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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import board import pgn import lan import san import fics
from glchess.i18n import C_
# Translators: The first file on the chess board _fileMap = {'a': C_('chess-file', 'a'), # Translators: The second file on the chess board 'b': C_('chess-file', 'b'), # Translators: The third file on the chess board 'c': C_('chess-file', 'c'), # Translators: The fourth file on the chess board 'd': C_('chess-file', 'd'), # Translators: The fifth file on the chess board 'e': C_('chess-file', 'e'), # Translators: The sixth file on the chess board 'f': C_('chess-file', 'f'), # Translators: The seventh file on the chess board 'g': C_('chess-file', 'g'), # Translators: The eigth file on the chess board 'h': C_('chess-file', 'h')}
# Translators: The first rank on the chess board _rankMap = {'1': C_('chess-rank', '1'), # Translators: The second rank on the chess board '2': C_('chess-rank', '2'), # Translators: The third rank on the chess board '3': C_('chess-rank', '3'), # Translators: The fourth rank on the chess board '4': C_('chess-rank', '4'), # Translators: The fifth rank on the chess board '5': C_('chess-rank', '5'), # Translators: The sixth rank on the chess board '6': C_('chess-rank', '6'), # Translators: The seventh rank on the chess board '7': C_('chess-rank', '7'), # Translators: The eigth rank on the chess board '8': C_('chess-rank', '8')}
# Translators: The notation form of a pawn. # See for translations. _pieceMap = {'P': C_('chess-notation', 'P'), # Translators: The notation form of a knight 'N': C_('chess-notation', 'N'), # Translators: The notation form of a bishop 'B': C_('chess-notation', 'B'), # Translators: The notation form of a rook 'R': C_('chess-notation', 'R'), # Translators: The notation form of a queen 'Q': C_('chess-notation', 'Q'), # Translators: The notation form of a king 'K': C_('chess-notation', 'K')}
_notationMap = {} _notationMap.update(_fileMap) _notationMap.update(_rankMap) _notationMap.update(_pieceMap) def translate_file(file): """Get the translated form of a file. 'file' is the file to translate ('a'-'h') Returns a string representing this file. """ return _fileMap[file]
def translate_rank(rank): """Get the translated form of a rank. 'rank' is the rank to translate ('1'-'8') Returns a string representing this rank. """ return _rankMap[rank]
def translate_coordinate(coordinate): """Get the translated form of a chess board coordinate. 'coordinate' is the coordinate to translate ('a1'-'h8') Returns a string representing this position. """ # FIXME: Assumes files are always before ranks. Should probably make all # 64 coordinates translatable to be strictly translatable return _fileMap[coordinate[0]] + _rankMap[coordinate[1]]
def translate_notation(notation): """Get the translated form of a chess move in LAN or SAN notation 'notation' is the notation to translate (e.g. 'Nxc6', 'f2f4'). Returns a translated form of this notation. """ out = '' for c in notation: try: out += _notationMap[c] except KeyError: out += c return out
_figurineMap = {(board.WHITE, 'P'): '♙', (board.WHITE, 'N'): '♘', (board.WHITE, 'B'): '♗', (board.WHITE, 'R'): '♖', (board.WHITE, 'Q'): '♕', (board.WHITE, 'K'): '♔', (board.BLACK, 'P'): '♟', (board.BLACK, 'N'): '♞', (board.BLACK, 'B'): '♝', (board.BLACK, 'R'): '♜', (board.BLACK, 'Q'): '♛', (board.BLACK, 'K'): '♚'}
def translate_figurine_notation(colour, notation): """Get the translated form of a chess move in FAN notation 'colour' is the colour of the player making the move (board.WHITE or board.BLACK). 'notation' is the notation to translate (e.g. 'Nxc6', 'f2f4'). Returns a translated form of this notation. """ out = '' isTake = False oppositeColour = {board.WHITE: board.BLACK, board.BLACK: board.WHITE}[colour] for c in notation: try: if isTake: out += _figurineMap[(oppositeColour, c)] else: out += _figurineMap[(colour, c)] except KeyError: out += c isTake = (c == 'x') return out