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"""Utilities and helpers for simulating a network """
from cStringIO import StringIO
from twisted.internet import error
from epsilon.test import utils
def readAndDestroy(iodata): try: result = iodata.truncate() except ValueError: print '<bug in FileTransport, early close>' result = '' return result
class IOPump: """Utility to pump data between clients and servers for protocol testing.
Perhaps this is a utility worthy of being in """ def __init__(self, client, server, clientIO, serverIO, debug): self.client = client self.server = server self.clientIO = clientIO self.serverIO = serverIO self.debug = debug
def flush(self, debug=False): """Pump until there is no more input or output.
Returns whether any data was moved. """ result = False for x in range(1000): if self.pump(debug): result = True else: break else: assert 0, "Too long" return result
def pump(self, debug=False): """Move data back and forth.
Returns whether any data was moved. """ if self.debug or debug: print '-- GLUG --' sData = readAndDestroy(self.serverIO) cData = readAndDestroy(self.clientIO) self.client.transport._checkProducer() self.server.transport._checkProducer() if self.debug or debug: print '.' # XXX slightly buggy in the face of incremental output if cData: for line in cData.split('\r\n'): print 'C: '+line if sData: for line in sData.split('\r\n'): print 'S: '+line if cData: self.server.dataReceived(cData) if sData: self.client.dataReceived(sData) if cData or sData: return True if self.server.transport.disconnecting and not self.server.transport.disconnected: if self.debug or debug: print '* C' self.server.transport.disconnected = True self.client.transport.disconnecting = True self.client.connectionLost(error.ConnectionDone("Connection done")) return True if self.client.transport.disconnecting and not self.client.transport.disconnected: if self.debug or debug: print '* S' self.client.transport.disconnected = True self.server.transport.disconnecting = True self.server.connectionLost(error.ConnectionDone("Connection done")) return True return False
def connectedServerAndClient(ServerClass, ClientClass, clientTransportWrapper=utils.FileWrapper, serverTransportWrapper=utils.FileWrapper, debug=False): """Returns a 3-tuple: (client, server, pump) """ c = ClientClass() s = ServerClass() cio = StringIO() sio = StringIO() c.makeConnection(clientTransportWrapper(cio)) s.makeConnection(serverTransportWrapper(sio)) pump = IOPump(c, s, cio, sio, debug) # kick off server greeting, etc pump.flush() return c, s, pump