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# Copyright 2005 Divmod, Inc.  See LICENSE file for details

from epsilon import juice
from epsilon.test import iosim
from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.internet import protocol, defer

class TestProto(protocol.Protocol):
    def __init__(self, onConnLost, dataToSend):
        self.onConnLost = onConnLost
        self.dataToSend = dataToSend

    def connectionMade(self):
        self.data = []

    def dataReceived(self, bytes):

    def connectionLost(self, reason):

class SimpleSymmetricProtocol(juice.Juice):

    def sendHello(self, text):
        return self.sendCommand("hello",

    def sendGoodbye(self):
        return self.sendCommand("goodbye")

    def juice_HELLO(self, box):
        return juice.Box(hello=box['hello'])

    def juice_GOODBYE(self, box):
        return juice.QuitBox(goodbye='world')

class UnfriendlyGreeting(Exception):
    """Greeting was insufficiently kind.

class UnknownProtocol(Exception):
    """Asked to switch to the wrong protocol.

class Hello(juice.Command):
    commandName = 'hello'
    arguments = [('hello', juice.String())]
    response = [('hello', juice.String())]

    errors = {UnfriendlyGreeting: 'UNFRIENDLY'}

class Goodbye(juice.Command):
    commandName = 'goodbye'
    responseType = juice.QuitBox

class GetList(juice.Command):
    commandName = 'getlist'
    arguments = [('length', juice.Integer())]
    response = [('body', juice.JuiceList([('x', juice.Integer())]))]

class TestSwitchProto(juice.ProtocolSwitchCommand):
    commandName = 'Switch-Proto'

    arguments = [
        ('name', juice.String()),
    errors = {UnknownProtocol: 'UNKNOWN'}

class SingleUseFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
    def __init__(self, proto):
        self.proto = proto

    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
        p, self.proto = self.proto, None
        return p

class SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol(juice.Juice):
    maybeLater = None
    def __init__(self, issueGreeting, onConnLost=None):
        juice.Juice.__init__(self, issueGreeting)
        self.onConnLost = onConnLost

    def sendHello(self, text):
        return Hello(hello=text).do(self)
    def sendGoodbye(self):
        return Goodbye().do(self)
    def command_HELLO(self, hello):
        if hello.startswith('fuck'):
            raise UnfriendlyGreeting("Don't be a dick.")
        return dict(hello=hello)
    def command_GETLIST(self, length):
        return {'body': [dict(x=1)] * length}
    def command_GOODBYE(self):
        return dict(goodbye='world')
    command_HELLO.command = Hello
    command_GOODBYE.command = Goodbye
    command_GETLIST.command = GetList

    def switchToTestProtocol(self):
        p = TestProto(self.onConnLost, SWITCH_CLIENT_DATA)
        return TestSwitchProto(SingleUseFactory(p), name='test-proto').do(self).addCallback(lambda ign: p)

    def command_SWITCH_PROTO(self, name):
        if name == 'test-proto':
            return TestProto(self.onConnLost, SWITCH_SERVER_DATA)
        raise UnknownProtocol(name)

    command_SWITCH_PROTO.command = TestSwitchProto

class DeferredSymmetricCommandProtocol(SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol):
    def command_SWITCH_PROTO(self, name):
        if name == 'test-proto':
            self.maybeLaterProto = TestProto(self.onConnLost, SWITCH_SERVER_DATA)
            self.maybeLater = defer.Deferred()
            return self.maybeLater
        raise UnknownProtocol(name)

    command_SWITCH_PROTO.command = TestSwitchProto

class SSPF: protocol = SimpleSymmetricProtocol
class SSSF(SSPF, protocol.ServerFactory): pass
class SSCF(SSPF, protocol.ClientFactory): pass

def connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass=lambda: SimpleSymmetricProtocol(True),
                             ClientClass=lambda: SimpleSymmetricProtocol(False),
                             *a, **kw):
    """Returns a 3-tuple: (client, server, pump)
    return iosim.connectedServerAndClient(
        ServerClass, ClientClass,
        *a, **kw)

class TotallyDumbProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
    buf = ''
    def dataReceived(self, data):
        self.buf += data

class LiteralJuice(juice.Juice):
    def __init__(self, issueGreeting):
        juice.Juice.__init__(self, issueGreeting)
        self.boxes = []

    def juiceBoxReceived(self, box):

class LiteralParsingTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def testBasicRequestResponse(self):
        c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient(ClientClass=TotallyDumbProtocol)
        HELLO = 'abcdefg'
        ASKTOK = 'hand-crafted-ask'
        c.transport.write(("""-Command: HeLlO
-Ask: %s
Hello: %s
World: this header is ignored

""" % (ASKTOK, HELLO,)).replace('\n','\r\n'))
        asserts = {'hello': HELLO,
                   '-answer': ASKTOK}
        hdrs = [j.split(': ') for j in c.buf.split('\r\n')[:-2]]
        self.assertEquals(len(asserts), len(hdrs))
        for hdr in hdrs:
            k, v = hdr
            self.assertEquals(v, asserts[k.lower()])

    def testParsingRoundTrip(self):
        c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient(ClientClass=lambda: LiteralJuice(False),
                                           ServerClass=lambda: LiteralJuice(True))

        SIMPLE = ('simple', 'test')
        CE = ('ceq', ': ')
        CR = ('crtest', 'test\r')
        LF = ('lftest', 'hello\n')
        NEWLINE = ('newline', 'test\r\none\r\ntwo')
        NEWLINE2 = ('newline2', 'test\r\none\r\n two')
        BLANKLINE = ('newline3', 'test\r\n\r\nblank\r\n\r\nline')
        BODYTEST = (juice.BODY, 'blah\r\n\r\ntesttest')

        testData = [
            [SIMPLE, BODYTEST],
            [SIMPLE, CE],
            [SIMPLE, CR],
            [SIMPLE, CE, CR, LF],
            [CE, CR, LF],
            [SIMPLE, NEWLINE, CE, NEWLINE2],

        for test in testData:
            jb = juice.Box()
            self.assertEquals(s.boxes[-1], jb)

SWITCH_SERVER_DATA = 'No, really.  Success.'

class AppLevelTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def testHelloWorld(self):
        c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient()
        L = []
        HELLO = 'world'
        self.assertEquals(L[0]['hello'], HELLO)

    def testHelloWorldCommand(self):
        c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient(
            ServerClass=lambda: SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol(True),
            ClientClass=lambda: SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol(False))
        L = []
        HELLO = 'world'
        self.assertEquals(L[0]['hello'], HELLO)

    def testHelloErrorHandling(self):
        c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass=lambda: SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol(True),
                                           ClientClass=lambda: SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol(False))
        HELLO = 'fuck you'
        self.assertEquals(str(L[0].value), "Don't be a dick.")

    def testJuiceListCommand(self):
        c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass=lambda: SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol(True),
                                           ClientClass=lambda: SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol(False))
        L = []
        values = L.pop().get('body')
        self.assertEquals(values, [{'x': 1}] * 10)

    def testFailEarlyOnArgSending(self):
        okayCommand = Hello(Hello="What?")
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, Hello)

    def testSupportsVersion1(self):
        c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass=lambda: juice.Juice(True),
                                           ClientClass=lambda: juice.Juice(False))
        negotiatedVersion = []
        self.assertEquals(negotiatedVersion[0], 1)
        self.assertEquals(c.protocolVersion, 1)
        self.assertEquals(s.protocolVersion, 1)

    def testProtocolSwitch(self, switcher=SimpleSymmetricCommandProtocol):
        self.testSucceeded = False

        serverDeferred = defer.Deferred()
        serverProto = switcher(True, serverDeferred)
        clientDeferred = defer.Deferred()
        clientProto = switcher(False, clientDeferred)
        c, s, p = connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass=lambda: serverProto,
                                           ClientClass=lambda: clientProto)

        switchDeferred = c.switchToTestProtocol()

        def cbConnsLost(((serverSuccess, serverData), (clientSuccess, clientData))):
            self.assertEquals(''.join(serverData), SWITCH_CLIENT_DATA)
            self.assertEquals(''.join(clientData), SWITCH_SERVER_DATA)
            self.testSucceeded = True

        def cbSwitch(proto):
            return defer.DeferredList([serverDeferred, clientDeferred]).addCallback(cbConnsLost)

        if serverProto.maybeLater is not None:

    def testProtocolSwitchDeferred(self):
        return self.testProtocolSwitch(switcher=DeferredSymmetricCommandProtocol)

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019] maintained by KaizenLouie | C99Shell Github | Generation time: 0.0161 ]--