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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import gtk, pickle, types, os, errno import defaults from gtk_goodies.dialog_extras import show_message from gettext import gettext as _
SAVE_ATTRIBUTES = [('gsd.hints'), ('gsd.impossible_hints'), ('gsd.auto_fills'), ('timer.__absolute_start_time__'), ('timer.active_time'), ('timer.total_time'), ]
def update_saved_attributes (jar): '''Make sure all SAVE_ATTRIBUTES are available and valid. ''' for attr in SAVE_ATTRIBUTES: # default to 0, which is reasonable for current SAVE_ATTRIBUTES. if not attr in jar: jar[attr] = 0 # special case for timing things if 'timer.tot_time' in jar: # tot_time was renamed to active_time jar['timer.active_time'] = jar['timer.tot_time'] if 'timer.tot_time_complete' in jar: # tot_time_complete renamed to total_time jar['timer.total_time'] = jar['timer.tot_time_complete'] if not jar['timer.active_time']: # FIXME set to 1 in order to display well at game-selecting page jar['timer.active_time'] = 1
def super_getattr (obj, attr): """getattr, following the dots.""" attrs = attr.split('.') for a in attrs: obj = getattr(obj, a) return obj
def super_setattr (obj, attr, val): """setattr, following the dots.""" attrs = attr.split('.') if len(attrs) > 1: sub_attrs = attrs[0:-1] attr = attrs[-1] for a in sub_attrs: obj = getattr(obj, a) setattr(obj, attr, val)
def jar_game (ui): jar = {} # what we will pickle ui.timer.mark_timing() jar['game'] = ui.gsd.grid.to_string() jar['trackers'] = ui.gsd.trackers jar['tracking'] = ui.gsd.__trackers_tracking__ jar['notes'] = [] for e in ui.gsd.__entries__.values(): top, bot = e.get_note_text() if top or bot: jar['notes'].append((e.x, e.y, top, bot)) for attr in SAVE_ATTRIBUTES: jar[attr] = super_getattr(ui, attr) return jar
def set_value_from_jar (dest, jar): for attr in SAVE_ATTRIBUTES: super_setattr(dest, attr, jar[attr])
def open_game (ui, jar): ui.gsd.load_game(jar['game']) # this is a bit easily breakable... we take advantage of the fact # that we create tracker IDs sequentially and that {}.items() # sorts by keys by default for tracker, tracked in jar.get('trackers', {}).items(): # add 1 tracker per existing tracker... ui.tracker_ui.add_tracker() for x, y, val in tracked: ui.gsd.add_tracker(x, y, tracker, val = val) for tracker, tracking in jar.get('tracking', {}).items(): if tracking: ui.tracker_ui.select_tracker(tracker) set_value_from_jar(ui, jar) if jar.has_key('notes') and jar['notes']: for x, y, top, bot in jar['notes']: ui.gsd.__entries__[(x, y)].set_note_text(top, bot)
def pickle_game (ui, target): close_me = False if type(target) in types.StringTypes: target = file(target, 'w') close_me = True to_dump = jar_game(ui) pickle.dump(to_dump, target) if close_me: target.close()
def unpickle_game (ui, target): close_me = False if type(target) == str: target = file(target, 'r') close_me = True open_game(ui, pickle.load(target)) if close_me: target.close()
class SudokuTracker:
"""A class to track games in progress and games completed. """
def __init__ (self): self.save_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.sudoku/saved') self.finished_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.sudoku/finished') self.create_dir_safely(self.save_path) self.create_dir_safely(self.finished_path)
def create_dir_safely (self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOSPC: show_message( title = _('No Space'), label = _('No space left on disk'), message_type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, sublabel = _('Unable to create data folder %(path)s.') % locals() + '\n' + \ _('There is no disk space left!') ) else: show_message( title = 'Error creating directory', label = 'Error creating directory', sublabel = (_('Unable to create data folder %(path)s.') % locals() + '\n' + _('Error %(errno)s: %(error)s') % { 'errno': e.errno, 'error': e.strerror}) )
def game_from_ui (self, ui): return
def get_filename (self, gamestring): return gamestring.split('\n')[0].replace(' ', '')
def save_game (self, ui): jar = jar_game(ui) filename = os.path.join(self.save_path, self.get_filename(jar['game'])) try: outfi = file(filename, 'w') pickle.dump(jar, outfi) outfi.close() except (OSError, IOError), e: show_message( title = _('Sudoku unable to save game.'), label = _('Sudoku unable to save game.'), message_type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, sublabel = (_('Unable to save file %(filename)s.') % locals() + '\n' + _('Error %(errno)s: %(error)s') % { 'errno':e.errno, 'error':e.strerror }) )
def finish_game (self, ui): jar = jar_game(ui) self.finish_jar(jar)
def finish_jar (self, jar): self.remove_from_saved_games(jar) try: filename = os.path.join(self.finished_path, self.get_filename(jar['game'])) outfi = file(filename, 'w') pickle.dump(jar, outfi) outfi.close() except (OSError, IOError), e: show_message( title = _('Sudoku unable to mark game as finished.'), label = _('Sudoku unable to mark game as finished.'), message_type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, sublabel = (_('Unable to save file %(filename)s.') % locals() + '\n' + _('Error %(errno)s: %(error)s') % { 'errno':e.errno, 'error':e.strerror }) ) try: filename = list_of_finished_games = os.path.join( os.path.join(defaults.DATA_DIR, 'puzzles'), 'finished' ) ofi = open(list_of_finished_games, 'a') ofi.write(jar['game'].split('\n')[0]+'\n') ofi.close() except (OSError, IOError), e: show_message( title = _('Sudoku unable to mark game as finished.'), label = _('Sudoku unable to mark game as finished.'), message_type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, sublabel = (_('Unable to save file %(filename)s.') % locals() + '\n' + _('Error %(errno)s: %(error)s') % { 'errno':e.errno, 'error':e.strerror }) )
def remove_from_saved_games (self, jar): previously_saved_game = os.path.join( self.save_path, self.get_filename(jar['game']) ) if os.path.exists(previously_saved_game): os.remove(os.path.join(previously_saved_game))
def abandon_game (self, ui): jar = jar_game(ui) self.remove_from_saved_games(jar)
def list_saved_games (self): try: files = os.listdir(self.save_path) except OSError: files = [] games = [] for f in files: f = os.path.join(self.save_path, f) try: jar = pickle.load(file(f, 'r')) except: print 'Warning: could not read file', f else: update_saved_attributes(jar) if self.is_valid(jar): jar['saved_at'] = os.stat(f)[8] games.append(jar) else: print 'Warning: malformed save game', f return games
def is_valid (self, jar): virgin = jar['game'].split('\n')[0].replace(' ', '') played = jar['game'].split('\n')[1].replace(' ', '')
if len(virgin) != 81 or len(played) != 81: return False
if not virgin.isdigit() or not played.isdigit(): return False
for attr in SAVE_ATTRIBUTES: if jar.get(attr, None) == None: return False
return True