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# -*- test-case-name: epsilon.test.test_benchmark -*-
""" Functions for running a Python file in a child process and recording resource usage information and other statistics about it. """
import os, time, sys, socket, StringIO, pprint, errno
import twisted from twisted.python import log, filepath, failure, util from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol, error, defer from twisted.protocols import policies
import epsilon from epsilon import structlike
from epsilon import juice from epsilon.test import utils
class diskstat(structlike.record( 'readCount mergedReadCount readSectorCount readMilliseconds ' 'writeCount mergedWriteCount writeSectorCount writeMilliseconds ' 'outstandingIOCount ioMilliseconds weightedIOMilliseconds')): """ Represent the I/O stats of a single device, as reported by Linux's disk stats. """
class partitionstat(structlike.record( 'readCount readSectorCount writeCount writeSectorCount')): """ Like diskstat, but for a partition. Less information is made available by Linux for partitions, so this has fewer attributes. """
def parseDiskStatLine(L): """ Parse a single line from C{/proc/diskstats} into a two-tuple of the name of the device to which it corresponds (ie 'hda') and an instance of the appropriate record type (either L{partitionstat} or L{diskstat}). """ parts = L.split() device = parts[2] if len(parts) == 7: factory = partitionstat else: factory = diskstat return device, factory(*map(int, parts[3:]))
def parseDiskStats(fObj): """ Parse a file-like object containing lines formatted like those in C{/proc/diskstats}. Yield two-tuples of information for each line. """ for L in fObj: yield parseDiskStatLine(L)
def captureStats(): """ Parse the current contents of C{/proc/diskstats} into a dict mapping device names to instances of the appropriate stat record. """ return dict(parseDiskStats(file('/proc/diskstats')))
class ResourceSnapshot(structlike.record('time disk partition size')): """ Represents the state of some resources on the system at a particular moment in time.
@ivar time: The time at which the stats associated with this instance were recorded.
@ivar disk: A C{diskstat} instance created from stats available that the given time.
@ivar partition: A C{diskstat} instance created from stats available that the given time.
@ivar size: Total size of all files beneath a particular directory. """
class ProcessDied(Exception): """ Encapsulates process state and failure mode. """ def __init__(self, exitCode, signal, status, output): self.exitCode = exitCode self.signal = signal self.status = status self.output = output Exception.__init__(self)
class BasicProcess(protocol.ProcessProtocol, policies.TimeoutMixin): """ The simplest possible process protocol. It doesn't do anything except what is absolutely mandatory of any conceivable ProcessProtocol. """ timedOut = False
def __init__(self, whenFinished, path): self.whenFinished = whenFinished self.path = path self.output = []
def connectionMade(self): self.setTimeout(900.0)
def timeoutConnection(self): self.timedOut = True self.transport.signalProcess('KILL')
def childDataReceived(self, childFD, data): self.resetTimeout() self.output.append((childFD, data))
def childConnectionLost(self, childFD): self.resetTimeout() self.output.append((childFD, None))
def processEnded(self, reason): # XXX Okay, I'm a liar. This doesn't do everything. Strictly speaking # we shouldn't fire completion notification until the process has # terminated *and* the file descriptors have all been closed. We're # not supporting passing file descriptors from the child to a # grandchild here, though. Don't Do It. d, self.whenFinished = self.whenFinished, None o, self.output = self.output, None if reason.check(error.ProcessDone): d.callback((self, reason.value.status, o)) elif self.timedOut: d.errback(error.TimeoutError()) elif reason.check(error.ProcessTerminated): d.errback(failure.Failure(ProcessDied( reason.value.exitCode, reason.value.signal, reason.value.status, o))) else: d.errback(reason.value) self.setTimeout(None)
def spawn(cls, executable, args, path, env, spawnProcess=None): """ Run an executable with some arguments in the given working directory with the given environment variables.
Returns a Deferred which fires with a two-tuple of (exit status, output list) if the process terminates without timing out or being killed by a signal. Otherwise, the Deferred errbacks with either L{error.TimeoutError} if any 10 minute period passes with no events or L{ProcessDied} if it is killed by a signal.
On success, the output list is of two-tuples of (file descriptor, bytes). """ d = defer.Deferred() proto = cls(d, filepath.FilePath(path)) if spawnProcess is None: spawnProcess = reactor.spawnProcess spawnProcess( proto, executable, [executable] + args, path=path, env=env, childFDs={0: 'w', 1: 'r', 2: 'r', cls.BACKCHANNEL_OUT: 'r', cls.BACKCHANNEL_IN: 'w'}) return d spawn = classmethod(spawn)
class Change(object): """ Stores two ResourceSnapshots taken at two different times. """ def start(self, path, disk, partition): # Do these three things as explicit, separate statments to make sure # gathering disk stats isn't accidentally included in the duration. startSize = getSize(path) beforeDiskStats = captureStats() startTime = time.time() self.before = ResourceSnapshot( time=startTime, disk=beforeDiskStats.get(disk, None), partition=beforeDiskStats.get(partition, None), size=startSize)
def stop(self, path, disk, partition): # Do these three things as explicit, separate statments to make sure # gathering disk stats isn't accidentally included in the duration. endTime = time.time() afterDiskStats = captureStats() endSize = getSize(path) self.after = ResourceSnapshot( time=endTime, disk=afterDiskStats.get(disk, None), partition=afterDiskStats.get(partition, None), size=endSize)
class BenchmarkProcess(BasicProcess):
START = '\0' STOP = '\1'
def __init__(self, *a, **kw): BasicProcess.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
# Figure out where the process is running. self.partition = discoverCurrentWorkingDevice().split('/')[-1] self.disk = self.partition.rstrip('0123456789')
# Keep track of stats for the entire process run. self.overallChange = Change() self.overallChange.start(self.path, self.disk, self.partition)
# Just keep track of stats between START and STOP events. self.benchmarkChange = Change()
def connectionMade(self): return BasicProcess.connectionMade(self)
def startTiming(self): self.benchmarkChange.start(self.path, self.disk, self.partition) self.transport.writeToChild(self.BACKCHANNEL_IN, self.START)
def stopTiming(self): self.benchmarkChange.stop(self.path, self.disk, self.partition) self.transport.writeToChild(self.BACKCHANNEL_IN, self.STOP)
def childDataReceived(self, childFD, data): if childFD == self.BACKCHANNEL_OUT: self.resetTimeout() for byte in data: if byte == self.START: self.startTiming() elif byte == self.STOP: self.stopTiming() else: self.transport.signalProcess('QUIT') else: return BasicProcess.childDataReceived(self, childFD, data)
def processEnded(self, reason): self.overallChange.stop(self.path, self.disk, self.partition) return BasicProcess.processEnded(self, reason)
STATS_VERSION = 0 class Results(juice.Command): commandName = 'Result' arguments = [ # Stats version - change this whenever the meaning of something changes # or a field is added or removed. ('version', juice.Integer()),
# If an error occurred while collecting these stats - this probably # means they're bogus. ('error', juice.Boolean()),
# If a particular timeout (See BasicProcess.connectionMade) elapsed # with no events whatsoever from the benchmark process. ('timeout', juice.Boolean()),
# A unique name identifying the benchmark for which these are stats. ('name', juice.Unicode()),
# The name of the benchmark associated with these stats. ('host', juice.Unicode()),
# The sector size of the disk on which these stats were collected # (sectors are a gross lie, this is really the block size, and # everything else that talks about sectors is really talking about # blocks). ('sector_size', juice.Integer()),
# Hex version info for the Python which generated these stats. ('python_version', juice.Unicode()),
# Twisted SVN revision number used to generate these stats. ('twisted_version', juice.Unicode()),
# Divmod SVN revision number used to generate these stats. ('divmod_version', juice.Unicode()),
# Number of seconds between process startup and termination. ('elapsed', juice.Float()),
# Size, in bytes, of the directory in which the child process was run. ('filesystem_growth', juice.Integer()),
# Number of reads issued on the partition over the lifetime of the # child process. This may include reads from other processes, if any # were active on the same disk when the stats were collected. ('read_count', juice.Integer(optional=True)),
# Number of sectors which were read from the partition over the # lifetime of the child process. Same caveat as above. ('read_sectors', juice.Integer(optional=True)),
# Number of writes issued to the partition over the lifetime of the # child process. Same caveat as above. ('write_count', juice.Integer(optional=True)),
# Number of sectors which were written to the partition over the # lifetime of the child process. Same caveat as above. ('write_sectors', juice.Integer(optional=True)),
# Number of milliseconds spent blocked on reading from the disk over # the lifetime of the child process. Same caveat as above. ('read_ms', juice.Integer(optional=True)),
# Number of milliseconds spent blocked on writing to the disk over the # lifetime of the child process. Same caveat as above. ('write_ms', juice.Integer(optional=True)), ]
hostname = socket.gethostname() assert hostname != 'localhost', "Fix your computro."
def formatResults(name, sectorSize, before, after, error, timeout): output = StringIO.StringIO() jj = juice.Juice(issueGreeting=False) tt = utils.FileWrapper(output) jj.makeConnection(tt)
if after.partition is not None: read_count = after.partition.readCount - before.partition.readCount read_sectors = after.partition.readSectorCount - before.partition.readSectorCount write_count = after.partition.writeCount - before.partition.writeCount write_sectors = after.partition.writeSectorCount - before.partition.writeSectorCount else: read_count = None read_sectors = None write_count = None write_sectors = None
if after.disk is not None: read_ms = after.disk.readMilliseconds - before.disk.readMilliseconds write_ms = after.disk.writeMilliseconds - before.disk.writeMilliseconds else: read_ms = None write_ms = None
twisted_version = twisted.version._getSVNVersion() if twisted_version is None: twisted_version = twisted.version.short() epsilon_version = epsilon.version._getSVNVersion() if epsilon_version is None: epsilon_version = epsilon.version.short()
Results( version=STATS_VERSION, error=error, timeout=timeout, name=name, host=hostname, elapsed=after.time - before.time, sector_size=sectorSize, read_count=read_count, read_sectors=read_sectors, read_ms=read_ms, write_count=write_count, write_sectors=write_sectors, write_ms=write_ms, filesystem_growth=after.size - before.size, python_version=unicode(sys.hexversion), twisted_version=twisted_version, divmod_version=epsilon_version, ).do(jj, requiresAnswer=False) return output.getvalue()
def reportResults(results): print results print fObj = file('output', 'ab') fObj.write(results) fObj.close()
def discoverCurrentWorkingDevice(): """ Return a short string naming the device which backs the current working directory, ie C{/dev/hda1}. """ possibilities = [] cwd = os.getcwd() for L in file('/proc/mounts'): parts = L.split() if cwd.startswith(parts[1]): possibilities.append((len(parts[1]), parts[0])) possibilities.sort() return possibilities[-1][-1]
def getSize(p): """ @type p: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath} @return: The size, in bytes, of the given path and all its children. """ return sum(getOneSize(ch) for ch in p.walk())
def getOneSize(ch): """ @type ch: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath} @return: The size, in bytes, of the given path only. """ try: return ch.getsize() except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # XXX FilePath is broken if os.path.islink(ch.path): return len(os.readlink(ch.path)) else: raise else: raise
def getSectorSize(p): return os.statvfs(p.path).f_bsize
def _bench(name, workingPath, function): d = function() def later(result): err = timeout = False if isinstance(result, failure.Failure): err = True if result.check(error.TimeoutError): log.msg("Failing because timeout!") timeout = True elif result.check(ProcessDied): log.msg("Failing because Failure!") pprint.pprint(result.value.output) print result.value.exitCode, result.value.signal else: log.err(result) else: proto, status, output = result stderr = [bytes for (fd, bytes) in output if fd == 2] if status or stderr != [None]: err = True log.msg("Failing because stderr or bad status") pprint.pprint(result)
for n, change in [(name + '-overall', proto.overallChange), (name + '-benchmark', proto.benchmarkChange)]: reportResults(formatResults( n, getSectorSize(workingPath), change.before, change.after, err, timeout))
return d.addBoth(later)
def bench(name, path, func): log.startLogging(sys.stdout) log.msg("Running " + name)
d = _bench(name, path, func) d.addErrback(log.err) d.addCallback(lambda ign: reactor.stop())
def makeBenchmarkRunner(path, args): """ Make a function that will run two Python processes serially: first one which calls the setup function from the given file, then one which calls the execute function from the given file. """ def runner(): return BenchmarkProcess.spawn( executable=sys.executable, args=['-Wignore'] + args, path=path.path, env=os.environ) return runner
def start(): """ Start recording stats. Call this from a benchmark script when your setup is done. Call this at most once.
@raise RuntimeError: Raised if the parent process responds with anything other than an acknowledgement of this message. """ os.write(BenchmarkProcess.BACKCHANNEL_OUT, BenchmarkProcess.START) response = util.untilConcludes(, BenchmarkProcess.BACKCHANNEL_IN, 1) if response != BenchmarkProcess.START: raise RuntimeError( "Parent process responded with %r instead of START " % (response,))
def stop(): """ Stop recording stats. Call this from a benchmark script when the code you want benchmarked has finished. Call this exactly the same number of times you call L{start} and only after calling it.
@raise RuntimeError: Raised if the parent process responds with anything other than an acknowledgement of this message. """ os.write(BenchmarkProcess.BACKCHANNEL_OUT, BenchmarkProcess.STOP) response = util.untilConcludes(, BenchmarkProcess.BACKCHANNEL_IN, 1) if response != BenchmarkProcess.STOP: raise RuntimeError( "Parent process responded with %r instead of STOP" % (response,))
def main(): """ Run me with the filename of a benchmark script as an argument. I will time it and append the results to a file named output in the current working directory. """ name = sys.argv[1] path = filepath.FilePath('.stat').temporarySibling() path.makedirs() func = makeBenchmarkRunner(path, sys.argv[1:]) try: bench(name, path, func) finally: path.remove()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()