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# # Copyright 2009 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License.
"""Contains extensions to Atom objects used with Google Documents."""
__author__ = ('api.jfisher (Jeff Fisher), ' ' (Eric Bidelman)')
import atom import gdata
class Scope(atom.AtomBase): """The DocList ACL scope element"""
_tag = 'scope' _namespace = gdata.GACL_NAMESPACE _children = atom.AtomBase._children.copy() _attributes = atom.AtomBase._attributes.copy() _attributes['value'] = 'value' _attributes['type'] = 'type'
def __init__(self, value=None, type=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None, text=None): self.value = value self.type = type self.text = text self.extension_elements = extension_elements or [] self.extension_attributes = extension_attributes or {}
class Role(atom.AtomBase): """The DocList ACL role element"""
_tag = 'role' _namespace = gdata.GACL_NAMESPACE _children = atom.AtomBase._children.copy() _attributes = atom.AtomBase._attributes.copy() _attributes['value'] = 'value'
def __init__(self, value=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None, text=None): self.value = value self.text = text self.extension_elements = extension_elements or [] self.extension_attributes = extension_attributes or {}
class FeedLink(atom.AtomBase): """The DocList gd:feedLink element"""
_tag = 'feedLink' _namespace = gdata.GDATA_NAMESPACE _attributes = atom.AtomBase._attributes.copy() _attributes['rel'] = 'rel' _attributes['href'] = 'href'
def __init__(self, href=None, rel=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): self.href = href self.rel = rel atom.AtomBase.__init__(self, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes, text=text)
class ResourceId(atom.AtomBase): """The DocList gd:resourceId element"""
_tag = 'resourceId' _namespace = gdata.GDATA_NAMESPACE _children = atom.AtomBase._children.copy() _attributes = atom.AtomBase._attributes.copy() _attributes['value'] = 'value'
def __init__(self, value=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None, text=None): self.value = value self.text = text self.extension_elements = extension_elements or [] self.extension_attributes = extension_attributes or {}
class LastModifiedBy(atom.Person): """The DocList gd:lastModifiedBy element"""
_tag = 'lastModifiedBy' _namespace = gdata.GDATA_NAMESPACE
class LastViewed(atom.Person): """The DocList gd:lastViewed element"""
_tag = 'lastViewed' _namespace = gdata.GDATA_NAMESPACE
class WritersCanInvite(atom.AtomBase): """The DocList docs:writersCanInvite element"""
_tag = 'writersCanInvite' _namespace = DOCUMENTS_NAMESPACE _attributes = atom.AtomBase._attributes.copy() _attributes['value'] = 'value'
class DocumentListEntry(gdata.GDataEntry): """The Google Documents version of an Atom Entry"""
_tag = gdata.GDataEntry._tag _namespace = atom.ATOM_NAMESPACE _children = gdata.GDataEntry._children.copy() _attributes = gdata.GDataEntry._attributes.copy() _children['{%s}feedLink' % gdata.GDATA_NAMESPACE] = ('feedLink', FeedLink) _children['{%s}resourceId' % gdata.GDATA_NAMESPACE] = ('resourceId', ResourceId) _children['{%s}lastModifiedBy' % gdata.GDATA_NAMESPACE] = ('lastModifiedBy', LastModifiedBy) _children['{%s}lastViewed' % gdata.GDATA_NAMESPACE] = ('lastViewed', LastViewed) _children['{%s}writersCanInvite' % DOCUMENTS_NAMESPACE] = ( 'writersCanInvite', WritersCanInvite)
def __init__(self, resourceId=None, feedLink=None, lastViewed=None, lastModifiedBy=None, writersCanInvite=None, author=None, category=None, content=None, atom_id=None, link=None, published=None, title=None, updated=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None): self.feedLink = feedLink self.lastViewed = lastViewed self.lastModifiedBy = lastModifiedBy self.resourceId = resourceId self.writersCanInvite = writersCanInvite gdata.GDataEntry.__init__( self, author=author, category=category, content=content, atom_id=atom_id, link=link, published=published, title=title, updated=updated, extension_elements=extension_elements, extension_attributes=extension_attributes, text=text)
def GetAclLink(self): """Extracts the DocListEntry's <gd:feedLink>.
Returns: A FeedLink object. """ return self.feedLink
def GetDocumentType(self): """Extracts the type of document from the DocListEntry.
This method returns the type of document the DocListEntry represents. Possible values are document, presentation, spreadsheet, folder, or pdf.
Returns: A string representing the type of document. """ if self.category: for category in self.category: if category.scheme == gdata.GDATA_NAMESPACE + '#kind': return category.label else: return None
def DocumentListEntryFromString(xml_string): """Converts an XML string into a DocumentListEntry object.
Args: xml_string: string The XML describing a Document List feed entry.
Returns: A DocumentListEntry object corresponding to the given XML. """ return atom.CreateClassFromXMLString(DocumentListEntry, xml_string)
class DocumentListAclEntry(gdata.GDataEntry): """A DocList ACL Entry flavor of an Atom Entry"""
_tag = gdata.GDataEntry._tag _namespace = gdata.GDataEntry._namespace _children = gdata.GDataEntry._children.copy() _attributes = gdata.GDataEntry._attributes.copy() _children['{%s}scope' % gdata.GACL_NAMESPACE] = ('scope', Scope) _children['{%s}role' % gdata.GACL_NAMESPACE] = ('role', Role)
def __init__(self, category=None, atom_id=None, link=None, title=None, updated=None, scope=None, role=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None, text=None): gdata.GDataEntry.__init__(self, author=None, category=category, content=None, atom_id=atom_id, link=link, published=None, title=title, updated=updated, text=None) self.scope = scope self.role = role
def DocumentListAclEntryFromString(xml_string): """Converts an XML string into a DocumentListAclEntry object.
Args: xml_string: string The XML describing a Document List ACL feed entry.
Returns: A DocumentListAclEntry object corresponding to the given XML. """ return atom.CreateClassFromXMLString(DocumentListAclEntry, xml_string)
class DocumentListFeed(gdata.GDataFeed): """A feed containing a list of Google Documents Items"""
_tag = gdata.GDataFeed._tag _namespace = atom.ATOM_NAMESPACE _children = gdata.GDataFeed._children.copy() _attributes = gdata.GDataFeed._attributes.copy() _children['{%s}entry' % atom.ATOM_NAMESPACE] = ('entry', [DocumentListEntry])
def DocumentListFeedFromString(xml_string): """Converts an XML string into a DocumentListFeed object.
Args: xml_string: string The XML describing a DocumentList feed.
Returns: A DocumentListFeed object corresponding to the given XML. """ return atom.CreateClassFromXMLString(DocumentListFeed, xml_string)
class DocumentListAclFeed(gdata.GDataFeed): """A DocList ACL feed flavor of a Atom feed"""
_tag = gdata.GDataFeed._tag _namespace = atom.ATOM_NAMESPACE _children = gdata.GDataFeed._children.copy() _attributes = gdata.GDataFeed._attributes.copy() _children['{%s}entry' % atom.ATOM_NAMESPACE] = ('entry', [DocumentListAclEntry])
def DocumentListAclFeedFromString(xml_string): """Converts an XML string into a DocumentListAclFeed object.
Args: xml_string: string The XML describing a DocumentList feed.
Returns: A DocumentListFeed object corresponding to the given XML. """ return atom.CreateClassFromXMLString(DocumentListAclFeed, xml_string)