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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/env python # - PNG encoder in pure Python # Copyright (C) 2006 Johann C. Rocholl <> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # Contributors (alphabetical): # Nicko van Someren <> # # Changelog (recent first): # 2006-06-17 Nicko: Reworked into a class, faster interlacing. # 2006-06-17 Johann: Very simple prototype PNG decoder. # 2006-06-17 Nicko: Test suite with various image generators. # 2006-06-17 Nicko: Alpha-channel, grey-scale, 16-bit/plane support. # 2006-06-15 Johann: Scanline iterator interface for large input files. # 2006-06-09 Johann: Very simple prototype PNG encoder.
""" Pure Python PNG Reader/Writer
This is an implementation of a subset of the PNG specification at in pure Python. It reads and writes PNG files with 8/16/24/32/48/64 bits per pixel (greyscale, RGB, RGBA, with 8 or 16 bits per layer), with a number of options. For help, type "import png; help(png)" in your python interpreter.
This file can also be used as a command-line utility to convert PNM files to PNG. The interface is similar to that of the pnmtopng program from the netpbm package. Type "python --help" at the shell prompt for usage and a list of options. """
__revision__ = '$Rev$' __date__ = '$Date$' __author__ = '$Author$'
import sys import zlib import struct import math from array import array
_adam7 = ((0, 0, 8, 8), (4, 0, 8, 8), (0, 4, 4, 8), (2, 0, 4, 4), (0, 2, 2, 4), (1, 0, 2, 2), (0, 1, 1, 2))
def interleave_planes(ipixels, apixels, ipsize, apsize): """ Interleave color planes, e.g. RGB + A = RGBA.
Return an array of pixels consisting of the ipsize bytes of data from each pixel in ipixels followed by the apsize bytes of data from each pixel in apixels, for an image of size width x height. """ itotal = len(ipixels) atotal = len(apixels) newtotal = itotal + atotal newpsize = ipsize + apsize # Set up the output buffer out = array('B') # It's annoying that there is no cheap way to set the array size :-( out.extend(ipixels) out.extend(apixels) # Interleave in the pixel data for i in range(ipsize): out[i:newtotal:newpsize] = ipixels[i:itotal:ipsize] for i in range(apsize): out[i+ipsize:newtotal:newpsize] = apixels[i:atotal:apsize] return out
class Error(Exception): pass
class Writer: """ PNG encoder in pure Python. """
def __init__(self, width, height, transparent=None, background=None, gamma=None, greyscale=False, has_alpha=False, bytes_per_sample=1, compression=None, interlaced=False, chunk_limit=2**20): """ Create a PNG encoder object.
Arguments: width, height - size of the image in pixels transparent - create a tRNS chunk background - create a bKGD chunk gamma - create a gAMA chunk greyscale - input data is greyscale, not RGB has_alpha - input data has alpha channel (RGBA) bytes_per_sample - 8-bit or 16-bit input data compression - zlib compression level (1-9) chunk_limit - write multiple IDAT chunks to save memory
If specified, the transparent and background parameters must be a tuple with three integer values for red, green, blue, or a simple integer (or singleton tuple) for a greyscale image.
If specified, the gamma parameter must be a float value.
""" if width <= 0 or height <= 0: raise ValueError("width and height must be greater than zero")
if has_alpha and transparent is not None: raise ValueError( "transparent color not allowed with alpha channel")
if bytes_per_sample < 1 or bytes_per_sample > 2: raise ValueError("bytes per sample must be 1 or 2")
if transparent is not None: if greyscale: if type(transparent) is not int: raise ValueError( "transparent color for greyscale must be integer") else: if not (len(transparent) == 3 and type(transparent[0]) is int and type(transparent[1]) is int and type(transparent[2]) is int): raise ValueError( "transparent color must be a triple of integers")
if background is not None: if greyscale: if type(background) is not int: raise ValueError( "background color for greyscale must be integer") else: if not (len(background) == 3 and type(background[0]) is int and type(background[1]) is int and type(background[2]) is int): raise ValueError( "background color must be a triple of integers")
self.width = width self.height = height self.transparent = transparent self.background = background self.gamma = gamma self.greyscale = greyscale self.has_alpha = has_alpha self.bytes_per_sample = bytes_per_sample self.compression = compression self.chunk_limit = chunk_limit self.interlaced = interlaced
if self.greyscale: self.color_depth = 1 if self.has_alpha: self.color_type = 4 self.psize = self.bytes_per_sample * 2 else: self.color_type = 0 self.psize = self.bytes_per_sample else: self.color_depth = 3 if self.has_alpha: self.color_type = 6 self.psize = self.bytes_per_sample * 4 else: self.color_type = 2 self.psize = self.bytes_per_sample * 3
def write_chunk(self, outfile, tag, data): """ Write a PNG chunk to the output file, including length and checksum. """ # outfile.write(struct.pack("!I", len(data))) outfile.write(tag) outfile.write(data) checksum = zlib.crc32(tag) checksum = zlib.crc32(data, checksum) outfile.write(struct.pack("!i", checksum))
def write(self, outfile, scanlines): """ Write a PNG image to the output file. """ # outfile.write(struct.pack("8B", 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10))
# if self.interlaced: interlaced = 1 else: interlaced = 0 self.write_chunk(outfile, 'IHDR', struct.pack("!2I5B", self.width, self.height, self.bytes_per_sample * 8, self.color_type, 0, 0, interlaced))
# if self.transparent is not None: if self.greyscale: self.write_chunk(outfile, 'tRNS', struct.pack("!1H", *self.transparent)) else: self.write_chunk(outfile, 'tRNS', struct.pack("!3H", *self.transparent))
# if self.background is not None: if self.greyscale: self.write_chunk(outfile, 'bKGD', struct.pack("!1H", *self.background)) else: self.write_chunk(outfile, 'bKGD', struct.pack("!3H", *self.background))
# if self.gamma is not None: self.write_chunk(outfile, 'gAMA', struct.pack("!L", int(self.gamma * 100000)))
# if self.compression is not None: compressor = zlib.compressobj(self.compression) else: compressor = zlib.compressobj()
data = array('B') for scanline in scanlines: data.append(0) data.extend(scanline) if len(data) > self.chunk_limit: compressed = compressor.compress(data.tostring()) if len(compressed): # print >> sys.stderr, len(data), len(compressed) self.write_chunk(outfile, 'IDAT', compressed) data = array('B') if len(data): compressed = compressor.compress(data.tostring()) else: compressed = '' flushed = compressor.flush() if len(compressed) or len(flushed): # print >> sys.stderr, len(data), len(compressed), len(flushed) self.write_chunk(outfile, 'IDAT', compressed + flushed)
# self.write_chunk(outfile, 'IEND', '')
def write_array(self, outfile, pixels): """ Encode a pixel array to PNG and write output file. """ if self.interlaced: self.write(outfile, self.array_scanlines_interlace(pixels)) else: self.write(outfile, self.array_scanlines(pixels))
def convert_ppm(self, ppmfile, outfile): """ Convert a PPM file containing raw pixel data into a PNG file with the parameters set in the writer object. """ if self.interlaced: pixels = array('B') pixels.fromfile(ppmfile, self.bytes_per_sample * self.color_depth * self.width * self.height) self.write(outfile, self.array_scanlines_interlace(pixels)) else: self.write(outfile, self.file_scanlines(ppmfile))
def convert_ppm_and_pgm(self, ppmfile, pgmfile, outfile): """ Convert a PPM and PGM file containing raw pixel data into a PNG outfile with the parameters set in the writer object. """ pixels = array('B') pixels.fromfile(ppmfile, self.bytes_per_sample * self.color_depth * self.width * self.height) apixels = array('B') apixels.fromfile(pgmfile, self.bytes_per_sample * self.width * self.height) pixels = interleave_planes(pixels, apixels, self.bytes_per_sample * self.color_depth, self.bytes_per_sample) if self.interlaced: self.write(outfile, self.array_scanlines_interlace(pixels)) else: self.write(outfile, self.array_scanlines(pixels))
def file_scanlines(self, infile): """ Generator for scanlines from an input file. """ row_bytes = self.psize * self.width for y in range(self.height): scanline = array('B') scanline.fromfile(infile, row_bytes) yield scanline
def array_scanlines(self, pixels): """ Generator for scanlines from an array. """ row_bytes = self.width * self.psize stop = 0 for y in range(self.height): start = stop stop = start + row_bytes yield pixels[start:stop]
def old_array_scanlines_interlace(self, pixels): """ Generator for interlaced scanlines from an array. """ row_bytes = self.psize * self.width for xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep in _adam7: for y in range(ystart, self.height, ystep): if xstart < self.width: if xstep == 1: offset = y*row_bytes yield pixels[offset:offset+row_bytes] else: row = array('B') offset = y*row_bytes + xstart* self.psize skip = self.psize * xstep for x in range(xstart, self.width, xstep): row.extend(pixels[offset:offset + self.psize]) offset += skip yield row
def array_scanlines_interlace(self, pixels): """ Generator for interlaced scanlines from an array. """ row_bytes = self.psize * self.width for xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep in _adam7: for y in range(ystart, self.height, ystep): if xstart >= self.width: continue if xstep == 1: offset = y * row_bytes yield pixels[offset:offset+row_bytes] else: row = array('B') # Note we want the ceiling of (self.width - xstart) / xtep row_len = self.psize * ( (self.width - xstart + xstep - 1) / xstep) # There's no easier way to set the length of an array row.extend(pixels[0:row_len]) offset = y * row_bytes + xstart * self.psize end_offset = (y+1) * row_bytes skip = self.psize * xstep for i in range(self.psize): row[i:row_len:self.psize] = \ pixels[offset+i:end_offset:skip] yield row
class _readable: """ A simple file-like interface for strings and arrays. """
def __init__(self, buf): self.buf = buf self.offset = 0
def read(self, n): r = self.buf[self.offset:self.offset+n] if isinstance(r, array): r = r.tostring() self.offset += n return r
class Reader: """ PNG decoder in pure Python. """
def __init__(self, _guess=None, **kw): """ Create a PNG decoder object.
The constructor expects exactly one keyword argument. If you supply a positional argument instead, it will guess the input type. You can choose among the following arguments: filename - name of PNG input file file - object with a read() method pixels - array or string with PNG data
""" if ((_guess is not None and len(kw) != 0) or (_guess is None and len(kw) != 1)): raise TypeError("Reader() takes exactly 1 argument")
if _guess is not None: if isinstance(_guess, array): kw["pixels"] = _guess elif isinstance(_guess, str): kw["filename"] = _guess elif isinstance(_guess, file): kw["file"] = _guess
if "filename" in kw: self.file = file(kw["filename"], "rb") elif "file" in kw: self.file = kw["file"] elif "pixels" in kw: self.file = _readable(kw["pixels"]) else: raise TypeError("expecting filename, file or pixels array")
def read_chunk(self): """ Read a PNG chunk from the input file, return tag name and data. """ # try: data_bytes, tag = struct.unpack('!I4s', except struct.error: raise ValueError('Chunk too short for header') data = if len(data) != data_bytes: raise ValueError('Chunk %s too short for required %i data octets' % (tag, data_bytes)) checksum = if len(checksum) != 4: raise ValueError('Chunk %s too short for checksum', tag) verify = zlib.crc32(tag) verify = zlib.crc32(data, verify) verify = struct.pack('!i', verify) if checksum != verify: # print repr(checksum) (a, ) = struct.unpack('!I', checksum) (b, ) = struct.unpack('!I', verify) raise ValueError("Checksum error in %s chunk: 0x%X != 0x%X" % (tag, a, b)) return tag, data
def _reconstruct_sub(self, offset, xstep, ystep): """ Reverse sub filter. """ pixels = self.pixels a_offset = offset offset += self.psize * xstep if xstep == 1: for index in range(self.psize, self.row_bytes): x = pixels[offset] a = pixels[a_offset] pixels[offset] = (x + a) & 0xff offset += 1 a_offset += 1 else: byte_step = self.psize * xstep for index in range(byte_step, self.row_bytes, byte_step): for i in range(self.psize): x = pixels[offset + i] a = pixels[a_offset + i] pixels[offset + i] = (x + a) & 0xff offset += self.psize * xstep a_offset += self.psize * xstep
def _reconstruct_up(self, offset, xstep, ystep): """ Reverse up filter. """ pixels = self.pixels b_offset = offset - (self.row_bytes * ystep) if xstep == 1: for index in range(self.row_bytes): x = pixels[offset] b = pixels[b_offset] pixels[offset] = (x + b) & 0xff offset += 1 b_offset += 1 else: for index in range(0, self.row_bytes, xstep * self.psize): for i in range(self.psize): x = pixels[offset + i] b = pixels[b_offset + i] pixels[offset + i] = (x + b) & 0xff offset += self.psize * xstep b_offset += self.psize * xstep
def _reconstruct_average(self, offset, xstep, ystep): """ Reverse average filter. """ pixels = self.pixels a_offset = offset - (self.psize * xstep) b_offset = offset - (self.row_bytes * ystep) if xstep == 1: for index in range(self.row_bytes): x = pixels[offset] if index < self.psize: a = 0 else: a = pixels[a_offset] if b_offset < 0: b = 0 else: b = pixels[b_offset] pixels[offset] = (x + ((a + b) >> 1)) & 0xff offset += 1 a_offset += 1 b_offset += 1 else: for index in range(0, self.row_bytes, self.psize * xstep): for i in range(self.psize): x = pixels[offset+i] if index < self.psize: a = 0 else: a = pixels[a_offset + i] if b_offset < 0: b = 0 else: b = pixels[b_offset + i] pixels[offset + i] = (x + ((a + b) >> 1)) & 0xff offset += self.psize * xstep a_offset += self.psize * xstep b_offset += self.psize * xstep
def _reconstruct_paeth(self, offset, xstep, ystep): """ Reverse Paeth filter. """ pixels = self.pixels a_offset = offset - (self.psize * xstep) b_offset = offset - (self.row_bytes * ystep) c_offset = b_offset - (self.psize * xstep) # There's enough inside this loop that it's probably not worth # optimising for xstep == 1 for index in range(0, self.row_bytes, self.psize * xstep): for i in range(self.psize): x = pixels[offset+i] if index < self.psize: a = c = 0 b = pixels[b_offset+i] else: a = pixels[a_offset+i] b = pixels[b_offset+i] c = pixels[c_offset+i] p = a + b - c pa = abs(p - a) pb = abs(p - b) pc = abs(p - c) if pa <= pb and pa <= pc: pr = a elif pb <= pc: pr = b else: pr = c pixels[offset+i] = (x + pr) & 0xff offset += self.psize * xstep a_offset += self.psize * xstep b_offset += self.psize * xstep c_offset += self.psize * xstep
# N.B. PNG files with 'up', 'average' or 'paeth' filters on the # first line of a pass are legal. The code above for 'average' # deals with this case explicitly. For up we map to the null # filter and for paeth we map to the sub filter.
def reconstruct_line(self, filter_type, first_line, offset, xstep, ystep): """ Reverse the filtering for a scanline. """ # print >> sys.stderr, "Filter type %s, first_line=%s" % ( # filter_type, first_line) filter_type += (first_line << 8) if filter_type == 1 or filter_type == 0x101 or filter_type == 0x104: self._reconstruct_sub(offset, xstep, ystep) elif filter_type == 2: self._reconstruct_up(offset, xstep, ystep) elif filter_type == 3 or filter_type == 0x103: self._reconstruct_average(offset, xstep, ystep) elif filter_type == 4: self._reconstruct_paeth(offset, xstep, ystep) return
def deinterlace(self, scanlines): """ Read pixel data and remove interlacing. """ # print >> sys.stderr, ("Reading interlaced, w=%s, r=%s, planes=%s," + # " bpp=%s") % (self.width, self.height, self.planes, self.bps) a = array('B') self.pixels = a # Make the array big enough temp = scanlines[0:self.width*self.height*self.psize] a.extend(temp) source_offset = 0 for xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep in _adam7: # print >> sys.stderr, "Adam7: start=%s,%s step=%s,%s" % ( # xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep) filter_first_line = 1 for y in range(ystart, self.height, ystep): if xstart >= self.width: continue filter_type = scanlines[source_offset] source_offset += 1 if xstep == 1: offset = y * self.row_bytes a[offset:offset+self.row_bytes] = \ scanlines[source_offset:source_offset + self.row_bytes] source_offset += self.row_bytes else: # Note we want the ceiling of (width - xstart) / xtep row_len = self.psize * ( (self.width - xstart + xstep - 1) / xstep) offset = y * self.row_bytes + xstart * self.psize end_offset = (y+1) * self.row_bytes skip = self.psize * xstep for i in range(self.psize): a[offset+i:end_offset:skip] = \ scanlines[source_offset + i: source_offset + row_len: self.psize] source_offset += row_len if filter_type: self.reconstruct_line(filter_type, filter_first_line, offset, xstep, ystep) filter_first_line = 0 return a
def read_flat(self, scanlines): """ Read pixel data without de-interlacing. """ a = array('B') self.pixels = a offset = 0 source_offset = 0 filter_first_line = 1 for y in range(self.height): filter_type = scanlines[source_offset] source_offset += 1 a.extend(scanlines[source_offset: source_offset + self.row_bytes]) if filter_type: self.reconstruct_line(filter_type, filter_first_line, offset, 1, 1) filter_first_line = 0 offset += self.row_bytes source_offset += self.row_bytes return a
def read(self): """ Read a simple PNG file, return width, height, pixels and image metadata
This function is a very early prototype with limited flexibility and excessive use of memory. """ signature = if (signature != struct.pack("8B", 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10)): raise Error("PNG file has invalid header") compressed = [] image_metadata = {} while True: try: tag, data = self.read_chunk() except ValueError, e: raise Error('Chunk error: ' + str(e))
# print >> sys.stderr, tag, len(data) if tag == 'IHDR': # (width, height, bits_per_sample, color_type, compression_method, filter_method, interlaced) = struct.unpack("!2I5B", data) bps = bits_per_sample / 8 if bps == 0: raise Error("unsupported pixel depth") if bps > 2 or bits_per_sample != (bps * 8): raise Error("invalid pixel depth") if color_type == 0: greyscale = True has_alpha = False planes = 1 elif color_type == 2: greyscale = False has_alpha = False planes = 3 elif color_type == 4: greyscale = True has_alpha = True planes = 2 elif color_type == 6: greyscale = False has_alpha = True planes = 4 else: raise Error("unknown PNG colour type %s" % color_type) if compression_method != 0: raise Error("unknown compression method") if filter_method != 0: raise Error("unknown filter method") self.bps = bps self.planes = planes self.psize = bps * planes self.width = width self.height = height self.row_bytes = width * self.psize elif tag == 'IDAT': # compressed.append(data) elif tag == 'bKGD': if greyscale: image_metadata["background"] = struct.unpack("!1H", data) else: image_metadata["background"] = struct.unpack("!3H", data) elif tag == 'tRNS': if greyscale: image_metadata["transparent"] = struct.unpack("!1H", data) else: image_metadata["transparent"] = struct.unpack("!3H", data) elif tag == 'gAMA': image_metadata["gamma"] = ( struct.unpack("!L", data)[0]) / 100000.0 elif tag == 'IEND': # break scanlines = array('B', zlib.decompress(''.join(compressed))) if interlaced: pixels = self.deinterlace(scanlines) else: pixels = self.read_flat(scanlines) image_metadata["greyscale"] = greyscale image_metadata["has_alpha"] = has_alpha image_metadata["bytes_per_sample"] = bps image_metadata["interlaced"] = interlaced return width, height, pixels, image_metadata
def test_suite(options): """ Run regression test and write PNG file to stdout. """
# Below is a big stack of test image generators
def test_gradient_horizontal_lr(x, y): return x
def test_gradient_horizontal_rl(x, y): return 1-x
def test_gradient_vertical_tb(x, y): return y
def test_gradient_vertical_bt(x, y): return 1-y
def test_radial_tl(x, y): return max(1-math.sqrt(x*x+y*y), 0.0)
def test_radial_center(x, y): return test_radial_tl(x-0.5, y-0.5)
def test_radial_tr(x, y): return test_radial_tl(1-x, y)
def test_radial_bl(x, y): return test_radial_tl(x, 1-y)
def test_radial_br(x, y): return test_radial_tl(1-x, 1-y)
def test_stripe(x, n): return 1.0*(int(x*n) & 1)
def test_stripe_h_2(x, y): return test_stripe(x, 2)
def test_stripe_h_4(x, y): return test_stripe(x, 4)
def test_stripe_h_10(x, y): return test_stripe(x, 10)
def test_stripe_v_2(x, y): return test_stripe(y, 2)
def test_stripe_v_4(x, y): return test_stripe(y, 4)
def test_stripe_v_10(x, y): return test_stripe(y, 10)
def test_stripe_lr_10(x, y): return test_stripe(x+y, 10)
def test_stripe_rl_10(x, y): return test_stripe(x-y, 10)
def test_checker(x, y, n): return 1.0*((int(x*n) & 1) ^ (int(y*n) & 1))
def test_checker_8(x, y): return test_checker(x, y, 8)
def test_checker_15(x, y): return test_checker(x, y, 15)
def test_zero(x, y): return 0
def test_one(x, y): return 1
test_patterns = { "GLR": test_gradient_horizontal_lr, "GRL": test_gradient_horizontal_rl, "GTB": test_gradient_vertical_tb, "GBT": test_gradient_vertical_bt, "RTL": test_radial_tl, "RTR": test_radial_tr, "RBL": test_radial_bl, "RBR": test_radial_br, "RCTR": test_radial_center, "HS2": test_stripe_h_2, "HS4": test_stripe_h_4, "HS10": test_stripe_h_10, "VS2": test_stripe_v_2, "VS4": test_stripe_v_4, "VS10": test_stripe_v_10, "LRS": test_stripe_lr_10, "RLS": test_stripe_rl_10, "CK8": test_checker_8, "CK15": test_checker_15, "ZERO": test_zero, "ONE": test_one, }
def test_pattern(width, height, depth, pattern): """ Create a single plane (monochrome) test pattern. """ a = array('B') fw = float(width) fh = float(height) pfun = test_patterns[pattern] if depth == 1: for y in range(height): for x in range(width): a.append(int(pfun(float(x)/fw, float(y)/fh) * 255)) elif depth == 2: for y in range(height): for x in range(width): v = int(pfun(float(x)/fw, float(y)/fh) * 65535) a.append(v >> 8) a.append(v & 0xff) return a
def test_rgba(size=256, depth=1, red="GTB", green="GLR", blue="RTL", alpha=None): """ Create a test image. """ r = test_pattern(size, size, depth, red) g = test_pattern(size, size, depth, green) b = test_pattern(size, size, depth, blue) if alpha: a = test_pattern(size, size, depth, alpha) i = interleave_planes(r, g, depth, depth) i = interleave_planes(i, b, 2 * depth, depth) if alpha: i = interleave_planes(i, a, 3 * depth, depth) return i
# The body of test_suite() size = 256 if options.test_size: size = options.test_size depth = 1 if options.test_deep: depth = 2
kwargs = {} if options.test_red: kwargs["red"] = options.test_red if options.test_green: kwargs["green"] = options.test_green if options.test_blue: kwargs["blue"] = options.test_blue if options.test_alpha: kwargs["alpha"] = options.test_alpha pixels = test_rgba(size, depth, **kwargs)
writer = Writer(size, size, bytes_per_sample=depth, transparent=options.transparent, background=options.background, gamma=options.gamma, has_alpha=options.test_alpha, compression=options.compression, interlaced=options.interlace) writer.write_array(sys.stdout, pixels)
def read_pnm_header(infile, supported='P6'): """ Read a PNM header, return width and height of the image in pixels. """ header = [] while len(header) < 4: line = infile.readline() sharp = line.find('#') if sharp > -1: line = line[:sharp] header.extend(line.split()) if len(header) == 3 and header[0] == 'P4': break # PBM doesn't have maxval if header[0] not in supported: raise NotImplementedError('file format %s not supported' % header[0]) if header[0] != 'P4' and header[3] != '255': raise NotImplementedError('maxval %s not supported' % header[3]) return int(header[1]), int(header[2])
def color_triple(color): """ Convert a command line color value to a RGB triple of integers. FIXME: Somewhere we need support for greyscale backgrounds etc. """ if color.startswith('#') and len(color) == 4: return (int(color[1], 16), int(color[2], 16), int(color[3], 16)) if color.startswith('#') and len(color) == 7: return (int(color[1:3], 16), int(color[3:5], 16), int(color[5:7], 16)) elif color.startswith('#') and len(color) == 13: return (int(color[1:5], 16), int(color[5:9], 16), int(color[9:13], 16))
def _main(): """ Run the PNG encoder with options from the command line. """ # Parse command line arguments from optparse import OptionParser version = '%prog ' + __revision__.strip('$').replace('Rev: ', 'r') parser = OptionParser(version=version) parser.set_usage("%prog [options] [pnmfile]") parser.add_option("-i", "--interlace", default=False, action="store_true", help="create an interlaced PNG file (Adam7)") parser.add_option("-t", "--transparent", action="store", type="string", metavar="color", help="mark the specified color as transparent") parser.add_option("-b", "--background", action="store", type="string", metavar="color", help="save the specified background color") parser.add_option("-a", "--alpha", action="store", type="string", metavar="pgmfile", help="alpha channel transparency (RGBA)") parser.add_option("-g", "--gamma", action="store", type="float", metavar="value", help="save the specified gamma value") parser.add_option("-c", "--compression", action="store", type="int", metavar="level", help="zlib compression level (0-9)") parser.add_option("-T", "--test", default=False, action="store_true", help="create a test image") parser.add_option("-R", "--test-red", action="store", type="string", metavar="pattern", help="test pattern for the red image layer") parser.add_option("-G", "--test-green", action="store", type="string", metavar="pattern", help="test pattern for the green image layer") parser.add_option("-B", "--test-blue", action="store", type="string", metavar="pattern", help="test pattern for the blue image layer") parser.add_option("-A", "--test-alpha", action="store", type="string", metavar="pattern", help="test pattern for the alpha image layer") parser.add_option("-D", "--test-deep", default=False, action="store_true", help="use test patterns with 16 bits per layer") parser.add_option("-S", "--test-size", action="store", type="int", metavar="size", help="width and height of the test image") (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Convert options if options.transparent is not None: options.transparent = color_triple(options.transparent) if options.background is not None: options.background = color_triple(options.background)
# Run regression tests if options.test: return test_suite(options)
# Prepare input and output files if len(args) == 0: ppmfilename = '-' ppmfile = sys.stdin elif len(args) == 1: ppmfilename = args[0] ppmfile = open(ppmfilename, 'rb') else: parser.error("more than one input file") outfile = sys.stdout
# Encode PNM to PNG width, height = read_pnm_header(ppmfile) writer = Writer(width, height, interlaced=options.interlace, transparent=options.transparent, background=options.background, has_alpha=options.alpha is not None, gamma=options.gamma, compression=options.compression) if options.alpha is not None: pgmfile = open(options.alpha, 'rb') awidth, aheight = read_pnm_header(pgmfile, 'P5') if (awidth, aheight) != (width, height): raise ValueError("alpha channel image size mismatch" + " (%s has %sx%s but %s has %sx%s)" % (ppmfilename, width, height, options.alpha, awidth, aheight)) writer.convert_ppm_and_pgm(ppmfile, pgmfile, outfile) else: writer.convert_ppm(ppmfile, outfile)
if __name__ == '__main__': _main()