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""" Tests for L{epsilon.caseless}. """
import sys from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from epsilon.caseless import Caseless
class CaselessTestCase(TestCase): """ Tests for L{Caseless}. """
def _casings(s): """ Generate variously cased versions of the given string. """ yield s.lower() yield s.upper() yield s.title() yield s.title().swapcase() _casings = staticmethod(_casings)
def _strings(self): """ Generate a variety of C{str} and C{unicode} test samples. """ for t in [str, unicode]: yield t() for s in self._casings('foo'): yield t(s)
def test_cased(self): """ L{Caseless} should expose the wrapped string as C{cased}. """ for s in self._strings(): self.assertIdentical(Caseless(s).cased, s)
def test_idempotence(self): """ L{Caseless} should be idempotent. """ for s in self._strings(): self.assertIdentical(Caseless(Caseless(s)).cased, s)
def test_repr(self): """ L{Caseless} should implement L{repr}. """ for s in self._strings(): self.assertEquals(repr(Caseless(s)), 'Caseless(%r)' % s)
def test_str(self): """ L{Caseless} should delegate L{str}. """ for s in self._strings(): self.assertEquals(str(Caseless(s)), str(s))
def test_unicode(self): """ L{Caseless} should delegate L{unicode}. """ for s in self._strings(): self.assertEquals(unicode(Caseless(s)), unicode(s))
def test_len(self): """ L{Caseless} should delegate L{len}. """ for s in self._strings(): self.assertEquals(len(Caseless(s)), len(s))
def test_getitem(self): """ L{Caseless} should delegate indexing/slicing. """ for s in self._strings(): for i in xrange(len(s)): self.assertEquals(Caseless(s)[i], s[i]) self.assertEquals(Caseless(s)[:i], s[:i]) self.assertEquals(Caseless(s)[i:], s[i:]) self.assertEquals(Caseless(s)[::-1], s[::-1])
def test_iter(self): """ L{Caseless} should delegate L{iter}. """ for s in self._strings(): self.assertEquals(list(iter(Caseless(s))), list(iter(s)))
def test_lower(self): """ L{Caseless} should delegate C{lower}. """ for s in self._strings(): self.assertEquals(Caseless(s).lower(), s.lower())
def test_upper(self): """ L{Caseless} should delegate C{upper}. """ for s in self._strings(): self.assertEquals(Caseless(s).upper(), s.upper())
def test_title(self): """ L{Caseless} should delegate C{title}. """ for s in self._strings(): self.assertEquals(Caseless(s).title(), s.title())
def test_swapcase(self): """ L{Caseless} should delegate C{swapcase}. """ for s in self._strings(): self.assertEquals(Caseless(s).swapcase(), s.swapcase())
def test_comparison(self): """ L{Caseless} should implement comparison and hashing case-insensitively. """ for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abc')): for b in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abc')): self.assertEquals(a, b) self.assertEquals(hash(a), hash(b)) self.assertEquals(cmp(a, b), 0) for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abc')): for b in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abd')): self.assertNotEquals(a, b) self.assertNotEquals(hash(a), hash(b)) self.assertEquals(cmp(a, b), -1)
def test_contains(self): """ L{Caseless} should search for substrings case-insensitively. """ for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abc')): for b in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'{{{abc}}}')): self.assertIn(a, b) for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abc')): for b in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'{{{abd}}}')): self.assertNotIn(a, b)
def test_startswith(self): """ L{Caseless} should implement C{startswith} case-insensitively. """ for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abcbabcba')): for b in self._casings(u'abc'): self.assertTrue(a.startswith(b)) self.assertTrue(a.startswith(b, 4)) self.assertFalse(a.startswith(b, 2)) self.assertFalse(a.startswith(b, 4, 6)) for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abcbabcba')): for b in self._casings(u'cba'): self.assertFalse(a.startswith(b)) self.assertFalse(a.startswith(b, 4)) self.assertTrue(a.startswith(b, 2)) self.assertFalse(a.startswith(b, 4, 6))
def test_endswith(self): """ L{Caseless} should implement C{endswith} case-insensitively. """ for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abcbabcba')): for b in self._casings(u'cba'): self.assertTrue(a.endswith(b)) self.assertTrue(a.endswith(b, 0, 5)) self.assertFalse(a.endswith(b, 0, 3)) self.assertFalse(a.endswith(b, 7)) for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abcbabcba')): for b in self._casings(u'abc'): self.assertFalse(a.endswith(b)) self.assertFalse(a.endswith(b, 0, 5)) self.assertTrue(a.endswith(b, 0, 3)) self.assertFalse(a.endswith(b, 7))
def test_startswithTuple(self): """ L{test_startswith} with tuple arguments. """ for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abcbabcba')): for b in self._casings(u'abc'): self.assertTrue(a.startswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'))) self.assertTrue(a.startswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'), 4)) self.assertFalse(a.startswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'), 2)) self.assertFalse(a.startswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'), 4, 6)) for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abcbabcba')): for b in self._casings(u'cba'): self.assertFalse(a.startswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'))) self.assertFalse(a.startswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'), 4)) self.assertTrue(a.startswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'), 2)) self.assertFalse(a.startswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'), 4, 6))
def test_endswithTuple(self): """ L{test_endswith} with tuple arguments. """ for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abcbabcba')): for b in self._casings(u'cba'): self.assertTrue(a.endswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'))) self.assertTrue(a.endswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'), 0, 5)) self.assertFalse(a.endswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'), 0, 3)) self.assertFalse(a.endswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'), 7)) for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abcbabcba')): for b in self._casings(u'abc'): self.assertFalse(a.endswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'))) self.assertFalse(a.endswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'), 0, 5)) self.assertTrue(a.endswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'), 0, 3)) self.assertFalse(a.endswith((u'foo', b, u'bar'), 7))
if sys.version_info < (2, 5): test_startswithTuple.skip = test_endswithTuple.skip = ( 'Tuple arguments implemented in Python 2.5')
def test_count(self): """ L{Caseless} should implement C{count} case-insensitively. """ for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abcbabcba')): self.assertEquals(a.count(u'foo'), 0) for b in self._casings(u'cba'): self.assertEquals(a.count(b), 2) self.assertEquals(a.count(b, 2), 2) self.assertEquals(a.count(b, 3), 1) self.assertEquals(a.count(b, 0, 4), 0)
def test_findindex(self): """ L{Caseless} should implement C{find}/C{index} case-insensitively. """ def assertFound(a, b, result, rest=()): self.assertEquals(a.find(b, *rest), result) self.assertEquals(a.index(b, *rest), result) def assertNotFound(a, b, rest=()): self.assertEquals(a.find(b, *rest), -1) err = self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: a.index(b, *rest)) self.assertEquals(str(err), 'substring not found')
for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abcbabcba')): assertNotFound(a, u'foo') for b in self._casings(u'abc'): assertFound(a, b, result=0) assertFound(a, b, rest=(1,), result=4) assertNotFound(a, b, rest=(1, 6))
def test_rfindindex(self): """ L{Caseless} should implement C{rfind}/C{rindex} case-insensitively. """ def assertFound(a, b, result, rest=()): self.assertEquals(a.rfind(b, *rest), result) self.assertEquals(a.rindex(b, *rest), result) def assertNotFound(a, b, rest=()): self.assertEquals(a.rfind(b, *rest), -1) err = self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: a.rindex(b, *rest)) self.assertEquals(str(err), 'substring not found')
for a in map(Caseless, self._casings(u'abcbabcba')): assertNotFound(a, u'foo') for b in self._casings(u'cba'): assertFound(a, b, result=6) assertFound(a, b, rest=(0, 8), result=2) assertNotFound(a, b, rest=(7,))
__doctests__ = ['epsilon.caseless']