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from deskbar.core.GconfStore import GconfStore from deskbar.core._userdirs import * from gettext import gettext as _ from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint from os.path import * import cgi import deskbar import gnomedesktop import gio import glib import gtk import gtk.gdk import locale import logging import os import re import base64
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
PATH = [path for path in os.getenv("PATH").split(os.path.pathsep) if path.strip() != "" and exists(path) and isdir(path)]
ICON_THEME = gtk.icon_theme_get_default()
# This pattern matches a character entity reference (a decimal numeric # references, a hexadecimal numeric reference, or a named reference). charrefpat = re.compile(r'&(#(\d+|x[\da-fA-F]+)|[\w.:-]+);?')
def htmldecode(text): """Decode HTML entities in the given text.""" if type(text) is unicode: uchr = unichr else: uchr = lambda value: value > 255 and unichr(value) or chr(value) def entitydecode(match, uchr=uchr): entity = if entity.startswith('#x'): return uchr(int(entity[2:], 16)) elif entity.startswith('#'): return uchr(int(entity[1:])) elif entity in name2codepoint: return uchr(name2codepoint[entity]) else: return return charrefpat.sub(entitydecode, text)
def strip_html(string): return re.sub(r"<.*?>|</.*?>","",string) def more_information_dialog(parent, title, content): """ Display a information dialog @param parent: Parent window @param title: Title of the dialog @param conent: Conent of the dialog """ message_dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=parent, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE) message_dialog.set_markup("<span size='larger' weight='bold'>%s</span>\n\n%s" % (cgi.escape(title), cgi.escape(content))) resp = if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE: message_dialog.destroy() def get_xdg_data_dirs(): dirs = os.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME") if dirs == None: dirs = expanduser("~/.local/share") sysdirs = os.getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS") if sysdirs == None: sysdirs = "/usr/local/share:/usr/share" dirs = "%s:%s" % (dirs, sysdirs) return [dir for dir in dirs.split(":") if dir.strip() != "" and exists(dir)]
def load_icon_for_desktop_icon(icon): if icon != None: icon = gnomedesktop.find_icon(ICON_THEME, icon, deskbar.ICON_HEIGHT, 0) if icon != None: return load_icon(icon) # We load the icon file, and if it fails load an empty one # If the iconfile is a path starting with /, load the file # else try to load a stock or named icon name def load_icon(icon, width=deskbar.ICON_HEIGHT, height=deskbar.ICON_HEIGHT): """ If C{icon} starts with C{file://} a icon for the specific file is returned. Otherwise, C{icon} should be the filename of an icon and it's returned as pixbuf. @return: gtk.gdk.Pixbuf """ pixbuf = None if icon != None and icon != "": if icon.startswith("file://"): gfile = gio.File(uri=icon) if gfile.query_exists(): info = gfile.query_info("thumbnail::path", 0) icon = info.get_attribute_byte_string("thumbnail::path") try: our_icon = join(deskbar.ART_DATA_DIR, icon) custom_icon = join(deskbar.USER_HANDLERS_DIR[0], icon) if exists(our_icon): pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(our_icon, width, height) elif exists( custom_icon ): pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(custom_icon, width, height) elif icon.startswith("/"): pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(icon, width, height) else: pixbuf = load_icon_from_icon_theme(splitext(icon)[0], width) except Exception, msg1: try: pixbuf = load_icon_from_icon_theme(icon, width) except Exception, msg2: LOGGER.warning ("Icon %s Load Error: %s (or %s)", icon, msg1, msg2) pixbuf = _get_fall_back_icon() # an icon that is too tall will make the EntryCompletion look funny if pixbuf != None and pixbuf.get_height() > height: pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(width, height, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) return pixbuf
def load_icon_from_icon_theme(iconname, size): return ICON_THEME.load_icon(iconname, size, gtk.ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN)
def load_base64_icon (base64_str): """ Load a base64 encoded image as a C{gtk.gdk.Pixbuf}. @param base64_str: a C{string} with a base64 encoded image @return: A C{gtk.gdk.Pixbuf} or a fallback icon in case there are errors parsing C{base64_str}. """ loader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader() try: try: loader.set_size(deskbar.ICON_HEIGHT, deskbar.ICON_HEIGHT) loader.write(base64.b64decode(base64_str)) except Exception, e: LOGGER.warning ("Failed to read base64 encoded image: %s" % e) except gobject.GError, ee: LOGGER.warning ("Failed to read base64 encoded image: %s" % ee) finally: loader.close() pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf() if pixbuf : return pixbuf return _get_fall_back_icon()
def _get_fall_back_icon(): """ @return: stock_unknown icon or C{None} """ try: return load_icon_from_icon_theme("stock_unknown", width) except Exception, msg: LOGGER.warning ("Icon `stock_unknown' is not present in theme") return None
def is_program_in_path(program): """ Whether C{program} is in PATH """ for path in PATH: prog_path = join(path, program) if exists(prog_path) and isfile(prog_path) and is_executable(prog_path): return True def is_executable(prog_path): return os.access(prog_path, os.F_OK | os.R_OK | os.X_OK)
def spawn_async(args): try: glib.spawn_async(args, flags=glib.SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH) return True except Exception, e: message_dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE) message_dialog.set_markup("<span size='larger' weight='bold'>%s</span>\n\n '%s'" % ( _("Cannot execute program:"), cgi.escape(' '.join(args))))
resp = if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE: message_dialog.destroy()
return False
def add_to_recent(uri): if hasattr(gtk, "recent_manager_get_default"): # add the file to the list of recently opened files manager = gtk.recent_manager_get_default() manager.add_item(uri)
def launch_default_for_uri(uri_string): """ Open uri_string with the default application according to content type @type uri_string: str """ gfile = gio.File(uri=uri_string) appinfo = gfile.query_default_handler() if appinfo != None: appinfo.launch([gfile], None) else: LOGGER.error("Could not detect default application for %s", gfile.get_uri())
def launch_default_for_uri_and_scheme(uri_string): """ Open uri_string with the default application according to scheme @type uri_string: str """ gfile = gio.File(uri=uri_string) appinfo = gfile.query_default_handler(None) if appinfo != None: appinfo.launch_uris([uri_string], None) else: LOGGER.error("Could not detect default application for %s", gfile.get_uri()) def uri_has_default_handler(uri_string): """ Returns True if there's a default application to open the specified URI @type uri_string: str """ gfile = gio.File(uri=uri_string) try: appinfo = gfile.query_default_handler(None) except Exception, e: LOGGER.error("Error retrieving default application for %s: %s", gfile.get_uri(), str(e)) return False return (appinfo != None) def url_show_file(url, escape=True): """ @param escape: Whether C{url} should be escaped or not """ try: if escape: url = gio.File(uri=url).get_uri() launch_default_for_uri(url) add_to_recent(url) except Exception, e: executed = False try: executed = spawn_async([gio.File(uri=url).get_path()]) except: if not executed: if escape: url = gio.File(uri=url).get_uri() url_show(url) add_to_recent(url)
def url_show(url): try: launch_default_for_uri(url) except Exception, e: LOGGER.exception(e) message_dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE) message_dialog.set_markup("<span size='larger' weight='bold'>%s</span>\n\n '%s'" % ( _("Cannot show URL:"), cgi.escape(url)))
resp = if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE: message_dialog.destroy()
# Make gtk.LinkButtons call url_show() gtk.link_button_set_uri_hook (lambda button, url : url_show(url))
def get_proxy(): # TODO: Very dirty, should use CoreImpl class deskbarapplet = GconfStore.get_instance() if deskbarapplet.get_use_http_proxy(): proxy_string = "http://%s:%d/" % (deskbarapplet.get_proxy_host(), deskbarapplet.get_proxy_port()) proxies = {'http' : proxy_string} return proxies else: return None def get_locale_lang(): """ @returns language code corresponding to RFC 1766 of currently used locale or None when the code is unknown """ try: localelang = locale.getlocale()[0] except ValueError: return None return localelang