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import gobject """ Each file will require a list of handlers stored in HANDLERS variable """ class Module(gobject.GObject): __gsignals__ = { "query-ready" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT]), } INFOS = {'icon': '', 'name': '', 'description': '', 'version': '', 'categories': {}} INSTRUCTIONS = "" def __init__(self): super(Module, self).__init__() self._priority = 0 self._enabled = False self._updateable = False self._filename = None self._id = "" def _emit_query_ready (self, query, matches): """Idle handler to emit a 'query-ready' signal to the main loop.""" self.emit ("query-ready", query, matches) return False def is_enabled(self): """ Whether the module is enabled """ return self._enabled def set_enabled(self, val): """ Set handler's enabled state """ self._enabled = val def is_updateable(self): """ Whether a update for the plugin is available """ return self._updateable def set_updateable(self, val): self._updateable = val def get_priority(self): """ Get module's priority """ return self._priority def set_priority(self, prio): """ Set module's priority """ self._priority = prio def get_filename(self): """ Get the filename of the module """ return self._filename def set_filename(self, filename): """ Set the filename of the module """ self._filename = filename def get_id(self): """ Get module's id Usually, this is the filename """ return self._id def set_id(self, mod_id): """ Set module's id """ self._id = mod_id def set_priority_for_matches(self, matches): """ Set the module's priotity for each match @type matches: list of L{deskbar.interfaces.Match} """ for m in matches: m.set_priority( self.get_priority( )) def query(self, text): """ Perform the query @param text: search term """ raise NotImplementedError def has_config(self): """ Whether the module has a config dialog """ return False def show_config(self, parent): """ Should contain code to display configuration dialog """ pass def initialize(self): """ The initialize of the Handler should not block. Heavy duty tasks such as indexing should be done in this method, it will be called with a low priority in the mainloop. Handler.initialize() is guarantied to be called before the handler is queried. If an exception is thrown in this method, the module will be ignored and will not receive any query. """ pass def stop(self): """ If the handler needs any cleaning up before it is unloaded, do it here. Handler.stop() is guarantied to be called before the handler is unloaded. """ pass @staticmethod def has_requirements(): """ Whether all requirements are met to use this module """ return True