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from deskbar import HISTORY_FILE from deskbar.core.Categories import CATEGORIES from gettext import gettext as _ import cPickle import deskbar.interfaces.Action import gobject import gtk import logging import time
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class EmptyHistoryAction (deskbar.interfaces.Action): """ This will be displayed if history is empty """ def __init__(self): deskbar.interfaces.Action.__init__(self, "") def get_verb(self): return _("<i>Empty history</i>") def activate(self, text=None): pass def get_pixbuf(self): return CATEGORIES["history"]["icon"] def skip_history(self): return True class DeskbarHistory (gtk.ListStore) : """ Iterating over a DeskbarHistory with a for loop returns C{(timestamp, text, action)} tuples. Keeps an internal pointer to a history index which you can move with L{up}, L{down} and L{reset}. You retrieve the item in question by L{get_current}. """ __gsignals__ = { "cleared" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, []), "action-added" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [str, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT]), } __instance = None (COL_TIME, COL_TEXT, COL_ACTION) = range(3) def __init__ (self, max_history_items=25): """ *Do not* use the constructor directly. Always use L{get_instance}. """ gtk.ListStore.__init__ (self, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT) # timestamp, query, match self.set_sort_order (gtk.SORT_DESCENDING) self.set_sort_func (self.COL_TIME, self.__sort_actions) self._index = -1 self.set_max_history_items(max_history_items) def set_sort_order(self, order): """ @param order Either C{gtk.SORT_DESCENDING} or C{gtk.SORT_ASCENDING} """ self.set_sort_column_id(self.COL_TIME, order) if order == gtk.SORT_DESCENDING: # Alternatively gtk.TreeStore.prepend for bottom panel layout self.append_method = gtk.ListStore.append else: self.append_method = gtk.ListStore.prepend @staticmethod def get_instance(max_history_items=25): """ @return: DeskbarHistory instance """ if not DeskbarHistory.__instance: DeskbarHistory.__instance = DeskbarHistory(max_history_items) return DeskbarHistory.__instance def set_max_history_items(self, num): """ Set the maximum number if items that will be stored """ self.__max_history_items = num self.__remove_too_many() def __sort_actions (self, model, iter1, iter2): """ @type model: DeskbarHistory @type iter1: gtk.TreeIter @type iter2: gtk.TreeIter """ action1 = model[iter1][self.COL_ACTION] action2 = model[iter2][self.COL_ACTION] if self[iter1][self.COL_TIME] > self[iter2][self.COL_TIME] : return 1 else: return -1 def clear (self): """ Clear the history """ gtk.ListStore.clear(self) self._index = -1 self.emit("cleared") self.append("", "", EmptyHistoryAction()) def load (self): """ Load history """ try: saved_history = cPickle.load(file(HISTORY_FILE)) for i, data in enumerate(saved_history): if i == self.__max_history_items-1: break timestamp, text, action = data if action.is_valid(): self.append(timestamp, text, action) except IOError: # There's probably no history file pass except ImportError: # The module is not available anymore pass except Exception, e: # The history file is corrupted LOGGER.error("Could not restore history") LOGGER.exception(e) if len(self) == 0: self.append(0, "", EmptyHistoryAction())
def save (self): """ Save history """ save = [] for timestamp, text, action in self: if not isinstance(action, EmptyHistoryAction): save.append((timestamp, text, action)) try: cPickle.dump(save, file(HISTORY_FILE, 'w'), cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) except Exception, msg: LOGGER.error('', msg) def append (self, timestamp, text, action): """ *Do not* use this method. Always use L{add}. """ self.emit('action-added', text, action) self.append_method (self, (timestamp, text, action)) def prepend (self, timestamp, text, action): """ Prepending is not supported """ raise NotImplementedError("DeskbarHistory does not support prepending of matches, use append() instead.") def add (self, text, action): """ Add action to history @param text: search term @type action: L{deskbar.interfaces.Action.Action} """ assert text != None and action != None if not isinstance(action, deskbar.interfaces.Action): raise TypeError("Action must be a deskbar.interfaces.Action instance") if isinstance(action, EmptyHistoryAction): return if action.skip_history(): self.reset() return for idx, val in enumerate(self): htime, htext, haction = val if isinstance(haction, EmptyHistoryAction): self.remove_index (idx) continue if (action.get_hash() == haction.get_hash() and action.__class__.__name__ == haction.__class__.__name__): self.remove_index (idx) break timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()) self.append (timestamp, text, action) self.__remove_too_many()
self.reset() def remove(self, aiter): gtk.ListStore.remove(self, aiter) if len(self) == 0: self.clear() def remove_index(self, index): self.remove (self.get_iter_from_string (str(index))) def remove_index_and_save(self, index): self.remove_index(index) def remove_and_save(self, aiter): self.remove(aiter) def __remove_too_many(self): while len(self) > self.__max_history_items: self.remove_index (len(self) - 1) def up(self): """ Set index one up """ if self._index < len(self)-1: self._index = self._index + 1 return self.get_current() def down(self): """ Set index one down """ if self._index > -1: self._index = self._index - 1 return self.get_current() def reset(self): """ Reset index """ if self._index != -1: self._index = -1 return self.get_current() def last(self): """ Get last action """ if len(self) == 0: return None last = self.get_iter_from_string (str(len(self) - 1)) return self[last][self.COL_ACTION] def get_all(self): """ Get all actions """ return self def get_current(self): """ Get action where the current index points to """ if self._index == -1: return None col_id, direction = self.get_sort_column_id() index = self._index if direction == gtk.SORT_ASCENDING: index = len(self)-1-index
row = self[self.get_iter_from_string (str(index))] return (row[self.COL_TEXT], row[self.COL_ACTION]) if gtk.pygtk_version < (2,8,0): gobject.type_register(DeskbarHistory)