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import gtk
class ProgressbarDialog( gtk.Dialog ): def __init__(self, parent): flags = gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT title = '' buttons = None gtk.Dialog.__init__(self, title, parent, flags, buttons) self.set_modal(True) self.set_decorated(True) self.set_has_separator(False) self.set_border_width(6) self.set_resizable(False) self.set_default_size(440, -1) # VBox containing text self.vbox2 = gtk.VBox(spacing=12) self.vbox.pack_start(self.vbox2, True, True, 6) self.text = gtk.Label() self.text.set_alignment(0.0, 0.0) self.text.set_line_wrap(True) self.vbox2.pack_start(self.text, False, True, 0) # VBox containing ProgressBar and status self.vbox3 = gtk.VBox() self.vbox.pack_start(self.vbox3, False, True, 0) self.progressbar = gtk.ProgressBar() self.vbox3.pack_start(self.progressbar, False, True, 0) self.current_operation = gtk.Label() self.current_operation.set_alignment(0.0, self.current_operation.get_alignment()[1]) self.vbox3.pack_start(self.current_operation, False, True, 0) return def pulse(self): """ Processbar pulses """ self.progressbar.pulse() return def run_nonblocked(self): """ Run the dialog in non-blocking way """ self.connect('response', lambda w,r: None) self.show_all() return def set_current_operation(self, text): """ Display the currently active operation beneath the progressbar """ self.current_operation.set_markup('<span style="italic">%s</span>' % text) return def set_text(self, primary_text, secondary_text): """ Set message @param primary_text: short summary of the message to display @param secondary_text: more in-detail information about the message """ self.set_title(primary_text) self.text.set_markup('<span size="larger"><b>%s</b></span>\n\n%s' % (primary_text, secondary_text)) return def set_fraction(self, value): if 0.0 <= value <= 1.0: self.progressbar.set_fraction(value)