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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from gettext import gettext as _ import traceback import gobject import gtk
import gtkui import glchess.ui import glchess.chess import import glchess.config
# Optionally use OpenGL support openGLErrors = [] haveGLDepthSupport = True haveGLAccumSupport = True try: import OpenGL.GL except: # Translators: Error message displayed when 3D mode is not available due to no Python OpenGL libraries openGLErrors.append(_('No Python OpenGL support')) try: import gtk.gtkgl import gtk.gdkgl except: # Translators: Error message displayed when 3D mode is not available due to no Python GTKGLExt libraries openGLErrors.append(_('No Python GTKGLExt support')) else: display_mode = (gtk.gdkgl.MODE_RGB | gtk.gdkgl.MODE_DEPTH | gtk.gdkgl.MODE_DOUBLE | gtk.gdkgl.MODE_ACCUM) try: glConfig = gtk.gdkgl.Config(mode = display_mode) except gtk.gdkgl.NoMatches: display_mode &= ~gtk.gdkgl.MODE_DOUBLE display_mode &= ~gtk.gdkgl.MODE_ACCUM haveGLAccumSupport = False haveGLDepthSupport = False try: glConfig = gtk.gdkgl.Config(mode = display_mode) except gtk.gdkgl.NoMatches: # Translators: Error message displayed when 3D mode is not available due to their 3D drivers not being able to provide a suitable display mode openGLErrors.append(_('OpenGL libraries do not support required display mode')) haveGLSupport = len(openGLErrors) == 0
__all__ = ['GtkView']
class GtkViewArea(gtk.DrawingArea): """Custom widget to render an OpenGL scene""" def __init__(self, view): """ """ gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self)
# Pixmaps to use for double buffering self.pixmap = None self.dynamicPixmap = None
self.renderGL = False # Flag to show if this scene is to be rendered using OpenGL self.__glDrawable = None self.view = view
# Allow notification of button presses self.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_MOTION_MASK) # Make openGL drawable if haveGLSupport: gtk.gtkgl.widget_set_gl_capability(self, glConfig)# FIXME:, share_list=glContext)
# Connect signals self.connect('realize', self.__init) self.connect('configure_event', self.__configure) self.connect('expose_event', self.__expose) self.connect('button_press_event', self.__button_press) self.connect('button_release_event', self.__button_release) # Public methods def redraw(self): """Request this widget is redrawn""" # If the window is visible prepare it for redrawing area = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, self.allocation.width, self.allocation.height) if self.window is not None: self.window.invalidate_rect(area, False)
def setRenderGL(self, renderGL): """Enable OpenGL rendering""" if not haveGLSupport: renderGL = False if self.renderGL == renderGL: return self.renderGL = renderGL self.redraw() # Private methods
def __startGL(self): """Get the OpenGL context""" if not self.renderGL: return
assert(self.__glDrawable is None) # Obtain a reference to the OpenGL drawable # and rendering context. glDrawable = gtk.gtkgl.widget_get_gl_drawable(self) glContext = gtk.gtkgl.widget_get_gl_context(self)
# Check were able to get context if glDrawable is None or glContext is None: return
# OpenGL begin (can fail) if not glDrawable.gl_begin(glContext): return self.__glDrawable = glDrawable
if not self.view.ui.openGLInfoPrinted: vendor = OpenGL.GL.glGetString(OpenGL.GL.GL_VENDOR) renderer = OpenGL.GL.glGetString(OpenGL.GL.GL_RENDERER) version = OpenGL.GL.glGetString(OpenGL.GL.GL_VERSION) extensions = OpenGL.GL.glGetString(OpenGL.GL.GL_EXTENSIONS) print 'Using OpenGL:' print 'VENDOR=%s' % vendor print 'RENDERER=%s' % renderer print 'VERSION=%s' % version print 'EXTENSIONS=%s' % extensions self.view.ui.openGLInfoPrinted = True def __endGL(self): """Free the OpenGL context""" if self.__glDrawable is None or not self.renderGL: return self.__glDrawable.gl_end() self.__glDrawable = None def __init(self, widget): """Gtk+ signal""" if is not None:, widget.allocation.height) def __configure(self, widget, event): """Gtk+ signal""" self.pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(widget.window, event.width, event.height) self.dynamicPixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(widget.window, event.width, event.height) try: self.__startGL() if is not None:, event.height) self.__endGL() except: glchess.config.set('show_3d', False) raise
def __expose(self, widget, event): """Gtk+ signal""" if self.renderGL: try: self.__startGL() if self.__glDrawable is None: return
# Get the scene rendered try: if is not None: except OpenGL.GL.GLerror, e: print 'Rendering Error: ' + str(e) traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout)
# Paint this if self.__glDrawable.is_double_buffered(): self.__glDrawable.swap_buffers() else: OpenGL.GL.glFlush()
self.__endGL() except: glchess.config.set('show_3d', False) raise
else: context = self.pixmap.cairo_create() if is not None: # Copy the background to render the dynamic elements on top self.dynamicPixmap.draw_drawable(widget.get_style().white_gc, self.pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1) context = self.dynamicPixmap.cairo_create() # Set a clip region for the expose event context.rectangle(event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height) context.clip() # Render the dynamic elements if is not None: # Draw the window widget.window.draw_drawable(widget.get_style().white_gc, self.dynamicPixmap, event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height)
def __button_press(self, widget, event): """Gtk+ signal""" if event.button != 1: return try: self.__startGL() if is not None:, event.y) self.__endGL() except: glchess.config.set('show_3d', False) raise def __button_release(self, widget, event): """Gtk+ signal""" if event.button != 1: return try: self.__startGL() if is not None:, event.y) self.__endGL() except: glchess.config.set('show_3d', False) raise
class GtkView(glchess.ui.ViewController): """ """
def __init__(self, ui, feedback, moveFormat = 'human', showComments = False): """Constructor for a view. 'feedback' is the feedback object for this view (extends ui.ViewFeedback). 'moveFormat' is the format name to display moves in (string). """ self.ui = ui = feedback self.moveFormat = moveFormat self.showComments = showComments self.editingComment = False self.hasFile = False self.selectedMove = -1 self.requireAttention = False self.gameResult = None self.whiteTime = None self.blackTime = None self.title = '' self.needsSaving = False # The GTK+ elements self.gui = gtkui.loadUIFile('chess_view.ui', 'chess_view') self.gui.connect_signals(self) self.widget = self.gui.get_object('chess_view')
self.viewWidget = GtkViewArea(self) self.gui.get_object('view_container').add(self.viewWidget)
# Make a model for navigation (move object, number, description) model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, int, str) iter = model.append() # Translators: Move History Combo: Go to the start of the game model.set(iter, 0, None, 1, 0, 2, _('Game Start')) self.moveModel = model
# Tabs are enabled to make editing the UI easier self.gui.get_object('comment_notebook').set_show_tabs(False) self.updateInfoPanel() self.viewWidget.show_all() self.ui.updateTitle()
def updateInfoPanel(self): """ """ showPanel = False panel = self.gui.get_object('info_panel') titleLabel = self.gui.get_object('panel_title_label') descriptionLabel = self.gui.get_object('panel_description_label') move = self._getCurrentMove() if self.gameResult is not None: (title, description) = self.gameResult titleLabel.set_markup('<big><b>%s</b></big>' % title) descriptionLabel.set_markup('<i>%s</i>' % description) showPanel = True
editToggle = self.gui.get_object('comment_edit_toggle') if self.showComments: # Show the comments if move is None: titleLabel.set_markup('<big><b>%s</b></big>' % _('Game Start')) else: titleLabel.set_markup('<big><b>%s</b></big>' % self.generateMoveString(move)) # Translators: Comment text when move has no comment comment = _('No comment') if move is not None and len(move.comment) > 0: comment = move.comment
descriptionLabel.set_markup('<i>%s</i>' % comment) showPanel = True else: editToggle.hide()
if showPanel: else: panel.hide()
def setShowComments(self, showComments): """Enable comments on this view. 'showComments' is true when move comments are visible. """ self.showComments = showComments self.updateInfoPanel()
def setMoveFormat(self, format): """Set the format to display the moves in. 'format' is the format name to use (e.g. 'human', 'san'. Defaults to 'human') """ self.moveFormat = format # Update the move list iter = self.moveModel.get_iter_first() while iter is not None: move = self.moveModel.get_value(iter, 0) if move is not None: string = self.generateMoveString(move) self.moveModel.set(iter, 2, string) iter = self.moveModel.iter_next(iter) # Extended methods def setTitle(self, title): """Extends glchess.ui.ViewController""" self.title = title if self.ui.view is self: self.ui.updateTitle()
def setNeedsSaving(self, needsSaving): """Extends glchess.ui.ViewController""" if self.needsSaving == needsSaving: return self.needsSaving = needsSaving if self.ui.view is self: self.ui.updateTitle()
def render(self): """Extends glchess.ui.ViewController""" self.viewWidget.redraw() def setWhiteTime(self, total, current): """Extends glchess.ui.ViewController""" self.whiteTime = (total, current) if self.ui.view is self: self.ui.setTimers(self.whiteTime, self.blackTime)
def setBlackTime(self, total, current): """Extends glchess.ui.ViewController""" self.blackTime = (total, current) if self.ui.view is self: self.ui.setTimers(self.whiteTime, self.blackTime) def setHasFile(self, hasFile): """Extends glchess.ui.ViewController""" self.hasFile = hasFile self.ui._updateViewButtons() def setAttention(self, requiresAttention): """Extends glchess.ui.ViewController""" if self.requireAttention == requiresAttention: return self.requireAttention = requiresAttention if requiresAttention: self.ui._incAttentionCounter(1) else: self.ui._incAttentionCounter(-1) def generateMoveString(self, move): """ """ moveNumber = (move.number - 1) / 2 + 1 WHITE = glchess.chess.board.WHITE BLACK = glchess.chess.board.BLACK colour = {0: BLACK, 1: WHITE}[move.number % 2] # Note SAN format is intentionally not translated if self.moveFormat == 'san': if move.number % 2 == 0: format = '%(movenum)2i. ... %(move_san)s' else: format = '%(movenum)2i. %(move_san)s' return format % {'movenum': moveNumber, 'move_san': glchess.chess.translate_notation(move.sanMove)} # Note FAN format is intentionally not translated if self.moveFormat == 'fan': if move.number % 2 == 0: format = '%(movenum)2i. ... %(move_san)s' else: format = '%(movenum)2i. %(move_san)s' return format % {'movenum': moveNumber, 'move_san': glchess.chess.translate_figurine_notation(colour, move.sanMove)}
# Note LAN format is intentionally not translated if self.moveFormat == 'lan': if move.number % 2 == 0: format = '%(movenum)2i. ... %(move_can)s' else: format = '%(movenum)2i. %(move_can)s' return format % {'movenum': moveNumber, 'move_can': glchess.chess.translate_notation(move.canMove)}
PAWN = glchess.chess.board.PAWN ROOK = glchess.chess.board.ROOK KNIGHT = glchess.chess.board.KNIGHT BISHOP = glchess.chess.board.BISHOP QUEEN = glchess.chess.board.QUEEN KING = glchess.chess.board.KING
if move.sanMove.startswith('O-O-O'): # Translators: Human Move String: Description of the white player making a long castle description = {WHITE: _('White castles long'), # Translators: Human Move String: Description of the black player making a long castle BLACK: _('Black castles long')}[colour] elif move.sanMove.startswith('O-O'): # Translators: Human Move String: Description of the white player making a short castle description = {WHITE: _('White castles short'), # Translators: Human Move String: Description of the black player making a short castle BLACK: _('Black castles short')}[colour] else: # Note there are no move formats for pieces taking kings and this is not allowed in Chess rules # Translators: Human Move String: Description of a white pawn moving from %(start)s to %(end)s, e.g. 'c2 to c4' descriptions = {(WHITE, PAWN, None): _('White pawn moves from %(start)s to %(end)s'), (WHITE, PAWN, PAWN): _('White pawn at %(start)s takes the black pawn at %(end)s'), (WHITE, PAWN, ROOK): _('White pawn at %(start)s takes the black rook at %(end)s'), (WHITE, PAWN, KNIGHT): _('White pawn at %(start)s takes the black knight at %(end)s'), (WHITE, PAWN, BISHOP): _('White pawn at %(start)s takes the black bishop at %(end)s'), (WHITE, PAWN, QUEEN): _('White pawn at %(start)s takes the black queen at %(end)s'), # Translators: Human Move String: Description of a white rook moving from %(start)s to %(end)s, e.g. 'a1 to a5' (WHITE, ROOK, None): _('White rook moves from %(start)s to %(end)s'), (WHITE, ROOK, PAWN): _('White rook at %(start)s takes the black pawn at %(end)s'), (WHITE, ROOK, ROOK): _('White rook at %(start)s takes the black rook at %(end)s'), (WHITE, ROOK, KNIGHT): _('White rook at %(start)s takes the black knight at %(end)s'), (WHITE, ROOK, BISHOP): _('White rook at %(start)s takes the black bishop at %(end)s'), (WHITE, ROOK, QUEEN): _('White rook at %(start)s takes the black queen at %(end)s'), # Translators: Human Move String: Description of a white knight moving from %(start)s to %(end)s, e.g. 'b1 to c3' (WHITE, KNIGHT, None): _('White knight moves from %(start)s to %(end)s'), (WHITE, KNIGHT, PAWN): _('White knight at %(start)s takes the black pawn at %(end)s'), (WHITE, KNIGHT, ROOK): _('White knight at %(start)s takes the black rook at %(end)s'), (WHITE, KNIGHT, KNIGHT): _('White knight at %(start)s takes the black knight at %(end)s'), (WHITE, KNIGHT, BISHOP): _('White knight at %(start)s takes the black bishop at %(end)s'), (WHITE, KNIGHT, QUEEN): _('White knight at %(start)s takes the black queen at %(end)s'), # Translators: Human Move String: Description of a white bishop moving from %(start)s to %(end)s, e.g. 'f1 to b5' (WHITE, BISHOP, None): _('White bishop moves from %(start)s to %(end)s'), (WHITE, BISHOP, PAWN): _('White bishop at %(start)s takes the black pawn at %(end)s'), (WHITE, BISHOP, ROOK): _('White bishop at %(start)s takes the black rook at %(end)s'), (WHITE, BISHOP, KNIGHT): _('White bishop at %(start)s takes the black knight at %(end)s'), (WHITE, BISHOP, BISHOP): _('White bishop at %(start)s takes the black bishop at %(end)s'), (WHITE, BISHOP, QUEEN): _('White bishop at %(start)s takes the black queen at %(end)s'), # Translators: Human Move String: Description of a white queen moving from %(start)s to %(end)s, e.g. 'd1 to d4' (WHITE, QUEEN, None): _('White queen moves from %(start)s to %(end)s'), (WHITE, QUEEN, PAWN): _('White queen at %(start)s takes the black pawn at %(end)s'), (WHITE, QUEEN, ROOK): _('White queen at %(start)s takes the black rook at %(end)s'), (WHITE, QUEEN, KNIGHT): _('White queen at %(start)s takes the black knight at %(end)s'), (WHITE, QUEEN, BISHOP): _('White queen at %(start)s takes the black bishop at %(end)s'), (WHITE, QUEEN, QUEEN): _('White queen at %(start)s takes the black queen at %(end)s'), # Translators: Human Move String: Description of a white king moving from %(start)s to %(end)s, e.g. 'e1 to f1' (WHITE, KING, None): _('White king moves from %(start)s to %(end)s'), (WHITE, KING, PAWN): _('White king at %(start)s takes the black pawn at %(end)s'), (WHITE, KING, ROOK): _('White king at %(start)s takes the black rook at %(end)s'), (WHITE, KING, KNIGHT): _('White king at %(start)s takes the black knight at %(end)s'), (WHITE, KING, BISHOP): _('White king at %(start)s takes the black bishop at %(end)s'), (WHITE, KING, QUEEN): _('White king at %(start)s takes the black queen at %(end)s'), # Translators: Human Move String: Description of a black pawn moving from %(start)s to %(end)s, e.g. 'c8 to c6' (BLACK, PAWN, None): _('Black pawn moves from %(start)s to %(end)s'), (BLACK, PAWN, PAWN): _('Black pawn at %(start)s takes the white pawn at %(end)s'), (BLACK, PAWN, ROOK): _('Black pawn at %(start)s takes the white rook at %(end)s'), (BLACK, PAWN, KNIGHT): _('Black pawn at %(start)s takes the white knight at %(end)s'), (BLACK, PAWN, BISHOP): _('Black pawn at %(start)s takes the white bishop at %(end)s'), (BLACK, PAWN, QUEEN): _('Black pawn at %(start)s takes the white queen at %(end)s'), # Translators: Human Move String: Description of a black rook moving from %(start)s to %(end)s, e.g. 'a8 to a4' (BLACK, ROOK, None): _('Black rook moves from %(start)s to %(end)s'), (BLACK, ROOK, PAWN): _('Black rook at %(start)s takes the white pawn at %(end)s'), (BLACK, ROOK, ROOK): _('Black rook at %(start)s takes the white rook at %(end)s'), (BLACK, ROOK, KNIGHT): _('Black rook at %(start)s takes the white knight at %(end)s'), (BLACK, ROOK, BISHOP): _('Black rook at %(start)s takes the white bishop at %(end)s'), (BLACK, ROOK, QUEEN): _('Black rook at %(start)s takes the white queen at %(end)s'), # Translators: Human Move String: Description of a black knight moving from %(start)s to %(end)s, e.g. 'b8 to c6' (BLACK, KNIGHT, None): _('Black knight moves from %(start)s to %(end)s'), (BLACK, KNIGHT, PAWN): _('Black knight at %(start)s takes the white pawn at %(end)s'), (BLACK, KNIGHT, ROOK): _('Black knight at %(start)s takes the white rook at %(end)s'), (BLACK, KNIGHT, KNIGHT): _('Black knight at %(start)s takes the white knight at %(end)s'), (BLACK, KNIGHT, BISHOP): _('Black knight at %(start)s takes the white bishop at %(end)s'), (BLACK, KNIGHT, QUEEN): _('Black knight at %(start)s takes the white queen at %(end)s'), # Translators: Human Move String: Description of a black bishop moving from %(start)s to %(end)s, e.g. 'f8 to b3' (BLACK, BISHOP, None): _('Black bishop moves from %(start)s to %(end)s'), (BLACK, BISHOP, PAWN): _('Black bishop at %(start)s takes the white pawn at %(end)s'), (BLACK, BISHOP, ROOK): _('Black bishop at %(start)s takes the white rook at %(end)s'), (BLACK, BISHOP, KNIGHT): _('Black bishop at %(start)s takes the white knight at %(end)s'), (BLACK, BISHOP, BISHOP): _('Black bishop at %(start)s takes the white bishop at %(end)s'), (BLACK, BISHOP, QUEEN): _('Black bishop at %(start)s takes the white queen at %(end)s'), # Translators: Human Move String: Description of a black queen moving from %(start)s to %(end)s, e.g. 'd8 to d5' (BLACK, QUEEN, None): _('Black queen moves from %(start)s to %(end)s'), (BLACK, QUEEN, PAWN): _('Black queen at %(start)s takes the white pawn at %(end)s'), (BLACK, QUEEN, ROOK): _('Black queen at %(start)s takes the white rook at %(end)s'), (BLACK, QUEEN, KNIGHT): _('Black queen at %(start)s takes the white knight at %(end)s'), (BLACK, QUEEN, BISHOP): _('Black queen at %(start)s takes the white bishop at %(end)s'), (BLACK, QUEEN, QUEEN): _('Black queen at %(start)s takes the white queen at %(end)s'), # Translators: Human Move String: Description of a black king moving from %(start)s to %(end)s, e.g. 'e8 to f8' (BLACK, KING, None): _('Black king moves from %(start)s to %(end)s'), (BLACK, KING, PAWN): _('Black king at %(start)s takes the white pawn at %(end)s'), (BLACK, KING, ROOK): _('Black king at %(start)s takes the white rook at %(end)s'), (BLACK, KING, KNIGHT): _('Black king at %(start)s takes the white knight at %(end)s'), (BLACK, KING, BISHOP): _('Black king at %(start)s takes the white bishop at %(end)s'), (BLACK, KING, QUEEN): _('Black king at %(start)s takes the white queen at %(end)s')}
pieceType = move.piece.getType() if move.victim is not None: victimType = move.victim.getType() else: victimType = None start = glchess.chess.translate_coordinate(move.start) end = glchess.chess.translate_coordinate(move.end)
description = descriptions[colour, pieceType, victimType] % {'start': start, 'end': end}
CHECK = 'CHECK' CHECKMATE = 'CHECKMATE' STALEMATE = 'STALEMATE' status = None if move.opponentInCheck: if move.opponentCanMove: status = CHECK else: status = CHECKMATE elif not move.opponentCanMove: status = STALEMATE
# Translators: Human Move String: White player has made move %(description) and the opponent is in check formatString = {(WHITE, CHECK): _('%(movenum)2iw. %(description)s (Check)'), # Translators: Human Move String: White player has made move %(description) and the opponent is in checkmate (WHITE, CHECKMATE): _('%(movenum)2iw. %(description)s (Checkmate)'), # Translators: Human Move String: White player has made move %(description) and the opponent is in stalemate (WHITE, STALEMATE): _('%(movenum)2iw. %(description)s (Stalemate)'), # Translators: Human Move String: White player has made move %(description) and the opponent is not in check or mate (WHITE, None): _('%(movenum)2iw. %(description)s'), # Translators: Human Move String: Black player has made move %(description) and the opponent is in check (BLACK, CHECK): _('%(movenum)2ib. %(description)s (Check)'), # Translators: Human Move String: Black player has made move %(description) and the opponent is in checkmate (BLACK, CHECKMATE): _('%(movenum)2ib. %(description)s (Checkmate)'), # Translators: Human Move String: Black player has made move %(description) and the opponent is in stalemate (BLACK, STALEMATE): _('%(movenum)2ib. %(description)s (Stalemate)'), # Translators: Human Move String: Black player has made move %(description) and the opponent is not in check or mate (BLACK, None): _('%(movenum)2ib. %(description)s')}[colour, status]
# FIXME: Promotion
return formatString % {'movenum': moveNumber, 'description': description}
def addMove(self, move): """Extends glchess.ui.ViewController""" # FIXME: Make a '@ui' player who watches for these itself? iter = self.moveModel.append() string = self.generateMoveString(move) self.moveModel.set(iter, 0, move, 1, move.number, 2, string)
# If is the current view and tracking the game select this if self.selectedMove == -1: # If editing comments don't stay on current move if self.editingComment: self._setMoveNumber(move.number - 1) return self.ui._updateViewButtons()
def undoMove(self): """Extends glchess.ui.ViewController""" iter = self.moveModel.iter_nth_child(None, len(self.moveModel) - 1) self.moveModel.remove(iter) self.selectedMove = -1 self.ui._updateViewButtons()
def endGame(self, game): # Translators: Message displayed when a player wins. The %s is substituted with the winning player's name format = _('%s wins') # If game completed show this in the GUI if game.result is title = format % game.getWhite().getName() elif game.result is title = format % game.getBlack().getName() else: # Translators: Message displayed when a game is drawn title = _('Game is drawn')
description = '' if game.rule is # Translators: Message displayed when the game ends due to a player being checkmated description = _('Opponent is in check and cannot move (checkmate)') elif game.rule is # Translators: Message displayed when the game terminates due to a stalemate description = _('Opponent cannot move (stalemate)') elif game.rule is # Translators: Message displayed when the game is drawn due to the fifty move rule description = _('No piece has been taken or pawn moved in the last fifty moves') elif game.rule is # Translators: Message displayed when the game ends due to one player's clock stopping description = _('Opponent has run out of time') elif game.rule is # Translators: Message displayed when the game is drawn due to the three-fold-repitition rule description = _('The same board state has occurred three times (three fold repetition)') elif game.rule is # Translators: Message displayed when the game is drawn due to the insufficient material rule description = _('Neither player can cause checkmate (insufficient material)') elif game.rule is if game.result is # Translators: Message displayed when the game ends due to the black player resigning description = _('The black player has resigned') elif game.result is # Translators: Message displayed when the game ends due to the white player resigning description = _('The white player has resigned') else: assert(False) elif game.rule is # Translators: Message displayed when a game is abandoned description = _('The game has been abandoned') elif game.rule is # Translators: Message displayed when the game ends due to a player dying description = _('One of the players has died')
self.gameResult = (title, description) self.updateInfoPanel() self.ui._updateViewButtons() def close(self): """Extends glchess.ui.ViewController""" if self.requireAttention: self.ui._incAttentionCounter(-1) self.ui._removeView(self) # Public methods def _getCurrentMove(self): if self.selectedMove == -1: iter = self.moveModel.get_iter_from_string(str(len(self.moveModel) - 1)) else: iter = self.moveModel.get_iter_from_string(str(self.selectedMove)) return self.moveModel.get_value(iter, 0)
def _getModel(self): """ """ return (self.moveModel, self.selectedMove)
def _setMoveNumber(self, moveNumber): """Set the move number this view requests. 'moveNumber' is the move number to use (integer). """ self.selectedMove = moveNumber if is not None: self.updateInfoPanel()
# Callbacks def _on_comment_edit_button_toggled(self, widget): """Gtk+ callback""" label = self.gui.get_object('panel_description_label') entry = self.gui.get_object('comment_text') buffer = entry.get_buffer() move = self._getCurrentMove() # FIXME if move is None: return self.editingComment = widget.get_active() if self.editingComment: buffer.set_text(move.comment) entry.grab_focus() page = 1 else: comment = buffer.get_text(buffer.get_start_iter(), buffer.get_end_iter()) # FIXME: This should be notified so the game is considered modified for saving purposes #, comment)
move.comment = comment label.set_text(comment) buffer.set_text('') page = 0 self.gui.get_object('comment_notebook').set_current_page(page)