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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import gtk, gobject
import colors
import math
import random
from simple_debug import simple_debug
import sudoku
import number_box

    # Use tango colors recommended here:
    # http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines
    tuple([x / 255.0 for x in cols]) for cols in
    [(32, 74, 135), # Sky Blue 3
     (78, 154, 6), # Chameleon 3
     (206, 92, 0), # Orange 3
     (143, 89, 2), # Chocolate 3
     (92, 53, 102), # Plum 3
     (85, 87, 83), # Aluminium 5
     (196, 160, 0), # Butter 3

def gtkcolor_to_rgb (color):
    return (color.red   / float(2**16),
            color.green / float(2**16),
            color.blue  / float(2**16))

SPACING_FACTOR = 40 # The size of a box compared (roughly) to the size
                    # of padding -- the larger this is, the smaller
                    # the spaces
SMALL_TO_BIG_FACTOR = 3.5 # The number of times wider than a small line a big line is.

class SudokuNumberGrid (gtk.AspectFrame):

    def __init__ (self, group_size = 9):
        self.table = gtk.Table(rows = group_size, columns = group_size, homogeneous = True)
        self.group_size = group_size
        self.__entries__ = {}
        for x in range(self.group_size):
            for y in range(self.group_size):
                e = number_box.SudokuNumberBox(upper = self.group_size)
                e.x = x
                e.y = y
                self.table.attach(e, x, x+1, y, y+1,
                self.__entries__[(x, y)] = e
        gtk.AspectFrame.__init__(self, obey_child = False)
        self.eb = gtk.EventBox()
        self.connect('size-allocate', self.allocate_cb)

    def allocate_cb (self, w, rect):
        if rect.width > rect.height:
            side = rect.height
        else: side = rect.width
        # we want our small spacing to be 1/15th the size of a box
        spacing = float(side) / (self.group_size * SPACING_FACTOR)
        if spacing == 0:
            spacing = 1
        if hasattr(self, 'small_spacing') and spacing == self.small_spacing:

    def change_spacing (self, small_spacing):
        self.small_spacing = small_spacing
        self.big_spacing = int(small_spacing*SMALL_TO_BIG_FACTOR)
        box_side = int(math.sqrt(self.group_size))
        for n in range(1, box_side):
            self.table.set_row_spacing(box_side*n-1, self.big_spacing)
            self.table.set_col_spacing(box_side*n-1, self.big_spacing)

    def get_focused_entry (self):
        return self.table.focus_child

    def set_bg_color (self, color):
        if type(color) == str:
                color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(color)
                print 'set_bg_color handed Bad color', color
        self.eb.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)
        self.eb.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)
        self.eb.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)
        self.table.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)
        self.table.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)
        self.table.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)
        for e in self.__entries__.values():
            e.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)

class SudokuGameDisplay (SudokuNumberGrid, gobject.GObject):

    __gsignals__ = {
        'focus-changed':(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()),
        'puzzle-finished':(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ())

    do_highlight_cells = False

    def __init__ (self, grid = None, group_size = 9,
                  show_impossible_implications = False):
        group_size = int(group_size)
        self.hints = 0
        self.always_show_hints = False
        self.auto_fills = 0
        self.show_impossible_implications = show_impossible_implications
        self.impossible_hints = 0
        self.impossibilities = []
        self.trackers = {}
        self.__trackers_tracking__ = {}
        SudokuNumberGrid.__init__(self, group_size = group_size)
        self.setup_grid(grid, group_size)
        for e in self.__entries__.values():
            e.connect('undo-change', self.entry_callback)
            e.connect('changed', self.entry_callback)
            e.connect('focus-in-event', self.focus_callback)
            e.connect('key-press-event', self.key_press_cb)
        self.connect('focus-changed', self.highlight_cells)

    def key_press_cb (self, widget, event):
        key = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)
        dest = self.go_around(widget.x, widget.y, key)
        if dest:

    def go_around (self, x, y, direction):
        '''return the coordinate if we should go to the other side of the grid.
        Or else return None.'''
        (limit_min, limit_max) = (0, self.group_size -1)
        if   (y, direction) == (limit_min, 'Up'):
            dest = (x, limit_max)
        elif (y, direction) == (limit_max, 'Down'):
            dest = (x, limit_min)
        elif (x, direction) == (limit_min, 'Left'):
            dest = (limit_max, y)
        elif (x, direction) == (limit_max, 'Right'):
            dest = (limit_min, y)
            return None
        return dest

    def focus_callback (self, e, event):
        self.focused = e

    def get_highlight_colors (self):
        entry = self.__entries__.values()[0]
        default_color = gtkcolor_to_rgb(entry.style.bg[gtk.STATE_SELECTED])
        hsv = colors.rgb_to_hsv(*default_color)
        box_s = hsv[1]
        box_v = hsv[2]
        if box_v < 0.5:
            box_v = box_v * 2
        if box_s > 0.75:
            box_s = box_s * 0.5
            box_s = box_s * 1.5
            if box_s > 1:
                box_s = 1.0
        self.box_color = colors.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0], box_s, box_v)
        self.box_and_row_color = colors.rotate_hue_rgb(*self.box_color, **{'rotate_by': 0.33 / 2})
        self.row_color = colors.rotate_hue_rgb(*self.box_color, **{'rotate_by': 0.33})
        self.col_color = colors.rotate_hue_rgb(*self.box_color, **{'rotate_by': 0.66})
        self.box_and_col_color = colors.rotate_hue_rgb(*self.box_color, **{'rotate_by': 1.0 - (0.33 / 2)})

    def toggle_highlight (self, val):
        self.do_highlight_cells = val
        if hasattr(self, 'focused') and self.focused:

    def unhighlight_cells (self, *args):
        for e in self.__entries__.values():

    def highlight_cells (self, *args):
        if not self.do_highlight_cells:
        if not hasattr(self, 'box_color'):
        my_x, my_y = self.focused.x, self.focused.y

        # col_coords can sometimes be null.
        if not hasattr(self.grid, 'col_coords'):

        for x, y in self.grid.col_coords[my_x]:
            if (x, y) != (my_x, my_y):
                self.__entries__[(x, y)].set_background_color(self.col_color)
        for x, y in self.grid.row_coords[my_y]:
            if (x, y) != (my_x, my_y):
                self.__entries__[(x, y)].set_background_color(self.row_color)
        for x, y in self.grid.box_coords[self.grid.box_by_coords[(my_x, my_y)]]:
            if (x, y) != (my_x, my_y):
                e = self.__entries__[(x, y)]
                if x == my_x:
                elif y == my_y:

    def show_hint (self):
        if hasattr(self, 'focused'):
            entry = self.focused
            if entry.read_only or entry.get_text():
                self.show_hint_for_entry(entry, interactive = True)

    def show_hint_for_entry (self, entry, interactive = False):
        if interactive:
            set_method = entry.set_note_text_interactive
            set_method = entry.set_note_text
        vals = self.grid.possible_values(entry.x, entry.y)
        vals = list(vals)
        if vals:
            ''.join([str(v) for v in vals])
            txt = ''.join([str(v) for v in vals])
            if txt != entry.get_text():
                set_method(bottom_text = txt)
                self.hints += 1
        elif not entry.get_text():
            if entry.get_text() != 'X':
                self.hints += 1
                set_method(bottom_text = 'X')
            set_method(bottom_text = "")

    def reset_grid (self):
        """Reset grid to its original setup.

        Return a list of items we removed so that callers can handle
        e.g. Undo properly"""
        removed = []
        for x in range(self.group_size):
            for y in range(self.group_size):
                if not self.grid.virgin._get_(x, y):
                    val = self.__entries__[(x, y)].get_value() # get the value from the user-visible grid,
                    if val:
                        removed.append((x, y, val, self.trackers_for_point(x, y, val)))
                        self.remove(x, y, do_removal = True)
        return removed

    def clear_notes (self, clear_args = {'top_text':'', 'bottom_text':''}):
        """Remove all notes."""
        self.removed = []
        for x in range(self.group_size):
            for y in range(self.group_size):
                e = self.__entries__[(x, y)]
                top, bottom = e.get_note_text()
                if top or bottom:
                    self.removed.append((x, y, (top, bottom)))
        return self.removed

    def clear_hints (self):
        self.clear_notes(clear_args = {'bottom_text':''})

    def blank_grid (self):
        for x in range(self.group_size):
            for y in range(self.group_size):
                e = self.__entries__[(x, y)]
                if e.get_value():
                    self.remove(x, y)
        self.grid = None

    def change_grid (self, grid, group_size):
        self.auto_fills = 0
        self.hints = 0
        self.impossible_hints = 0
        self.trackers = {}
        self.__trackers_tracking__ = {}
        self.setup_grid(grid, group_size)

    def load_game (self, game):
        """Load a game.

        A game is simply a two lined string where the first line represents our
        virgin self and line two represents our game-in-progress.
        if '\n' in game:
            virgin, in_prog = game.split('\n')
            virgin, in_prog = game, ''
        group_size = int(math.sqrt(len(virgin.split())))
        self.change_grid(virgin, group_size = group_size)
        # This int() will break if we go to 16x16 grids...
        if in_prog:
            values = [int(c) for c in in_prog.split()]
            for row in range(group_size):
                for col in range(group_size):
                    index = row * 9 + col
                    if values[index] and not self.grid._get_(col, row):
                        self.add_value(col, row, values[index])

    def setup_grid (self, grid, group_size):
        self.doing_initial_setup = True
        if isinstance(grid, sudoku.SudokuGrid):
            self.grid = sudoku.InteractiveSudoku(grid.grid, group_size = grid.group_size)
            self.grid = sudoku.InteractiveSudoku(grid, group_size = group_size)
        for x in range(group_size):
            for y in range(group_size):
                val = self.grid._get_(x, y)
                if val:
                    self.add_value(x, y, val)
        self.doing_initial_setup = False

    def entry_callback (self, widget, *args):
        if not widget.get_text():
            if self.grid and self.grid._get_(widget.x, widget.y):
                self.grid.remove(widget.x, widget.y)
            self.remove(widget.x, widget.y)
        if self.show_impossible_implications:
            self.mark_impossible_implications(widget.x, widget.y)
        if self.always_show_hints:

    def update_all_hints (self):
        for x in range(self.group_size):
            for y in range(self.group_size):
                e = self.__entries__[(x, y)]
                if e.read_only:
                elif e.get_text():
                    e.set_note_text(bottom_text = '')

    def entry_validate (self, widget, *args):
        val = widget.get_value()
        self.add_value(widget.x, widget.y, val)
        if self.grid.check_for_completeness():

    def highlight_conflicts (self, x, y):
        '''highlight any squares that conflict with position x,y.

        Conflict resolution is taken care of completely within
        the InteractiveGrid class.  A list of conflicting cells
        are stored in InteractiveGrid.conflicts
        # Return if there are no conflicts for this cell
        if not self.grid.conflicts.has_key((x, y)):
        # Highlight the current cell
        self.__entries__[(x, y)].set_error_highlight(True)
        # Then highlight any cells that conflict with it
        for coord in self.grid.conflicts[(x, y)]:

    def add_value (self, x, y, val, trackers = []):
        """Add value val at position x, y.

        If tracker is True, we track it with tracker ID tracker.

        Otherwise, we use any currently tracking trackers to track our addition.

        Providing the tracker arg is mostly useful for e.g. undo/redo
        or removed items.

        To specify NO trackers, use trackers = [-1]
        # Add the value to the UI to display
        self.__entries__[(x, y)].set_value(val)
        if self.doing_initial_setup:
            self.__entries__[(x, y)].set_read_only(True)
        # Handle any trackers.
        if trackers:
            # Explicitly specified tracker
            for tracker in trackers:
                if tracker == -1:
                self.__entries__[(x, y)].set_color(self.get_tracker_color(tracker))
                self.trackers[tracker].append((x, y, val))
        elif True in self.__trackers_tracking__.values():
            for k, v in self.__trackers_tracking__.items():
                if v:
                    self.__entries__[(x, y)].set_color(self.get_tracker_color(k))
                    self.trackers[k].append((x, y, val))
        # Add it to the underlying grid
        self.grid.add(x, y, val, True)
        # Highlight any conflicts that the new value creates
        self.highlight_conflicts(x, y)
        # Draw our entry
        self.__entries__[(x, y)].queue_draw()

    def remove (self, x, y, do_removal = False):
        """Remove x, y from our visible grid.

        If do_removal, remove it from our underlying grid as well.
        e = self.__entries__[(x, y)]
        # Always call the grid's remove() for proper conflict resolution
        if self.grid:
            self.grid.remove(x, y)
        # remove trackers
        for t in self.trackers_for_point(x, y):
            remove = []
            for crumb in self.trackers[t]:
                if crumb[0] == x and crumb[1] == y:
            for r in remove:
        if e.get_text():

    def remove_error_highlight (self):
        '''remove error highlight from [x, y] and also all errors caused by it

        Conflict resolution is now handled within the InteractiveSudoku class.
        If any conflicts were cleared on the last remove() then they are
        stored in grid.cleared_conflicts
        if not self.grid.cleared_conflicts:
        for coord in self.grid.cleared_conflicts:
            linked_entry = self.__entries__[coord]

    def auto_fill (self):
        changed = self.grid.auto_fill()
        retval = []
        for coords, val in changed:
            self.add_value(coords[0], coords[1], val)
            retval.append((coords[0], coords[1], val))
            if self.show_impossible_implications:
        if retval:
            self.auto_fills += 1
        if self.grid.check_for_completeness():
        return retval

    def auto_fill_current_entry (self):
        e = self.get_focused_entry()
        if not e:
        filled = self.grid.auto_fill_for_xy(e.x, e.y)
        if filled and filled != -1:

    def mark_impossible_implications (self, x, y):
        if not self.grid:
        implications = self.grid.find_impossible_implications(x, y)
        if implications:
            for x, y in implications:
                self.__entries__[(x, y)].set_impossible(True)
                if not (x, y) in self.impossibilities:
                    self.impossible_hints += 1
        for x, y in self.impossibilities:
            if not (x, y) in implications:
                self.__entries__[(x, y)].set_impossible(False)
        self.impossibilities = implications

    def create_tracker (self, identifier = 0):
        if not identifier:
            identifier = 0
        while self.trackers.has_key(identifier):
            identifier += 1
        self.trackers[identifier] = []
        return identifier

    def trackers_for_point (self, x, y, val = None):
        if val:
            # if we have a value we can do this a simpler way...
            track_for_point = filter(
                lambda t: (x, y, val) in t[1],
            track_for_point = filter(
                lambda tkr: True in [t[0] == x and t[1] == y for t in tkr[1]],
        return [t[0] for t in track_for_point]

    def get_tracker_color (self, identifier):
        if len(TRACKER_COLORS)>identifier:
            return TRACKER_COLORS[identifier]
            random_color = TRACKER_COLORS[0]
            while random_color in TRACKER_COLORS:
                # If we have generated all possible colors, this will
                # enter an infinite loop
                random_color = (random.randint(0, 100)/100.0,
                                random.randint(0, 100)/100.0,
                                random.randint(0, 100)/100.0)
            return self.get_tracker_color(identifier)

    def toggle_tracker (self, identifier, value):
        """Toggle tracking for tracker identified by identifier."""
        self.__trackers_tracking__[identifier] = value

    def delete_by_tracker (self, identifier):
        """Delete all cells tracked by tracker ID identifer."""
        ret = []
        while self.trackers[identifier]:
            x, y, v = self.trackers[identifier][0]
            ret.append((x, y, v, self.trackers_for_point(x, y, v)))
            self.remove(x, y)
            if self.grid and self.grid._get_(x, y):
                self.grid.remove(x, y)
        return ret

    def delete_except_for_tracker (self, identifier):
        tracks = self.trackers[identifier]
        removed = []
        for x in range(self.group_size):
            for y in range(self.group_size):
                val = self.grid._get_(x, y)
                if (val
                    and (x, y, val) not in tracks
                    and not self.grid.virgin._get_(x, y)
                    removed.append((x, y, val, self.trackers_for_point(x, y, val)))
                    self.remove(x, y)
                    if self.grid and self.grid._get_(x, y):
                        self.grid.remove(x, y)

        return removed

    def add_tracker (self, x, y, tracker, val = None):
        self.__entries__[(x, y)].set_color(self.get_tracker_color(tracker))
        # Highlight the conflicts when opening a saved game
        if self.grid.conflicts.has_key((x, y)):
            self.__entries__[(x, y)].set_error_highlight(True)
        if not val:
            val = self.grid._get_(x, y)
        self.trackers[tracker].append((x, y, val))

    def remove_tracker (self, x, y, tracker, val = None):
        if not val:
            val = self.grid._get_(x, y)
        self.trackers[tracker].remove((x, y, val))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    window = gtk.Window()
    window.connect('delete-event', gtk.main_quit)

    def test_number_grid ():
        t = SudokuNumberGrid(4)
        t.__entries__[(0, 1)].set_color((0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
        t.__entries__[(0, 1)].set_value(4)
        t.__entries__[(1, 1)].set_error_highlight(True)
        t.__entries__[(1, 1)].set_value(1)
        t.__entries__[(2, 1)].set_color((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
        t.__entries__[(2, 1)].set_error_highlight(True)
        t.__entries__[(2, 1)].set_value(2)
        t.__entries__[(3, 1)].set_color((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
        t.__entries__[(3, 1)].set_error_highlight(True)
        t.__entries__[(3, 1)].set_error_highlight(False)
        t.__entries__[(3, 1)].set_value(3)
        t.__entries__[(3, 1)].set_note_text('234', '12')

    def reproduce_foobared_rendering ():
        from dialog_swallower import SwappableArea
        sgd = SudokuGameDisplay()
        vb = gtk.VBox()
        hb = gtk.HBox()
        swallower = SwappableArea(hb)
        tb = gtk.Toolbar()
        b = gtk.ToolButton(stock_id = gtk.STOCK_QUIT)
        b.connect('clicked', lambda x: window.hide() or gtk.main_quit())
        def run_swallowed_dialog (*args):
            md = MessageDialog(title = "Bar", label = "Bar", sublabel = "Baz "*12)
        b2 = gtk.ToolButton(label = 'Dialog')
        b2.connect('clicked', run_swallowed_dialog)
        vb.pack_start(tb, fill = False, expand = False)
        vb.pack_start(swallower, padding = 12)
        from gtk_goodies.dialog_extras import MessageDialog
        md = MessageDialog(title = "Foo", label = "Foo", sublabel = "Bar "*12)
        hb.pack_start(sgd, padding = 6)
        game = '''1 8 4 2 0 0 0 0 0
                  0 6 0 0 0 9 1 2 0
                  0 2 0 0 8 0 0 0 0
                  0 1 8 0 5 0 0 0 0
                  9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
                  0 0 0 0 1 0 6 5 0
                  0 0 0 0 9 0 0 8 0
                  0 5 7 1 0 0 0 9 0
                  0 0 0 0 0 3 5 4 7'''
        sgd.change_grid(game, 9)

    def test_sudoku_game ():
        game = '''1 8 4 2 0 0 0 0 0
                  0 6 0 0 0 9 1 2 0
                  0 2 0 0 8 0 0 0 0
                  0 1 8 0 5 0 0 0 0
                  9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
                  0 0 0 0 1 0 6 5 0
                  0 0 0 0 9 0 0 8 0
                  0 5 7 1 0 0 0 9 0
                  0 0 0 0 0 3 5 4 7'''
        sgd = SudokuGameDisplay(game)

#    test_number_grid()
#    reproduce_foobared_rendering()

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

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