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from deskbar.defs import VERSION from deskbar.core.Utils import get_proxy from gettext import gettext as _ import base64 import deskbar import gtk import gobject import logging import threading import re import urllib import gnomekeyring
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Account : """ This is an abstraction used to make it easier to move away from a GConf password storage solution (Seahorse anyone?) WARNING: This API is synchronous. This does not matter much to deskbar since web based modules will likely run in threads anyway. This class is based on work found in Sebastian Rittau's blog found on Copied with permission. """ def __init__(self, host, realm): self._realm = realm self._host = host self._protocol = "http" self._keyring = gnomekeyring.get_default_keyring_sync()
def has_credentials(self): """ @returns: True if and only if the credentials for this account is known """ try: attrs = {"server": self._host, "protocol": self._protocol} items = gnomekeyring.find_items_sync(gnomekeyring.ITEM_NETWORK_PASSWORD, attrs) if len(items) > 0 : if items[0].attributes["user"] != "" and \ items[0].secret != "" : return True else : return False except gnomekeyring.DeniedError: return False except gnomekeyring.NoMatchError: return False def get_host (self): return self._host def get_realm (self): return self._realm def get_credentials(self): """ @return: A tuple C{(user, password)} or throws an exception if the credentials for the account are not known """ attrs = {"server": self._host, "protocol": self._protocol} items = gnomekeyring.find_items_sync(gnomekeyring.ITEM_NETWORK_PASSWORD, attrs) if (len(items) > 1): LOGGER.warn ("More than one account found for %s" % self._host) return (items[0].attributes["user"], items[0].secret)
def set_credentials(self, user, pw): """ Store or update username and password for account """ # Note: attrs is used to look up the account for old user credentials attrs = { "server": self._host, "protocol": self._protocol, } LOGGER.debug ("Updating credentials for %s" % self._host) keyring = gnomekeyring.get_default_keyring_sync() # Look up all accounts registered for this service and realm and delete # them. We get weird errors if more than one account is present try: items = gnomekeyring.find_items_sync (gnomekeyring.ITEM_NETWORK_PASSWORD, attrs) except gnomekeyring.NoMatchError: LOGGER.debug ("No existing accounts for %s" % self._host) items = [] for item in items: LOGGER.debug ("Purging account %s@%s" % (item.attributes["user"], item.attributes["server"])) gnomekeyring.item_delete_sync (keyring, item.item_id) # Add the 'user' attribute to attrs and commit it to the keyring LOGGER.debug ("Creating new account %s@%s" % (user, self._host)) attrs["user"] = user gnomekeyring.item_create_sync(keyring, gnomekeyring.ITEM_NETWORK_PASSWORD, self._realm, attrs, pw, True) LOGGER.debug ("Credential update success")
class AccountDialog (gtk.MessageDialog): """ A simple dialog for managing an L{Account}. It must be used like any other gtk dialog, like: dialog.show_all() dialog.destroy() """ def __init__ (self, account, dialog_parent=None, dialog_type=gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, dialog_flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT): """ @param account: L{Account} to manage """ gtk.MessageDialog.__init__(self, parent=dialog_parent, type=dialog_type, flags=dialog_flags, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL) self._account = account self._response = None self.connect ("response", self._on_response) self.set_markup (_("<big><b>Login for %s</b></big>") % account.get_host()) self.format_secondary_markup (_("Please provide your credentials for <b>%s</b>") % account.get_host()) self.set_title (_("Credentials for %s") % account.get_host()) self._user_entry = gtk.Entry() self._password_entry = gtk.Entry() self._password_entry.set_property("visibility", False) # Show '*' instead of text user_label = gtk.Label (_("User name:")) password_label = gtk.Label (_("Password:")) table = gtk.Table (2, 2) table.set_row_spacings(3) table.set_col_spacings(6) table.attach (user_label, 0, 1, 0, 1) table.attach (self._user_entry, 1, 2, 0, 1) table.attach (password_label, 0, 1, 1, 2) table.attach (self._password_entry, 1, 2, 1, 2) self.vbox.pack_end (table) if self._account.has_credentials(): user, password = self._account.get_credentials() self._user_entry.set_text(user) self._password_entry.set_text(password) self._set_ok_sensitivity () self._user_entry.connect ("changed", lambda entry : self._set_ok_sensitivity()) self._password_entry.connect ("changed", lambda entry : self._set_ok_sensitivity()) def _on_response (self, dialog, response_id): self._response = response_id if response_id == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: LOGGER.debug ("Registering credentials for %s on %s" % (self._account.get_realm(), self._account.get_host())) self._account.set_credentials(self.get_user(), self.get_password()) else: LOGGER.debug ("Credential registration for %s cancelled" % self._account.get_host()) def _set_ok_sensitivity (self): if self._user_entry.get_text() != "" and self._password_entry.get_text() != "": self.set_response_sensitive(gtk.RESPONSE_OK, True) else: self.set_response_sensitive(gtk.RESPONSE_OK, False) def get_user (self): return self._user_entry.get_text() def get_password (self): return self._password_entry.get_text() def get_response (self): """ @return: C{gtk.RESPONSE_OK} if the user pressed OK or C{gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL} on cancellation. C{None} if no response has been recorded yet """ return self._response class ConcurrentRequestsException (Exception): """ Raised by L{GnomeURLopener} if there are multiple concurrent requests to L{GnomeURLopener.open_async}. """ def __init__ (self): Exception.__init__ (self)
class AuthenticationAborted (Exception): """ Raised by L{GnomeURLopener} if the user cancels a request for providing credentials """ def __init__ (self): Exception.__init__ (self)
class GnomeURLopener (urllib.FancyURLopener): """ A subclass of C{urllib.URLopener} able to intercept user/password requests and pass them through an L{Account}, displaying a L{AccountDialog} if necessary. Note on proxies: The GnomeURLopener will not react to any subsequent changes to the Gnome proxy settings. Therefore preferably create a new fresh GnomeURLopener each time you need one """ def __init__ (self, account, extra_widget_factory=None): """ @param account: The L{Account} object to request credentials from @param extra_widget_factory: This optional parameter may point to a C{callable} returning a C{gtk.Widget} which will be packed into the L{AccountDialog} when it is spawned. The callable may also return C{None} if no widgets should be added. """ proxies = get_proxy() urllib.FancyURLopener.__init__ (self, proxies) self._account = account self._thread = None self._authentication_retries = 0 self._success = True self._extra_widget_factory = extra_widget_factory LOGGER.debug ("Using proxies: %s" % proxies) def prompt_user_passwd (self, host, realm): """ Override of the same method in C{urllib.FancyURLopener} to display and L{AccountDialog} on user/pass requests. """ LOGGER.debug ("Requesting credentials for host: '%s', realm '%s'" % (host, realm)) self._authentication_retries = self._authentication_retries + 1 gtk.gdk.threads_enter () # If these credentials have failed before, prompt the user if self._authentication_retries > 1: LOGGER.debug ("Invalid credentials for %s in keyring. Asking for them again..." % self._account.get_host()) login_dialog = AccountDialog(self._account, dialog_type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING) login_dialog.set_markup (_("<big><b>Login to %s rejected</b></big>") % self._account.get_host()) login_dialog.format_secondary_markup (_("Please verify your credentials for <b>%s</b>") % self._account.get_host()) self._install_extra_widget (login_dialog) login_dialog.show_all() login_dialog.destroy() self._authentication_retries = 0 if login_dialog.get_response() == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: LOGGER.debug ("Login to %s aborted" % self._account.get_host()) gtk.gdk.threads_leave () raise AuthenticationAborted() # Make sure we do have the credentials if not self._account.has_credentials (): LOGGER.debug ("No credentials for %s in keyring. Asking for them..." % self._account.get_host()) login_dialog = AccountDialog(self._account) self._install_extra_widget (login_dialog) login_dialog.show_all() login_dialog.destroy() if login_dialog.get_response() == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: LOGGER.debug ("Login to %s aborted" % self._account.get_host()) gtk.gdk.threads_leave () raise AuthenticationAborted() creds = self._account.get_credentials() gtk.gdk.threads_leave () return creds def _install_extra_widget (self, login_dialog): """ Install the extra widget returned by the extra_widget_factory into login_dialog, if applicable """ if callable(self._extra_widget_factory): widget = self._extra_widget_factory() if widget != None: if isinstance (widget, gtk.Widget): login_dialog.vbox.pack_start (widget) else: # The factory returned a non-None non-widget object LOGGER.error ("%s returned a non-gtk.Widget instance: %s" % (self._extra_widget_factory, type(widget))) def open_async (self, url, payload=None, callback=None): """ Open a URL asynchronously. When the request has been completed the C{"done"} signal of this class is emitted. If C{payload} is not C{None} the http request will be a C{POST} with the given payload. The way to construct the post payload is typically by calling C{urllib.urlencode} on a key-value C{dict}. For example: urllib.urlencode({"status" : msg}) This method will raise a L{ConcurrentRequestsException} if there is already a pending open request when a new one is issued. @param url: The URL to open asynchronously @param payload: Optional payload in case of a POST request. See above """ LOGGER.debug ("Async open on: %s with payload %s" % (url,payload)) if self._thread : raise ConcurrentRequestsException() if payload != None : async_args = ((url, payload), callback) else : async_args = ((url, ), callback) self._thread = threading.Thread (target=self._do_open_async, args=async_args, name="GnomeURLopener") self._thread.start() def get_success (self): """ @return: C{True} if and only if no error has occured """ return self._success def _do_open_async (self, *args): self._authentication_retries = 0 self._thread = None info = None open_args, callback = args try: info = (*open_args) except AuthenticationAborted: LOGGER.debug ("Detected authentication abort") self._success = True # The user should not be warned except IOError, e: LOGGER.warn ("Caught IOError when posting: %s" % e) self._success = False gtk.gdk.threads_enter() if callback != None and callable(callback): callback(self, info) gtk.gdk.threads_leave()