted']: update = """ UPDATE activities SET deleted = null, category_id = -1 WHERE id = ? """ self.execute(update, (res['id'], ))
return res
return None
def __get_category_by_name(self, name): """returns category by it's name"""
query = """ SELECT id from categories WHERE lower(name) = lower(?) ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 1 """
res = self.fetchone(query, (name, ))
if res: return res['id']
return None
def __get_fact(self, id): query = """ SELECT AS id, a.start_time AS start_time, a.end_time AS end_time, a.description as description, AS name, as activity_id, coalesce(, ?) as category, coalesce(, -1) as category_id, as tag FROM facts a LEFT JOIN activities b ON a.activity_id = LEFT JOIN categories c ON b.category_id = LEFT JOIN fact_tags d ON d.fact_id = LEFT JOIN tags e ON = d.tag_id WHERE = ? ORDER BY """
return self.__group_tags(self.fetchall(query, (_("Unsorted"), id)))[0]
def __group_tags(self, facts): """put the fact back together and move all the unique tags to an array""" if not facts: return facts #be it None or whatever
grouped_facts = [] for fact_id, fact_tags in itertools.groupby(facts, lambda f: f["id"]): fact_tags = list(fact_tags)
# first one is as good as the last one grouped_fact = fact_tags[0]
# we need dict so we can modify it (sqlite.Row is read only) # in python 2.5, sqlite does not have keys() yet, so we hardcode them (yay!) keys = ["id", "start_time", "end_time", "description", "name", "activity_id", "category", "tag"] grouped_fact = dict([(key, grouped_fact[key]) for key in keys])
grouped_fact["tags"] = [ft["tag"] for ft in fact_tags if ft["tag"]] grouped_facts.append(grouped_fact) return grouped_facts
def __get_last_activity(self): facts = self.__get_todays_facts() last_activity = None if facts and facts[-1]["end_time"] == None: last_activity = facts[-1] return last_activity
def __touch_fact(self, fact, end_time): # tasks under one minute do not count if end_time - fact['start_time'] < datetime.timedelta(minutes = 1): self.__remove_fact(fact['id']) else: end_time = end_time.replace(microsecond = 0) query = """ UPDATE facts SET end_time = ? WHERE id = ? """ self.execute(query, (end_time, fact['id']))
def __squeeze_in(self, start_time): # tries to put task in the given date # if there are conflicts, we will only truncate the ongoing task # and replace it's end part with our activity
# we are checking if our start time is in the middle of anything # or maybe there is something after us - so we know to adjust end time # in the latter case go only few days ahead. everything else is madness, heh query = """ SELECT a.*, FROM facts a LEFT JOIN activities b on = a.activity_id WHERE ((start_time < ? and end_time > ?) OR (start_time > ? and start_time < ?)) ORDER BY start_time LIMIT 1 """ fact = self.fetchone(query, (start_time, start_time, start_time, start_time + dt.timedelta(seconds = 60 * 60 * 12)))
end_time = None
if fact: if fact["end_time"] and start_time > fact["start_time"]: #we are in middle of a fact - truncate it to our start self.execute("UPDATE facts SET end_time=? WHERE id=?", (start_time, fact["id"]))
# hamster is second-aware, but the edit dialog naturally is not # so when an ongoing task is being edited, the seconds get truncated # and the start time will be before previous task's end time. # so set our end time only if it is not about seconds if fact["end_time"].replace(second = 0) > start_time: end_time = fact["end_time"] else: #otherwise we have found a task that is after us end_time = fact["start_time"]
return end_time
def __solve_overlaps(self, start_time, end_time): """finds facts that happen in given interval and shifts them to make room for new fact"""
# this function is destructive - can't go with a wildcard if not end_time or not start_time: return
# activities that we are overlapping. # second OR clause is for elimination - |new fact--|---old-fact--|--new fact| query = """ SELECT a.*,, as category FROM facts a LEFT JOIN activities b on = a.activity_id LEFT JOIN categories c on b.category_id = WHERE ((start_time < ? and end_time > ?) OR (start_time < ? and end_time > ?))
OR ((start_time < ? and start_time > ?) OR (end_time < ? and end_time > ?)) ORDER BY start_time """ conflicts = self.fetchall(query, (start_time, start_time, end_time, end_time, end_time, start_time, end_time, start_time))
for fact in conflicts: # split - truncate until beginning of new entry and create new activity for end if fact["start_time"] < start_time < fact["end_time"] and \ fact["start_time"] < end_time < fact["end_time"]:"splitting %s" % fact["name"]) self.execute("""UPDATE facts SET end_time = ? WHERE id = ?""", (start_time, fact["id"])) fact_name = fact["name"] new_fact = self.__add_fact(fact["name"], "", # will create tags in the next step end_time, fact["end_time"], fact["category"], fact["description"]) tag_update = """INSERT INTO fact_tags(fact_id, tag_id) SELECT ?, tag_id FROM fact_tags WHERE fact_id = ?""" self.execute(tag_update, (new_fact["id"], fact["id"])) #clone tags
#eliminate elif fact["end_time"] and \ start_time < fact["start_time"] < end_time and \ start_time < fact["end_time"] < end_time:"eliminating %s" % fact["name"]) self.__remove_fact(fact["id"])
# overlap start elif start_time < fact["start_time"] < end_time:"Overlapping start of %s" % fact["name"]) self.execute("UPDATE facts SET start_time=? WHERE id=?", (end_time, fact["id"]))
# overlap end elif start_time < fact["end_time"] < end_time:"Overlapping end of %s" % fact["name"]) self.execute("UPDATE facts SET end_time=? WHERE id=?", (start_time, fact["id"]))
def __add_fact(self, activity_name, tags, start_time = None, end_time = None, category_name = None, description = None):
activity = stuff.parse_activity_input(activity_name)
# make sure that we do have an activity name after parsing if not activity.activity_name: return
# explicitly stated takes precedence activity.description = description or activity.description
tags = [tag.strip() for tag in tags.split(",") if tag.strip()] # split by comma tags = tags or activity.tags # explicitly stated tags take priority
tags = self.get_tag_ids(tags) #this will create any missing tags too
if category_name: activity.category_name = category_name if description: activity.description = description #override
start_time = activity.start_time or start_time or
if start_time > return None #no facts in future, please
start_time = start_time.replace(microsecond = 0) end_time = activity.end_time or end_time if end_time: end_time = end_time.replace(microsecond = 0)
if not start_time or not activity.activity_name: # sanity check return
# now check if maybe there is also a category category_id = None if activity.category_name: category_id = self.__get_category_by_name(activity.category_name) if not category_id: category_id = self.__add_category(activity.category_name)
# try to find activity activity_id = self.__get_activity_by_name(activity.activity_name, category_id) if not activity_id: activity_id = self.__add_activity(activity.activity_name, category_id) else: activity_id = activity_id['id']
# if we are working on +/- current day - check the last_activity if ( - start_time <= dt.timedelta(days=1)):
# pull in previous facts facts = self.__get_todays_facts()
previous = None if facts and facts[-1]["end_time"] == None: previous = facts[-1]
if previous and previous['start_time'] < start_time: # check if maybe that is the same one, in that case no need to restart if previous["activity_id"] == activity_id \ and previous["tags"] == sorted([tag["name"] for tag in tags]) \ and previous["description"] == (description or ""): return previous
# otherwise, if no description is added # see if maybe it is too short to qualify as an activity if not previous["description"] \ and 60 >= (start_time - previous['start_time']).seconds >= 0: self.__remove_fact(previous['id'])
# now that we removed the previous one, see if maybe the one # before that is actually same as the one we want to start # (glueing) if len(facts) > 1 and 60 >= (start_time - facts[-2]['end_time']).seconds >= 0: before = facts[-2] if before["activity_id"] == activity_id \ and before["tags"] == sorted([tag["name"] for tag in tags]): # essentially same activity - resume it and return update = """ UPDATE facts SET end_time = null WHERE id = ? """ self.execute(update, (before["id"],))
return before else: # otherwise stop update = """ UPDATE facts SET end_time = ? WHERE id = ? """ self.execute(update, (start_time, previous["id"]))
# done with the current activity, now we can solve overlaps if not end_time: end_time = self.__squeeze_in(start_time) else: self.__solve_overlaps(start_time, end_time)
# finally add the new entry insert = """ INSERT INTO facts (activity_id, start_time, end_time, description) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """ self.execute(insert, (activity_id, start_time, end_time, activity.description))
fact_id = self.__last_insert_rowid()
#now link tags insert = ["insert into fact_tags(fact_id, tag_id) values(?, ?)"] * len(tags) params = [(fact_id, tag["id"]) for tag in tags] self.execute(insert, params)
return fact_id
def __last_insert_rowid(self): return self.fetchone("SELECT last_insert_rowid();")[0]
def __get_todays_facts(self): from configuration import conf day_start = conf.get("day_start_minutes") day_start = dt.time(day_start / 60, day_start % 60) today = ( - dt.timedelta(hours = day_start.hour, minutes = day_start.minute)).date() return self.__get_facts(today)
def __get_facts(self, date, end_date = None, search_terms = ""): query = """ SELECT AS id, a.start_time AS start_time, a.end_time AS end_time, a.description as description, AS name, as activity_id, coalesce(, ?) as category, as tag FROM facts a LEFT JOIN activities b ON a.activity_id = LEFT JOIN categories c ON b.category_id = LEFT JOIN fact_tags d ON d.fact_id = LEFT JOIN tags e ON = d.tag_id WHERE (a.end_time >= ? OR a.end_time IS NULL) AND a.start_time <= ? """
# let's see what we can do with search terms # we will be looking in activity names, descriptions, categories and tags # comma will be treated as OR # space will be treated as AND or possible join
# split by comma and then by space and remove all extra spaces or_bits = [[term.strip().lower().replace("'", "''") #striping removing case sensitivity and escaping quotes in term for term in terms.strip().split(" ") if term.strip()] for terms in search_terms.split(",") if terms.strip()]
def all_fields(term): return """(lower(a.description) like '%%%(term)s%%' or lower( = '%(term)s' or lower( = '%(term)s' or lower( = '%(term)s' )""" % dict(term = term)
if or_bits: search_query = "1<>1 " # will be building OR chain, so start with a false
for and_bits in or_bits: if len(and_bits) == 1: and_query = all_fields(and_bits[0]) else: and_query = "1=1 " # will be building AND chain, so start with a true # if we have more than one word, go for "(a and b) or ab" # to match two word tags for bit1, bit2 in zip(and_bits, and_bits[1:]): and_query += "and (%s and %s) or %s" % (all_fields(bit1), all_fields(bit2), all_fields("%s %s" % (bit1, bit2)))
search_query = "%s or (%s) " % (search_query, and_query)
query = "%s and (%s)" % (query, search_query)
query += " ORDER BY a.start_time," end_date = end_date or date
from configuration import conf day_start = conf.get("day_start_minutes") day_start = dt.time(day_start / 60, day_start % 60)
split_time = day_start datetime_from = dt.datetime.combine(date, split_time) datetime_to = dt.datetime.combine(end_date, split_time) + dt.timedelta(days = 1)
facts = self.fetchall(query, (_("Unsorted"), datetime_from, datetime_to))
#first let's put all tags in an array facts = self.__group_tags(facts)
res = [] for fact in facts: # heuristics to assign tasks to proper days
# if fact has no end time, set the last minute of the day, # or current time if fact has happened in last 24 hours if fact["end_time"]: fact_end_time = fact["end_time"] elif ( - fact["start_time"].date()) <= dt.timedelta(days=1): fact_end_time = = 0) else: fact_end_time = fact["start_time"]
fact_start_date = fact["start_time"].date() \ - dt.timedelta(1 if fact["start_time"].time() < split_time else 0) fact_end_date = \ - dt.timedelta(1 if fact_end_time.time() < split_time else 0) fact_date_span = fact_end_date - fact_start_date
# check if the task spans across two dates if fact_date_span.days == 1: datetime_split = dt.datetime.combine(fact_end_date, split_time) start_date_duration = datetime_split - fact["start_time"] end_date_duration = fact_end_time - datetime_split if start_date_duration > end_date_duration: # most of the task was done during the previous day fact_date = fact_start_date else: fact_date = fact_end_date else: # either doesn't span or more than 24 hrs tracked # (in which case we give up) fact_date = fact_start_date
if fact_date < date or fact_date > end_date: # due to spanning we've jumped outside of given period continue
fact["date"] = fact_date fact["delta"] = fact_end_time - fact["start_time"] res.append(fact)
return res
def __get_popular_categories(self): """returns categories used in the specified interval""" query = """ SELECT coalesce(, ?) as category, count( as popularity FROM facts a LEFT JOIN activities b on a.activity_id = LEFT JOIN categories c on = b.category_id GROUP BY b.category_id ORDER BY popularity desc """ return self.fetchall(query, (_("Unsorted"), ))
def __remove_fact(self, fact_id): statements = ["DELETE FROM fact_tags where fact_id = ?", "DELETE FROM facts where id = ?"] self.execute(statements, [(fact_id,)] * 2)
def __get_activities(self, category_id = None): """returns list of activities, if category is specified, order by name otherwise - by activity_order""" if category_id: query = """ SELECT a.*, as category FROM activities a LEFT JOIN categories b on coalesce(, -1) = a.category_id WHERE category_id = ? AND deleted is null """
# unsorted entries we sort by name - others by ID if category_id == -1: query += "ORDER BY lower(" else: query += "ORDER BY a.activity_order"
activities = self.fetchall(query, (category_id, ))
else: query = """ SELECT a.*, as category FROM activities a LEFT JOIN categories b on coalesce(, -1) = a.category_id WHERE deleted IS NULL ORDER BY lower( """ activities = self.fetchall(query)
return activities
def __get_autocomplete_activities(self, search): """returns list of activities for autocomplete, activity names converted to lowercase"""
query = """ SELECT lower( AS name, AS category FROM activities a LEFT JOIN categories b ON coalesce(, -1) = a.category_id LEFT JOIN facts f ON = f.activity_id WHERE deleted IS NULL AND LIKE ? ESCAPE '\\' GROUP BY ORDER BY max(f.start_time) DESC, lower( LIMIT 50 """ search = search.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('%', '\\%').replace('_', '\\_') activities = self.fetchall(query, (u'%s%%' % search, ))
return activities
def __remove_activity(self, id): """ check if we have any facts with this activity and behave accordingly if there are facts - sets activity to deleted = True else, just remove it"""
query = "select count(*) as count from facts where activity_id = ?" bound_facts = self.fetchone(query, (id,))['count']
if bound_facts > 0: self.execute("UPDATE activities SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = ?", (id,)) else: self.execute("delete from activities where id = ?", (id,))
def __remove_category(self, id): """move all activities to unsorted and remove category"""
update = "update activities set category_id = -1 where category_id = ?" self.execute(update, (id, ))
self.execute("delete from categories where id = ?", (id, ))
def __swap_activities(self, id1, priority1, id2, priority2): """ swaps nearby activities """ # TODO - 2 selects and 2 updates is wrong we could live without selects self.execute(["update activities set activity_order = ? where id = ?", "update activities set activity_order = ? where id = ?"], [(priority1, id2), (priority2, id1)])
def __add_activity(self, name, category_id = None): # first check that we don't have anything like that yet activity = self.__get_activity_by_name(name, category_id) if activity: return activity['id']
#now do the create bit category_id = category_id or -1 new_order = self.fetchone("select max(activity_order) + 1 from activities")[0] or 1
query = """ INSERT INTO activities (name, category_id, activity_order) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """ self.execute(query, (name, category_id, new_order)) return self.__last_insert_rowid()
def __update_activity(self, id, name, category_id): query = """ UPDATE activities SET name = ?, category_id = ? WHERE id = ? """ self.execute(query, (name, category_id, id))
""" Here be dragons (lame connection/cursor wrappers) """ def get_connection(self): from configuration import runtime if self.con is None: db_file = runtime.database_path self.con = sqlite.connect(db_file, detect_types=sqlite.PARSE_DECLTYPES|sqlite.PARSE_COLNAMES) self.con.row_factory = sqlite.Row
return self.con
connection = property(get_connection, None)
def fetchall(self, query, params = None): from configuration import runtime self.__setup()
con = self.connection cur = con.cursor()
logging.debug("%s %s" % (query, params))
if params: cur.execute(query, params) else: cur.execute(query)
res = cur.fetchall() cur.close()
return res
def fetchone(self, query, params = None): res = self.fetchall(query, params) if res: return res[0] else: return None
def execute(self, statement, params = ()): """ execute sql statement. optionally you can give multiple statements to save on cursor creation and closure """ from configuration import runtime self.__setup()
con = self.__con or self.connection cur = self.__cur or con.cursor()
if isinstance(statement, list) == False: #we kind of think that we will get list of instructions statement = [statement] params = [params]
if isinstance(statement, list): for i in range(len(statement)): logging.debug("%s %s" % (statement[i], params[i]))
res = cur.execute(statement[i], params[i])
if not self.__con: con.commit() cur.close() runtime.register_modification()
def start_transaction(self): # will give some hints to execute not to close or commit anything self.__con = self.connection self.__cur = self.__con.cursor()
def end_transaction(self): self.__con.commit() self.__cur.close() self.__con = None from configuration import runtime runtime.register_modification()
def run_fixtures(self): self.start_transaction()
# defaults work_category = {"name": _("Work"), "entries": [_("Reading news"), _("Checking stocks"), _("Super secret project X"), _("World domination")]}
nonwork_category = {"name": _("Day-to-day"), "entries": [_("Lunch"), _("Watering flowers"), _("Doing handstands")]}
"""upgrade DB to hamster version""" version = self.fetchone("SELECT version FROM version")["version"] current_version = 7
if version < 2: """moving from fact_date, fact_time to start_time, end_time"""
self.execute(""" CREATE TABLE facts_new (id integer primary key, activity_id integer, start_time varchar2(12), end_time varchar2(12)) """)
self.execute(""" INSERT INTO facts_new (id, activity_id, start_time) SELECT id, activity_id, fact_date || fact_time FROM facts """)
self.execute("DROP TABLE facts") self.execute("ALTER TABLE facts_new RENAME TO facts")
# run through all facts and set the end time # if previous fact is not on the same date, then it means that it was the # last one in previous, so remove it # this logic saves our last entry from being deleted, which is good facts = self.fetchall(""" SELECT id, activity_id, start_time, substr(start_time,1, 8) start_date FROM facts ORDER BY start_time """) prev_fact = None
for fact in facts: if prev_fact: if prev_fact['start_date'] == fact['start_date']: self.execute("UPDATE facts SET end_time = ? where id = ?", (fact['start_time'], prev_fact['id'])) else: #otherwise that's the last entry of the day - remove it self.execute("DELETE FROM facts WHERE id = ?", (prev_fact["id"],))
prev_fact = fact
#it was kind of silly not to have datetimes in first place if version < 3: self.execute(""" CREATE TABLE facts_new (id integer primary key, activity_id integer, start_time timestamp, end_time timestamp) """)
self.execute(""" INSERT INTO facts_new (id, activity_id, start_time, end_time) SELECT id, activity_id, substr(start_time,1,4) || "-" || substr(start_time, 5, 2) || "-" || substr(start_time, 7, 2) || " " || substr(start_time, 9, 2) || ":" || substr(start_time, 11, 2) || ":00", substr(end_time,1,4) || "-" || substr(end_time, 5, 2) || "-" || substr(end_time, 7, 2) || " " || substr(end_time, 9, 2) || ":" || substr(end_time, 11, 2) || ":00" FROM facts; """)
self.execute("DROP TABLE facts") self.execute("ALTER TABLE facts_new RENAME TO facts")
#adding categories table to categorize activities if version < 4: #adding the categories table self.execute(""" CREATE TABLE categories (id integer primary key, name varchar2(500), color_code varchar2(50), category_order integer) """)
# adding default categories, and make sure that uncategorized stays on bottom for starters # set order to 2 in case, if we get work in next lines self.execute(""" INSERT INTO categories (id, name, category_order) VALUES (1, ?, 2); """, (nonwork_category["name"],))
#check if we have to create work category - consider work everything that has been determined so, and is not deleted work_activities = self.fetchone(""" SELECT count(*) as work_activities FROM activities WHERE deleted is null and work=1; """)['work_activities']
if work_activities > 0: self.execute(""" INSERT INTO categories (id, name, category_order) VALUES (2, ?, 1); """, (work_category["name"],))
# now add category field to activities, before starting the move self.execute(""" ALTER TABLE activities ADD COLUMN category_id integer; """)
# starting the move
# first remove all deleted activities with no instances in facts self.execute(""" DELETE FROM activities WHERE deleted = 1 AND id not in(select activity_id from facts); """)
# moving work / non-work to appropriate categories # exploit false/true = 0/1 thing self.execute(""" UPDATE activities SET category_id = work + 1 WHERE deleted is null """)
#finally, set category to -1 where there is none self.execute(""" UPDATE activities SET category_id = -1 WHERE category_id is null """)
# drop work column and forget value of deleted # previously deleted records are now unsorted ones # user will be able to mark them as deleted again, in which case # they won't appear in autocomplete, or in categories # ressurection happens, when user enters the exact same name self.execute(""" CREATE TABLE activities_new (id integer primary key, name varchar2(500), activity_order integer, deleted integer, category_id integer); """)
self.execute(""" INSERT INTO activities_new (id, name, activity_order, category_id) SELECT id, name, activity_order, category_id FROM activities; """)
self.execute("DROP TABLE activities") self.execute("ALTER TABLE activities_new RENAME TO activities")
if version < 5: self.execute("ALTER TABLE facts add column description varchar2")
if version < 6: # facts table could use an index self.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_facts_start_end ON facts(start_time, end_time)") self.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_facts_start_end_activity ON facts(start_time, end_time, activity_id)")
# adding tags self.execute("""CREATE TABLE tags (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, autocomplete BOOL DEFAULT true)""") self.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_tags_name ON tags(name)")
self.execute("CREATE TABLE fact_tags(fact_id integer, tag_id integer)") self.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_fact_tags_fact ON fact_tags(fact_id)") self.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_fact_tags_tag ON fact_tags(tag_id)")
if version < 7: self.execute("""CREATE TABLE increment_facts (id integer primary key autoincrement, activity_id integer, start_time timestamp, end_time timestamp, description varchar2)""") self.execute("""INSERT INTO increment_facts(id, activity_id, start_time, end_time, description) SELECT id, activity_id, start_time, end_time, description from facts""") self.execute("DROP table facts") self.execute("ALTER TABLE increment_facts RENAME TO facts")
# at the happy end, update version number if version < current_version: #lock down current version self.execute("UPDATE version SET version = %d" % current_version)
"""we start with an empty database and then populate with default values. This way defaults can be localized!"""
category_count = self.fetchone("select count(*) from categories")[0]
if category_count == 0: work_cat_id = self.__add_category(work_category["name"]) for entry in work_category["entries"]: self.__add_activity(entry, work_cat_id)
nonwork_cat_id = self.__add_category(nonwork_category["name"]) for entry in nonwork_category["entries"]: self.__add_activity(entry, nonwork_cat_id)