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# - coding: utf-8 -
# Copyright (C) 2008 Toms Bauģis <toms.baugis at>
# This file is part of Project Hamster.
# Project Hamster is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version.
# Project Hamster is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Project Hamster. If not, see <>.
"""Small charting library that enables you to draw bar and horizontal bar charts. This library is not intended for scientific graphs. More like some visual clues to the user.
The whole thing is a bit of minefield, but it can bring pretty decent results if you don't ask for much.
For graph options see the Chart class and Chart.plot function
Author: Feel free to contribute - more info at Project Hamster web page:
import gtk, gobject import cairo, pango import copy import math from sys import maxint import datetime as dt import time import colorsys import logging
import graphics
def size_list(set, target_set): """turns set lenghts into target set - trim it, stretches it, but keeps values for cases when lengths match """ set = set[:min(len(set), len(target_set))] #shrink to target set += target_set[len(set):] #grow to target
#nest for i in range(len(set)): if isinstance(set[i], list): set[i] = size_list(set[i], target_set[i]) return set
def get_limits(set, stack_subfactors = True): # stack_subfactors indicates whether we should sum up nested lists max_value, min_value = -maxint, maxint for col in set: if type(col) in [int, float]: max_value = max(col, max_value) min_value = min(col, min_value) elif stack_subfactors: max_value = max(sum(col), max_value) min_value = min(sum(col), min_value) else: for row in col: max_value = max(row, max_value) min_value = max(row, min_value)
return min_value, max_value
class Bar(object): def __init__(self, value, size = 0): self.value = value self.size = size
def __repr__(self): return str((self.value, self.size))
class Chart(graphics.Area): """Chart constructor. Optional arguments: self.max_bar_width = pixels. Maximal width of bar. If not specified, bars will stretch to fill whole area self.legend_width = pixels. Legend width will keep you graph from floating around. self.animate = Should transitions be animated. Defaults to TRUE self.framerate = Frame rate for animation. Defaults to 60
self.background = Tripplet-tuple of background color in RGB self.chart_background = Tripplet-tuple of chart background color in RGB self.bar_base_color = Tripplet-tuple of bar color in RGB
self.show_scale = Should we show scale values. See grid_stride! self.grid_stride = Step of grid. If expressed in normalized range (0..1), will be treated as percentage. Otherwise will be striding through maximal value. Defaults to 0. Which is "don't draw"
self.values_on_bars = Should values for each bar displayed on top of it. self.value_format = Format string for values. Defaults to "%s"
self.show_stack_labels = If the labels of stack bar chart should be displayed. Defaults to False self.labels_at_end = If stack bars are displayed, this allows to show them at right end of graph. """ __gsignals__ = { "bar-clicked": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, )), } def __init__(self, **args): graphics.Area.__init__(self)
# options self.max_bar_width = args.get("max_bar_width", 500) self.legend_width = args.get("legend_width", 0) self.animation = args.get("animate", True)
self.background = args.get("background", None) self.chart_background = args.get("chart_background", None) self.bar_base_color = args.get("bar_base_color", None)
self.grid_stride = args.get("grid_stride", None) self.values_on_bars = args.get("values_on_bars", False) self.value_format = args.get("value_format", "%s") self.show_scale = args.get("show_scale", False)
self.show_stack_labels = args.get("show_stack_labels", False) self.labels_at_end = args.get("labels_at_end", False) self.framerate = args.get("framerate", 60)
self.interactive = args.get("interactive", False) # if the bars are clickable
# other stuff self.bars = [] self.keys = [] = None self.stack_keys = []
self.key_colors = {} # key:color dictionary. if key's missing will grab basecolor self.stack_key_colors = {} # key:color dictionary. if key's missing will grab basecolor
# use these to mark area where the "real" drawing is going on self.graph_x, self.graph_y = 0, 0 self.graph_width, self.graph_height = None, None
self.mouse_bar = None if self.interactive: self.connect("mouse-over", self.on_mouse_over) self.connect("button-release", self.on_clicked)
self.bars_selected = []
def on_mouse_over(self, area, region): if region: self.mouse_bar = int(region[0]) else: self.mouse_bar = None
def on_clicked(self, area, bar): self.emit("bar-clicked", self.mouse_bar)
def select_bar(self, index): pass
def get_bar_color(self, index): # returns color darkened by it's index # the approach reduces contrast by each step base_color = self.bar_base_color or (220, 220, 220)
base_hls = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*base_color)
step = (base_hls[1] - 30) / 10 #will go from base down to 20 and max 22 steps
return colorsys.hls_to_rgb(base_hls[0], base_hls[1] - step * index, base_hls[2])
def draw_bar(self, x, y, w, h, color = None): """ draws a simple bar""" base_color = color or self.bar_base_color or (220, 220, 220) self.fill_area(x, y, w, h, base_color)
def plot(self, keys, data, stack_keys = None): """Draw chart with given data""" self.keys,, self.stack_keys = keys, data, stack_keys
if not data: #if there is no data, just draw blank self.redraw_canvas() return
min, self.max_value = get_limits(data)
if not self.animation: self.tweener.finish()
def on_expose(self): # fill whole area if self.background: self.fill_area(0, 0, self.width, self.height, self.background)
def _update_targets(self): # calculates new factors and then updates existing set max_value = float(self.max_value) or 1 # avoid division by zero
self.bars = size_list(self.bars,
#need function to go recursive def retarget(bars, new_values): for i in range(len(new_values)): if isinstance(new_values[i], list): bars[i] = retarget(bars[i], new_values[i]) else: if isinstance(bars[i], Bar) == False: bars[i] = Bar(new_values[i], 0) else: bars[i].value = new_values[i] self.tweener.killTweensOf(bars[i])
self.tweener.addTween(bars[i], size = bars[i].value / float(max_value)) return bars
def longest_label(self, labels): """returns width of the longest label""" max_extent = 0 for label in labels: self.layout.set_text(label) label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size() max_extent = max(label_w + 5, max_extent)
return max_extent
def draw(self): logging.error("OMG OMG, not implemented!!!")
class BarChart(Chart): def on_expose(self): Chart.on_expose(self)
if not return
context = self.context context.set_line_width(1)
# determine graph dimensions if self.show_stack_labels: legend_width = self.legend_width or self.longest_label(self.keys) elif self.show_scale: if self.grid_stride < 1: grid_stride = int(self.max_value * self.grid_stride) else: grid_stride = int(self.grid_stride)
scale_labels = [self.value_format % i for i in range(grid_stride, int(self.max_value), grid_stride)] self.legend_width = legend_width = self.legend_width or self.longest_label(scale_labels) else: legend_width = self.legend_width
if self.stack_keys and self.labels_at_end: self.graph_x = 0 self.graph_width = self.width - legend_width else: self.graph_x = legend_width + 8 # give some space to scale labels self.graph_width = self.width - self.graph_x - 10
self.graph_y = 0 self.graph_height = self.height - 15
if self.chart_background: self.fill_area(self.graph_x, self.graph_y, self.graph_width, self.graph_height, self.chart_background)
# bars and keys max_bar_size = self.graph_height #make sure bars don't hit the ceiling if self.animate or self.before_drag_animate: max_bar_size = self.graph_height - 10
prev_label_end = None self.layout.set_width(-1)
exes = {} x = 0 bar_width = min(self.graph_width / float(len(self.keys)), self.max_bar_width) for i, key in enumerate(self.keys): exes[key] = (x + self.graph_x, round(bar_width - 1))
x = x + round(bar_width) bar_width = min(self.max_bar_width, (self.graph_width - x) / float(max(1, len(self.keys) - i - 1)))
# now for the text - we want reduced contrast for relaxed visuals fg_color = self.get_style().fg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL].to_string() if self.colors.is_light(fg_color): label_color = self.colors.darker(fg_color, 80) else: label_color = self.colors.darker(fg_color, -80)
for key, bar, data in zip(self.keys, self.bars, self.set_color(label_color); self.layout.set_text(key) label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
intended_x = exes[key][0] + (exes[key][1] - label_w) / 2
if not prev_label_end or intended_x > prev_label_end: self.context.move_to(intended_x, self.graph_height + 4) context.show_layout(self.layout)
prev_label_end = intended_x + label_w + 3
bar_start = 0
# determine bar color base_color = self.bar_base_color if not base_color: #yay, we can be theme friendly! bg_color = self.get_style().bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL].to_string() if self.colors.is_light(bg_color): base_color = self.colors.darker(bg_color, 30) else: base_color = self.colors.darker(bg_color, -30) tick_color = self.colors.darker(bg_color, -50)
if self.stack_keys: remaining_fractions, remaining_pixels = 1, max_bar_size
for j, stack_bar in enumerate(bar): if stack_bar.size > 0: bar_size = round(remaining_pixels * (stack_bar.size / remaining_fractions)) remaining_fractions -= stack_bar.size remaining_pixels -= bar_size
bar_start += bar_size
last_color = self.stack_key_colors.get(self.stack_keys[j]) or self.get_bar_color(j) self.draw_bar(exes[key][0], self.graph_height - bar_start, exes[key][1], bar_size, last_color) else: bar_size = round(max_bar_size * bar.size) bar_start = bar_size
last_color = self.key_colors.get(key) or base_color self.draw_bar(exes[key][0], self.graph_y + self.graph_height - bar_size, exes[key][1], bar_size, last_color)
if self.values_on_bars: # it is either stack labels or values at the end for now if self.stack_keys: total_value = sum(data[i]) else: total_value = data[i]
self.layout.set_width(-1) self.layout.set_text(self.value_format % total_value) label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
if bar_start > label_h + 2: label_y = self.graph_y + self.graph_height - bar_start + 5 else: label_y = self.graph_y + self.graph_height - bar_start - label_h + 5
context.move_to(self.exes[key][0] + (self.exes[key][1] - label_w) / 2.0, label_y)
# we are in the bar so make sure that the font color is distinguishable if self.colors.is_light(last_color): self.set_color(label_color) else: self.set_color(self.colors.almost_white)
#white grid and scale values if self.background: grid_color = self.background else: grid_color = self.get_style().bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL].to_string() self.layout.set_width(-1) if self.grid_stride and self.max_value: # if grid stride is less than 1 then we consider it to be percentage if self.grid_stride < 1: grid_stride = int(self.max_value * self.grid_stride) else: grid_stride = int(self.grid_stride)
context.set_line_width(1) for i in range(grid_stride, int(self.max_value), grid_stride): y = round(max_bar_size * (i / self.max_value)) + 0.5
if self.show_scale: self.layout.set_text(self.value_format % i) label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size() context.move_to(legend_width - label_w - 8, y - label_h / 2) self.set_color(self.colors.aluminium[4]) context.show_layout(self.layout)
self.set_color(grid_color) self.context.move_to(legend_width, y) self.context.line_to(self.width, y)
#stack keys if self.show_stack_labels: #put series keys self.set_color(label_color);
y = self.graph_height label_y = None
# if labels are at end, then we need show them for the last bar! if self.labels_at_end: factors = self.bars[-1] else: factors = self.bars[0]
if isinstance(factors, Bar): factors = [factors]
self.layout.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) self.layout.set_width(self.graph_x * pango.SCALE) if self.labels_at_end: self.layout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_LEFT) else: self.layout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT)
for j in range(len(factors)): factor = factors[j].size bar_size = factor * max_bar_size
if round(bar_size) > 0 and self.stack_keys: label = "%s" % self.stack_keys[j]
self.layout.set_text(label) label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
y -= bar_size intended_position = round(y + (bar_size - label_h) / 2)
if label_y: label_y = min(intended_position, label_y - label_h) else: label_y = intended_position
if self.labels_at_end: label_x = self.graph_x + self.graph_width line_x1 = self.graph_x + self.graph_width - 1 line_x2 = self.graph_x + self.graph_width - 6 else: label_x = -8 line_x1 = self.graph_x - 6 line_x2 = self.graph_x
context.move_to(label_x, label_y) context.show_layout(self.layout)
if label_y != intended_position: context.move_to(line_x1, label_y + label_h / 2) context.line_to(line_x2, round(y + bar_size / 2))
class HorizontalBarChart(Chart): def on_expose(self): Chart.on_expose(self)
if not return
context = self.context rowcount, keys = len(self.keys), self.keys
# push graph to the right, so it doesn't overlap legend_width = self.legend_width or self.longest_label(keys)
self.graph_x = legend_width self.graph_x += 8 #add another 8 pixes of padding
self.graph_width = self.width - self.graph_x self.graph_y, self.graph_height = 0, self.height
if self.chart_background: self.fill_area(self.graph_x, self.graph_y, self.graph_width, self.graph_height, self.chart_background)
if not # go home if we have nothing return
positions = {} y = 0 bar_width = min(self.graph_height / float(len(self.keys)), self.max_bar_width) for i, key in enumerate(self.keys): positions[key] = (y + self.graph_y, round(bar_width - 1))
y = y + round(bar_width) bar_width = min(self.max_bar_width, (self.graph_height - y) / float(max(1, len(self.keys) - i - 1)))
max_bar_size = self.graph_width - 15
self.layout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) self.layout.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
# bars and labels self.layout.set_width(legend_width * pango.SCALE)
# determine bar color base_color = self.bar_base_color if not base_color: #yay, we can be theme friendly! bg_color = self.get_style().bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL].to_string() if self.colors.is_light(bg_color): base_color = self.colors.darker(bg_color, 30) else: base_color = self.colors.darker(bg_color, -30) tick_color = self.colors.darker(bg_color, -50) last_color = base_color
# now for the text - we want reduced contrast for relaxed visuals fg_color = self.get_style().fg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL].to_string() if self.colors.is_light(fg_color): label_color = self.colors.darker(fg_color, 80) else: label_color = self.colors.darker(fg_color, -80)
for i, label in enumerate(keys): if self.interactive: self.register_mouse_region(0, positions[label][0], self.width, positions[label][0] + positions[label][1], str(i))
self.layout.set_width(legend_width * pango.SCALE) self.layout.set_text(label) label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size() label_y = positions[label][0] + (positions[label][1] - label_h) / 2
if i == self.mouse_bar: self.set_color(self.get_style().fg[gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT]) else: self.set_color(label_color)
context.move_to(0, label_y) context.show_layout(self.layout)
if self.stack_keys: bar_start = 0
remaining_fractions, remaining_pixels = 1, max_bar_size
for j, stack_bar in enumerate(self.bars[i]): if stack_bar.size > 0: bar_size = round(remaining_pixels * (stack_bar.size / remaining_fractions)) remaining_fractions -= stack_bar.size remaining_pixels -= bar_size
last_color = self.stack_key_colors.get(self.stack_keys[j]) or self.get_bar_color(j) self.draw_bar(self.graph_x + bar_start, positions[label][0], bar_size, positions[label][1], last_color) bar_start += bar_size else: bar_size = round(max_bar_size * self.bars[i].size) bar_start = bar_size
if i in self.bars_selected: last_color = self.get_style().bg[gtk.STATE_SELECTED].to_string() elif i == self.mouse_bar: last_color = self.get_style().base[gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT].to_string() else: last_color = self.key_colors.get(self.keys[i]) or base_color
self.draw_bar(self.graph_x, positions[label][0], bar_size, positions[label][1], last_color)
# value labels if self.stack_keys: total_value = sum([i]) else: total_value =[i]
self.layout.set_width(-1) self.layout.set_text(self.value_format % total_value) label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
vertical_padding = max((positions[label][1] - label_h) / 2.0, 1)
label_y = positions[label][0] + (positions[label][1] - label_h) / 2.0 if bar_start - vertical_padding < label_w: label_x = self.graph_x + bar_start + vertical_padding
# avoid zero selected bars without any hints if not self.stack_keys and i in self.bars_selected and self.bars[i].value == 0: self.set_color(self.get_style().bg[gtk.STATE_SELECTED]) self.draw_rect(label_x - 2, label_y - 2, label_w + 4, label_h + 4, 4) self.context.fill() self.set_color(self.get_style().fg[gtk.STATE_SELECTED]) else: self.set_color(label_color) else: label_x = self.graph_x + bar_start - label_w - vertical_padding
if i in self.bars_selected: self.set_color(self.get_style().fg[gtk.STATE_SELECTED].to_string()) else: # we are in the bar so make sure that the font color is distinguishable if self.colors.is_light(last_color): self.set_color(label_color) else: self.set_color(self.colors.almost_white)
context.move_to(label_x, label_y) context.show_layout(self.layout)
class HorizontalDayChart(Chart): """Pretty much a horizontal bar chart, except for values it expects tuple of start and end time, and the whole thing hangs in air""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Chart.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.start_time, self.end_time = None, None
def plot_day(self, keys, data, start_time = None, end_time = None): self.keys, = keys, data self.start_time, self.end_time = start_time, end_time self.redraw_canvas()
def on_expose(self): context = self.context
Chart.on_expose(self) rowcount, keys = len(self.keys), self.keys
start_hour = 0 if self.start_time: start_hour = self.start_time end_hour = 24 * 60 if self.end_time: end_hour = self.end_time
# push graph to the right, so it doesn't overlap legend_width = self.legend_width or self.longest_label(keys)
self.graph_x = legend_width self.graph_x += 8 #add another 8 pixes of padding
self.graph_width = self.width - self.graph_x
#on the botttom leave some space for label self.layout.set_text("1234567890:") label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
self.graph_y, self.graph_height = 0, self.height - label_h - 4
if self.chart_background: self.fill_area(self.graph_x, self.graph_y, self.graph_width, self.graph_height, self.chart_background)
if not #if we have nothing, let's go home return
positions = {} y = 0 bar_width = min(self.graph_height / float(len(self.keys)), self.max_bar_width) for i, key in enumerate(self.keys): positions[key] = (y + self.graph_y, round(bar_width - 1))
y = y + round(bar_width) bar_width = min(self.max_bar_width, (self.graph_height - y) / float(max(1, len(self.keys) - i - 1)))
max_bar_size = self.graph_width - 15
# now for the text - we want reduced contrast for relaxed visuals fg_color = self.get_style().fg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL].to_string() if self.colors.is_light(fg_color): label_color = self.colors.darker(fg_color, 80) else: label_color = self.colors.darker(fg_color, -80)
self.layout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) self.layout.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
# bars and labels self.layout.set_width(legend_width * pango.SCALE)
factor = max_bar_size / float(end_hour - start_hour)
# determine bar color base_color = self.bar_base_color if not base_color: #yay, we can be theme friendly! bg_color = self.get_style().bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL].to_string() if self.colors.is_light(bg_color): base_color = self.colors.darker(bg_color, 30) else: base_color = self.colors.darker(bg_color, -30) tick_color = self.colors.darker(bg_color, -50)
for i, label in enumerate(keys): self.set_color(label_color)
self.layout.set_text(label) label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
context.move_to(0, positions[label][0] + (positions[label][1] - label_h) / 2) context.show_layout(self.layout)
if isinstance([i], list) == False:[i] = [[i]]
for row in[i]: bar_x = round((row[0]- start_hour) * factor) bar_size = round((row[1] - start_hour) * factor - bar_x)
self.draw_bar(round(self.graph_x + bar_x), positions[label][0], bar_size, positions[label][1], base_color)
#white grid and scale values self.layout.set_width(-1)
pace = ((end_hour - start_hour) / 3) / 60 * 60 last_position = positions[keys[-1]] if self.background: grid_color = self.background else: grid_color = self.get_style().bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL].to_string() for i in range(start_hour + 60, end_hour, pace): x = round((i - start_hour) * factor)
minutes = i % (24 * 60)
self.layout.set_markup(dt.time(minutes / 60, minutes % 60).strftime("%H<small><sup>%M</sup></small>")) label_w, label_h = self.layout.get_pixel_size()
context.move_to(self.graph_x + x - label_w / 2, last_position[0] + last_position[1] + 4) self.set_color(self.colors.aluminium[4]) context.show_layout(self.layout)
self.set_color(grid_color) self.context.move_to(round(self.graph_x + x) + 0.5, self.graph_y) self.context.line_to(round(self.graph_x + x) + 0.5, last_position[0] + last_position[1])
""" sample usage """ class BasicWindow: def __init__(self): window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) window.set_title("Hamster Charting") window.set_size_request(400, 300) window.connect("delete_event", lambda *args: gtk.main_quit())
self.stacked = BarChart(background = "#fafafa", bar_base_color = (220, 220, 220), legend_width = 20, show_stack_labels = True)
box = gtk.VBox() box.pack_start(self.stacked)
self.series = ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven"] self.stacks = ["x", "y", "z", "a", "b", "c", "d"] self.stack_colors = dict([(stack, None) for stack in self.stacks])
import random = [[random.randint(0, 10) for j in range(len(self.stacks))] for i in range(len(self.series))]
color_buttons = gtk.HBox() color_buttons.set_spacing(4)
for stack in self.stacks: button = gtk.ColorButton() button.connect("color-set", self.on_color_set, stack) color_buttons.pack_start(button)
box.pack_start(color_buttons, False)
window.add(box) window.show_all()
def plot(self): self.stacked.stack_key_colors = self.stack_colors self.stacked.plot(self.series,, self.stacks)
def on_color_set(self, button, stack_idx): self.stack_colors[stack_idx] = button.get_color().to_string() self.plot()
if __name__ == "__main__": example = BasicWindow() gtk.main()