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#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2007 - 2009 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License.
import cgi import math import random import re import time import types import urllib import atom.http_interface import atom.token_store import atom.url import gdata.oauth as oauth import gdata.oauth.rsa as oauth_rsa import gdata.tlslite.utils.keyfactory as keyfactory import gdata.tlslite.utils.cryptomath as cryptomath
import gdata.gauth
__author__ = 'api.jscudder (Jeff Scudder)'
PROGRAMMATIC_AUTH_LABEL = 'GoogleLogin auth=' AUTHSUB_AUTH_LABEL = 'AuthSub token='
"""This module provides functions and objects used with Google authentication.
Details on Google authorization mechanisms used with the Google Data APIs can be found here:
The essential functions are the following. Related to ClientLogin: generate_client_login_request_body: Constructs the body of an HTTP request to obtain a ClientLogin token for a specific service. extract_client_login_token: Creates a ClientLoginToken with the token from a success response to a ClientLogin request. get_captcha_challenge: If the server responded to the ClientLogin request with a CAPTCHA challenge, this method extracts the CAPTCHA URL and identifying CAPTCHA token.
Related to AuthSub: generate_auth_sub_url: Constructs a full URL for a AuthSub request. The user's browser must be sent to this Google Accounts URL and redirected back to the app to obtain the AuthSub token. extract_auth_sub_token_from_url: Once the user's browser has been redirected back to the web app, use this function to create an AuthSubToken with the correct authorization token and scope. token_from_http_body: Extracts the AuthSubToken value string from the server's response to an AuthSub session token upgrade request. """
def generate_client_login_request_body(email, password, service, source, account_type='HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE', captcha_token=None, captcha_response=None): """Creates the body of the autentication request
See for more details.
Args: email: str password: str service: str source: str account_type: str (optional) Defaul is 'HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE', other valid values are 'GOOGLE' and 'HOSTED' captcha_token: str (optional) captcha_response: str (optional)
Returns: The HTTP body to send in a request for a client login token. """ return gdata.gauth.generate_client_login_request_body(email, password, service, source, account_type, captcha_token, captcha_response)
GenerateClientLoginRequestBody = generate_client_login_request_body
def GenerateClientLoginAuthToken(http_body): """Returns the token value to use in Authorization headers.
Reads the token from the server's response to a Client Login request and creates header value to use in requests.
Args: http_body: str The body of the server's HTTP response to a Client Login request Returns: The value half of an Authorization header. """ token = get_client_login_token(http_body) if token: return 'GoogleLogin auth=%s' % token return None
def get_client_login_token(http_body): """Returns the token value for a ClientLoginToken.
Reads the token from the server's response to a Client Login request and creates the token value string to use in requests.
Args: http_body: str The body of the server's HTTP response to a Client Login request Returns: The token value string for a ClientLoginToken. """ return gdata.gauth.get_client_login_token_string(http_body)
def extract_client_login_token(http_body, scopes): """Parses the server's response and returns a ClientLoginToken. Args: http_body: str The body of the server's HTTP response to a Client Login request. It is assumed that the login request was successful. scopes: list containing atom.url.Urls or strs. The scopes list contains all of the partial URLs under which the client login token is valid. For example, if scopes contains [''] then the client login token would be valid for
Returns: A ClientLoginToken which is valid for the specified scopes. """ token_string = get_client_login_token(http_body) token = ClientLoginToken(scopes=scopes) token.set_token_string(token_string) return token
def get_captcha_challenge(http_body, captcha_base_url=''): """Returns the URL and token for a CAPTCHA challenge issued by the server.
Args: http_body: str The body of the HTTP response from the server which contains the CAPTCHA challenge. captcha_base_url: str This function returns a full URL for viewing the challenge image which is built from the server's response. This base_url is used as the beginning of the URL because the server only provides the end of the URL. For example the server provides 'Captcha?ctoken=Hi...N' and the URL for the image is ''
Returns: A dictionary containing the information needed to repond to the CAPTCHA challenge, the image URL and the ID token of the challenge. The dictionary is in the form: {'token': string identifying the CAPTCHA image, 'url': string containing the URL of the image} Returns None if there was no CAPTCHA challenge in the response. """ return gdata.gauth.get_captcha_challenge(http_body, captcha_base_url)
GetCaptchaChallenge = get_captcha_challenge
def GenerateOAuthRequestTokenUrl( oauth_input_params, scopes, request_token_url='', extra_parameters=None): """Generate a URL at which a request for OAuth request token is to be sent. Args: oauth_input_params: OAuthInputParams OAuth input parameters. scopes: list of strings The URLs of the services to be accessed. request_token_url: string The beginning of the request token URL. This is normally '' or '/accounts/OAuthGetRequestToken' extra_parameters: dict (optional) key-value pairs as any additional parameters to be included in the URL and signature while making a request for fetching an OAuth request token. All the OAuth parameters are added by default. But if provided through this argument, any default parameters will be overwritten. For e.g. a default parameter oauth_version 1.0 can be overwritten if extra_parameters = {'oauth_version': '2.0'} Returns: atom.url.Url OAuth request token URL. """ scopes_string = ' '.join([str(scope) for scope in scopes]) parameters = {'scope': scopes_string} if extra_parameters: parameters.update(extra_parameters) oauth_request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token( oauth_input_params.GetConsumer(), http_url=request_token_url, parameters=parameters) oauth_request.sign_request(oauth_input_params.GetSignatureMethod(), oauth_input_params.GetConsumer(), None) return atom.url.parse_url(oauth_request.to_url())
def GenerateOAuthAuthorizationUrl( request_token, authorization_url='', callback_url=None, extra_params=None, include_scopes_in_callback=False, scopes_param_prefix='oauth_token_scope'): """Generates URL at which user will login to authorize the request token. Args: request_token: gdata.auth.OAuthToken OAuth request token. authorization_url: string The beginning of the authorization URL. This is normally '' or '/accounts/OAuthAuthorizeToken' callback_url: string (optional) The URL user will be sent to after logging in and granting access. extra_params: dict (optional) Additional parameters to be sent. include_scopes_in_callback: Boolean (default=False) if set to True, and if 'callback_url' is present, the 'callback_url' will be modified to include the scope(s) from the request token as a URL parameter. The key for the 'callback' URL's scope parameter will be OAUTH_SCOPE_URL_PARAM_NAME. The benefit of including the scope URL as a parameter to the 'callback' URL, is that the page which receives the OAuth token will be able to tell which URLs the token grants access to. scopes_param_prefix: string (default='oauth_token_scope') The URL parameter key which maps to the list of valid scopes for the token. This URL parameter will be included in the callback URL along with the scopes of the token as value if include_scopes_in_callback=True.
Returns: atom.url.Url OAuth authorization URL. """ scopes = request_token.scopes if isinstance(scopes, list): scopes = ' '.join(scopes) if include_scopes_in_callback and callback_url: if callback_url.find('?') > -1: callback_url += '&' else: callback_url += '?' callback_url += urllib.urlencode({scopes_param_prefix:scopes}) oauth_token = oauth.OAuthToken(request_token.key, request_token.secret) oauth_request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_token_and_callback( token=oauth_token, callback=callback_url, http_url=authorization_url, parameters=extra_params) return atom.url.parse_url(oauth_request.to_url())
def GenerateOAuthAccessTokenUrl( authorized_request_token, oauth_input_params, access_token_url='', oauth_version='1.0', oauth_verifier=None): """Generates URL at which user will login to authorize the request token. Args: authorized_request_token: gdata.auth.OAuthToken OAuth authorized request token. oauth_input_params: OAuthInputParams OAuth input parameters. access_token_url: string The beginning of the authorization URL. This is normally '' or '/accounts/OAuthGetAccessToken' oauth_version: str (default='1.0') oauth_version parameter. oauth_verifier: str (optional) If present, it is assumed that the client will use the OAuth v1.0a protocol which includes passing the oauth_verifier (as returned by the SP) in the access token step.
Returns: atom.url.Url OAuth access token URL. """ oauth_token = oauth.OAuthToken(authorized_request_token.key, authorized_request_token.secret) parameters = {'oauth_version': oauth_version} if oauth_verifier is not None: parameters['oauth_verifier'] = oauth_verifier oauth_request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token( oauth_input_params.GetConsumer(), token=oauth_token, http_url=access_token_url, parameters=parameters) oauth_request.sign_request(oauth_input_params.GetSignatureMethod(), oauth_input_params.GetConsumer(), oauth_token) return atom.url.parse_url(oauth_request.to_url())
def GenerateAuthSubUrl(next, scope, secure=False, session=True, request_url='', domain='default'): """Generate a URL at which the user will login and be redirected back.
Users enter their credentials on a Google login page and a token is sent to the URL specified in next. See documentation for AuthSub login at:
Args: request_url: str The beginning of the request URL. This is normally '' or '/accounts/AuthSubRequest' next: string The URL user will be sent to after logging in. scope: string The URL of the service to be accessed. secure: boolean (optional) Determines whether or not the issued token is a secure token. session: boolean (optional) Determines whether or not the issued token can be upgraded to a session token. domain: str (optional) The Google Apps domain for this account. If this is not a Google Apps account, use 'default' which is the default value. """ # Translate True/False values for parameters into numeric values acceoted # by the AuthSub service. if secure: secure = 1 else: secure = 0
if session: session = 1 else: session = 0
request_params = urllib.urlencode({'next': next, 'scope': scope, 'secure': secure, 'session': session, 'hd': domain}) if request_url.find('?') == -1: return '%s?%s' % (request_url, request_params) else: # The request URL already contained url parameters so we should add # the parameters using the & seperator return '%s&%s' % (request_url, request_params)
def generate_auth_sub_url(next, scopes, secure=False, session=True, request_url='', domain='default', scopes_param_prefix='auth_sub_scopes'): """Constructs a URL string for requesting a multiscope AuthSub token.
The generated token will contain a URL parameter to pass along the requested scopes to the next URL. When the Google Accounts page redirects the broswser to the 'next' URL, it appends the single use AuthSub token value to the URL as a URL parameter with the key 'token'. However, the information about which scopes were requested is not included by Google Accounts. This method adds the scopes to the next URL before making the request so that the redirect will be sent to a page, and both the token value and the list of scopes can be extracted from the request URL.
Args: next: atom.url.URL or string The URL user will be sent to after authorizing this web application to access their data. scopes: list containint strings The URLs of the services to be accessed. secure: boolean (optional) Determines whether or not the issued token is a secure token. session: boolean (optional) Determines whether or not the issued token can be upgraded to a session token. request_url: atom.url.Url or str The beginning of the request URL. This is normally '' or '/accounts/AuthSubRequest' domain: The domain which the account is part of. This is used for Google Apps accounts, the default value is 'default' which means that the requested account is a Google Account ( for example) scopes_param_prefix: str (optional) The requested scopes are added as a URL parameter to the next URL so that the page at the 'next' URL can extract the token value and the valid scopes from the URL. The key for the URL parameter defaults to 'auth_sub_scopes'
Returns: An atom.url.Url which the user's browser should be directed to in order to authorize this application to access their information. """ if isinstance(next, (str, unicode)): next = atom.url.parse_url(next) scopes_string = ' '.join([str(scope) for scope in scopes]) next.params[scopes_param_prefix] = scopes_string
if isinstance(request_url, (str, unicode)): request_url = atom.url.parse_url(request_url) request_url.params['next'] = str(next) request_url.params['scope'] = scopes_string if session: request_url.params['session'] = 1 else: request_url.params['session'] = 0 if secure: request_url.params['secure'] = 1 else: request_url.params['secure'] = 0 request_url.params['hd'] = domain return request_url
def AuthSubTokenFromUrl(url): """Extracts the AuthSub token from the URL.
Used after the AuthSub redirect has sent the user to the 'next' page and appended the token to the URL. This function returns the value to be used in the Authorization header.
Args: url: str The URL of the current page which contains the AuthSub token as a URL parameter. """ token = TokenFromUrl(url) if token: return 'AuthSub token=%s' % token return None
def TokenFromUrl(url): """Extracts the AuthSub token from the URL.
Returns the raw token value.
Args: url: str The URL or the query portion of the URL string (after the ?) of the current page which contains the AuthSub token as a URL parameter. """ if url.find('?') > -1: query_params = url.split('?')[1] else: query_params = url for pair in query_params.split('&'): if pair.startswith('token='): return pair[6:] return None
def extract_auth_sub_token_from_url(url, scopes_param_prefix='auth_sub_scopes', rsa_key=None): """Creates an AuthSubToken and sets the token value and scopes from the URL. After the Google Accounts AuthSub pages redirect the user's broswer back to the web application (using the 'next' URL from the request) the web app must extract the token from the current page's URL. The token is provided as a URL parameter named 'token' and if generate_auth_sub_url was used to create the request, the token's valid scopes are included in a URL parameter whose name is specified in scopes_param_prefix.
Args: url: atom.url.Url or str representing the current URL. The token value and valid scopes should be included as URL parameters. scopes_param_prefix: str (optional) The URL parameter key which maps to the list of valid scopes for the token.
Returns: An AuthSubToken with the token value from the URL and set to be valid for the scopes passed in on the URL. If no scopes were included in the URL, the AuthSubToken defaults to being valid for no scopes. If there was no 'token' parameter in the URL, this function returns None. """ if isinstance(url, (str, unicode)): url = atom.url.parse_url(url) if 'token' not in url.params: return None scopes = [] if scopes_param_prefix in url.params: scopes = url.params[scopes_param_prefix].split(' ') token_value = url.params['token'] if rsa_key: token = SecureAuthSubToken(rsa_key, scopes=scopes) else: token = AuthSubToken(scopes=scopes) token.set_token_string(token_value) return token
def AuthSubTokenFromHttpBody(http_body): """Extracts the AuthSub token from an HTTP body string.
Used to find the new session token after making a request to upgrade a single use AuthSub token.
Args: http_body: str The repsonse from the server which contains the AuthSub key. For example, this function would find the new session token from the server's response to an upgrade token request.
Returns: The header value to use for Authorization which contains the AuthSub token. """ token_value = token_from_http_body(http_body) if token_value: return '%s%s' % (AUTHSUB_AUTH_LABEL, token_value) return None
def token_from_http_body(http_body): """Extracts the AuthSub token from an HTTP body string.
Used to find the new session token after making a request to upgrade a single use AuthSub token.
Args: http_body: str The repsonse from the server which contains the AuthSub key. For example, this function would find the new session token from the server's response to an upgrade token request.
Returns: The raw token value to use in an AuthSubToken object. """ for response_line in http_body.splitlines(): if response_line.startswith('Token='): # Strip off Token= and return the token value string. return response_line[6:] return None
TokenFromHttpBody = token_from_http_body
def OAuthTokenFromUrl(url, scopes_param_prefix='oauth_token_scope'): """Creates an OAuthToken and sets token key and scopes (if present) from URL. After the Google Accounts OAuth pages redirect the user's broswer back to the web application (using the 'callback' URL from the request) the web app can extract the token from the current page's URL. The token is same as the request token, but it is either authorized (if user grants access) or unauthorized (if user denies access). The token is provided as a URL parameter named 'oauth_token' and if it was chosen to use GenerateOAuthAuthorizationUrl with include_scopes_in_param=True, the token's valid scopes are included in a URL parameter whose name is specified in scopes_param_prefix.
Args: url: atom.url.Url or str representing the current URL. The token value and valid scopes should be included as URL parameters. scopes_param_prefix: str (optional) The URL parameter key which maps to the list of valid scopes for the token.
Returns: An OAuthToken with the token key from the URL and set to be valid for the scopes passed in on the URL. If no scopes were included in the URL, the OAuthToken defaults to being valid for no scopes. If there was no 'oauth_token' parameter in the URL, this function returns None. """ if isinstance(url, (str, unicode)): url = atom.url.parse_url(url) if 'oauth_token' not in url.params: return None scopes = [] if scopes_param_prefix in url.params: scopes = url.params[scopes_param_prefix].split(' ') token_key = url.params['oauth_token'] token = OAuthToken(key=token_key, scopes=scopes) return token
def OAuthTokenFromHttpBody(http_body): """Parses the HTTP response body and returns an OAuth token. The returned OAuth token will just have key and secret parameters set. It won't have any knowledge about the scopes or oauth_input_params. It is your responsibility to make it aware of the remaining parameters. Returns: OAuthToken OAuth token. """ token = oauth.OAuthToken.from_string(http_body) oauth_token = OAuthToken(key=token.key, secret=token.secret) return oauth_token
class OAuthSignatureMethod(object): """Holds valid OAuth signature methods. RSA_SHA1: Class to build signature according to RSA-SHA1 algorithm. HMAC_SHA1: Class to build signature according to HMAC-SHA1 algorithm. """ HMAC_SHA1 = oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 class RSA_SHA1(oauth_rsa.OAuthSignatureMethod_RSA_SHA1): """Provides implementation for abstract methods to return RSA certs."""
def __init__(self, private_key, public_cert): self.private_key = private_key self.public_cert = public_cert def _fetch_public_cert(self, unused_oauth_request): return self.public_cert def _fetch_private_cert(self, unused_oauth_request): return self.private_key
class OAuthInputParams(object): """Stores OAuth input parameters. This class is a store for OAuth input parameters viz. consumer key and secret, signature method and RSA key. """ def __init__(self, signature_method, consumer_key, consumer_secret=None, rsa_key=None, requestor_id=None): """Initializes object with parameters required for using OAuth mechanism. NOTE: Though consumer_secret and rsa_key are optional, either of the two is required depending on the value of the signature_method. Args: signature_method: class which provides implementation for strategy class oauth.oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod. Signature method to be used for signing each request. Valid implementations are provided as the constants defined by gdata.auth.OAuthSignatureMethod. Currently they are gdata.auth.OAuthSignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1 and gdata.auth.OAuthSignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1. Instead of passing in the strategy class, you may pass in a string for 'RSA_SHA1' or 'HMAC_SHA1'. If you plan to use OAuth on App Engine (or another WSGI environment) I recommend specifying signature method using a string (the only options are 'RSA_SHA1' and 'HMAC_SHA1'). In these environments there are sometimes issues with pickling an object in which a member references a class or function. Storing a string to refer to the signature method mitigates complications when pickling. consumer_key: string Domain identifying third_party web application. consumer_secret: string (optional) Secret generated during registration. Required only for HMAC_SHA1 signature method. rsa_key: string (optional) Private key required for RSA_SHA1 signature method. requestor_id: string (optional) User email adress to make requests on their behalf. This parameter should only be set when performing 2 legged OAuth requests. """ if (signature_method == OAuthSignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1 or signature_method == 'RSA_SHA1'): self.__signature_strategy = 'RSA_SHA1' elif (signature_method == OAuthSignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1 or signature_method == 'HMAC_SHA1'): self.__signature_strategy = 'HMAC_SHA1' else: self.__signature_strategy = signature_method self.rsa_key = rsa_key self._consumer = oauth.OAuthConsumer(consumer_key, consumer_secret) self.requestor_id = requestor_id
def __get_signature_method(self): if self.__signature_strategy == 'RSA_SHA1': return OAuthSignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1(self.rsa_key, None) elif self.__signature_strategy == 'HMAC_SHA1': return OAuthSignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1() else: return self.__signature_strategy()
def __set_signature_method(self, signature_method): if (signature_method == OAuthSignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1 or signature_method == 'RSA_SHA1'): self.__signature_strategy = 'RSA_SHA1' elif (signature_method == OAuthSignatureMethod.HMAC_SHA1 or signature_method == 'HMAC_SHA1'): self.__signature_strategy = 'HMAC_SHA1' else: self.__signature_strategy = signature_method
_signature_method = property(__get_signature_method, __set_signature_method, doc="""Returns object capable of signing the request using RSA of HMAC. Replaces the _signature_method member to avoid pickle errors.""")
def GetSignatureMethod(self): """Gets the OAuth signature method.
Returns: object of supertype <oauth.oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod> """ return self._signature_method
def GetConsumer(self): """Gets the OAuth consumer.
Returns: object of type <oauth.oauth.Consumer> """ return self._consumer
class ClientLoginToken(atom.http_interface.GenericToken): """Stores the Authorization header in auth_header and adds to requests.
This token will add it's Authorization header to an HTTP request as it is made. Ths token class is simple but some Token classes must calculate portions of the Authorization header based on the request being made, which is why the token is responsible for making requests via an http_client parameter.
Args: auth_header: str The value for the Authorization header. scopes: list of str or atom.url.Url specifying the beginnings of URLs for which this token can be used. For example, if scopes contains '', then this token can be used for a request to '' but it cannot be used for a request to '' """ def __init__(self, auth_header=None, scopes=None): self.auth_header = auth_header self.scopes = scopes or []
def __str__(self): return self.auth_header
def perform_request(self, http_client, operation, url, data=None, headers=None): """Sets the Authorization header and makes the HTTP request.""" if headers is None: headers = {'Authorization':self.auth_header} else: headers['Authorization'] = self.auth_header return http_client.request(operation, url, data=data, headers=headers)
def get_token_string(self): """Removes PROGRAMMATIC_AUTH_LABEL to give just the token value.""" return self.auth_header[len(PROGRAMMATIC_AUTH_LABEL):]
def set_token_string(self, token_string): self.auth_header = '%s%s' % (PROGRAMMATIC_AUTH_LABEL, token_string) def valid_for_scope(self, url): """Tells the caller if the token authorizes access to the desired URL. """ if isinstance(url, (str, unicode)): url = atom.url.parse_url(url) for scope in self.scopes: if scope == atom.token_store.SCOPE_ALL: return True if isinstance(scope, (str, unicode)): scope = atom.url.parse_url(scope) if scope == url: return True # Check the host and the path, but ignore the port and protocol. elif == and not scope.path: return True elif == and scope.path and not url.path: continue elif == and url.path.startswith(scope.path): return True return False
class AuthSubToken(ClientLoginToken): def get_token_string(self): """Removes AUTHSUB_AUTH_LABEL to give just the token value.""" return self.auth_header[len(AUTHSUB_AUTH_LABEL):]
def set_token_string(self, token_string): self.auth_header = '%s%s' % (AUTHSUB_AUTH_LABEL, token_string)
class OAuthToken(atom.http_interface.GenericToken): """Stores the token key, token secret and scopes for which token is valid. This token adds the authorization header to each request made. It re-calculates authorization header for every request since the OAuth signature to be added to the authorization header is dependent on the request parameters. Attributes: key: str The value for the OAuth token i.e. token key. secret: str The value for the OAuth token secret. scopes: list of str or atom.url.Url specifying the beginnings of URLs for which this token can be used. For example, if scopes contains '', then this token can be used for a request to '' but it cannot be used for a request to '' oauth_input_params: OAuthInputParams OAuth input parameters. """ def __init__(self, key=None, secret=None, scopes=None, oauth_input_params=None): self.key = key self.secret = secret self.scopes = scopes or [] self.oauth_input_params = oauth_input_params def __str__(self): return self.get_token_string()
def get_token_string(self): """Returns the token string. The token string returned is of format oauth_token=[0]&oauth_token_secret=[1], where [0] and [1] are some strings. Returns: A token string of format oauth_token=[0]&oauth_token_secret=[1], where [0] and [1] are some strings. If self.secret is absent, it just returns oauth_token=[0]. If self.key is absent, it just returns oauth_token_secret=[1]. If both are absent, it returns None. """ if self.key and self.secret: return urllib.urlencode({'oauth_token': self.key, 'oauth_token_secret': self.secret}) elif self.key: return 'oauth_token=%s' % self.key elif self.secret: return 'oauth_token_secret=%s' % self.secret else: return None
def set_token_string(self, token_string): """Sets the token key and secret from the token string. Args: token_string: str Token string of form oauth_token=[0]&oauth_token_secret=[1]. If oauth_token is not present, self.key will be None. If oauth_token_secret is not present, self.secret will be None. """ token_params = cgi.parse_qs(token_string, keep_blank_values=False) if 'oauth_token' in token_params: self.key = token_params['oauth_token'][0] if 'oauth_token_secret' in token_params: self.secret = token_params['oauth_token_secret'][0] def GetAuthHeader(self, http_method, http_url, realm=''): """Get the authentication header.
Args: http_method: string HTTP method i.e. operation e.g. GET, POST, PUT, etc. http_url: string or atom.url.Url HTTP URL to which request is made. realm: string (default='') realm parameter to be included in the authorization header.
Returns: dict Header to be sent with every subsequent request after authentication. """ if isinstance(http_url, types.StringTypes): http_url = atom.url.parse_url(http_url) header = None token = None if self.key or self.secret: token = oauth.OAuthToken(self.key, self.secret) oauth_request = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token( self.oauth_input_params.GetConsumer(), token=token, http_url=str(http_url), http_method=http_method, parameters=http_url.params) oauth_request.sign_request(self.oauth_input_params.GetSignatureMethod(), self.oauth_input_params.GetConsumer(), token) header = oauth_request.to_header(realm=realm) header['Authorization'] = header['Authorization'].replace('+', '%2B') return header def perform_request(self, http_client, operation, url, data=None, headers=None): """Sets the Authorization header and makes the HTTP request.""" if not headers: headers = {} if self.oauth_input_params.requestor_id: url.params['xoauth_requestor_id'] = self.oauth_input_params.requestor_id headers.update(self.GetAuthHeader(operation, url)) return http_client.request(operation, url, data=data, headers=headers) def valid_for_scope(self, url): if isinstance(url, (str, unicode)): url = atom.url.parse_url(url) for scope in self.scopes: if scope == atom.token_store.SCOPE_ALL: return True if isinstance(scope, (str, unicode)): scope = atom.url.parse_url(scope) if scope == url: return True # Check the host and the path, but ignore the port and protocol. elif == and not scope.path: return True elif == and scope.path and not url.path: continue elif == and url.path.startswith(scope.path): return True return False
class SecureAuthSubToken(AuthSubToken): """Stores the rsa private key, token, and scopes for the secure AuthSub token. This token adds the authorization header to each request made. It re-calculates authorization header for every request since the secure AuthSub signature to be added to the authorization header is dependent on the request parameters. Attributes: rsa_key: string The RSA private key in PEM format that the token will use to sign requests token_string: string (optional) The value for the AuthSub token. scopes: list of str or atom.url.Url specifying the beginnings of URLs for which this token can be used. For example, if scopes contains '', then this token can be used for a request to '' but it cannot be used for a request to '' """ def __init__(self, rsa_key, token_string=None, scopes=None): self.rsa_key = keyfactory.parsePEMKey(rsa_key) self.token_string = token_string or '' self.scopes = scopes or [] def __str__(self): return self.get_token_string()
def get_token_string(self): return str(self.token_string)
def set_token_string(self, token_string): self.token_string = token_string def GetAuthHeader(self, http_method, http_url): """Generates the Authorization header.
The form of the secure AuthSub Authorization header is Authorization: AuthSub token="token" sigalg="sigalg" data="data" sig="sig" and data represents a string in the form data = http_method http_url timestamp nonce
Args: http_method: string HTTP method i.e. operation e.g. GET, POST, PUT, etc. http_url: string or atom.url.Url HTTP URL to which request is made. Returns: dict Header to be sent with every subsequent request after authentication. """ timestamp = int(math.floor(time.time())) nonce = '%lu' % random.randrange(1, 2**64) data = '%s %s %d %s' % (http_method, str(http_url), timestamp, nonce) sig = cryptomath.bytesToBase64(self.rsa_key.hashAndSign(data)) header = {'Authorization': '%s"%s" data="%s" sig="%s" sigalg="rsa-sha1"' % (AUTHSUB_AUTH_LABEL, self.token_string, data, sig)} return header def perform_request(self, http_client, operation, url, data=None, headers=None): """Sets the Authorization header and makes the HTTP request.""" if not headers: headers = {} headers.update(self.GetAuthHeader(operation, url)) return http_client.request(operation, url, data=data, headers=headers)