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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from defaults import *
try: import gconf import gobject except ImportError: haveGConfSupport = False _notifiers = {} _values = {}
import xml.dom.minidom document = None try: document = xml.dom.minidom.parse(CONFIG_FILE) except IOError: pass except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: print 'Configuration at ' + CONFIG_FILE + ' is invalid, ignoring' else: print 'Loading configuration from ' + CONFIG_FILE
def _bool(string): return string == 'True' valueTypes = {'int': int, 'bool': _bool, 'float': float, 'str': str} if document is not None: elements = document.getElementsByTagName('config') for e in elements: for n in e.getElementsByTagName('value'): try: name = n.attributes['name'].nodeValue except KeyError: continue try: valueType = n.attributes['type'].nodeValue except KeyError: continue if len(n.childNodes) != 1 or n.childNodes[0].nodeType != n.TEXT_NODE: continue valueString = n.childNodes[0].nodeValue try: value = valueTypes[valueType](valueString) except KeyError: continue
_values[name] = value
else: haveGConfSupport = True _GCONF_DIR = '/apps/glchess/' _config = gconf.client_get_default() try: _config.add_dir(_GCONF_DIR[:-1], gconf.CLIENT_PRELOAD_NONE) except gobject.GError: pass _gconfGetFunction = {gconf.VALUE_BOOL: gconf.Value.get_bool, gconf.VALUE_FLOAT: gconf.Value.get_float, gconf.VALUE_INT: gconf.Value.get_int, gconf.VALUE_STRING: gconf.Value.get_string} _gconfSetFunction = {bool: _config.set_bool, float: _config.set_float, int: _config.set_int, str: _config.set_string, unicode: _config.set_string} # Config default values _defaults = {'show_toolbar': True, 'show_history': True, 'maximised': False, 'fullscreen': False, 'show_3d': False, 'show_3d_smooth': False, 'show_move_hints': True, 'move_format': 'human', 'promotion_type': 'queen', 'board_view': 'human', 'show_comments': False, 'show_numbering': False, 'enable_networking': True, 'load_directory': '', 'save_directory': '', 'new_game_dialog/move_time': 0, 'new_game_dialog/white/type': '', 'new_game_dialog/white/difficulty': '', 'new_game_dialog/black/type': '', 'new_game_dialog/black/difficulty': ''}
class Error(Exception): """Exception for configuration use""" pass
def get(name): """Get a configuration value. 'name' is the name of the value to get (string). Raises an Error exception if the value does not exist. """ if haveGConfSupport: try: entry = _config.get(_GCONF_DIR + name) except gobject.GError: entry = None if entry is None: try: return _defaults[name] except KeyError: raise Error('No config value: ' + repr(name))
try: function = _gconfGetFunction[entry.type] except KeyError: raise Error('Unknown value type') return function(entry) else: try: return _values[name] except KeyError: try: return _defaults[name] except KeyError: raise Error('No config value: ' + repr(name))
def set(name, value): """Set a configuration value. 'name' is the name of the value to set (string). 'value' is the value to set to (int, str, float, bool). """ if haveGConfSupport: try: function = _gconfSetFunction[type(value)] except KeyError: raise TypeError('Only config values of type: int, str, float, bool supported') else: try: function(_GCONF_DIR + name, value) except gobject.GError: pass
else: # Debounce try: oldValue = _values[name] except KeyError: pass else: if oldValue == value: return # Use new value and notify watchers _values[name] = value try: watchers = _notifiers[name] except KeyError: pass else: for func in watchers: func(name, value) # Save configuration _save() def default(name): set(name, _defaults[name]) def _watch(client, _, entry, (function, name)): value = get(name) function(name, value)
def watch(name, function): """ """ if haveGConfSupport: try: _config.notify_add(_GCONF_DIR + name, _watch, (function, name)) except gobject.GError: pass else: try: watchers = _notifiers[name] except KeyError: watchers = _notifiers[name] = [] watchers.append(function)
def _save(): """Save the current configuration""" if haveGConfSupport: return document = xml.dom.minidom.Document() e = document.createComment('Automatically generated by glChess, do not edit!') document.appendChild(e) root = document.createElement('config') document.appendChild(root) valueNames = {int: 'int', bool: 'bool', float: 'float', str: 'str', unicode: 'str'}
names = _values.keys() names.sort() for name in names: value = _values[name] e = document.createElement('value') root.appendChild(e) e.setAttribute('name', name) e.setAttribute('type', valueNames[type(value)]) valueElement = document.createTextNode(str(value)) e.appendChild(valueElement)
try: f = file(CONFIG_FILE, 'w') except IOError: pass else: document.writexml(f) f.close()