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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Implement a PGN reader/writer.
See """
__author__ = 'Robert Ancell <>' __license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006 Robert Ancell'
import re
""" ; Example PGN file
[Event "F/S Return Match"] [Site "Belgrade, Serbia JUG"] [Date "1992.11.04"] [Round "29"] [White "Fischer, Robert J."] [Black "Spassky, Boris V."] [Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 O-O 9. h3 Nb8 10. d4 Nbd7 11. c4 c6 12. cxb5 axb5 13. Nc3 Bb7 14. Bg5 b4 15. Nb1 h6 16. Bh4 c5 17. dxe5 Nxe4 18. Bxe7 Qxe7 19. exd6 Qf6 20. Nbd2 Nxd6 21. Nc4 Nxc4 22. Bxc4 Nb6 23. Ne5 Rae8 24. Bxf7+ Rxf7 25. Nxf7 Rxe1+ 26. Qxe1 Kxf7 27. Qe3 Qg5 28. Qxg5 hxg5 29. b3 Ke6 30. a3 Kd6 31. axb4 cxb4 32. Ra5 Nd5 33. f3 Bc8 34. Kf2 Bf5 35. Ra7 g6 36. Ra6+ Kc5 37. Ke1 Nf4 38. g3 Nxh3 39. Kd2 Kb5 40. Rd6 Kc5 41. Ra6 Nf2 42. g4 Bd3 43. Re6 1/2-1/2 """
"""The required tags in a PGN file (the seven tag roster, STR)""" TAG_EVENT = 'Event' TAG_SITE = 'Site' TAG_DATE = 'Date' TAG_ROUND = 'Round' TAG_WHITE = 'White' TAG_BLACK = 'Black' TAG_RESULT = 'Result'
"""Optional tags""" TAG_TIME = 'Time' TAG_FEN = 'FEN' TAG_WHITE_TYPE = 'WhiteType' TAG_WHITE_ELO = 'WhiteElo' TAG_BLACK_TYPE = 'BlackType' TAG_BLACK_ELO = 'BlackElo' TAG_TIME_CONTROL = 'TimeControl' TAG_TERMINATION = 'Termination'
# Values for the WhiteType and BlackType tag PLAYER_HUMAN = 'human' PLAYER_AI = 'program'
# Values for the Termination tag TERMINATE_ABANDONED = 'abandoned' TERMINATE_ADJUDICATION = 'adjudication' TERMINATE_DEATH = 'death' TERMINATE_EMERGENCY = 'emergency' TERMINATE_NORMAL = 'normal' TERMINATE_RULES_INFRACTION = 'rules infraction' TERMINATE_TIME_FORFEIT = 'time forfeit' TERMINATE_UNTERMINATED = 'unterminated'
# Comments are bounded by ';' to '\n' or '{' to '}' # Lines starting with '%' are ignored and are used as an extension mechanism # Strings are bounded by '"' and '"' and quotes inside the strings are escaped with '\"'
# Token types TOKEN_LINE_COMMENT = 'Line comment' TOKEN_COMMENT = 'Comment' TOKEN_ESCAPED = 'Escaped data' TOKEN_PERIOD = 'Period' TOKEN_TAG_START = 'Tag start' TOKEN_TAG_END = 'Tag end' TOKEN_STRING = 'String' TOKEN_SYMBOL = 'Symbol' TOKEN_RAV_START = 'RAV start' TOKEN_RAV_END = 'RAV end' TOKEN_XML = 'XML' TOKEN_NAG = 'NAG'
class Error(Exception): """PGN exception class""" pass
class PGNParser: """ """ STATE_IDLE = 'IDLE' STATE_TAG_NAME = 'TAG_NAME' STATE_TAG_VALUE = 'TAG_VALUE' STATE_TAG_END = 'TAG_END' STATE_MOVETEXT = 'MOVETEXT' STATE_RAV = 'RAV' STATE_XML = 'XML' def __init__(self, maxGames = -1): expressions = ['\%.*', # Escaped data ';.*', # Line comment '\{', # Comment start '\".*\"', # String '[a-zA-Z0-9\*\_\+\#\=\:\-\/]+', # Symbol, '/' Not in spec but required from game draw and incomplete '\[', # Tag start '\]', # Tag end '\$[0-9]{1,3}', # NAG '\(', # RAV start '\)', # RAV end '\<.*\>', # XML '[.]+'] # Period(s) self.regexp = re.compile('|'.join(expressions))
self.tokens = {';': TOKEN_LINE_COMMENT, '{': TOKEN_COMMENT, '[': TOKEN_TAG_START, ']': TOKEN_TAG_END, '"': TOKEN_STRING, '.': TOKEN_PERIOD, '$': TOKEN_NAG, '(': TOKEN_RAV_START, ')': TOKEN_RAV_END, '<': TOKEN_XML, '%': TOKEN_ESCAPED} for c in '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ*': self.tokens[c] = TOKEN_SYMBOL = [] self.maxGames = maxGames self.comment = None
self.state = self.STATE_IDLE = PGNGame() # Game being assembled self.tagName = None # The tag being assembled self.tagValue = None self.prevTokenIsMoveNumber = False self.currentMoveNumber = 0 self.ravDepth = 0 # The Recursive Annotation Variation (RAV) stack
def _parseTokenMovetext(self, tokenType, data): """ """ if tokenType is TOKEN_SYMBOL: # Ignore tokens inside RAV if self.ravDepth != 0: return
# See if this is a game terminate if results.has_key(data): = PGNGame() self.prevTokenIsMoveNumber = False self.currentMoveNumber = 0 self.ravDepth = 0 self.state = self.STATE_IDLE # Otherwise it is a move number or a move else: try: moveNumber = int(data) except ValueError: move = PGNMove() move.number = self.currentMoveNumber move.move = data self.currentMoveNumber += 1 else: self.prevTokenIsMoveNumber = True expected = (self.currentMoveNumber / 2) + 1 if moveNumber != expected: raise Error('Expected move number %i, got %i' % (expected, moveNumber))
elif tokenType is TOKEN_NAG: # Ignore tokens inside RAV if self.ravDepth != 0: return move = move.nag = data elif tokenType is TOKEN_PERIOD: # Ignore tokens inside RAV if self.ravDepth != 0: return
if self.prevTokenIsMoveNumber is False: raise Error('Unexpected period')
elif tokenType is TOKEN_RAV_START: self.ravDepth += 1 # FIXME: Check for RAV errors return elif tokenType is TOKEN_RAV_END: self.ravDepth -= 1 # FIXME: Check for RAV errors return else: raise Error('Unknown token %s in movetext' % (str(tokenType))) def parseToken(self, tokenType, data): """ """ # Ignore all comments at any time if tokenType is TOKEN_LINE_COMMENT or tokenType is TOKEN_COMMENT: if self.currentMoveNumber > 0: move = move.comment = data[1:-1] return if self.state is self.STATE_MOVETEXT: self._parseTokenMovetext(tokenType, data) elif self.state is self.STATE_IDLE: if tokenType is TOKEN_TAG_START: self.state = self.STATE_TAG_NAME return
elif tokenType is TOKEN_SYMBOL: self.whiteMove = None self.prevTokenIsMoveNumber = False self.ravDepth = 0 self.state = self.STATE_MOVETEXT self._parseTokenMovetext(tokenType, data) elif tokenType is TOKEN_ESCAPED: pass
else: raise Error('Unexpected token %s' % (str(tokenType)))
if self.state is self.STATE_TAG_NAME: if tokenType is TOKEN_SYMBOL: self.tagName = data self.state = self.STATE_TAG_VALUE else: raise Error('Got a %s token, expecting a %s token' % (repr(tokenType), repr(TOKEN_SYMBOL)))
elif self.state is self.STATE_TAG_VALUE: if tokenType is TOKEN_STRING: self.tagValue = data[1:-1] self.state = self.STATE_TAG_END else: raise Error('Got a %s token, expecting a %s token' % (repr(tokenType), repr(TOKEN_STRING)))
elif self.state is self.STATE_TAG_END: if tokenType is TOKEN_TAG_END:, self.tagValue) self.state = self.STATE_IDLE else: raise Error('Got a %s token, expecting a %s token' % (repr(tokenType), repr(TOKEN_TAG_END)))
def parseLine(self, line): """Parse a line from a PGN file. Return an array of tokens extracted from the line. """ while len(line) > 0: if self.comment is not None: end = line.find('}') if end < 0: self.comment += line return True else: comment = self.comment + line[:end] self.comment = None self.parseToken(TOKEN_COMMENT, comment) line = line[end+1:] continue for match in self.regexp.finditer(line): text = line[match.start():match.end()] if text == '{': line = line[match.end():] self.comment = '' break else: try: tokenType = self.tokens[text[0]] except KeyError: raise Error("Unknown token %s" % repr(text)) self.parseToken(tokenType, text)
if self.comment is None: return True def complete(self): if len( > 0: class PGNMove: """ """ # move = '' # comment = ''
# nag = ''
class PGNGame: """ """
# The seven tag roster in the required order (REFERENCE) _strTags = [TAG_EVENT, TAG_SITE, TAG_DATE, TAG_ROUND, TAG_WHITE, TAG_BLACK, TAG_RESULT]
def __init__(self): # Set the default STR tags self.tagsByName = {} self.setTag(TAG_EVENT, '?') self.setTag(TAG_SITE, '?') self.setTag(TAG_DATE, '????.??.??') self.setTag(TAG_ROUND, '?') self.setTag(TAG_WHITE, '?') self.setTag(TAG_BLACK, '?') self.setTag(TAG_RESULT, '*') self.moves = [] def getLines(self): lines = [] # Get the names of the non STR tags otherTags = list(set(self.tagsByName).difference(self._strTags))
# Write seven tag roster and the additional tags for name in self._strTags + otherTags: value = self.tagsByName[name] lines.append('['+ name + ' ' + self._makePGNString(value) + ']')
lines.append('') # Insert numbers in-between moves tokens = [] moveNumber = 0 for m in self.moves: if moveNumber % 2 == 0: tokens.append('%i.' % (moveNumber / 2 + 1)) moveNumber += 1 tokens.append(m.move) if m.nag != '': tokens.append(m.nag) if m.comment != '': tokens.append('{' + m.comment + '}') # Add result token to the end tokens.append(self.tagsByName[TAG_RESULT])
# Print moves keeping the line length to less than 256 characters (PGN requirement) line = '' for t in tokens: if line == '': x = t else: x = ' ' + t if len(line) + len(x) >= 80: #>= 256: lines.append(line) line = t else: line += x
lines.append(line) return lines def setTag(self, name, value): """Set a PGN tag. 'name' is the name of the tag to set (string). 'value' is the value to set the tag to (string) or None to delete the tag. Tag names cannot contain whitespace. Deleting a tag that does not exist has no effect. Deleting a STR tag or setting one to an invalid value will raise an Error exception. """ if self._isValidTagName(name) is False: raise Error('%s is an invalid tag name' % str(name))
# If no value delete if value is None: # If is a STR tag throw an exception if self._strTags.has_key(name): raise Error('%s is a PGN STR tag and cannot be deleted' % name) # Delete the tag try: self._strTags.pop(name) except KeyError: pass # Otherwise set the tag to the new value else: # FIXME: Validate if it is a STR tag self.tagsByName[name] = value def getTag(self, name, default = None): """Get a PGN tag. 'name' is the name of the tag to get (string). 'default' is the default value to return if this valid is missing (user-defined). Return the value of the tag (string) or the default if the tag does not exist. """ try: return self.tagsByName[name] except KeyError: return default def addMove(self, move): self.moves.append(move)
def getMove(self, moveNumber): return self.moves[moveNumber - 1] def getMoves(self): return self.moves
def __str__(self): string = '' for tag, value in self.tagsByName.iteritems(): string += '%s = %s\n' % (tag, value) string += '\n' number = 1 moves = self.moves while len(moves) >= 2: string += '%3i. %s %s\n' % (number, moves[0].move, moves[1].move) number += 1 moves = moves[2:] if len(moves) > 0: string += '%3i. %s\n' % (number, moves[0].move) return string # Private methods def _makePGNString(self, string): """Make a PGN string. 'string' is the string to convert to a PGN string (string). All characters are valid and quotes are escaped with '\"'. Return the string surrounded with quotes. e.g. 'Mike "Dog" Smith' -> '"Mike \"Dog\" Smith"' """ pgnString = string pgnString.replace('"', '\\"') return '"' + pgnString + '"'
def _isValidTagName(self, name): """Valid a PGN tag name. 'name' is the tag name to validate (string). Tags can only contain the characters, a-Z A-Z and _. Return True if this is a valid tag name otherwise return False. """ if name is None or len(name) == 0: return False
validCharacters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_' for c in name: if validCharacters.find(c) < 0: return False return True
class PGN: """ """
def __init__(self, fileName = None, maxGames = None): """Create a PGN reader/writer. 'fileName' is the file to load the PGN from or None to generate an empty PGN file. 'maxGames' is the maximum number of games to load from the file or None to load the whole file. (int, Only applicable if a filename is supplied). """ self.__games = []
if fileName is not None: self.__load(fileName, maxGames) def addGame(self): """Add a new game to the PGN file. Returns the PGNGame instance to modify""" game = PGNGame() self.__games.append(game) return game def getGame(self, index): """Get a game from the PGN file. 'index' is the game index to get (integer, 0-N). Return this PGN game or raise an IndexError if no game with this index. """ return self.__games[index] def save(self, fileName): """Save the PGN file. 'fileName' is the name of the file to save to. """ f = file(fileName, 'w') # FIXME: Set the newline characters to the correct type? # Sign it from glChess f.write('; PGN saved game generated by glChess\n') f.write(';\n')
for game in self.__games: f.write('\n') for line in game.getLines(): f.write(line + '\n') f.close() def __len__(self): return len(self.__games) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.__games[index]
def __getslice__(self, start, end): return self.__games[start:end] # Private methods
def __load(self, fileName, maxGames = None): """ """ # Convert the file into PGN tokens f = file(fileName, 'r') p = PGNParser(maxGames) lineNumber = 0 try: for line in f.readlines(): lineNumber += 1 p.parseLine(line) p.complete() except Error, e: raise Error('Error on line %d: %s' % (lineNumber, str(e)))
# Must be at least one game in the PGN file self.__games = if len(self.__games) == 0: raise Error('Empty PGN file')
# Tidy up f.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': import time
def test(fileName, maxGames = None): s = time.time() p = PGN(fileName, maxGames) print time.time() - s number = 1 games = p[:] #for game in games: # print 'Game ' + str(number) # print game # print # number += 1
#test('example.pgn') #test('rav.pgn') #test('wolga-benko.pgn', 3) #test('wolga-benko.pgn') #test('yahoo_chess.pgn')
#p = PGN('example.pgn')'out.pgn')