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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ """
__author__ = 'Robert Ancell <>' __license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell'
__all__ = ['SANConverter']
# Examples of SAN moves: # # f4 (pawn move to f4) # fxg3 (pawn on file f takes opponent on g3) # Qh5 (queen moves to h5) # Qh5+ (queen moves to h5 and puts opponent into check) # Ned4 (knight on file e moves to d4) # gxh8=Q# (pawn on g7 takes opponent in h8 promotes to queen and puts oponent into checkmate (smooth!))
# Notation for takes SAN_TAKE = 'x'
# Castling moves SAN_CASTLE_SHORT = 'O-O' SAN_CASTLE_LONG = 'O-O-O'
RANKS = 'abcdefgh' FILES = '12345678'
# Suffixes SAN_PROMOTE = '='
class Error(Exception): """ """ pass
class SANConverter: """ Define file and rank """ # Piece colours WHITE = 'White' BLACK = 'Black' # SAN piece types PAWN = 'P' KNIGHT = 'N' BISHOP = 'B' ROOK = 'R' QUEEN = 'Q' KING = 'K' __pieceTypes = PAWN + KNIGHT + BISHOP + ROOK + QUEEN + KING # Valid promotion types __promotionTypes = PAWN + KNIGHT + BISHOP + ROOK + QUEEN # Move results CHECK = '+' CHECKMATE = '#' def __init__(self): """Constructor""" pass # Methods to extend def getPiece(self, location): """Get a piece from the chess board. 'location' is the location to get the piece from (string, e.g. 'a1', h8'). Return a tuple containing (colour, type) or None if no piece at this location. """ return None def testMove(self, colour, start, end, promotionType, allowSuicide = False): """Test if a move is valid. 'colour' is the colour of the player making the move (self.WHITE or self.BLACK). 'start' is the board location to move from (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). 'end' is the board location to move to (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). 'promotionType' is the piece type to promote to (self.[PAWN|KNIGHT|BISHOP|ROOK|QUEEN]). 'allowSuicide' is a flag to show if the move should be disallowed (False) or allowed (True) if it would put the moving player into check.
Return False if the move is dissallowed or self.CHECK if the move puts the opponent into check or self.CHECKMATE if the move puts the opponent into checkmate or True if the move is allowed and does not put the opponent into check. """ pass def decode(self, colour, san): """Decode a SAN move. 'colour' is the colour of the player making the move (self.WHITE or self.BLACK). 'san' is the SAN description of the move (string). Returns the move this SAN describes in the form (start, end, promotionType). 'start' is the square to move from (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). 'end' is the square to move to (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). 'promotionType' is the piece to promote to (self.[KNIGHT|BISHOP|ROOK|QUEEN]). If the move is invalid then an Error expection is raised. """ copy = san[:] # Look for check hints expectedResult = True if copy[-1] == self.CHECK or copy[-1] == self.CHECKMATE: expectedResult = copy[-1] copy = copy[:-1]
# Extract promotions promotionType = self.QUEEN if copy[-2] == SAN_PROMOTE: promotionType = copy[-1] copy = copy[:-2] if self.__promotionTypes.find(promotionType) < 0: raise Error("Error decoding '%s', Invalid promotion type %s" % (repr(san), repr(promotionType))) # Some people miss out the '=' elif self.__promotionTypes.find(copy[-1]) >= 0: promotionType = copy[-1] copy = copy[:-1]
# Check for castling moves if colour is self.WHITE: baseFile = '1' else: baseFile = '8' # FIXME: Update moveResult and compare against expectedResult if copy == SAN_CASTLE_SHORT: return ('e' + baseFile, 'g' + baseFile, expectedResult, promotionType) elif copy == SAN_CASTLE_LONG: return ('e' + baseFile, 'c' + baseFile, expectedResult, promotionType)
# Get the destination (the last two characters before the suffix) end = copy[-2:] copy = copy[:-2] if RANKS.find(end[0]) < 0 or FILES.find(end[1]) < 0: raise Error("Error decoding '%s', Invalid destination type %s" % (repr(san), repr(end)))
# Check if is a take move (use try in case there are no more characters) isTake = False try: if copy[-1] == SAN_TAKE: isTake = True copy = copy[:-1] except: pass
# The first character is the piece type (or pawn if not specified) pieceType = self.PAWN if len(copy) > 0: if self.__pieceTypes.find(copy[0]) >= 0: pieceType = copy[0] copy = copy[1:]
# Get the rank of the source piece (if supplied) rank = None if len(copy) > 0: if RANKS.find(copy[0]) >= 0: rank = copy[0] copy = copy[1:]
# Get the file of the source piece (if supplied) file = None if len(copy) > 0: if FILES.find(copy[0]) >= 0: file = copy[0] copy = copy[1:]
# There should be no more characters if len(copy) != 0: raise Error('Error decoding %s, Unexpected extra characters %s' % (repr(san), repr(end)))
# If have both rank and file for source then we have the move completely defined moveResult = None move = None if rank is not None and file is not None: start = rank + file moveResult = self.testMove(colour, start, end, promotionType = promotionType) move = (start, end) else: # Try and find a piece that matches the source one if file is None: fileRange = FILES else: fileRange = file if rank is None: rankRange = RANKS else: rankRange = rank for file in fileRange: for rank in rankRange: start = rank + file # Only test our pieces piece = self.getPiece(start) if piece is None: continue if piece[0] != colour or piece[1] != pieceType: continue
# If move is valid this is a possible move # FIXME: Check the crafty case in reverse (i.e. suicidal moves) result = self.testMove(colour, start, end, promotionType = promotionType) if result is False: continue # Multiple matches if moveResult is not None: raise Error('Error decoding %s, Move is ambiguous, at least %s and %s are possible' % (repr(san), repr(move), repr([start, end]))) moveResult = result move = [start, end]
# Failed to find a match if moveResult is None: raise Error('Error decoding %s, Not a valid move' % repr(san))
return (move[0], move[1], expectedResult, promotionType)
def encode(self, start, end, isTake = False, promotionType = QUEEN): """Convert glChess co-ordinate move to SAN notation.
'start' is the square to move from (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). 'end' is the square to move to (string, e.g. 'a1', 'h8'). 'promotionType' is the piece used for pawn promotion (if necessary).
Return the move in SAN notation or None if unable to convert. """ piece = self.getPiece(start) if piece is None: raise Error('Encode error, no piece to move at %s' % repr(start)) (pieceColour, pieceType) = piece
# Test the move is valid if self.testMove(pieceColour, start, end, promotionType) is False: raise Error('Encode error, move %s%s is invalid' % (start, end))
# Check for castling if pieceType is self.KING: # Castling if pieceColour is self.WHITE: baseFile = '1' else: baseFile = '8' shortCastle = ('e' + baseFile, 'g' + baseFile) longCastle = ('e' + baseFile, 'c' + baseFile)
san = None if (start, end) == shortCastle: san = SAN_CASTLE_SHORT elif (start, end) == longCastle: san = SAN_CASTLE_LONG if san is not None: result = self.testMove(pieceColour, start, end, promotionType = promotionType, allowSuicide = True) if result is self.CHECK: san += self.CHECK elif result is self.CHECKMATE: san += self.CHECKMATE return san
# Try and describe this piece with the minimum of information file = '?' rank = '?' # Pawns always explicitly provide rank when taking if pieceType is self.PAWN and isTake: rank = start[0]
# First try no rank or file, then just file, then just rank, then both result = self.__isUnique(pieceColour, pieceType, rank + file, end, promotionType) if result is None: # Try with rank rank = start[0] file = '?' result = self.__isUnique(pieceColour, pieceType, rank + '?', end, promotionType)
if result is None: # Try with file rank = '?' file = start[1] result = self.__isUnique(pieceColour, pieceType, '?' + file, end, promotionType)
if result is None: # Try with rank and file result = self.__isUnique(pieceColour, pieceType, rank + file, end, promotionType) # This move is illegal if result is None: raise Error('Encode error, unable to find unique move for %s%s' % (start, end))
# Store the piece that is being moved, note pawns are not marked san = '' if pieceType is not self.PAWN: san += pieceType
# Disambiguations if rank != '?': san += rank if file != '?': san += file
# Mark if taking a piece if isTake: san += SAN_TAKE
# Write target co-ordinate san += end
# If a pawn promotion record the type if pieceColour is self.WHITE: promotionFile = '8' else: promotionFile = '1' if pieceType == self.PAWN and end[1] == promotionFile: san += SAN_PROMOTE + promotionType
# Record if this is a check/checkmate move if result is self.CHECK: san += self.CHECK elif result is self.CHECKMATE: san += self.CHECKMATE
return san def __isUnique(self, colour, pieceType, start, end, promotionType = QUEEN): """Test if a move is unique. 'colour' is the piece colour being moved. (self.WHITE or self.BLACK). 'pieceType' is the type of the piece being moved (self.[PAWN|KNIGHT|BISHOP|ROOK|QUEEN|KING]). 'start' is the start location of the move (tuple (file, rank). rank and file can be None). 'end' is the end point of the move (tuple (file,rank)). 'promotionType' is the piece type to promote pawns to (self.[PAWN|KNIGHT|BISHOP|ROOK|QUEEN]). Return the result of self.testMove() if a unique move is found otherwise None. """ lastResult = None # Work out what ranges to iterate over if start[0] == '?': rankRange = RANKS else: rankRange = start[0] if start[1] == '?': fileRange = FILES else: fileRange = start[1] for file in fileRange: for rank in rankRange: # Check if there is a piece of this type and colour at this location p = self.getPiece(rank + file) if p is None: continue if p[1] != pieceType or p[0] != colour: continue
# If move is valid this is a possible move # NOTE: We check moves that would be suicide for us otherwise crafty claims they # are ambiguous, the PGN specification says we don't need to disambiguate if only # one non-suicidal move is available. # ( Disambiguation) */ result = self.testMove(colour, rank + file, end, promotionType = promotionType, allowSuicide = True) if result is not False: # If multiple matches then not unique (duh!) if lastResult != None: return None lastResult = result
# Return the result of the move return lastResult
if __name__ == '__main__': import chess_board class TestConverter(SANConverter): """ """ __colourToSAN = {chess_board.WHITE: SANConverter.WHITE, chess_board.BLACK: SANConverter.BLACK} __sanToColour = {} for (a, b) in __colourToSAN.iteritems(): __sanToColour[b] = a __typeToSAN = {chess_board.PAWN: SANConverter.PAWN, chess_board.KNIGHT: SANConverter.KNIGHT, chess_board.BISHOP: SANConverter.BISHOP, chess_board.ROOK: SANConverter.ROOK, chess_board.QUEEN: SANConverter.QUEEN, chess_board.KING: SANConverter.KING} __sanToType = {} for (a, b) in __typeToSAN.iteritems(): __sanToType[b] = a __board = None def __init__(self, board): self.__board = board def testEncode(self, start, end): print str((start, end)) + ' => ' + str(self.encode(start, end)) def testDecode(self, colour, san): try: result = self.decode(colour, san) print san.ljust(7) + ' => ' + str(result) except Error, e: print san.ljust(7) + ' !! ' + str(e) def getPiece(self, file, rank): """Called by SANConverter""" piece = self.__board.getPiece((file, rank)) if piece is None: return None return (self.__colourToSAN[piece.getColour()], self.__typeToSAN[piece.getType()])
def testMove(self, colour, start, end, promotionType, allowSuicide = False): """Called by SANConverter""" moveResult = self.__board.testMove(self.__sanToColour[colour], ((start, end)), self.__sanToType[promotionType], allowSuicide) return {chess_board.MOVE_RESULT_ILLEGAL: False, chess_board.MOVE_RESULT_ALLOWED: True, chess_board.MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECK: self.CHECK, chess_board.MOVE_RESULT_OPPONENT_CHECKMATE: self.CHECKMATE}[moveResult]
b = chess_board.ChessBoard() c = TestConverter(b) print b c.testEncode((1,1), (1,2)) c.testEncode((1,0), (2,2)) c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'c3') # Simple pawn move c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'Pc3') # Explicit pawn move c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'c4') # Pawn march c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'Nc3') # Non-pawn move c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'Qd3') # Invalid move c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'Qd3=X') # Invalid promotion type c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'x3') # Invalid destination c.testDecode(c.WHITE, 'ic3') # Extra characters # TODO: Ambiguous move print b