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""" failUnlessWarns assertion from twisted.trial in Twisted 8.0. """
import warnings
def failUnlessWarns(self, category, message, filename, f, *args, **kwargs): """ Fail if the given function doesn't generate the specified warning when called. It calls the function, checks the warning, and forwards the result of the function if everything is fine.
@param category: the category of the warning to check. @param message: the output message of the warning to check. @param filename: the filename where the warning should come from. @param f: the function which is supposed to generate the warning. @type f: any callable. @param args: the arguments to C{f}. @param kwargs: the keywords arguments to C{f}.
@return: the result of the original function C{f}. """ warningsShown = [] def warnExplicit(*args): warningsShown.append(args)
origExplicit = warnings.warn_explicit try: warnings.warn_explicit = warnExplicit result = f(*args, **kwargs) finally: warnings.warn_explicit = origExplicit
if not warningsShown:"No warnings emitted") first = warningsShown[0] for other in warningsShown[1:]: if other[:2] != first[:2]:"Can't handle different warnings") gotMessage, gotCategory, gotFilename, lineno = first[:4] self.assertEqual(gotMessage, message) self.assertIdentical(gotCategory, category)
# Use starts with because of .pyc/.pyo issues. self.failUnless( filename.startswith(gotFilename), 'Warning in %r, expected %r' % (gotFilename, filename))
# It would be nice to be able to check the line number as well, but # different configurations actually end up reporting different line # numbers (generally the variation is only 1 line, but that's enough # to fail the test erroneously...). # self.assertEqual(lineno, xxx)
return result
def install(): from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase TestCase.failUnlessWarns = TestCase.assertWarns = failUnlessWarns