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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_paths -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
from __future__ import generators
import os import errno import base64 import random import sha
from os.path import isabs, exists, normpath, abspath, splitext from os.path import basename, dirname from os.path import join as joinpath from os import sep as slash from os import listdir, utime, stat from os import remove
from stat import S_ISREG, S_ISDIR, S_ISLNK
try: from os.path import islink except ImportError: def islink(path): return False
try: from os import urandom as randomBytes except ImportError: def randomBytes(n): randomData = [random.randrange(256) for n in xrange(n)] return ''.join(map(chr, randomData))
try: from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode as armor except ImportError: def armor(s): return s.encode('hex')
class InsecurePath(Exception): pass
def _secureEnoughString(): """ Create a pseudorandom, 16-character string for use in secure filenames. """ return armor([:16]
class FilePath: """I am a path on the filesystem that only permits 'downwards' access.
Instantiate me with a pathname (for example, FilePath('/home/myuser/public_html')) and I will attempt to only provide access to files which reside inside that path. I may be a path to a file, a directory, or a file which does not exist.
The correct way to use me is to instantiate me, and then do ALL filesystem access through me. In other words, do not import the 'os' module; if you need to open a file, call my 'open' method. If you need to list a directory, call my 'path' method.
Even if you pass me a relative path, I will convert that to an absolute path internally.
@type alwaysCreate: C{bool} @ivar alwaysCreate: When opening this file, only succeed if the file does not already exist. """
# __slots__ = 'path abs'.split()
statinfo = None
def __init__(self, path, alwaysCreate=False): self.path = abspath(path) self.alwaysCreate = alwaysCreate
def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() if d.has_key('statinfo'): del d['statinfo'] return d
def child(self, path): norm = normpath(path) if slash in norm: raise InsecurePath("%r contains one or more directory separators" % (path,)) newpath = abspath(joinpath(self.path, norm)) if not newpath.startswith(self.path): raise InsecurePath("%r is not a child of %s" % (newpath, self.path)) return self.clonePath(newpath)
def preauthChild(self, path): """ Use me if `path' might have slashes in it, but you know they're safe.
(NOT slashes at the beginning. It still needs to be a _child_). """ newpath = abspath(joinpath(self.path, normpath(path))) if not newpath.startswith(self.path): raise InsecurePath("%s is not a child of %s" % (newpath, self.path)) return self.clonePath(newpath)
def childSearchPreauth(self, *paths): """Return my first existing child with a name in 'paths'.
paths is expected to be a list of *pre-secured* path fragments; in most cases this will be specified by a system administrator and not an arbitrary user.
If no appropriately-named children exist, this will return None. """ p = self.path for child in paths: jp = joinpath(p, child) if exists(jp): return self.clonePath(jp)
def siblingExtensionSearch(self, *exts): """Attempt to return a path with my name, given multiple possible extensions.
Each extension in exts will be tested and the first path which exists will be returned. If no path exists, None will be returned. If '' is in exts, then if the file referred to by this path exists, 'self' will be returned.
The extension '*' has a magic meaning, which means "any path that begins with self.path+'.' is acceptable". """ p = self.path for ext in exts: if not ext and self.exists(): return self if ext == '*': basedot = basename(p)+'.' for fn in listdir(dirname(p)): if fn.startswith(basedot): return self.clonePath(joinpath(dirname(p), fn)) p2 = p + ext if exists(p2): return self.clonePath(p2)
def siblingExtension(self, ext): return self.clonePath(self.path+ext)
def open(self, mode='r'): if self.alwaysCreate: assert 'a' not in mode, "Appending not supported when alwaysCreate == True" return self.create() return open(self.path, mode+'b')
# stat methods below
def restat(self, reraise=True): try: self.statinfo = stat(self.path) except OSError: self.statinfo = 0 if reraise: raise
def getsize(self): st = self.statinfo if not st: self.restat() st = self.statinfo return st[ST_SIZE]
def getmtime(self): st = self.statinfo if not st: self.restat() st = self.statinfo return st[ST_MTIME]
def getctime(self): st = self.statinfo if not st: self.restat() st = self.statinfo return st[ST_CTIME]
def getatime(self): st = self.statinfo if not st: self.restat() st = self.statinfo return st[ST_ATIME]
def exists(self): if self.statinfo: return True elif self.statinfo is None: self.restat(False) return self.exists() else: return False
def isdir(self): st = self.statinfo if not st: self.restat(False) st = self.statinfo if not st: return False return S_ISDIR(st[ST_MODE])
def isfile(self): st = self.statinfo if not st: self.restat(False) st = self.statinfo if not st: return False return S_ISREG(st[ST_MODE])
def islink(self): st = self.statinfo if not st: self.restat(False) st = self.statinfo if not st: return False return S_ISLNK(st[ST_MODE])
def isabs(self): return isabs(self.path)
def listdir(self): return listdir(self.path)
def splitext(self): return splitext(self.path)
def __repr__(self): return 'FilePath(%r)' % self.path
def touch(self): try:'a').close() except IOError: pass utime(self.path, None)
def remove(self): if self.isdir(): for child in self.children(): child.remove() os.rmdir(self.path) else: os.remove(self.path) self.restat(False)
def makedirs(self): return os.makedirs(self.path)
def globChildren(self, pattern): """ Assuming I am representing a directory, return a list of FilePaths representing my children that match the given pattern. """ import glob path = self.path[-1] == '/' and self.path + pattern or slash.join([self.path, pattern]) return map(self.clonePath, glob.glob(path))
def basename(self): return basename(self.path)
def dirname(self): return dirname(self.path)
def parent(self): return self.clonePath(self.dirname())
def setContent(self, content, ext='.new'): sib = self.siblingExtension(ext)'w').write(content) os.rename(sib.path, self.path)
def getContent(self): return
# new in 2.2.0
def __cmp__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FilePath): return NotImplemented return cmp(self.path, other.path)
def createDirectory(self): os.mkdir(self.path)
def requireCreate(self, val=1): self.alwaysCreate = val
def create(self): """Exclusively create a file, only if this file previously did not exist. """ fdint =, (os.O_EXCL | os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR))
# XXX TODO: 'name' attribute of returned files is not mutable or # settable via fdopen, so this file is slighly less functional than the # one returned from 'open' by default. send a patch to Python...
return os.fdopen(fdint, 'w+b')
def temporarySibling(self): """ Create a path naming a temporary sibling of this path in a secure fashion. """ sib = self.parent().child(_secureEnoughString() + self.basename()) sib.requireCreate() return sib
def children(self): return map(self.child, self.listdir())
def walk(self): yield self if self.isdir(): for c in self.children(): for subc in c.walk(): yield subc
_chunkSize = 2 ** 2 ** 2 ** 2
def copyTo(self, destination): # XXX TODO: *thorough* audit and documentation of the exact desired # semantics of this code. Right now the behavior of existent # destination symlinks is convenient, and quite possibly correct, but # its security properties need to be explained. if self.isdir(): if not destination.exists(): destination.createDirectory() for child in self.children(): destChild = destination.child(child.basename()) child.copyTo(destChild) elif self.isfile(): writefile ='w') readfile = while 1: # XXX TODO: optionally use, and O_DIRECT and # use os.fstatvfs to determine chunk sizes and make # *****sure**** copy is page-atomic; the following is good # enough for 99.9% of everybody and won't take a week to audit # though. chunk = writefile.write(chunk) if len(chunk) < self._chunkSize: break writefile.close() readfile.close() else: # If you see the following message because you want to copy # symlinks, fifos, block devices, character devices, or unix # sockets, please feel free to add support to do sensible things in # reaction to those types! raise NotImplementedError( "Only copying of files and directories supported")
def moveTo(self, destination): try: os.rename(self.path, destination.path) self.restat(False) except OSError, ose: if ose.errno == errno.EXDEV: # man 2 rename, ubuntu linux 5.10 "breezy":
# oldpath and newpath are not on the same mounted filesystem. # (Linux permits a filesystem to be mounted at multiple # points, but rename(2) does not work across different mount # points, even if the same filesystem is mounted on both.)
# that means it's time to copy trees of directories! secsib = destination.secureSibling() self.copyTo(secsib) # slow secsib.moveTo(destination) # visible
# done creating new stuff. let's clean me up. mysecsib = self.secureSibling() self.moveTo(mysecsib) # visible mysecsib.remove() # slow else: raise
FilePath.clonePath = FilePath
def install(): global FilePath
from twisted.python import filepath filepath.FilePath.__dict__ = FilePath.__dict__ filepath.FilePath.__dict__['__module__'] = 'twisted.python.filepath' FilePath = filepath.FilePath