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# -*- test-case-name: epsilon.test.test_amprouter -*- # Copyright (c) 2008 Divmod. See LICENSE for details.
""" This module provides an implementation of I{Routes}, a system for multiplexing multiple L{IBoxReceiver}/I{IBoxSender} pairs over a single L{AMP} connection. """
from itertools import count
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.protocols.amp import IBoxReceiver, IBoxSender
from epsilon.structlike import record
__metaclass__ = type
_ROUTE = '_route' _unspecified = object()
class RouteNotConnected(Exception): """ An attempt was made to send AMP boxes through a L{Route} which is not yet connected to anything. """
class Route(record('router receiver localRouteName remoteRouteName', remoteRouteName=_unspecified)): """ Wrap up a route name and a box sender to transparently add the route name to boxes sent through this box sender.
@ivar router: The L{Router} which created this route. This will be used for route tear down and for its L{IBoxSender}, to send boxes.
@ivar receiver: The receiver which will be started with this object as its sender.
@type localRouteName: C{unicode} @ivar localRouteName: The name of this route as known by the other side of the AMP connection. AMP boxes with this route are expected to be routed to this object.
@type remoteRouteName: C{unicode} or L{NoneType} @ivar remoteRouteName: The name of the route which will be added to all boxes sent to this sender. If C{None}, no route will be added. """ implements(IBoxSender)
def connectTo(self, remoteRouteName): """ Set the name of the route which will be added to outgoing boxes. """ self.remoteRouteName = remoteRouteName # This route must not be started before its router is started. If # sender is None, then the router is not started. When the router is # started, it will start this route. if self.router._sender is not None: self.start()
def unbind(self): """ Remove the association between this route and its router. """ del self.router._routes[self.localRouteName]
def start(self): """ Associate this object with a receiver as its L{IBoxSender}. """ self.receiver.startReceivingBoxes(self)
def stop(self, reason): """ Shut down the underlying receiver. """ self.receiver.stopReceivingBoxes(reason)
def sendBox(self, box): """ Add the route and send the box. """ if self.remoteRouteName is _unspecified: raise RouteNotConnected() if self.remoteRouteName is not None: box[_ROUTE] = self.remoteRouteName.encode('ascii') self.router._sender.sendBox(box)
def unhandledError(self, failure): """ Pass failures through to the wrapped L{IBoxSender} without modification. """ self.router._sender.unhandledError(failure)
class Router: """ An L{IBoxReceiver} implementation which demultiplexes boxes from an AMP connection being used with zero, one, or more routes.
@ivar _sender: An L{IBoxSender} provider which is used to allow L{IBoxReceiver}s added to this router to send boxes.
@ivar _unstarted: A C{dict} similar to C{_routes} set before C{startReceivingBoxes} is called and containing all routes which have been added but not yet started. These are started and moved to the C{_routes} dict when the router is started.
@ivar _routes: A C{dict} mapping local route identifiers to L{IBoxReceivers} associated with them. This is only initialized after C{startReceivingBoxes} is called.
@ivar _routeCounter: A L{itertools.count} instance used to generate unique identifiers for routes in this router. """ implements(IBoxReceiver)
_routes = None _sender = None
def __init__(self): self._routeCounter = count() self._unstarted = {}
def createRouteIdentifier(self): """ Return a route identifier which is not yet associated with a route on this dispatcher.
@rtype: C{unicode} """ return unicode(
def bindRoute(self, receiver, routeName=_unspecified): """ Create a new route to associate the given route name with the given receiver.
@type routeName: C{unicode} or L{NoneType} @param routeName: The identifier for the newly created route. If C{None}, boxes with no route in them will be delivered to this receiver.
@rtype: L{Route} """ if routeName is _unspecified: routeName = self.createRouteIdentifier() # self._sender may yet be None; if so, this route goes into _unstarted # and will have its sender set correctly in startReceivingBoxes below. route = Route(self, receiver, routeName) mapping = self._routes if mapping is None: mapping = self._unstarted mapping[routeName] = route return route
def startReceivingBoxes(self, sender): """ Initialize route tracking objects. """ self._sender = sender for routeName, route in self._unstarted.iteritems(): # Any route which has been bound but which does not yet have a # remote route name should not yet be started. These will be # started in Route.connectTo. if route.remoteRouteName is not _unspecified: route.start() self._routes = self._unstarted self._unstarted = None
def ampBoxReceived(self, box): """ Dispatch the given box to the L{IBoxReceiver} associated with the route indicated by the box, or handle it directly if there is no route. """ route = box.pop(_ROUTE, None) self._routes[route].receiver.ampBoxReceived(box)
def stopReceivingBoxes(self, reason): """ Stop all the L{IBoxReceiver}s which have been added to this router. """ for routeName, route in self._routes.iteritems(): route.stop(reason) self._routes = None
__all__ = ['Router', 'Route']